B4 The Canadien Champion, We. Non. 27, 1974 w4fh Doors Molonson Pfhon 878-3138 The Cathotîr Women's termrd the rient "mont Leaqae oi Hoty Bosaryioccsnsl." Parioti held a Christmas Coovenersofn the vannais hazoar and tea on Saiorday tahles were an tillows: tea, afiernoo. Convener ni the Evelyn Sosnomohi. Sienrietia eveni Yolanda McCann Vandenheovel and Duelia The unwanted baby This il the sinr oan nmanted hahy. ila int oa stand for or agais thse ahoriion isse hatit dams raine sonneinomiions fil s a fachual acrouni of tie hiriti ni my fîi cild and the situahion ssrrouoding ihat biribh. Itisa siory of hope couptedl mith unnooered questionm. Wheo James wa oceivetefort ofit was c- led. The iamily conioted ai that time of taree boys (Omr only daoghier had died of an unhnon dintorder oeverat yeamsprevios and foue chitdren at ile 1h1ime nemed ie a nice rod nmher. As nîvith ail my pregnancies ihings mient oeil, i htnnmned ami Oie hahy grow. Ami taon il happened. Ai Om ie ht monta our third haro (toen 31, yrs. of agel tuoitsa convulhon aid il mas quicly diagnosed ta he filesa me condition as tarrhild me test. He oi aseyes montas ta lice. My attentions nere diverted f romt Oie unhoro hahy ta Oie child vilo vias dyiog. An hoe mas icucrahle Oie hmspitais dido't moent tuaim antil his terminai days. 1 stahhornly mnistedi1iolse coteMofhim for as long as il pashysîically possie. Preparations for Oie nenhoro coesd id ait my physical. mental and emnotional energims nere croired on Bilty. Emotilnnainstate Studios hace heen done on the effecta oi Oie mother's emotional state an theounhornhbahy If tarir tîndîngs are correct James shontd ho an emotional mreck Ihin motaer ourety manli. Thingo foi sO hadt ai ose pein t il viason phyoccally and mentally tiredl my body dictated a complti crailapse an4 wouln't monoe any longer. 1 nas iîOiî six meeks ni detivery ami hado't the otrength ta do on. Mentally. i nanted t0 die. Whai a soluton ihai wootd ho 10 mur prohliem. Here waimy second child abouttadie andhy tais ime it mn aImant certain 1h01 tho condition vias o gonei mne. Here 1 on about togivehirtanote- haby mita Oie prospecta ho tan nmuld ioherit the condition. The ttiought ni giving hirth onty ta loseagain ne-e Ion micO for My payeho h a ndie. If1 died, on hopefoliy noutd Oie unhoro chîtd. The hahy non due in Joie ami Bilty nons oipected tadhe in Augant We neren't quite certainho he oond die-prnhahty hy chohing. SeyeraI coin attempra mere mode ta have SieO Chiîdren Hospital in Toronto tahe tom. No way, Oiry had only faciliien for cindren taey castd hetp. TOore non noone t0 bellp motaero of such childron. iinrrid motaer Fiailly in Oie delivery roinmlmaooalt the horrible tings ymu read abomt unfeeling mothors. i tanhed ont ai Oie nurses, tetting thom hon 1 didiltcare if tho bahy livcdor died, jontasilong as1 coutd getiiioveemwithoand go home t0 cao for Bîtly. And thon an ainget appeared on tho cle Shemon thedelicrry rnoouseanodhad rained in Engtami. S0e hocco hava t halotle a sinter in dintres anduttimotety delicrreditehay. Btnonre a ten hours oggonl talhomn ecera ptsofto5 Whenthehbig moment arried I tarned ony face ta the naît on alhe placrd James ocrons my oiomach. t dîdît vicent Insee, him, eopeciatty il Or noce