Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 6

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4 ý Canadien Champton, Wed. Non. 27, 1974 National Truck Hero is Saskatchewan mon Mtithoogh a Milton track girl a year a go, afler a cor dr iver ndaToronto con accident on i g hsro neaur mita naved a Mita wonn Fretn ohmt as lif weenlie rmosng O i itedaccident victima on Dono National Trock liera maoy occasions, n Oggdff Awar of " 194 onben hi" heris aond au modty awarded ta a ltoydm toer, naid ile ma't lookin for any Sank. trocher. amardo, hoe liait hem the Monday a Toroata tKen girls', lehbadi le hoaved. ~~~~~Hola g OÏ n".rrr e e, ree1 the dmolr. noo a w driverGn for oaving lte lite ao truck Paano, w o recued Mrs. drvrtropeadin a flomiog Margaret Farr' of Milton drive et hea lier car caogit ltira on mrrds lan arh. lighway 401 in Missioa, Modest mon at nominated for Oe John Rosa of Miltan, o hero, amordi. Mr. Pagano baid driver for Sheit Canaden she =Mcs. Forr ta, sofety, Oaitvilte refluer mo la eonshfore hoer car ex- nominatad for the aard.alHie toded aller a collision wilh a Defend Ma Leai it w ~i\ -. Rogisoal Treasora] Former wos occas anling to haitd on <1 ~ whenohe oltd HltanR Commonit Services mittae holel f its dopa ~aaaaashould assme respon I 7Àa and poproil functtt Haton Cestenotat Mac teinshome toc the, Feme Mtton d assumned hy the ce Dî5 ~ ~ ~ t csoitn ael coba tou ry M AdministrOlor Stan CHRISTMAS SEALS, now being sold in Halton by tihe Tuberculonin gand oppoaed the tranni iseascs. Mayor Anne MacArthor gave thse local campaign a boont 1hi0 more coashorsome. week whconsh preaented a cheque ta local TB-RD Association workcr le recatled a lime Mike Ledwith. in return for a couple of sheeta of ocals. Residenta are yeurs ago mitea thon beitsg e t edaceu oteAsiailn soir the Coanly Office.' rcmeberho ond cho~ucla tc Aaocitioo ~explaineth ue îreasory Community facility Counil ndosesKinPark Kios mca fomn it:O Fark: Duriof test week's meetinofa Milice Coanicil lte Kînsmen Park Incaleti on lte DorsetPark sudiviinos îlesignaled as a commoniY recreollot facility. Thte tort. named Klnnmen Comolunity Part. lu hi ite deseloped os rcetion resoOOOO 10 lie usoiloitto and enjoyed ity lte enlire community af iton. il as pcopmsed ltaI lte pars will over apeiodo ilneibc developet la clude lucililles for soflioîl fotall, soccer. sitliof. ployleluod equip- ment and opince oe Onvelopesent pIano ure o luie dramn Up ity a ommt repsesenliof lte 000n. Robert Baldwiîn School. Diîose Park residenls and the ilton and District Kinosen 'luit rTe M.AL> Kinsso,î club haveentered inl"'al fsil verpledge 10 lis ihe deceloprinnt coulstl ofhe Kinsîsen Cummuolly Park anîd 10 participOlO on ilsco tinsîîd desselopmet In the Kin S'eue 1973-74 $1,7501 0ls eoîsed [rom lte busn of ilton aod pledfed 10 lte Kînsimes Conîmuoi Park. Hlot Seat Tropit lin Fiteday Nos. 2 Milton ws vsitîedby theKinsnenfront lthe Humber Volley Club il Kîsî,bîcoke. The ,iccusoo a .i challenge mutch of Floi'r llscliey uit he hifit scsiool r 1 he Ho> Seul Tropby. Allera sîigîrîosls ,cli'esled matchi he evenint eodcd inudru'o ,II lte leiphy. ins c serdosîe (o lte c,,mpelsllon îles passinf 10 Humber ColsThe Hluomber Ville, Ki isillen msts nom chullenge [,solheî Kînsoies club oîlhîr ts,,, î-ets, Aller lte fumne a5 ;î.ig soiaîluwsusitld in lise leieu R1ffoom of Tihe i harles durînf subîit Kis Isîoug ibloinud KisCii !ileie T onner orre inilîued 501, lthe