Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 19

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The Royal was ýL AM E a Ha/ton affair ao 'lers alaelvovnetS Haltes ada ei denla la ". S t ye ~1 ;AIurl Wlaler Fair la Ton' msl4 whch cloned O e*n Tlisevtepreldmt geerL gee and twa memisers nilie estin t a a ls = faintr l are realdenta of Battais,~~~~~~ aaaesncmltecar an d oe directar. Aa tiepe=etan napla preasideat lime Juat a atones lsese nlide Mlos ode Thlpon'ntoylwahededapSylionRAWF eseces amidiretara ehoIsc «htie taltawS: Trniai Warrea.. Ilrealdeîsl1 wiss tivs et RR. t, Ps&. firS In Weglng coaalp, bast sont Of liatan - Retard Garihom of R.R., lon0110, a prnitwse in thse Sisrthoen @action and currely mSersln Sista termra Mn vice-prultdent et tise Rayal. Jahn moles cf E.R. t, Acton, geaerat manager ofthlie Rayai ami a tormne CtC lrSadcaster. Jack D. Pemibertez. ni Fondis Lise, Haltis Hila. chain- nain ni lise isçese ohmw conitlee. 8.0G.Bemautt ni Scotadate Farms, Geargetowen, a Short- harra enhibitar wha lu a plat pronidest andi sO a meonher of lise mxecutive. Brigadier F. C. Wallace. R.R, 5, Georgetowen, a pant pneoident amdi sea executire memntern Allaa Cok R.B , Miton, a directair who lu responsikte RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION Shortho tor tise cleaasing of tise horse stables. Fair was Aberfeldy Priscesa Margaret, os William Hiarris, rin Township, honoeary pronident ut of Aberfeldy Sborthorns, Milton. Dougla lion taie, wo Onu just imetn ot Haltes. herdaman Doug McWhinney are pictured Miller and Maryanne McLean. Air cadets exercise at Federal N lagara-on-the-ILake The 820 Optmist Air Cadet Tbrpair cadets and sesen Sqoadron i a weehesd officersmre traosperted lu eecise aI Niagars-on-tSe- Niagora sakere thep were Lake tout meehend. insd milS coid meaiber clolises. mess kits, and ration Supplies. Mursing reveep A pp oin os wat 1.40 a'rn. foltomed Sp aneoercineperod, breakfost, roll cati and onspection ut dire ctor wofsei frng tise FN Z a enrc obat rifus Sp The apainhuss ut G.R.A Coffin as Detue athe Nia gaaEncarposeni Commis sin as asusced St George R. MeCague, Chair man lu tise Commission. lMt Cuffin replaces James W. Oit Sert mSs is reiunsg lui tSe Misistrp ufthe Essirasmnes afier servlngaDret u the Co.mIlslDroloc Nuvmbr, 1973. Me Cotin sa Esecive Cm- ordinalur ufthie Mleistrp Secreluriat, Minisputie Sulicitor Generat. He basd extesive esperiesce in pa- icp devetoposesi aad plus- utsg prugrammisg, Backsground Huider ut a seience degree, Se has attesded Dalisousie and Quen' univeraities, tise Ropal Miitsrp Coitege ut Science, as watt as otiser pont- grdae training. Me. Coffin ha. a distin- guished miltlrp career, ot- luinlng tise rans ut Brigaoier Generai in tise Canaa Armed Forces. Tise Commission sa prepar- moý a Master Plan for tise L.3 mion acres mititin lise Nia- gara Escarpmest Planning Aires. This ares strelubes fruos Qumonsten te Tuber- murp. - During a lte otteenoun -succer gamne une of the ut- y ticrs cunvenientlp, Secome -lostoand itusas necessarp for -the cadets lu furos a sesrcb and reucue partp. Wben fud tbe cadets adiistered lirait taid tuthe "injred" man. Atter supper the cadets managed tn "copturu" the C.O., tube bim prisouer and hoid him for about 2f minutes. Bp thun t5e officers mo tudl regain cotrol reesd the C.D ami peuceuded lu capture t0o the cadets. Ait cadets