Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 30

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B) OTite Canadias Champion, We Nov. 27, 1974 Mountain Union Wl "Dollars and sense" 4-H club discussed MIrs AudeemWute Area Cunferesce ai Kitener Bieun atendedte Nuritun clh pnn er Nuv 25and 26 Wurtsitup Nuv. 14. Mrs hume for lthe Nusemiter Otitaoulueeoary Britlun g aveua cumptete sur- meeting of Mouusoio Uniun Mrs. Elaine IBrittun, leader oey uf ibiu meeting, slullng Wumeu's Intitule u'slb a ofthe -Hi tt.smcmaing Club, lthaI mont peuple are sotIn- spleudisi allendasce. Mns. F m as speakter and gave a tise lioually lacing, and lthe Hadiey, preuideul rondoa fitl- tlt un lteir munit. Their questiun mas asited, bute du îug pose, 'Gund stemardu of muttu lu "Lears lu do by yuu find ont mit ai needed; lte Land". Ose sisitor, Mim duing". Site secueed cupies uf use ammwer mas, go baci tal Myrie Cartwrightt and neveu- lte Bankt uf Cummerce nurmal tuodu and plainer lis- lees memiteru mere peesent. Commercil Leltee and gave ing. If yuuen iteet smees, Huit rail mas asolee i' earit uf ber eigit giris a cupy, serve tenu rigit afler yuur '.au esperiesce I baid miile mluith morts the tti asri- mealu. sitoppsug". Masy cumicat veesarysoftheo4Hprgrum sn Mes. Britlus mode a isocidenlu more relatent, as une Canada, lu suar uf lte oc- Chitmao arrangement uf ldyluesiafullcaetuofgru- casiun, manyupj)erial alivi fluenasad evergreenand ceries, unlil site fusd is n l in are plannedty Canada's bernies duit yuu migit bave esîseeli' dittereul section uf 70,000 4-H Members. Tite WlI. aronnd yux gardeon; il man lte store. Anuter lady onst l isviled lu lte 4-H Acitiese- Citrisîmasi' and mas deawn ber puecitase of mitippisg ment Day fur Hullun West, us fur ity numtens. cream, fitdisg il later in ber Dec. 7 ai lte E. C. fli'ý A mincellanous sale aunt car, bol im as ltes sour Sctol furlte eaf. social cupuofteu ad lcht crea.Mes. F. Hodley andi Mes. A. ended lte meeting. A reslarkaitle spyof "The flouser, 74" mas recelurd it eln Mil lt e luolilule rem lte O.S.D. Hee ilr (E. C. Druryl aund viemed ity the members. A boiter trot Ctasi. Airica, and greeltuf oueds tram Korea u'eee St. J ohn honors acitsomlrngent. Gond muetteA.é Thte mollo, "Dollars and * ii~ Serve --You cas'lthaseuone M it n womnan ioutth o ity Mes wLon 'Dur visi o Ottawa mas Milier. "Ottawa s a ea hi' Diosue o met sitm Lre une of te mmt impsrtant o ce place. vldix mas lita ilmmenbesite esenlus mi lite,- osi Mrs lumte olar a nt il aiteslt Helen Miller ut Miltu. mito Thte Priury Luchon mas te akea dlla. ad i taesmas reoeslly itsont ter bier belin slthe Blirusm ut lte a lotof sesseltospesd ilsuw murbiteflrdeeuf t. Jot. Citeau [aunier asd mas We rai ion mach nit fond. Tielsniueosied preuided user ity Citancellor Cldoms os tbe sagar, eal an lie flenteu GoserumeulJde emnd Rct apple a day andi ieep lte Hounemîit lteitanu ofte Amnogail thetuormatiîesi doutas amai'. Theee essestials N C.M.P. sn altendasce. Thte svies, lte Millers had lime lu eaeb itouseitosi nords are as presestaltons mere made iti du sInne shopping, tubre sn a oleoirir meai grinder, a Commîssioser C. H munie and dise sn lthe itieuder. andi a deep Ireeno NciussBiit s Cos revolving resturant. a pireese your oms segetaities, sn place ut His Escellesci' "We bil a loceti' lime andsp roktup favorite pièesof Goseensr-Geuerat Jules saut bave saime bappy' c g elst ndluheavesouas ch eger, miu on sut mieSl memories oftibis important h goindil; reues rlu bas tond esougi ta attend. Mes. Mdtler occasion'" site suint Wr are respossible m h ista :er lte fiener ut St. John. t me base, andi are siepentent Follomisg lte ceremoumesp us subers, site pointent sut af i-tongvnbyMs