Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Dec 1974, p. 32

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Retord Cardisoise if Aberfeldy Sborhiri Farn. R.R 5, Miossas recriiily isisored by Gntario Agriculiaral 1 Ciiege i Guelpb abri be mas presenird wib ai l)AC Centeisial Mrdai Gui 100 i ofbese sprcial morfil were sfriseb aid ibov are bciugprsio n194 iIACa oiena year, t0 100 people abs base va,,tributed te the coliego aid iheir contribut ion f0 agriculture. 5fr. Gardhoaso isvie prenîdeut of the Royal Agricaliaral Winter Fair this year andhlis medal wassaved for presentation on Stouday. REFORD GARDHOUSE and his wife Helen of Miton admire the Ontario Agricultural College Centennial Medal, presented ta him ait the Royal Winter Fair by Dr. C. M. Switzer, OAC Dean, ait rigbt. Dnly 100i of thse medals were struck, for presenitation to those who have made a lasting contribution to agriculture. Rock Ella Jerseys ) in winners' circle Rock Elia Jersey Farm Mns S. L. Eva Harper of lsd. of Hornby won a second Georgetown wo aihird prize prie and shared a second 4n theCoaryear-oldclass. prize with another lfornby Princes onrai the layai Sbînter AI the Sale of Stars lollow- Fair Jersey Show. og fise show, Chris C. Caopburn S. A, ifets s Rfichardson of Milton paid second prise junor yearling $890 for a feifule consigued hoifer for Hock Ella siteî by WickBSrs. of Graod Val- Rock E la and Wulson Ross of ley, A Quebec bayer paid $750 Hornby's joinfrsiry Jfarr for a female coooigied by ward Noblr Selsywas second Feaibersiose Oros. of Oak- prîze ihree-yrar-old. vire Fence up at mnuseumn A $40,139.75 coulract bas 'stagr 2) is nom aider con_ bers as ardrd te Fasco structioi for the Minisiry of Costrirona ircaled, R .3 Agriculture and Food, aid Guelph, for tlic construction tbe fencigrepresens a por- of asix fvt cbai libkfrce tion of stageibhree, wbicb is ssiib gales. If, -s lose bra ite cscerried sviib developiog ofithe agricoltuial ibmus the res ofitbef92-acre siterai nrMilfon. Italien East ilelso and soaib of Higbway MPP and Sfisisirr of 401. Tberieicrsill orvide Goverimeof Services Jim s ecoriiy for biusrical farm Snsw aisioinced, buildings, rqaipmeiii and Poscs Costructibon sub- artflaris. mriti ebliiessof four bids Wsrk onitbe ssiracl iiiiow receivrd.-the fsîgb brîing oderway aod s especiedits $45 768, be opeeby bheendof bhe The isuseois building year JAMES STARK R-R. No. 3, GEORGETOWN wiîbes 15 ansounce thai as of Orcemnber f, 1974, bis homoe pbsse sumber wsi[ be vhanged f0 877-0348 r------- ----------i U S R bouse sidig ...for the norefree iseauty of it 1'. 00 y ou.y ....t.g osC. 0 *hiotu ooood icih. I - 1W FACTORY PRICES ON ~OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS F 71e Combination Windows I ~ Car Ports e Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES I ooOFoCiotoSA bs I 845-0318 OUT OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT - - - - - - ----- Nus. 25 dsring the Royal. Ibeir vocaliosal aîderfakiig, Dean Swioer. Deai of aid Reford was oie of tbe Agioir i OAC. riai's besi'- pruetd ie moadal. Rnos as tadge Three hinired He jadged the Perth Show He wa one ofihree RAWF ai eC in Srotlaîid iice, officiais f0 be houored wiib a the finit lime on 1952. He ai maodal. George Rodasi of judgrd tice ai the Falermo Sioîffsilie, a ioted Hereford Show in Argentine, the breoder aid W. P. Watsorn, Cbicago fInfernational foar former manager of the Rayai limes. aid many siber shows aid Lisesfirk Commisîloier in Nortb Amerîca. for Ontario, aiseo received "In