saure sound asirepsaitbin tise minutes ut Igbts out Sut. night, onip to Seoakunedmitho 'fie drili' an bouc lter. On fundap, uit cadets touS partin s22 eile lurget shoots. plus uther miiitsrp gomes p repared Sp the NCOs of the Sqadeon. Whun th. bun orrîved home lote Sundop attuenoun tbup mure tied, Sut boppp. More outings are pionnea for the minier and speing. Milton Air Cadets, parades are huid Tuesdap evenisgs at t p.m. at the O.SO. Je. adtorium. Nusacomers are insited. Obituary Beverly M. Hepburn Buserlp M. Hepburn ut 290 Main Si., Milton diud Nov. 13 at Milton Diotrict Hospitl. He mas 55 peses ut ogu. He teaves bis mite Juan and fue cbfldren Robert of Acioo, John ut Colgarp and Sharon and Stewart ut Milton, also 10 grandcbitdren. Mr. and Mes. HupSuen mure mnarried Sept, 6, 1941 in Evurlun. Me, HepSuen mas buen in Esurtun tu Jomes ond Margaret Hepburn. His Seuiburs are Ilermit of rin, Rusell ut BRhmuuod, Vincent of Gegetowan. Ronald of Woudbeidge and Nelson ut Adtos. Sîstues are Marion Suntur ut Acton asd Juuu Lusar of Guelph. The funerai souk place Nov. 16 (rom MeKursie Funurai Home milS Bey. Whitehead ofliciotîng. Inturment mas aI Esuron. -Pallbearees mure SeolSurs Russell, ifermit, Vinent,: Nelson and Ronald; heoiSer inilas Albeet Aiton and a frtrud Eurst Ooutd. Flouser Suarurs saure Chris Taber and nuphesas Ken 'Hupureo, Raymond Hepburn, C harie Suntur and Kesîn Ilepbuen. léans for to wn jobs Milton Councit mas odvised recuntlpuof tmusintersaorbs tons mbicb bad ruceived ap- provol of the federot gusers- ment. The tuas are in the omourits ut $72,273. Bovi granlu are luaned t0 the regisu for projects in Mil- tOn. Onu 0f the projuctisn for the construction ut a sonîturp semer on Main fi., East and Tbompson Rd. That soan ns for $5,273. Titis projevi saili esst $209,09 and miii genurate 1,045 mon daps of saork. The seond tuas iv tor $2000to tconstrucl a soniiarp semer on DOltari St., Park- sap Dr., and Hallun Ave. Thiis pruject miii cool Sut 000 and generate 20man das Hatton MP Dr. Frank Phil brook mode the ounounice- ment ibis meSk Great idea for parties ait home or office! Church suppers! Club meetings! Late shift workers! 1 ccsliig a buiiclt cf hoogr - peuple uan Se a peobtem. Welt, hercos the priibiein sol\ier moitiicserN tiio'ivecd, iclia gecrous lîelpîog of sissis and thrce pîcces ef deticieus Kentucky Fred CSics forc enc.eTScees no casier. or more eccncm icai-u'ay iv los rc f3O 0. 2G or ee more. Juot ?is' us tisa hauts il1ice. 'Thes I corne and get i10 -packed in i k JaIaIiM disosabtoClea IIA Balterd Commercial St. Milton 878-4171-2 Cracias Bread Puu-Pact.s Conlais SpotS, Bread lira) s Serviette, Wet Tondl 'iogn lieisgd /f Hadsome Kcenluec-'i.p Feud Chicen C resois Polalo Serving Papier le Sliwae 'alad Spouns Tablettth I MacaronComptarlrnunt The Canadlan Champion, Wed. Non. 27, 1974 17; Launch Alateen group for teens wfth problems rn femate at the Royal Winter wned b y Reford W. Gardhouse s Gardhouse and Aberfeldy's with Shorthorn Lasoies Beth Local winners at Royal Fair Holstein show TrrpLeslie of Gergetowno won o lîrst prize ai the 1974 Ropal Agricultura Wintur Fuir Holstein Sows tant mueS. Hîn tsao-pear-utd temole, Society Marquis Pouline, tobk top hunurs ini hui' caieeurp. Jeif Nurse and Russell Hurro of Gomrgetowno came in fh i nthe same categorp. Tuso Horubp compelitoru Lynne and Faut Stewart mon in te Junior