Reconsider hiring financial manager Haltaa Region: pubic we aahed l o Administration C=mtl ~mattr seauscae wll ie roquîrod ta renaier afi aad thle committoe, ia a recommandation tie coin- c oaod session, changed lis mintes made ta bOre a man- mind. E. arMfnacasevrsfor According t0 chairman Rte cii filetro r di arin' Morrose four memtbors pro- >t llse committee dealt selOi 000 voled unanimouly to Ste th mate ai bO eg ire lte man. Ooth Uniton ng eetng N0v. t3. During Qta ao Anme MacArthuar and meting in an ope sessio, OJllo ConliouCr Oi te committor votefi nt taur, onldtotIi ota nd itre the ne porion. by tuat paot. Both tiad appas- Md Oie hfring earltor ha Oie Apparently after proe and moeting. te Opposes closure Roglonat Councillor Toie ipeail. Suherland wsa enraged support seon hoe becamesehat hoe f oit Suthserland cballongod the ws eOi victim MofSuro dur- chaîrman'a rote. Wbon casai- lng a meeting Mf HIton Reg-- cil nopported kso On bitn tonal Coane. docinion not ta bear Suther- Coancit coi dobatjng land, tho coonrcillor sait! Oie standards for communal action wsa aimilar ta chat seo On rural naubdivisions. Oiev callod clceare in Ottawa, Stherland aiked permianion Itis la ridicuoos. You ta ipeak bat meeting chair- people ahould hoe ashamod. mas Ernie Syken had atreadY Nover mind, t as Oie hade eallod Oie vote. Syhes ruled that, cent ap" hoe nbaotod Sutherland had! vaited too amidat laughler tramt coflea- long ta express a donfre ta gones. Chaiir debate ends happlly Tho great choir dehate Oa over ad justice prevaila once gaat Haiton Regionai Hoadquarteen. fa an efforet te c donna1 on pending, regimnai enancil recenliy voted agaainet useeviding 50 choirs for publie maling. Oniy o seoks ago Buriingtoe cooncillor Davo Comrs argaid thora had neyer bea an occanion sehere =epi viaitiag ctii lied la stand or ait on Oie flae. Whot Cm did net say at dit peint cas thora lied been froqaest ne- caie sen staffeýrs coco roqaieed ta cart offre furnitare tao i ho hmbera ta accommoaite ose seha othorseise cneid have hod ta stand. Aittove tho fleur At a public meeting jit afller Oie docian haed boen mode, ail avadoabie chairi and anmte rionterfieldos sere in use ad penple cere stli toit standing. Leat Wednesday doeing a reulr seaoion of rount ahoot 30 Milton Diatrict Higb Sho tudents made h tip sunsethie cirun and thoy core lait tascalter Oiemaosivne about the flor. It cao at dit junctare tha1 Oubville Counrior Toroy Manneit re-intnndoced the tter Minmore chairs and finaiiy, onOiorization cao gives. Tho eiipenditare, mtimated ut $2ie, cOlt ho ahoorhod On Oie regian'a $iS,tee,ttti budget Tho motter had tees intraoced on ai boist four oc- casions n comititeea and counci. YuIe do at Meintern of HuSton Region Council cOlt join Oie staff oh Oie Hatton Museum uithOe Robao Conservation Area for a Christmnas social event Dec. Forecast Of staff requested Concerned about heing "nickel and dimed ta dmOi, " Hatan ReglIonal Counrit han Lequeste Adminlîtraive rmest Reed ti repare are- wtsillte reqluired uti the end of 1970. Buriingtnn Coonrittor Jack Rtesaaid hoe cantal t lootk aithie entire staff needu of the rogilon, rather than one or tseo poape every meeting or so. Adinistration and Fin- ance Chairman Rie Morose agle thO the proposiition blntlt shootit te uval as a gude. He said there migbl home situations chere nese itafferi seere urgemitiy qrda a resutt yau cage M irustances or seorbtned that cootd 001 have teen tare- casted. Museum 8, it cao declded ut a Coin- muvity Services meeting tant seeh. Museumn curator Eria Brittain oins disruvied the ponaibiiity ni a visit traint Ontario Làeutenant-Governor PoMmie tarGibten during Oie Christmas open bonne btl cran Dec. O and 16. TIhe Canadien Champion, Wod., Nov. 27, 1974 Bl1 Expand day care service Council toi Ha/ton HUIs area queries hMeeting ar carrentiy og held ta drft Ptan. foc the establishment ofa municipal do y care centra in Hatton Hille. Regionat Direntorof Soial ad amtty Siervices Rennie Vivian said handlefiS3in 42 hilren Thte only msnicipally ope sied doycare contre inOi j egon nas n oparated In O ailville. White Oie Hation * 18011 Centre witi hcoanty Oie *second operated by the * sIcipa1ity