addition te sersiig as GAC mettait; durisg tbe Presîdrît of tbe Caîadiaî Roya.fl. o Shorihoro Association, 1964- Tie Oulo is sthe citatiion 65, be bas bees presidesi of ibai accom paîied tbe the Gntario Sboriboro Club. presentatioi f0 Mr. Gar- and the Caiadiai hIer- dboase s ational Sali Sale. Ho bas " Reford W. Gardbouie, beei a diresior of tbe Royal Aborfeldy Foarmis, Milton is Agricalfarai Wîier Pair, tbe fise fourtb goiteratios of bis Canadiai Agricolioral Hall of laesiiy coscend wiih the Far Association, tbe broiig of Sobriborus, and Ontiario Bull Sale Comnmiitee, tbe fist goserafios is îow aid a member of the aciivety eîgaged in the sasse Casadias National Lisesioch business. Tbe "original" Record Board. Gardhouse, James, pur- "He lias bees most cisased bis finit Sborihori in geîeroao in permiltieg tbe 1837. useofblis farmnand isesoc ..In t948tbe bord of lobe for instructions]putpoiesifor Gardisoose and sois mas vOtario Agricolfurat Coitege disperied, aid foroum usai sadeif s, aid bas assîsfed sn polît, tbe re-assemhled bord the instroctîi of judgiîg mas miasaged hy Reford. Tbe lettmis Sborihori News suce siaird, il is fitiig (bai Reford referriog f0 tbe Gardisause Gardboosr be awarded as raittlemen, 'Eaib in bois flAC Crîfeîîial Modal for bis goieralios bas becs a feeder, leadersbip aid arbiesemeuis fifier, soomas, mer- in lise purrbred bref caif le cbaindiser, judge aid a îndosiry. aid for bis support siadesi of hreodiîg, every aid asist aire o bre facei of tbe îîdosiry bas beon Coilego. The aibher' polinaii i the Masson famiiy, Dasid Masson of Eden Minia, won a seaf ors fthe 1975 aind 1976 Erammsa Township Council i Monday's elref ire race i Wellington Ccuîiy. Dasid is Oie son of Halin Rogios Cbairmai Allait Massoniof Gakisie. A moenoif Eden Milis for era years, healose pot mas a leader in tbe siliage's siroggte te eede front Hatusý aid joîs Welliington Couiiy. Tbeoees sie h too ffert tast Jan. t misci Ballon mas formod ofto a regiseat mamicipaity-miou Eden Mîlis. lu Misday's rareDasid mou oie ofthiree oew cousmitiors eiled by Eramsa residonit,huioaOclose rc. Sixra fur Oirre seais and David mas tiîrd forom tbe top of the polis, jastilf votes 1389 t13781 ahead on Oie neuf cimsesi competitor te riait lte final seat. its aways niceitîbae former Miifoiiaflidrop inia Oie office or snciade a note with a sobscriphion renemat, Art Deijardisoes, former owser of Oie Canadian Tire store Ll e ifoachtai weok. i w as sorprîuod f0 lttre ho ortrd nAgmit from tbe Wiby store aid bad use boagbi a iarm sear Port Ferry. Ho lobes psssion on the new yearand in Oie meanfime saper-active Art and bis wdoe are off ou a bolsday trip f0 Mexico, Art served os Milton Couiril dariîg bis fime bore and of caosoe ho aise pal in a fwo year slinf in Wbsthy aid ait tbe lime pished forainew areia fbere, Tbaioremindeduibai Art os one ofbose mbo spearbeadedtheb drive for the iown f0 boy the local areoa aid one of Oie noloifrers wbobhetped in the resiorafion aifer tbe f ire suai paf if sas of actiai. In fthe coarse if ftho years so maoy people make ai imprintion acommuity anditsgoodtoremember people lie Ariwhohave mosedon" bai ienorq fte"mosedmot. Dsd ymb now .. on Highway 401 a recentsarvey sowed dia 22 per cent of the iraffi is trocks? Aid Usai the average oomberaofpassoigrs incarsîis iewcribhan smo? Wealways boomth tirucknhbaffi wasbreavy but bhas 22 per oent figust came as quia upie BIG JOHN SNOWMOBILES ~ BEA OUT RU( INS -Tscre la a limitait sumisor uf Chistmuas carul shoots asallable froc tu Cam s e 'e Champion. 