Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Dec 1974, p. 1

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ïke môa trrpo Established 1861 - Vol. 114 No. 32 MILTON4, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1.74 nîoswvaiting _jsorapartmients Ontaro Hosna- ooa lion toe 10hae ttenom senior citizens' apartment building on Ontario St. ready for. occupanc mitin the ont'I mont o tw. Auo yet OHI hasn't advised anyof the 81 setectied aud wmdl ha sIe ta have une ot lte 60 suites. Cdent Jucit McGeachie Nild council Mondaytlsere were no hot mater heaLe.nor carnets ioutatled yet. He sid OHC of- ficiaIs weren' uayg wbo mau seleoe etltey knew for sure miten lthe suites mould he avuitable. Apparently OHC bau in ltse r u ugeste a Noug et date, aten hehid lta date and run loto probiemui wilh flts who had hanked un moving in could mahe neoessary plans. ai Ihat lime. As a re"le' MoGeachie told cuocil don't ua 'ioNgains in untd tisaI OHC made the deciuion the isleu re oedy. ahaut mho ment in and who Tel tlem sm odid oui. He said , andidates Tapoi wsasbjeoted mor jdged an point ss non said lie dividn minimum equirement of ooe clamen nltnsld om thepoe pears residence in Milton heen choses. "Some have te mos-e conidoratins. face new leases and decide tMayo Anne Macrthur wheU ta stp hee sytl TisCam ishe badl aefrasoUser wea.Mn reoeived copliteahs cosid maite intena plans,îif people fron Oulside the they hnew they couid beot m aniiplty h swingepd mithinUshenesi monUhsoo aeoeoelhncli OHC costd mahe it cleaor that the commusity. She said nhe tl couldolt guarantee a date." would citeckthIis retuo t he said. and no'edit waso"'liie h cause the tovo liadito pickUp Council agoeed t ait OHC a perceotage of aop operating to advise Uhse chonen s0 lhey tous. jlAppealing to cabinet ta change whydro router ~ W R. Bannes mil neoit a aonsbstantilchange inUte Statesandprces is ai bu meeting mlth Ministeruof E note aI ihis poolt on ime. plant An aho u arry e, yrgparcp Menugin as Bannes tuld nounoui ho had ns aiseoun the site. 111h% boutoffuot Na hase tise about 80 acres being famed Banes 1014 esusicîl sisal il 500tkV lnedivenîedusoi wii and upenated a prssnessisg mould cusi lhuusaods of dut- Smuss Use grealesî portions of plant oo the site as mel. He lars lu musie lise plast andt hs 75 acres. His land sa situ- said he fimntssuelo i ahnr yr fii aed on Fise Sideread be- river Caoaand thenited Icantuuaue.. nuuui.- HAPPY SMILES onua cald day. Cheerful expressions glow from the faces of Joni McLean Ilefîl and Michelle Bradley while clown Michael Shep- herd ]ends a umile. Temperalures dropped and cold windu chillgd Santa Claua puruders Sutturduy ufterooon. This trio uppeared on the Milton Parka and Rocreution Flout. (Photo by Davo Pink) Nearly 40 years in education Linon (formeoly in Nassaga. meya). Barnes sought and won the sspo iMilton Coancit Modpnight. Counicit agr e 1 uppori Buones and passed a re!ulullan ceaS- lioming a stand teiten hy the previos Nassagameya Coancil. The omoisution wnssd ses the tino swing north of Hilton FatIn callher ihan Use more ssauterlp route titoough the Bannes popeotp. Barnes argued Ihat hy lait. iog the noriheon route il mutl ho cheaper hy hand- redo of thousando of dollars and wuuld aitesiate the bulge or dip in Use route. Gotocailnet Council enouuoaged Barnes ta go tu the cabinet as that is the oiy body lit cao maite Principal Hunter retires 55y Ba uitÉî Bits0 o ostalgia ereptinlo Use discussion as Chartie Honter sat lu bis modern principal's office and recalled bighiights and featuren of bis carrer io educatioo mhîch sparts a perod of cimse lu 0 Years. Mr. Hanter annouoced recenly thal he mould retire aI lte end of tbe scoes year. larion iereW HunIer reatdthe heetir limes 14 pears age wbenhecame to Milton t0 assume the poin- cipaiship of Milton District High Sebusf. For sume fise pears tbe high sohool uperation mas disided bel- mon lise oem Williams Ave. site and tise nli Martin St. Sehusi. He