exclusive Kiosmen gnop of Kin Pulls and Esielle Polices. luait totercitlui o Tursday \ssember 19 Milton und I)src eýreprenented by eîgitlM A.O Kînsmenuaibh Zone V lîsierclu in l Breumpton. Thte '>1 AO Kînsmý!nenMprrseslwere hast liulan MuA G-i Petr Sieumpel. Les Woos,> I leuuchaîsp Pul 0 - Bcias tioietesoo 'l speck, Thte esenicit of1 lellowsiip atterint. Ksososî-oiscludlnit 1; -seor 15,,, Nia, ieîlnesduay Nos. 20 geceual moeting mus desigouled Servic Ngit mites lte Sorvce Commiltee prescnled o umber of propmsais toc fulare service mach mîlti fle community. Il mos noted, ltaI lte Kinsmon Clubts mentisg aI lte Riobert Bald- win scioo are mel ulder- woy. mould proitaily aclivotY naprt the lama nom yesr's b on dns clinie. -thol in Decomiter o nigit of enlerloisimeol moold hoe held for tle cesldet. ut Ilullon thul lite montly btingo gume at Hollot Munor iteld as a service for lte residents is also wlunderwoy,hbeinf operuled jninlly ity Kinsmen unà Kinellen. -n Jaoury lte lirst ofa îoonlthly series il leolure no esoll ite iteld in Fine- viem Scitool for lte ctaîdren Comina Evonîs: On Saloeday Nov. 30 o Kîmsmen flot usîll lneenlered ino lte resurrecîrd Santa Clous Parade. Over lte paallfem montits conaîdoruitle effort han iteen generated ity lte ton service cluits la, prosenit aunoccesnful paradeoand onder lte citairmamitip af Kin Roti Lewis on enter- 14051sf dinploy la pramised. On lte 0000 day os lte parade, Icof 0o..le oihe aIdManI.Liry ituilding. A fr001 norîety of Chitsmas gaudies mît> lae for Committee says Grads not ready to Iearn trades Ton mucit em hslis is plucedîo cademic training anont eough on pepring lte studenîs for trudes. ac- cord iof 10 lloltio Renaissuncie Commillee. Thte commitîîerecenlyreleused aitrief 00500000f O prrnlicsfigs and 100 d scitaîs. Thte brie> suffestu ltaI empitusîs a ee,,unls toc un snfux of lîlerute bt un- lruîned personnel cominf 0010 lte morktl Accordiof tu lthe (osmmilOe Ibis uccounîs tor itigiter uneniployment in lte 1010102 yeur old ronge os Thte commiltee foots tiîgi nscîs tend 10 domogrode c ta potentiel in s Thin polenliol in le Isubjitlnsbould li esc, -,jed caltier ltao îosts-ok n on, ureerding 10 Renaissance. ligtochool and comunily collefe courses soud ho geared so graduoles could receive appreolicrnips in lhitor citonen tradte, uuys lte biîf. nor re it alone orks weII ed of empire egion's riment sihilty oumling tas ai or, Oie agod in Bill 151 station gianal Allen toc inO sg oul oa taait many Ifram Allen pople note. Coffee wilI hoe availoitie and aff nef proceeds mill hoe ulilioed f or commuaitY nervice purposes. Hocey Pool: Tite $Sf winners in test meeits M.A.D. tOn Hiockey Pool more SBitl Cmoley of lte liornity Oeserol stare and Fred Mesaorvey of 248 Mactio St. Thte pool has nom iteen oporoling seven meoits ond lai dote $700 itas iteen given in prine one5y. receives o higher prtarily and lte Maor mach sa donc only mites lte alter mach in complote. Mina grant lie recolted as instance when Oie rooolty acally safferéd logs of provincial grant money itecoose dota mas slow eomigftram, lte coanly office and lte nocosary reporta couldotl ho compie ta im le lai Oie commillea hoe lied o dedicated staff and noted lreosary people coolde hoe espeotad tae worit the sane as his pople do beas hywud'lteb as cimse to lte people. Former and Allen iead atmo discussed lte possible taitoovor of Oie ceaident trust accounta as wil, bat Former lieadagccedl ta recommend ltaI