r' - 16 The Canadien Champion, lied., Nov. 27, 1974 For hydro Uine Appraise properties Ecaloatton ai prapectieo affected ty te itydra uine and stationcclb e daoecby no appraintn. One isto bedone byan appraiter comn tce Mcittry ai Government Services aod lte otttcc by an indepeodent appraîner. Thte independent appraîner sta ie ired by thte Manotry, tant cceett't Iydro meeting 000 tl liiena ern ai tant bce cititcd by a paetegeot cc.pceacntingtegaaectonen. Socvey creotowittleaethert prapecty. Follaiiacg tenacey creote appraosersotuo ppear ta do titeir ecaloalcan. lien te norvey ns aomploted tce original crapetty agent ciii itegin negotîaioon ît lte bomeovcer anivtimeinODecetnberor earty Janoary Acquisitinso ccit be aompleted ity May, 1975. Blame consultants Santa.,.. (Continuait mont page one) wall on mans land Heatht, Don Saln e toîgg, Pets Sinempet, llod Mittn Cmmantty Sec- deprecitttn ai lte cent of tite Leots, Fred Verntceete, cive Comitt miI eit PorrY. ecry Lini, Rass licencier tocCormicit and Ionin and T e cammîttee indicoted ad ee trn le Antociates o assunme canIn ai the fouit caald ite pteced ccitt represent teneca ervc a nettlement tite ton cili lthe engineering firo ond thte clubsa and lthe recceatian htave tuaetetoonerta li iro, n01 tite taon, nltaaid itepertment. pcopecty an C'hartes St. vitec moite restitation. Six Sicota and Ventocert a large retaining oeIl ban cciii bc an itand et non bren bait. The Canadien lRed tCioss Saiîîrday at E.C. O ta meet viaintaina itlond transatoni cal aile cotrien. Titey ccitt alto An a reoatt nI (suil centres aceantîitheanation, The irectfile paradre randote enginering thte ccatl iv itoit otaft oflthetlondaransfusio iîartatiithefair grondsnand paecioîty onv peinat penpceîy. Srvce-~ itctara. registeird piai ihr jodgeo' ntand. The oner ns aniting the ton nuarse% ainîd vkiliti tirianîcers aaggent lthe braI ta boy the tend tite oeIl irabcnaiogntn is rerpcvvir pl iacr tb, sce the parade ns et baitt an and ta pracîde cailectini, tenting, ting flicifair groundsoitcre lthe compensation fac thte and dintriitoting haaditogandîand con orat avc hospitato. 1.000 cieoern. George Kerr's column "Where do we spend it?" Hatan West MPP George Kerr, Solcitnc-Geneeet af Onterio, dlncnnned Naton on Conservation Aultor- l175capital t in a ortnlonc apeaild in a Burlngtn nespa tent omit. Mc. nerr ivesrIn Barlinglon. Hee na lte cot- it noger 000 rning oei a, vec $5 for a finepnn ig, t noppoe we ntiouddot it feritcied ity any pro- jected increene in lte elai o daing bitness In 1970. Heving naid ltaI, 1 eltfI monder j ont ohere lte Ont- ario Ganerneno le ongt lion ment compared le an enpeeditn'e telt yecr ni ju mver $3 million. Bu n gep ectr Titerenem tLit too main maisons for tii dremetie iie. The finitinalnes lthe tong-aoeited Nager-Remito Crenit Dinersion iterle in Bortington for iticit thte Au- toity han hutteed $315 mil- lion. The secondi major farter in lte neary triptlng aifthe Con- servetion AutItocty itodgetla lte nubtantil nomn itdgeled toc taitefront ecquiiions in Bortingon and Gekllte. Separae TItis le celi a mitote new oces of lentament and par- tapa nlmld te csered aeparately fromn te normat Aotorlty espondilore. I tondersteni tal t ate moment te Aoutociy le con- oidrriog apptying foc rongtey poan,too for te acquisition ai proporly on te Berth Otcbp onthe flinglon aide of te canal in 1975. Tis entent mooti te matcIted ity Bsctington atone or ccit te belp ofthe region. Thse Aoutorlly, aI te ce- qouai te Bortinglen Canet- Il a 6 Zpos rit ta n tetacq in tama c entit tam ~ ~ fos prjrinene rnt e m 