reoatled the diflicaities in running a high sehoal operatîoo for a student population of 3fti hoîmeen tise 0m sites. Sonme students attendedaclasses ai haIs sites, Somne who atteodrd mool niasses aI Martin St. caold muse lu Williams Ave, for gym instruction, chue ailiers mauld migrate ta Martin St, talate adaantag e aI asaop instruction. Eseo tisese iraoslrrs ere dilficuit wîish tise distance iselieen tise Ima schiss. Sres Scheel grau, gurindg luoter's eareer ise gidtie direction ai Milton District Higis Scisosi and p lanned mprosemets and additions ta tise sehusi. As misicis roahîrd Mactio St. ta hocome a senior public scisusi and eoahled students 10 gel their igh sehusi educafion ai aoe building. The initial building on Wiltiams Avse. ineluded 12 classrusms and a gym. In 1965 tise scisant cas espanded la in0lude a cafeteria, a double gym and addifîonal classrusm space. In 1968 graivg enroiment brougisi ahaut anoîber adl- dition, Ibis sîme a 0cm shop o ivg. commercial depart- ment,.lihrary reoource rom, and a stage. Dsring bis terrm as polo cipal tise scisavi blossomed tram a split plant operatin cils 383 stadrots ta a modern seisusi cils an csomient of I-tif. ('austy board But tise scisusi building titf canot ail tisaI changed. H001er recalîrd lise for- mation af tise eoOOty (nom regional) schoolhboard in 1969 and tise resulling trend tocards greater aut"nomy for scisool principals. 'Aîtannmy a onse of the bsasie tenents ai tise county board. Thep realioed tisaI if sehuols mere ta ho oporated elfioientIp the principafs mould hase ta hase autonumpy. Il didot change My psitison as murs as il couid oUees. I had bad ose schul and one board sothat 1 cas aiready deeply invoised in planning andoperation.' HunIer resied mhal ho consideredtoacserre ofthe groat changes in edacation. One uftIhone changes cas Use inovation ofîmbat osas hnomo as Use Robarts Plan thal rame loto haing on 1961. 'Il cas an altempl lu organize sebusis lu meel tise needu of stadente. Scitool courses mere divided intn Arts andScience, Science Technulogy and Trades and opocial courses for ucoupalional students," he recals. Free calis to Acton expected in summer Miiton ontaomeos or Bell Canada sheild hoe able ta raIl telephones in Use Acson 10&W1 enchange bp Use summer ut 1071._ witlsout a tait charge. 1511Is<fcial reparted ibis weeh QU!at- 015,000 progoam te intoduce nom equipmoot aI tise Miltun, Anus and Guelpht su.ilchiog centres is underscay and mid-July is tise tergel date fur compirtion. At prescrit Milton (878) customers cao cu Oabsîlte Burtiogiso. Camphelivitte and GeorgetownmolI-tree. Acîcons luisee added u'ithout aoy additisoai montly charge toc Milton nuis scribers. Acon vuos yen Lasi year Acton residents tohkareferendumuonadding Miltos and Guelph ta1 their tuil-frer caiiing area and the cote mas 69 per cent in lavur. locreaned rates miii ho oecoosary for Adtos custumters hocever as ibis wili add 46,000 toiephanes t0 ibeir free catiiog airea. At preseol Adtos cao cati about 16.000 phones on Georgetown aod Rschcaod escisanges scithout charge. Tschaoge it sot atc Thoe so tse Cupotî 15x0 eiage. uee Ca.spville suhorirs canosniy cati Miton phuor.s withoula toit Bell Canada is curreotty doisg studirs on increasiog the Camphellilie tree raliig tras but local manager W. C. "Bill" narors han atrrady tuld people sn that airea tisaI iocreasiog the caliig ares sîli ise o cusity Must carry bag Dog owners say Iaw too strict Da om mer ill glel Uselo dngglo base mites mt for day in court-sreut leaul a walks and ceanp alerUsheir beaelsg befure Milton Cop do. oin's Administratios Commit, Tisee owi n stafforn res tee. The ommlflee liad re- crived bIsons sobjects su the acted lu complaiste about proposef by-Ism frsm dsu dose messisg su prlvato and lesers. The dogloera freethe pablic praporty and nocoso- bp-ian sa tuu ees trlcllv. mesded a bp-tam tie pasord Mayor MacArthur -ild maiting it illegal for doge ta tbane mbs bail autitarei lot, soit ailier