191 -EMO cewu touted MiltoS enmrgeoey, wurniog stimot ou Mary Si. agato Thuàdoy. Il rang twice for fisc msinute Port» FIRST PRIZE Issa year-ald Halstein heifer at thc Ma yl Agricultural Wînter Fair was Society Marquis Pouline, owned by Terry Leslie of Georgetown. Breîîda Trask of Alma, Ontario Dairy Princess, offers the ribbon ta shoseman LosselI Lindsay on bichaIt of Mr. Leslie. Hsaost annual barn me et By losnry J. Stanley Agretlurat Rrpresentatisn Haloi Holstein breedors aid friosds mes on Taesday, Nov. 26, aithetarmeof Jamoi C. Reid and Sous, RHR 2, Gergetown, for ftho anuea bars mreling Upe ria eseeryoseinspecoibbr siasncboi. Follomise the weicome by Serf Stewart, vice-presidoni of the Saison Club, fim Sch- warie of Tannerybitl Parmi demonstrated proper feand legs for dasrv coiffe. A non- met as ibesi beld teseec tbe ibroo besi aid the tbrer pooreis ss ofiee andilegsoin the herd Wioiers sere choses aid pr ensed omlb priies as foilomo: firsi, Edmard Brd, RH 2 Georgetown; second, Eari Wilson, R.R. 2 Gerorgetown; bird. Darnes No riders Ilis nery fasciiaisg watcbing sod andcornosabs rolling sser and disappearing bebisd a plvw. Yoar bidres roaiiy eojoy mairbsng if as yo gs vo them a ride jusi for aowrounds. Loi irem anoiher vrop groos, let ibom walrbifromitheboadlaid. You van hase saddoo stops. the diirb can be ciosee tban you ibvagbi, yoa nocer nom f be grouidbsg boil, tbe boy sel avleep-ail causes of biorbiog yoae passenger off the iracior aid aider tbe pîsa, Avodfbhii.avsmd ridero, says Gord Macdonald from the Faros Safesy Association. -Shvippers bave jais 17 more days te vompiefe ibeme (besistias git uiss UTIFUL ON THE SIDE. . ;GED ON THE IDE... a > Eas Finaning Corne sn and lierthe insurdosfiry osnhis Ifatsf, siommohiin. laidlaw, Nerval;and ied for iourth wer Barry Reid and Johni Reid, R.R. 2, Georgetown; Siegfried Siadier, R.R. O Milton; aid Sandy Buchanan, RHR. i Moffai. Deoustratios fArry Bennett, R i Sarliugion,' Unites Orrederi' frcbiiciau for ibis aires, ibes demonsiraied the irimming ofifeel, asing the Roido' bord bail. The gaest speaber mas Dr. Bruce Stone, te Animal and Pouliry Science Depariment, Univorsity ni Guelph. Dr. Ssune discoisedi the pro- daction of qafify bay aid larmeru tn labo sampies of f beir feed for asalysi ibis year t0 maho corsais thai iisOy more nit onor-feodiigl bheur livstock mises 100f prices are so bigh. Ho aise toit tbat oese tboagb ibis mas a por year forrcorn sitage mils lois matarity uoss normal, the teed value of ibis nulage woaid ho redaced ouly stighfly. Pari of the eiorgy mirhinormal y mosesiote n corn eareremaîsod inthe corn sialb bai suifl s asailabto te fthe cow su lbe cornsnilago. Tbe ban meeting cou- rladed wiib dosais aid coffee served by the Reid family. -Rcopiraiory diseuse mortality figures are us thc isercooe. lu 1972, 11O0U Casae- dlionts did fte rcspiratury diocseaos. . .hbriscitis, cm-, pisysomna, tubereulosis, influ- cuza, asihesa, pneumonieand others. That's as increase i 535 cases over 1971 figures puois oui Hellon Tubereule- sis aid Respiraiiry Diseuts Association. 136 MAIN 873-3388 Shep Our lu Siere Spee4als J. De CURRIE PLUMBING e RESIDENTIAL e COMMERCIAL *INOIJSTRIAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS 24 HOUt SERVICIE 878-2452 Vsi Our New Locaton 161lMainsi. Mitos BELL BROS. LTD., FOR IEPEMIRILE FIEL GIL IELIVERY if. i7 !ý4- The canadien Champion, Oued., Dec. 4, f1974 Reford Gardhouse honored with OA C 's Cen tennial Medal

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