2ifon aaUte îey nenen acres ai ot la temptated oect year ty te nai e IK net 2ntt bomn UeArro prspacty Naton Regbon Conservation o in 50 par cent of te fonde on the tatsfroot, agaîn tend i- U Aatitîy. rnmlng from te pro vince an a 5-0 aptlitTe Itetl efet .f5 Il hboodetnte neeeary and te remaining Itaîf tram of Utis pro rly tan Ien eht- sort tar cIte item my lthe tenetitln mnicPotity maled et 1,750, F jecs ~admreetoefeci-t.lion Autitoriîy, i ntasdd lie saisfr lakotf:purcta tis.po fct rmeel On p o itai t hain t e ceonra Tere are totl for oa- the uthoity' budet sif ter taitefront propoaite i11 and a itatf million ollara and H. F0 B ERT R EALI ES TAT E LT D. parea ly topped te $8.5 mot- Bnrrtsgten or Oaknitte. agent tac Bnrtlngtan in ce- O B E RI§ Socialworker compe 22 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Ontiano Sta S. Hito tacos aani l FOBERT FOBERTV for ivîsO'Cno 878-2365 or87-26 iOOT 426NTI03020 1030 OC Louise Draoiey Exaploiatiobn ar _______________FederattotPnarece-e Tbetr anl, un gieevris~50 i acre; ravive $63,500. rcC b7111, G)orsel Pi r' 4 bedrovras; ionge $5,500. 4 bedrvvom bongalow $59,900. 3 bedrva v; brich and atoce nom $53,000. 3us$ limbUd backîng on iv partalavd $53,500. Cu de sac; orset Par t$53,990. 3 acres; Guelpb Lino $79,900. 4 bedrvvmî; sbag brvadivvmn $59,500. Sacrifîce aI $55,900. Close lv 2 Acres - Milton $37,000 27 Acres - BrIn Area $45.900 000 102,9170. 10 Acres -Naton HUItS $39,900 3 Acresî Hitîsitargit Are $35,000 Gary Thomnas, mgr. oi-nu6 Open 9 'tii 9 Joan Johosbon $77-7210 FOR MORE MLAILS CALL Joan Thomo 877-6342 81 2 " Q o Tor. Lino 826 103a Audrey NeccetI 878-5339 Billt Corrbe 870-4044 Martel Dubien 877-6281 s lob ait utinte social Wlttern, accacding ta former PC membr Tercy O'Connoroita solbe et Shteridan Cattege ta Oabcilelaestoeet. Titcy are enpected, ity lteir cannîjl- venin, ta cul ltrongit te red tape in Otaoa. 't don't leel lthaI ibis n rigit,' be naîd. "Wr dan't slrrJcgietIma saffoan scnd tbem ta Ottaa te socialccnritern"- Daring bistli ta te Canadîaa Politirai Deceaja ment clanses, ai lte Oakville Campas, O'Connr recvm- mended a loti lime om- itudsman lv bie appainled tu deal oîlb litingo lîbe anem- playocat naceance praitema and panaparîdiificaîîiet. "Ne ccvaid cal lbragt lthe bureeaacratie nigitmare in Ottawca," oaid O'Cnnor. "Tiis ccaad teonen lthe itordenaont eMPo, An il aif ltere oece tan itonrs in eacit day, yaar membr alti oadat gel evecyting donc.' lthe itacitienciter, an O'Connorneow tem, oece tegialalive, obicit meant nilling an varioans standing and speciet committren; canolilaency, obicit be airon an lthe variaI warber cale; parly fanicliana, obict, ie eoplained "r', i e oeil- facmrd, ccett-tnded aep- posîiin party ta canatrac- îcety criticir te gaveen- ment.Attitepreoentimelthe question pectad la lthe Haors vi Cammant nervesno Oalter parpane titan la raptait lthe craitnessen and defiienrien ai lte gaveenornî and lv emitacceon tem." Gavernorot itacitienritec are aimant toaely aliltrd, O'Connor freins "Party dinci- pline la ntrang la Ottecca," ie edded, "and gavernmren itacitiencteen are nat aloed tn anit qaestions ai lthe cabinet minînlervaor deviate lcam lthe party fie." "Tite diflerence in lthe qaity ai MPn ltai arei elerîrd is tremendoat," bie i naid. ' t's inteenling tlteeJa i liit politicians, once etected, . r ana aattiorily,I 101re no trainingi tTiey jant bave lthe votera obal tltey are, nolmita mnnaîraînrîneyow cono an end aone people," on r."tecomng an M fiitant of a gat. it ltaI cay. 1ie gantitPitantd be ian end, Hapafatî lthera la maite yaî firî an tegnti affect lthe t eit country i0 teing. or wanincîled t Shteridan ity Stenite o lte Scitono midLitera Sodie t dun7 edieaom PagetOne rd bis recont n0 ocre prompte an Mayor Ann rna challenge ltha rme apoiit, chuet ServicesJ ST. STEPHEN'S ST. PAUL'S CHURCH THE CHURCH 0F PRESSYTERIAN HarniteOnterio THE UNITED CHURCH (Anlican) CHURCH 0F CANADA IN CANADA Svnday, Dec. t, 197i4 Main St. et Jaes St. KNOX CHURCH Mînîtter:MLO The tnt Sondayinl Aiveel Reca C. A. HaîincerML 0. .30 e.m.