taiteover aI itis lime. lion liila Mayor Tam Hlli eapressed abat seemod lt ie a concemua of opinion mites h o ld Former lat mach aI mastering mit hoe already han on itis plte and sot ta lamper mt deparîmenîs ltaI were woriig smmothly. "Empires and more emn- pires," lte laiton Hilis Mayor said. tOne supportn Barlinglan Cooncillar Tom Sutherland mon lte anly councillar mita supporled Formeras recommendaion. Chiof Administrative Officer Eccie Reid suptsorted For- mer's coolpatin ltaI Oie moachsol h ceslraliood. lie maid ite'd invstaigoa the pcchlom forOier and ring ia a nom report aller lte oommiltoo rejerted lte recommenation. MR. AND MRS. JOHN ROSS of Milton admire a commendation certificate that Mr. Rosn received laat week for bis heroie actions durmng a soriotia motor vehicle accident. Ho saved thse life of a little girl following a car accident. Johnmwaa nominated for Uic Dunlop National Truck Heo Award. (Gorgetown Brancitl ns îîroud t uîons the opening ofîîo PIANO & ORGANi We wI tedvurcid nistrumont Georgetown 977-9533 or filiiin the followins information and mail ta Wallon Bonon, 0.9. 3, Fergus, Ontanio ADDF1ESSi Mayor's wife Mrs. Tom HiIl dies suddenly aton lls Mayor To Oie Loyl Toue ie and lli sot fered a porsona1 Oronge La laGeorgetown Irrl%1tid, f=,17 la 1. lda'mje'fipa P a itSe morcie Tom lOHInl 34 penra, died in Gieorgetao 19w0 in SI. Georgen nlia and Diatrict Memarial Churcit, Deorgeloma and lioapital . monoa member of St. Alito ahe hod ien lit for mmre Churcin isles Williams unt11 lie, sot lered a hoort allack Oie Smo of hec denOi. and mas ccaited hock ta Site ia survived ity iter itoajitol. ma ueog huhond Tam and dagitar rs ilwsalfln Maro Elessor, and ambtra resden o th ors.Bor i Maria, tMra. C. Doyt; Annie actnd M a te M fMoosar (rs. W. lioileyl; lielen moired witler famly taoi 0 Ms . Ci~pp lot hersfl ocres on Oie ScthBlck, FoJu srie condarlodn near Mghm:25 miere ec hvRe ivlicgemoa= OlnWli ms. n Tuesday, Nov. 190a1&S. Ic la wllas Alitons Charcit, mitit in- ahe altended lte old terment ai Oies Williaoms S ide scot os er St. eeey 1~a Rond,' and lterCmory Oies Williams 'aciool. ahe Fallitearers more Lac' lived ta Olen Williams Oie Oorvin, ordon Inglia, Joe ceai 0f hiec lite. McMenemy lioro Koetlag, Mca. lUI mas emplayed int James aiey and Deinso Oie omst defoscl Borvoclai French. Knitlig Miiila iesM Memitera of liaian Hlm Williams, and lter ai cooncIl and laadeprmn Beaumnt EnillinLrie itaao d as itonorary Site mas nrasd ~snlc of palihoorera. * Guarantood %. *Income Certificates: 10% 1 - 4 YEARS RATES* I SUBJECT :101/4% 5 YEARS TO CHANGE* *Address INCOME TRUST I Ste. 1530, 25 Main St. W. Hlamilton I *528-7071 ITornto:a (416> lO-1861 SI. Cathitnes: 416) 684-871 tchener: (519) 745-4195 for personol service cll 4 Cementi & Noble Insuronc 14 hhMaein St. 979-9623 I 4 9190R: CANADA5 afEaSIT tNIUeANCt COP te es se tel M m m M -m TO fi 0%~ 0/i 2)~ vt Syer's is going ouf of Ladies' & Childrens wear, everything wiII be and must be sold immediately e DRESSES e SPORTSWEAR e COATS a BLOUSES a SKIRTS e SWEATERS e SHORTS e SLIMS *TOPS e JACKETS le SETS a LINGERIE e PANTY HOSE e HATS * HAND BAGS e JEWELLERY _4ýt-do il0 aoiVý gel dona lo OPEN Thurs. & Fri. Saturday tili 6 pm Froe parking 228 Main St. Milton 878-2067 ut rearof store I. Saturdoy, Nov. 30 AGRICULTURAL HALL À ADMISSION $2.25 Doors open 8:30 p.m. îl, Presented by Milton Youth Council

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