tis region dons nu ehr Of privat day rare cente ini t he region. Vivian said hoewa rurrentiy neiotiating an agreement to boy services front MiltonDay Care Centre. The agreement sets rates the region cudpyfrpai tbey refer forîhetic r Keep off wetfare Usaty those peopte cho either bave day rare paid for or sabsidized hy Oie rgo are single parent familisor crIfare reripionts or tosve onahie tuabsnrhîthe coston their oses for a varlty of other reasoans In many raies the seonicipatîty seitt puy Oie cota vof day rare tu ailose a motherthe opportunity taog setiare rotin. The region is pivnering another fores ni day rare. Vivian experts to, sourn have a nuinter of homes prnvidiog du ycare ser ivres in thebhome under the supervision of Oie Social and Favsity Services Deparment. Tbe private home doy cure arogramn ia expected ta tie uned especiatty seeti On the sparsety pepidated areas of the region sebere mnicipal doyrcare centres woaidn't b practicai. The province bas identified the doy rare field an a prior- ity item and pamcped $5,5o0,ttt inta project arons the province s ince mid- Ortober. The Major per- centage of fonds granted gues; towardsrentivation and conversion ni eointing faciti- ties. The intand of Cape Breton is t1t mites tong hy a5 mites ut its maimumn sidOi. day care TIse Commumity Services Committee of Hatton Regiana Cooncil wao ap- proached tant ceoil regarding tIse toaig avec of the Mhay (Curt Sevii'e Cltub day coco centre in Oakville. The May Court Club detegation, headed by Mrs. Peter Wright of Oabville, suggested Oie Region assume contrat oi the nursery by June 1975. The service club can no longer support Oie projert. Day care cou Id be availabte 10 ait vegion residents shoutd cooncil accept the May Court recommendation. V/RAT ARE THEY? North and south of Migway 401 just es of Milton motorists will see severai pairs of red bailons bobbmng in the bronze, tethered o te ground. Does anyone know what they are? Hydro route markera? A commercial promotion gimm-ick? An invasion from outer space? Wind measturement bailoonai Who knows? Burlington group tries to replace A. Wright A mnove is nderseay by the Burtiogtnn meinters 0f Hut- ton Reghinl Coneil tu have Attan Wright repiaced by Cooncittor Vern Connelt an One ni Oie city's Oiron ce- presentatives on the Haltn Oteglon Conservation Authar- ity. W= saMayor Go Hariiito toId rouriti tge originat hiopbdtentc- ptace att three citizen ap- pointees cith Ourtington oaitoobut the courus had agreal to renese appoint- menlis for P'cunk Rogers and BrockHtacii Harriaiton said Conneit seould tie an exceltent candidate for Oie ponition. tion shoudbe fildby elect ed, ot oppointed people, be- cause ni the problein of coin monications and the sirotnit oaioiiethe astbority isnoc Ourtingtan Coonrîttor Mary Muaro objected to the motion tvn eing preiented. She soud Burtington Couriti bad said tl wootd advertise att positioins to the pubtie. She reod a tetter froint a commit- tee of tiurtington rition chicb ohjected tc, the cethal of selection seithout advertin- ing. The cvmmittee lied ce- qusned permissin tuppa os a detegation but hadtee refased as the suhjert cou not on the printal agenda. Harrington'i motion cas eventuaiiy ritl out of order and referral ta Burlinatan Councit for advice. Mr. Wright ns tongtime citizen ceinter of HttCA andhbasserved as vice- chairman for sevecat years. eea out tou coan 0av aie andv you bcee coststhis ear. ouvjined opepar eyoO r use or the uhv cvryhn o cannSar savigovt'oc' cl ,nr nh head and i FIBREGLAS INSULATION avoýunt of nuaton in ADD BEAUTY AND PROTECTION Windows fromn -ALUMINUN BGORS $19.80 & WIDOWS Doors fromn $54.50 Installaio tiia an extra cilatte can be arraflfed lor Yonu ELIMINATE COLD DRAFTS WITH NEW WEATrHERSTRIPPING Do Sein Foain Taple Thinnbnid 110ol ?UR $ 5 ntu SI69vx 93..c S Eh " yOUR ONU STOP HOME nli MpROVEMENT CENTRE" PLAO NE_ SU sOn SoT us.8t OPEN EVENT WEINESDAY 3.30 - 8 MONDAY-WEDNESOAY 8:30-6 TNURSOAY AND FRIDAY 8:30-9 SATURDAY 8:30-6 Don't miss MILTON'S OWN RADIO SHOW Featuring PYREIMIÎ; as your hast every Saturday 9:05 - 10:45 a.m. ot Fltîî itis1 Re t s ...î t: ... lt 11 ..- iîîiî < 7Spiris .. Townî Reots ... lels /o.i v - fflIl