-Holv Eocbeeinn B A M. Dia. Mlninler, ti.t-l'lolv Eovitarinn and Oroaviaaand Choir Leader: Rno. Peler Barrow Citarcit Scban Me. Ha raid Maove Int Maderear A cuae Charchin na carat Sanday, Dec. 1, 197487-25 cnmmonioy. 11.00ie.m.-Wornbip Service. SnaDc ,17 Goost preeciter, Oea. Jamen 11.00 a.m.-Diaine liorabii Madien, PobelaDtion ier Rea. A. Thoamnon MBe., ainb provinciai oovernmeeî. 1Iro Henernailie ccitt peeacb CHURCH 0F CHRIST ili.0 a .Cbarncitm So laIncnvec on vth lthe geeeclinn celi fbe an lait Orîlannia Rd., lient Nursery Fecitlit Aveiliti'e mininteri. Minintor oaScm.leier Citrcba Richard Faen7lth Att e re Welnoon Scbol 878569 1ea0.45___________ la a.m.-Jonior Citorab Sonday, Dec, 1, 1974 BOTN N 1000.VliePepe 1a a00 aa ii Schoni BOTNA D Soot7M-ongPol' Cavc oralao OMAGH Sot .00 a.m o Morvnn Waenhî0 PREOBYTERIAN o.0a ccc F-roacvîeg aI thr CHURCHES EMMANUEL anaMininter: BAPTIST ___ Rea.Wq O. Leis,OBA.,OBD. CHURCH ST. DAVI1D'S aed 878naa28 NASSAGAWEYA CommercialaiStreet,Milton. PRESSYTERIAN Sandlay, Dec, t, 1974 CHURCHES Adnt Sanda7 Sooday, Dec, t, 1914 asamSndy Sciteol Mininter: Boston ani P->antomrlo Oilitte CIe.. Cor Oaa. Doglan Lowry os30ac.m.-Oornilp Service adolts. 854-2l5t & Citaci Sctaot (nurnery 11.litae.m.-Serman "lThe - leciiitienl Forneoceer ofaI Citrît Sanday, Dec, t, 1974 7 . p.m.-Snrmn "The Omeoit Sopardanen lin" Sermon liton- "lThe Bond of Il0 li e o lorsbip Service Tuendey, il c.m.-CoNnee Foace" Evhiten 4: i-6 & tCbo,'l Schoni. (nursery Hooc and ile Slîîdy. tOrne Neondeamea leciltiesl. our peenctonerni. 9.00 e.m.-Citarce Savant Youea encomelto liiede 7.1 .0 .lic.m. iornitip Service ccerniîpoîin Mnio a peaynrcand Bible SI. Deain ' Stady. 11.15 c.m -Chnct Scitoni andliornitipbSrice HCGHWAY GOSPEL Camc andOcrivoa e nd CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL -Alac,,laacoîa M ORACE ANGLICAN HALT,frrai'"île CHUOCH 30aaOntarioaSl N. 878 2022 Wackefield Rd. and Hay. 25 Recclar, ccv, Duncan Chrîaliavn valverea n the Milton Wallace. vae oa the Panlar. Rea. M. Citrintevne lraniaI Robrt F. Argeti Lard Jonon Cit,înt Tel. e78-20ti Sondey, Dec, 1, 1974 TheoLord'n ae Advent Savday, Dec, 1, 1974 Sanday, Dec, 1, 1974 8e00ncm. HnIv Commuon 10.3 a..-Beakig Bead9.30 c.m-SenIor Citoci 11.3 a.m-OrekingOme 94oa a.m.-Soeday Scitoal Scoae 12.15 p.m.-Oooday Sateet l 1100a..Maevîng Woasip 1 7.00 p.nt.-Onpei Service 6*0 .iei Feccd7 Frayer to.30R.nt.-EaristOand liedenday, O pom-Prayer t va fi..Evenina Sermon and Bible readieg. iaeiic Seraice ose3 ant,-Jonor Sonday Att AreWlelcemeno Wenenoder I p.m.-Frayer Saiteet, Titane Servicen. aîîd Bible Stody. Titarnday, Nov, 2C Jeson saId, "I ct te donc; "Witonoeveenitall oeil on 10.00 a.m.