Tmo cards fraim Canada a eeptis ges inti' Mm. éi k 7 mereosgues y itasend to Roume "Mes. Leger is ad fiends oserseas. Donatisons otaemisgpersan;'-aistcrs.t mere soient lulte "'Meals on Miller. "Site teelu tol ber iau lVr s Wbeets poj- i lt teSantu bustaunt is maiting gsont ClanUs parad an ie progressasdmillreturnsli ieCmoii eciei lAdeBritlte 4Hgrs Msdusce'nn. Cummittee of Haltun ttegiun g' A rîs.VmaNri s Open boute Cousil mas infueme lthai lte ce Mes ~ ~ I VmaNri ma lu the esesing, Pr tory fisao Misistri' 0f Cum lu appineddeegtetath bou mters el sinie me munit' ansi Social Services s 5se oittsdurediitersaimmth mling tnuare theconuof a y' saf ses luie stre siearin nem laundri' taciili'y ai Haltus as ment, guesîs count puecitane Cneua anMt B a a t hei r ciuiof u articlen Thte letter mals receiset at lu iteaetng lte St. Juhitstsigts. lte cummitîee meeting test ys Tite seul moeuing, lthe meeit Jt M anor h:our reurf tawa s "Our__ TCo u t Harvicend hmio qaicit mil mante tbe Altitougit iosls ta r per Re ~ tour mont enjoyabiet We sam cent ut Queitecu area i geinatlCosncsi mas adsiod o mani' places litai lit or-C closndagriouituealiland, Ibis hi' HaItonuCentennial Masser ninaeyîtourîsît ntsîino adminlralo S.A. Allen lit wta fn, sai M sponduslry alteauisltit se the Lsquor LicencetBoardn omf ubn, sitMs puicsvn cnm'jn Olntario bas apprucet an _________________________ application trom lte Manrier for a bar.I Potato "show-tell"" at Nassagaweya W.l. DAMAGED BY FIRE Friday night wuu thua motorcycle owned by Kmn Blythe of 23 Robert St Milton. The owner had jttnt put the bike uway in lte baisement bours belorethe ire broke out. Fireflghtera suspect flamea from, n neorby hen ter igasited gasoline fumes. The banement mmom iD tihe boune wun nino dnmnged i tho lire but neighboring firefighter Barney Couinon wun on the ucone pmomptly and emptted tlxree lire extinguishero, putting the blaze out iD a hummy. First Aid Un St. John 'lips Accidet leommoritmitt "reneites shot o mais ues - uflnle surruundings usi untiuing, St. Johns lmiutasce repurts. lu seaclicalli' esori' case, Yu au eititer gel rid of lte azards aruns lthe job ne sel ite job ap sn a mai' lu assit hem. Il junt tubes a lite lausisg, a ltille iteadmueit nil somne careflss. Whienecer yen base a job lu n thot cails lue a mrecit, sie lime tlook il user andi 0e stop, St. Jobs Ambulance atuons. Cas you dûo il trote se floue? If su, yoa miii neei ount tootisg. Il il's sear lte viling, don't tri' lu do a tlascing act but use a attont if secessori' Protont iurselttfrorneleciriomirisg id steam pipes Delicale equipteesi nitulsi peutecient ogaist yen if nemanst ouibs eyeuigit be is mreuoh stippent aund oke lthe mater gauge glas Fisesi jam orescites are eterret, if possible, te a b, accueiling lu St, Juohn Manora clean n Aer anssnpeconsa te Hqalon Centens al Masoe Oct 23, Milos physicasn Ivansl ea naSl arean andi mante orecommendations lu lte Cuýmmasili' Services Coin- viiter ut Haitos Regiun A lire inspection ut lte Marier Oct. 25 bi' Milton Pire Chiel A. E. Clement aisu bound eseeylthing naliutac- b oy, thte cimmitlee leaneJ COLET EN MAINTENANCEUEE *ELECTIC COPTETN *ELECTIL EVC HNTACTIN * ATEO HEATEO REN TALC 878-204 L FREE ESTIMATES ix ~ t Building a new home? Be sure to build in the proper wiring and insulation Aduquiîs w'îîug makus suvso for to good ceasons Il avoîds the danger of oucîloadod circuits and il holpo pou gui iho Dcvi perfooconce boom youî opplîucov Good uvsulalîcu vs vo boss importanu, So mak ure 0000 nOUO uoPusa iv înuobold la thc roqolîcococîs ai the Outario ElocboîCol Loogue la evooro ocmamm Ohlîcîoncy froon yauî houlîvg oyvlom. Pour Hydro ocîli gravide complolo informatlian. milton hydroa 250 Main