Sbosansbip Lysor came tirnl and berý brother Foui mou fourlb. M. D. Wingrove ot Camp brilvilir touS second place n0 the breudur's hurd ceor and fitth inprogunpucf da. There saure 195 head shomo Suture a capacitp crssad Ibat ieaturd vsiturs frormuteauî 20 countries and an distant as Austrutia. Si. John Amsbulane is the counir'sforumsst autburitp on First Aid, FOR A BRAND NEW VW A nee grop Atateen atil- mus ood AI-Ao, la beiog laaocsed iu Milton Thrsdap enening. Alotoun l00 meetin place for teenagers sabose p arents or lier relatines suv a drinkiog problem. The AA groap wan furmed here nouerai puaro ugo, lu hetp thone milS a drinking problea. AI-Ason followed, f o those wantiog toi assiot relatives addieted tu aicohol. Alateen lu the third aod final group. fpukesmeo naid meetings mît I bu held unerp Thursday ut 0.30 p.m. aI Orune Angli- can Chareh Parish Hall, 317 Main St., Milton. One ufth1e organizers oubmnilted the lot- lowing: Do Vu Need Alateen? driokiog prubleon? Do pou fuel yugul o rotteo break lu file? Do y00 bute une or bolS of pour parents? Do pou hase trouble con- entraling on nebool wuek? Are pou afraid lu lut peuple bos sat pou're ruallp like? Do pou somelimes wiob pou saure dead? Are pou ularting lu 15mbk il ssould bu olce lu forgel pour problemo Sp lakiog drugo and gutliog drueS? Are pou afraid uftheb fu- ture? o pou fuel pou mabe pour parents drink? Do pou stap sut ufthe bouse os much s possible becuse pou bale il tberu'i Are pou nurvous or scaeed o lot ufth1e lime? î,EARN TO IIELP The Red Cross "Cuire in the Home" course, conducted bp registered ourses. belps tamilp members lu acqoîre the baulc knosledge and obilîs lbep oued lu oct et- lieientlp duriog illuess ai boneat accidentloeeoesserin the usent ut local disastr, Do pou lie lu pour parents and cuver up pour ruai feel- ings bp prutending pou don't care? o pou fuel noodp reallp lunes pou or rares sat bap- pes lu pou? Do pou hplieoe noonei'old possiblp understand bow pou I SAUCERS Choose froir fuel? If pou base ansuered "peu" lu Sonne ut thesu questions and are close tosomeone milS a drisbing problese. Aluluen mop butp pou. il's anoOpusous. A relative group ot AI-Anon, a felloa 'is SPIIUL PROAI Ordor Nous For Guaranteed A CUPSCUSTOM OR ON WEEKPICTURE LY FRAMING heisg a"-'tu p4 clos co- lact milS a prole drinker. Tbep Sbaru usperieucua, leurs, hopsand cbieve- munis. Toep iuarn lu face probemo.s wilS courage, ful- fiIiing lite saîlb jop. lune, bop pînesu and satisfaction. luj me, Alatren is lite.- ia large s election of *Individual Christmas Cards *Special Value Paks *Chrisnmas Oift Wrap Christmas and New Year's Party Supplies *Englisit aune China Caps and Saucers HllîI10 Teapots - Fruit Planes -Etc. *Original Hummel Figures *Table Decoranions \/ RC *Ca ndles * Rbhons and Boms *Beautiful 1975 Hallmu k Calendurs CàLEMENTIS a:ALAE 197 MAIN ST, MILTON 818-9232 CIS 26" Color T.V. E LE OTROHOME extra degree of excellence. S peciail Now at FIip ponce & Carr's new Multon store. Just in time for Christmas!I w sais- sLOW monthly poymunt plan. CHARGEX OR MASTER CHARGE accepted. Flippance & Carr Ltd. Milton Plaza - For T.V. Service 878-7627 827-4153 * 827-1580 OakvIIh * ZE-5-1830 Burlbngton -~ Thurs. & Fri. Till 9 pari. Feed groups of 3oe 50, 200 or more for$1.65 perperson!MI Colonel Sanders' "Do-It-Yourself"Buffet

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