-Nirv contenantn li7 me if env mnan enfer In. ha lte nareof te Lord nitaît Ie vonaroamapnweont MNitî ke nanel" Jehn 10:9. naete, Rom, 10;13. atllraceChorch n questing a noidy tram lthe province tac lthe purcite ai lthe Tyandaga Gotf Courne. lThe Minlnlry ai Nelotra Remoarce, mitict mont con- nider titese reqea nenit omit, cannaI aitninoty pr vide lte Aolitacity ccitt e itanit cite. Yet theog are att genleçety ortoitie prajerte and fi sa depende an yaor on partira- loerpoint ai nieo oitici nhitdd have oreler prcrily. If we lonit et pant enpeir lance,we can peicl tit te Aulbarily oit t receine e par- cenlage increane tamarin apecaling ceto ccitt peciteps serre epeciat coonîdstaton for lthe teitefront coonidera lion toc lthe aitetrant pralin- t peronnlly il ltaI il le mmlt importent lit we maite e sterl in 1975 towerds ac- oaicing lthe Beach Strip tac ceccealianat porpanen. t dool, itomever, if oe neei a total ai $l million toc flti par- pane la te tint year. Anitn guidance Let an aonume j ut lac argumentn ontsale thet the Aolitarity gela a tlt ai $3 miltian neal year hl ibi ea porcentege incense of ait cciilIten came itock t te qaention ni priofrilint end t hope ltaI te teopayersofa Batintnn ccitt guiane oneAn- ý?Àn1 1 1 ,ohm ýim*.19.-IM<.-Ilm ý=ll1l bat w»it taey oold nie.en la lthaI Bortinglan gels tas laie a nitare ofprovinciat andAu.- 'it, acquisiions and oter con- servation oeedn. Bunt 1 itno lthaI or cannaItitave enery- id lthing aoc beact deiren tn one P yeae and t ood oecome 1 yaor viecc oan jont ohere te et avaitaitte maney nitaaid bte a spont. y' DIoCoSIERORn lv I 10 yeacs taarism inrame On tvteYuon bas incraedty 1,000 par cent. lThe tnuriam indontcy graclth in enjieîrd .0 tu continue asmore an mare n Canedians dincaver lthe ceot, fccellneraiced spiendar of lthe positive reevmmeadalton. Fine yeec lomt H e naid ite ccoad oppone lthe e Anbgrave titras ose tac any t perivd of time and beit any a aile tite mgon dtd chcoane nbaoldn't ite oned for mare -titan bare yearn. Ne said liit ccan ample lime bar te gaccrontenta ta barneos lthe lecitnotogy reqoied tv art op noîtaitte rccyctiog and rertamatian pltente. Ne tecmed theprcice' annooncement aI a tvi recyaing projeat as sonine- lthing lac ashort ai abat is reqoîred. Jaonsn laId eporters lthe provincial prvgrantccold rectaimvsome af tbe materian lthaI anotd atiteroine be ccanled bot ie ctaimn lthe province sitould bte altemplîng tv ose lthe gartage il iaboryîsgîaogeneraeitea andenergy Regianat. Cooncittor Jim Waton said ie ccoald bave Joitnson inciled ta a paitlie orts meeting tu diocaso bin o sggrsted vites at a date ln ithe veac colore. Home owners... IContinoed frntmPage One) for mare titan il man in Jane 11173. Once agaîn Mc. Sacc itreitîrid byea diabrlieving audience. "Na ose ouIl gel mns than lthe voloe prier ta lthe Paritoay Bell," So en- ptained "Ilccilltbrcvaedalt lthevourent valoe or lthe caloe ai Jonc 1973, obirbever t lthe itigitest." Col 0 peccentlinîceel Concîttor Jim Watnan nog- grsted a 10 prc it bomeoccaer'n tond is itetd sn limita. 'Yoo are itoying lteir landasnoflJnn173 and nat paying for il antît 0075," ie naîd. 'WUil yaa pay bair com- peatlon bac titeir land?" bie anitrd. In agreemtent ccitt Wat- son's suggestion oas Harold O. Shipp, president of lthe Sitipp Corporation. "Mypr rrty ccitt sot br afbrit y dra sat1contehecctint paccder dry."- be ev plai=c. tI iad trapety vn the Parba Bail appraiard be- fare Jivne 1973i aitax y6v0 pr acre Aller lthaI date fiwa agaîn eppcainedl aI $1to00 par acre. Titis oas directty due ta lthe greentett tegisatton.' Mc. Sitipp seid libin in- formation mas cead ino Han- tard ity PIti Ginent erly in Fetroecy 197e an Itis oece te Oiral opprainato abr donc af- 1er lthe teginltion. A second meeting Ês ta te belld lonigt in te Cmpi- vitle Liant Naît for tendoon- ers in the toansagamepa andi Esqoeoing aceae. Witt the rncarptnent Leginltion tant omIt, ltherea ino 0te same restriction os tee omens an are contptained of in lthe Peritoan ORît