St. your hydro Phono 878-2345 Ta Aid Othero Later Ambulance. Thte jam ulues on 00e. Adjuotable jammreu- itese are set togive juol the obes are nut astutrunf authe righi fit uoin ut otandtard liued unes. Cosumer Affaira mc the iheme ut thte Nouember meeting 0f the INaugameya Wsmes's foutilu. Mn C. De Biaum puve ratingu os luitric suleenr and sacuaum cleaners., Mns. M. Nurrinit did a "sow and tell" mth twu olutues. une tot PEt.. and the uther fromt Ontario. Tue paalu ia irue ntive 0f the Western Hemlspbere and mas lten bac tu Europe hi' the eariy explorer. leeiaid mas lund tua ie .bini cimate for euitivatisg poluluen. Thte tinst poatut paluit lu Canul mas.g en aI Port Ruyalin 1423 Psielnarethetfodfor the ricit and the pour. Thte ladites mer anitenta same polluprdutus o se tssdai'tinsm tu1 titeir gt'asdmteuierne. A polto. s=alant mas iscludet in lthe si lunch posidet hi' ho=ts Mns Nurrinit ant Mn. De Blaum. Presideul Mns. S. Andersos reant a ponem abaut Nusemiter easn. The lunlitute mante a money duontiun lu thte second Catepielisile Bromnie Part tumard the purbane ut a Brumnie Dlag. Mns. F. Pearce tasiet lthe itustess aunt the speakers. Octoiter meeetiag AI ficlubee's meeting Carl Scitesi ut lthe Niagara Escarpmesi Commission mas lte guest speakter. Sisce lte oeil mus questiuons about qonrriig us lthe Eucarp- ment, Me. Scitesi ammweret item durisg bis tlit. Thte Cummissions pions tue lthe Escarpmeul Cestral Reglun mere discnased and M. Sei tlitted Mn. E. the point made tbat lthe M aennd n.J Kenton quarrled tond moult be and their capable and amoth eventuall' tnrned back tu the rsnnlsg organinatton for lthe Conervation Anthoriti'. The lntitaten part ptn sn Cummission ould lite a match banquet in September. cuntre] zone uftho mites Mn. H. habit tbanbed the from the crest of the Encarp- bouboué Mrs. C. P'reemnan and ment lu avuit defaremeutl ufthIe lncs rneenreý. the Scenic qualitien of lthe area, and aise to protect witd- lite and vegletation. Mro. M. Steali's quilitpatcb Tbe Bai' ut Fundi', wanoselected lo be pot intu the ueparating Nom Birtnswict quil for tbe Erlaod Lee and Nova Scolla, bas the bore u'urld' n igeot 11dms SERVICEE ELECTRON CHASERS TV - STEREO - INTERCOM AUTHORIZED WARRANTY DEPOT * Quasar * Philips * Panasonic e Sylvania Fioepaîrs Tu Ait Makos - B.E. SOUND 539 Mais St. E., Milton 878-7295 ,. ~ ~ ý11 11 N TURhrM DISCOUNT OPEN SUNDAYS WAREHOUSE 12-5 2 4%372, Weeky~ "0001 -EAUS ARE FAC '0lt119P. M viyOt' Ï0 CýW1'u1 rUpý" on thSe SAw I TH1E GIBSON ISHWIIIIIIIASHEA TH1E 011111011 WAS11ER Soft-Foad Dlmseel Il smliteo a uit abtatpiig *ffiUleb s Itglant 18ali. tbtces eanilp haesdtaey leteiip- Ibal ltos a ptate. We cali thoe'flua-Guper". sizet meuh. Ecossomtcall Seneler toadu acon te le I Self-ClonanegTubl tloait pacceais-tiset steel tait leau melier-teceapaacotro thoe alee tevoi. Bof.! As mont ateto dotneo. Ituscruit itueti as tl masitoupour autameatic salaity leetue aite li tînt i(ts an fo 0- alune.« 2 USoltlolng Phase.!i Disiton are sgelded tmice neoaSssllmisg) thtespis cpcle. Durable!l Ait the mater ta maisoait sureottep'esparbting and itpgieslcaly sn thetouidmool rautaorcorrode ils parceals topent titi. oien. Faot Frenltoamdlngl Tua btiguslite-aul racks are THE1 GIBBON DRYER taeastan c.siertaIaatee an nloat. Noamsr Ulg Capacityl tutti try ant floit-sp eoenytblsg lis loatalîbe Wotdgraln Tap is na latele Mllmait, Spoodyîffbcl.ey lis btgt-eetaclp fan ptlasticltop praite d rives oast e ae e rate spage. Ast ita00 B»fl eeerp l entnt a umis te cteas.dual oyLr CLEACLE A-U PnRIC Corne on ino-a and clean-e p on Glibson *NO MONEY DOWN *NO PAYMENTS 7LU JANUARY 75 *E-Z CREDIT OPEN 7 DATS A WEEE ( s

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