aotaer boy. The toost God could do nos mahe il a girl. Nesihoreliie 1 finally regained my semnse henshe insisted 1 hold jim inmy acmoand 1tood into hioface. tusl actuatî peoible for a ooiohorn haby t0 imite. Here oui my hope. He Isokect Ocoltay (but On did Oie oftaer tnown hteynwerr barn). Amisomohon he nordedme justan muchas didililly and thedecisiooicsiebims. My riiergies must bo given ta the living. At tho ripeese il smmniog tihe rvery othor mtaerttibiscOiddnaoipeciol. The timing ofhie birta vios perlect and ton lite (ho'snion w3 Oas ottcred us greot joy. Queotimo Points tu Oeconsiderrd: Wmtldlhc justiiiedito demnand sterilizaiioi iottoning the childos bîrth? (Weil, t did. Oui t o acoît. The mine mn of Oie hospîtat bord relusedObecausei nows under 30 yearnnofagci. Wontd t Oc 1051iid on demoandiog on ahortn nOce severai years later 1 gain ecame pregcoii' The ahortioiiquestionis onttack andwhite. Serofini; candy, Jnye Restea and Ada Setinioni; hahing,, Madotise Sanford; Onilling Jean lOsuonoette; srmiig, Locetta McCaeeon; aride; and ends, Val Hendrick and Heton Gsndlock; mauchs' faite, Clstt Bonis; records aid papeehacho, Moie Mer-uit and Diiores Melannon. Congritultosnd Orsi nishes go t0 tan aid Nancy McNatty, 017 Churchill Ave., mOnl celeheoir tOn-r modding onsiverenryn Sondoy, Dec. TOi-m miro imeenien frnt the 2nd Milton Beomnie Pack ner ni-o se aI the regstae meeting on Nov. 130a1 Robert Baldmin Sehontl The nom Sconnies arr Daecy Richardson, Anna Zita aid Michelle Hughes. The girls' mothees aise atteided 10e event. ony happyralioo O"ie da ar misyhrd for Joan Honng,21 Paeknoy Dr. nOn cetrOroîrs ho-t hirIhday on Tsosdoy, Dec. 3. Si-osmyn Banhk, 12 Loi-ne Scots De. nos hon;teos for a tsppernaee party and sorial evening on Wednesday. Nov. 20. Demonsîoaiinp 10e =rdc ms, Elizabeth No ofyn Reodate. Attesding the gel ingether ne-e Bobtai Smith, Woody Maison Sotty Boyle, Adete DeAngrios, Sharon COrnier- fieId, Lois Campbell, Marge Lvpes, Marilyn Etnley aid Cathy Richards. Refreshmentswere serced loltnniig 10e demonstrotion. grotutations and hast aýi.. ei go 10 Jee aid Yolanda McCann. 413 Wondmard Ave. soho celebeate tOn-r meddiig aooiseroory on Thorsdoy, Nos. an. Neneomero oa Miltoo are Mc. aid Mrs Don Lougheed aid tOn-r Ino children fromt Ocille. The Losgheedo are living on Eltînît Ccesc. Don os the ton ireasurer tee Milton. A Oîrthday pariy nos Oetd onoSaturday evening inhumer et Jody Lopes, O Lorne Snobs Dr. mO nos cetehcotiig hiec 1710 hictOday. Judy's parents Clîif aid Marge Lopes gave the parîy in Judy'i boor, Atridiig were: Mes. Alex- andra Lopes. truno aid utelissa Lope' and tamily li. Tony1,T avdtfamîl 'aiI "1f Tv,' , Elizabeth iii', 'Milto: Art and Diorrs Meloosos and lamily iMilton), aid Judy's Ocother Seai. andhber sisters Irisa aed Zor. Frvbisher Dr. o a taîrly nom, sreet inour towoand ii Itil inDorset Park just 1s A l Wilson Ave. Mony incmest Milton are ioakiîg Frobisher Dr. thoîr nm address. TOry nctode Mc. aid Mes. K. Stahet aid finily, Mc aid Mes, M. s issocoini aid tamîly. Mc, rJ tics. M bRassort aid il ,andMr.ad Mo R. i ltIfandtfamiy, ail teoco Aise moving on on Salvation Army PICK-UP TRUCK cnM rneAn] EVERY TUESDAY FAUTOMATIOA A, ross brancier jewe([cry -fEîd. 220 Mais St., Milton,. 