pespie-s lamm. sens mmuld lie lss'ted Ne air titelo slows Mmday nlgbs. In Ose ibof hesomplaNlnn, Use meassime Use by-lam Oas Mos. S. 1. Mars saggealod hold up uaoût bouit aides of the e ne o lrurd Ne carry nIury are beard. UP CLOSE for a greoting from Santa is Krinfy Smith, 10, who hud a chance for a soit spat on Suntans knee ut Saturday's parade. Keeping a safe distance from the buuhy hourd, Krisfy's cyes voere brighl enough Su signal happinens with the approuch of Christmas. More piturcs inside. (Photo gSp Steven Dîlîs) 1_s,,flý-ta arrives iSata Claus rompedîslo Millas baturday accompan- irdhby tour bans, 20Otlaats, a doeclowssand a doen atier marcing graops asd arisicles ta the deligst of 5,000 lt 000 people aI ail agea labo lored tise Ica mile tue Tise parade rraîsrd aller sormedormant years, reftect- rit tise entisusasm of service clubs ond athers miss spas- soredtfloats asay olhinof the oearly 000 people labo crre actually in tise parade. Tisere cere cisairs, astique veisictes, decaraîrd tloats, a coony-leggrd caterpillar, cortcbrrlisg girls trom tise gym graup. Air Cadets, tise îouoldmembera ofthe Hal- ton O-H club, a stramed-up SawyrMassey tractoead a ist of entrirs tisaI mode tise parade one ufthlie toogestins eceot yeurs in Milton. Jodgrd best Iloal in tise parade, by Mayor Anne Mac- Arthuor Arthsur Britten and Edgaor isee isas tise rotey at tise 'tiosmei, Club cils lise lobs taiîg tise ruooer-up i opby and ther Milieu Day Care Norserv Scisool as tise lbîrd priae goup. Croods lior tise ellîli of lise parade tramt Miltonî 'ba ticaugs (lie daaastom' are a iti tise parade i dîng up il lise fair graosds andSanta gisgerly dîsiîg out uaa ce- manedsofaihssoflcad lSta isar rade lise castelsn a roisiseelîredîrîegs pulird ho herses and drices isy Sais DeomoaS o Campbetll aîille,Whoalaoanedtseeice tilt ime Parade caiarmac liail Le soegaoîoed lise Iloats o ther grounds of lise Erest Dr- r Ssaee and isad brus ràdy foîr lise maraisof aI s2. Pcn iseadet isy anar .îaqar 1922 Internationcal lice eniie. Maple Ma,.crthur rades liste a laloge 19131 lodllas'oner tîislecoupe îîîîaed, cestored and1 lîprtet hi Grll Iay %%ile lelîca pairade laite', A. tittaaaand Edgar Fs'.la'cl- ored in Watt Marclîs o tdel A Ford Rtoadater ibearge Swan andî îîl Frank intrîîduced he pardcî esîrîrs as theN -ss-d Knoxî Cisarc a laîg this it""lmt îlîîlîon Giîis' Pipe Banod lias flolîad l% lise 'Ilîltas (riiîGuides,,î tacaîsrows. 611 lclcng A5 lîsîl Iîv Corado SIon mO as lîîllîîîîîd byan otliec înage 1>145 Iterna- ti"onal panîel truckIîentreitis> Cîîlîlî'î Trianîgle F",steaees 'lîî sinise andî Reî-eiîon floealîîced a boge -oaa- mra ccîsîîîîier oI lisean osaI Ssto FesI spossorrd ecl lîeal b> bhal dcparl iltons Stîîîahrdsa snaa oile geîoup, slesed lise flopt iscale l th a ln uir l'lîorc Sc-iîîîl rernîitet- b-ecs aîboutîth Iîroil5i an- ners of lise 'ces b>laeriî ( hurcî in Canadiia ailsh lhisr fl, aerand iîelidas ca,îs Tise Cistmas sîlîrI masîe.lsîpîclcsed. l-lCanadas espeea lbîîslîîî,as geeîlogo and lise Lions Clubs ofl ilton Ilat lea IIIe ti" he ~ni Ili and vthlie % eh- maî,l ltsîîîî'cesîîiet lise îcîeîîl.aboutlthe vî'hîale dîs te" "llîeî-lîî CROWDS LINED THE ROUTE of Saturday's Santa Claus Parade that the downtown urea. Flouts were judged ait the Agricultural Grosands with uttracted an entimated 5f000 in 8,000 npectuloru. Nearly 800 people were thse Eloismen entry declared the winner. Clowns dlstributed candy and in the parade on the 20 floats, as clowns or in Sthe dozen murching groupa balloona along the route and floats depicted everything from Santu's that followed thse 1000 mile parade route pa Milton Plaza and through workshop 10 Ohe latest insunowmobiles, vmntuge cars, ha, a steamed-up jjjj1jjRFýý_( ep--' i Sawyer Massey steum engine. Parade organizers, reprouentatives of the tawn'n service clubs, are already talking of plans fur orsi peur. .. .~ .... a 42 Pages, 15 Ceots He 's here!

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