878-6341 His Seiko is Modol AH033M *Chconoaocpt *AîIomatic Hec Soika is Mod nWanncr Tsud *Eealisl Frnch a*Ocushod vrllow a*30Minute Recorder naîchîvohcracel aUTaohmeîec ami Revoluing 0-60 am iwon trebOa Beal l'oc Elapsed Tines. B$i 10,00 B$145.00 Seiko .... o nisch more iOan/ont o moici, el ZW646M. cane ,ith ni diai AT HOLY ROSARY CHURCH, John M. Zanalla and Shirley-Ann Christie exchanged weddlng Vomis and rings. (Photo by Larry G. Smith) Wedding Zanatta - Christie 'l'Or nacriage of Shirley- Ann Christie and John Michael Zaoatla tooh place receolly ai Mitton Hoty Booaey ChuecO. The dosble ring ceremoiynwascodîcted hy Father Morphy. The ceganist mas May Ilarkneos and thevsoloivlNancy Nova vas accciipaoied hy a goitarist. vhirey-AAvi s the only daughter il Mr. aid Mci. Allait Christie aid violer of Dîooald, Gai y. Doglas, ttaevey and Gsdo.Joh iOs the so fMr. aid Mcv. ,indv '/anatta andherother of Jrv. TOc hcide'v sister-in-tan., Jianet Chrisise was atron of honvr. TOc Oridesmaidi er Vieki Konchih. Aidrea Tîcooelli. and Pulti MeNoît. Ioncer girl uvo Nancy thacîton The Oeil mai nus Jeecy 'Cavalta. heiciher of t0e grooim, aid the iiihers noe Grog Chuchrnach, John Arenold aid Gaeey Christie. lice îoîdccd and eighty guesis allened tOe dioner recepln ai l0e Italien Co ntyon. Thc nastec of eeemsînicoa Reg Christie, geaodiathec ut tOc Oride. TOc oc he Oride u'iv gîcen 0v Jack Dooghiy ancd ti the hrîdcvmaîds hy Jerry Zanatia, andltvthe paents hy iiuiey Chrisie. Grand- parents atteeding vere Mr anid Mci. Harvey Chaciton, Brcantfordl, Mc. aid Mev. Reg Chrstie, Accatr. Me. and lits. OeCcicicll aed Mes. Zanalia. Milton. Ail evei'ng ceceplioci. hoffet ccd dance vasa- lecded 0v aoc gueîiv ai the tomlaa Sonial Club. M usic nus pessvîded hy Ore Peovîac Masrket Oued. Aitr celiriene brun tOer huicynvon. t0e couple ire reodiog ai 2380 Pachuas lie Miltson Froisher De. are Me. aid Mes. W. Werhnee andlamity fron Mation, Me. and Mcc. U. Leîd aod iomcly [rom Beamatea, Me. aid Mrs. E. Heaget and iamity front Oshawa and Me. aid Mes. A. Edscy iromn Wesloi. MILTON 1 SERVICE O CDNF IDENTIAL ECDUO TEGGS lae PERSDNALIZED ~88-20 20 Shonees noce given hy Janet COriste. Jc-Aon Serds. Pal Kluroarito. Gloria Camop- Oel, Margaret Johnson, Airaifer. toue POîtippo, Andrea Tîsîrîli aid Paoui McNeil, and ('allen Thomp- sA siag for the groom a gîven Oy Jerry Zanalia aed Greg Chuchmach. Observe lst Eta POi Chapier of Bro Signis Phi soneoniy look ed hao on a hssy and sac- cessful year as moleibrs-5' rrotly cceealed 10e licol an- ice-ioy ut tOn chaptee's loonding. Members eojoyrd a Sunday altecoon trip t0 the McMicO- ael Gallery inKleishiîrg. On Wedievday Nov 20, a saofoiandealand bahed gonds mas Oeld in Campbeîll Music, eûampion lFami4i Page ____ gamesfTor 'A-BI1AN seniors Search for words Fin urmetr the Prenhyterian Chorch o in piration MLO lowier hall, with Mrs. Frank Mrs W. Mai-shall A social haif hanc foiiomed MLO Thomponrenident and Mrn. wetcomed memhrn of Kox hen Mms. Marshall mon PAZ A. Pedief oerretary, and Chorch Rohe.,toon AoxitiarY asslnled by Adoe Agnew and aeoond OSn membeo and WMS tn her home for the Phyllis Peddie. Vioitesa ero introduced, Mos. VeIna Norris, Guelph; Mon. Johnson trin Engiand; Me. Lyons, Guelph; Mr. and Mos. Norman Gihoon fromt Englaond; Mos. Frire fIronm SasSte. marie; Mes. K. 0. Footer, Milton; Mr. aid Mms. CIements irnas Sracohridge and Miss Lynons bock froon Erin to ie bore. Mes. F. Thompson neiccord il. The birthdays rom JulY fil] gondly nusmitorn Il nos on- couraging ta see se many oui, on soch a roiiy evosiog, ta enjsy the prigrain and hve gamnes togeiher. Non 139 mendiera The minutsof nih1e tant cegotor meeting aid exeosive were readby Mrn. Peildir. The tinaîcil ntatr- ment nos gîven Oy Mro. Gordon Thoman, a0d the m 9mer la ciimmittee stair ta paîtdsp memhors. Mm. Etten Reid ceptird for the social iems. Bob LoOing, Iranisporta tion convoiter, hondîrd the us arrange Mes, Gordon MocNoh iosored witO rîqorsîrd readiiigo. Normai Gîhîn accompanied Oy Mrs K. O Fosier detigOîrd ail nitO Oîs ricO tenaitvoieanddiolection Ron Blarris rcmînded 10e senior cîtîzns about the mocîng ni the nId C.N.R. station. fromt Branle S.t tois nwlocation on SIrotes Ave. t0 ho 10e mauriol informaion 00010 ai the north entraiiee ta ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAV 9 e.m Grave Anglican Hauog a pobIeei Parish Hall Drap in AL-ANON ALATEEN Do yoo have a relative Is vorprns vvsth a drislcoprohloem driningbteii yu Meets Thursdaysi 8,30 Mcct TusaS,83 nec. Grave Choch pem aceCu Parish Hall ParihHl FOOT WEAR Oseti n failyuieadae b rinsn msâtî footee busness. lus onfh area' ageni siack of sctv uiy finlî havie mae otsoebi n chey and nould he delighe ohv youcsoe in ad bueooiariom 250 Main Sin Milo 878-765 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETIENTH IN. A SERIES A Mark of Progress in Milton:"» TOuis uotrunlu litie biulding plies a major rnat e n nicipe services for the sasih section of Milton. iting lne res imt mof nta-b St. aid inorh of 0ery id. iseovenan iOn soontipampleo sion . il panps seaoo te Oiee oaiment plant 5>> frmor tOe enlre s outh orns nf thn mnllpallip makîno deueopneni possible. Il » mals isuili mifO municipal leadershipe and devsoper lands t0 open up acces for lli innaeaeePmgrni Oea prngrensie at innprttive i-rates ~ I J JII 2018 Main Street E. Miltion 878 289 prss. Ecanors more cletdfor the Wortd Vision remindd 10 hring tair coin bal; for theositeer coin 1cme ai 10e Domhr meting, aise a giitohang onaetre. Mes. Jonie Mlàay soit a tiank-yns noie for her gaing- amay gi aid other Olnd- nenses laer the pot year. Fini-once Bell rond from Pnalim t16 foitonveid hy prayer hy Leurs Munira. A poset of evon members preened "To TeIt WhoI TrstO?"Il, a presostatin ni carions fatas 10000 icoon the radio adap- lotion ni To ToilthOe Truth. A discussion prirai fnllowed. Meonhors tho divided ball lice groopo t0 search for mords ni inspliratinin the Bible. Satita. lias arriîîed ai n Hobbies and Crafts 160 Main St. 878-5711 Mon.'res.Wnd. 10ia Thars. A Feins10- Satud le i- 6 n s Nnpn Tis. nighn fnr s pnne onnenieno.i Shoiip caris, focr be<si so'eii'iin! *CRAFT HOUSE Now $4.80 20% OFF Now $2.80 *EVEL KNIEVEL Bon. $14.95 (Seap To0ethec Modîli Now 110.9 *JUTE MACRAMES lNnm Bock le Stock I Drap inand sen coles Doetn f ouAe e llentstmn no 0 Mencio of.. e Coy, w rm lee c o Iinin Robert Newman Shoes Mon to, Wed. 9-6 Thurs & Fn. 9-9 Sait. 9-6 184 Main St. Milton 878-9877 i 'f f 1 r_