Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 10

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8 Tis Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 27, 1974 Regional police taken to councils Bllon HiSs mayor Tom HI and Million maynr Anne MacArthuor met c/is lise Hailon Rýegional Police Com- misso is akvile on Thurv day to dison& tise fsiisilily teor ou ralgioai police lis reoeeborred trom, tise sseoing, bol were Sold in an interviewe cils Commissiou chi-airn Jodge Warcouder totem, 110111 oueBlIer oa boing toisoant t0 tise miayoms' prospec- tivn councito for discuosion of figures and adtantages. Jsradietions At tise prosno time, Actan, witsrgmouai police sn Miltou, Gakville, Burlington, sortis Oakitite, and Georgetown. Acloos, Nassagoceya asnd Esqomsing arc "nol pieosed" Birds of prey Thi as tli iserg nise yard tisai liamis csitte ideo of egou police, according to MIy= The Smo mayoms iscotved fouit very stmongly about tise O.P.P. and the good job tiseY ar N=' donn a beâter job tisas tise O.P.P.,' Mayor HiSl ld tis paper. -Il is not because they aren't doingoa gModbs ise said, referring 10lIereson oby regionat pot/ce cas broagisl op, "I 1o i juI dtia tise boudaries are So ide-spread and tise staff o as soa, t0 coter tise Mayor MocArthur aiso telS tise O.P.P.'s coveroge in bor arcs a as eocellent asd sbo huit no reasost for compta/nt 'Tise mail bsos epîsode broogisi il Ma a boad" Mayor Hi said. Hecwas commenting ou tie rosis 0f candatîses oS roramaîiboxes laotmonthin Esquesisg. lHe did note that tise cuiprits cern eventoatiy caoght alter a combioed effort of regionai police and ( P P Himourer, lie telS tise motter coold bote bean sotved taster bod the dit' ferent torces involved /Georgetown police and Miltosi O.P.P./ lien oble to go outoide tisir restricted isoosdaries citisout bocîng to asis permission. Tise issue wili be taises to tise courcits neot Tuesday night in anotiser ciosed sseetng. tf/ilis decided tise ornas miIi accept regiooul police, il c/ill taise at inuot six mostb oller tise decision for tic takeover, according 10 Moyor Huil Ste teit Oeptember cooid lie tise changeover moutit. k .. 7 a. I L,1 MILTON SENIOR CITIZENS will soon Se completeda tnd tlnslcaptfl and povsng hove K este Is ni i est r1aA'K moving info titis nec oportment building on been dotne. Workmen ore putting te finisiting Kestel m allst aw k Ontario Sf., rigitt behind Milton's nec central Souches on the inside of the building. librory building. The exterior of the building is ait Mou ntsberg Centre Moocyl gas ignte UR r KOtret s tise sucecotc c e g s g ies U 0111 U ne liecls. ttotîg tlieQ merfive youce Actrices etsîroraro clcis il fiee burning home ~ Wandthet ptaren bceust ine suliurlieo iacli crk u ntebiemn f ra ha exiguh tuk acdn onGeph waessotttatnedisy/Illec oetS.hmafwmntsltr n Tuesa fts ek hr cisu diuturbed tise otst cas ccinb w eu h hl rgd floe. wsn iebtfrfgt tisese iids, acd altetIIlv n h eg- Kn Byhe o fte peet iefotbekn s and nuis, ae pro- sby la and mayut lie boro iss g rdie cit gwesfe aist n u Iloppyadpeetigmr Ge u fth o i' lb ol rodcord for ea i iii out ibs jb" liappy ending s~~~~~~~~~~erlois daageDeJ osi Blyie cltto au. es aaa sb tehnNIo ' ha hn )wf happy esdisg, as ail fîcr young bîrds eesces fute raîsed liy tcequect feeings ihrougiiut the day. Three of lise yoaso iîrds were released and slowly tirse4 lu tisd tise/r ocs food, ai' /iiugh mu if tht /000e kesirels relutsedlfor'a daîlv teed/ng antiS tonly Augusl. Tco have lien lepi lor dîsplay pueposes, one al Montset ond the îîiher ai lie Mîcîsiry Ofice of Lands and 'vrestssin Barrie. Tlhe yousglfemale Keruret soc ens/ding ai Mouotslierf bas lien joiceti ly a voung cale, alsu raised liy haimacs and accusomd tuseesg people about. Whec luily groc,is/is attractive pois' a/I eglaboot 4os. each andiesno larger (bai i2 incies respeivety. for mate and temale. The cale c/Il boosi blue-gray sîoags, and bathiseoesowiil fealure liasdsome lack aod wli/tr /ace potterns and a ut KESTREL ss the srmallest of ail the huwks Formerly kosn us a spurrow hock, titis birdi unie of fîve aS Mountsberg Wsldlsfe Centre. Gamble on delay to save $38,000 t5seed I shoped hy the peoplt ai Milon Councous Moucluhesg ilial ihete twu cusity Serev/ces Con kusiestrels wutt ttvtuat/ is aîllîcg tu gachts i n t heit ftigisi cage at possible t/cte delay i tht W/tdtîfe Centre Il tisa 10 savt 3, ti o tsI suetstful. tht geeat publie attraction ut lte Bru ouI hiave a rate upporiuc/ly a aicl a lamity ut Young isvres bie/sftaised olotat- Teyouuc hirds a/ltlt Plaz rteeseiland thetporetllt stay us in their ternit/ar expansion settinc.s uin g toaitact and tascîcat currts once majot o silt/rs. standing in thecay expansion progrannai TA!LS/ATE RISKY Plaza cas taiseo dom Tise vicier seosos ut tea- day afierco. chemrous eobi surfaces gitto empliasis 10 tise stopidity ut Haitoc ffegîoc P/ tise masses oS drivers aiso Comm/ttee decided t -"tailgote." tornetimes tbis rute a staff report and cuis a tec seconds off tise oo objections 1e, tht t/ip. ssmelîmes sot OItes il expansion. Thiestaff h rets na cietta l le 2 e deiays liudreds of aliet road sisoutd w cithisetd, po asens, lise Ontario Safety study cf tise tratfic po League poinsu ouI. To pora- theatres. Tise commit phaeWisstoc Cliurcbiii' gested tise tocs oS 'Necýer is cure rislied, by go couid do tise study ai casy for So litte." date. Cuc- tl order oS tise c Tues- asoîcg sulicit ndtsg a /0rni tee sug- Milton a latte 'h IIIr_ý 'UILD VOUR HALLIDAY HOME 3 COTTAGE NOWI a /îmited time onty. you can save up to $1000 Ily of tdallday's 157 Home or Cottage Mode/s. is now for deta/ls. ASk about Our Price Freeze ýarn 100.. whern hou order now for 1975 ",y and pay 1974 pr/ces. A/f Ha//îday homes tor eocend NHA and VILA specifications. 5 MAPLE A«E. BURCUNOTON coud 000. W.s loo: .M. te 9P.M. bal. à M 5 , .. 1M lP- Tise coccitîtee a tactd ails chous/ut a toute Ihat coutd e/tiser tus aong tlit CNR ttaclis truc, Orute Si. lu tise 16 Mito Ctooli, ut atucg Victoria tu Elizabseth Si. and iisen ta tise crteli Tht cocc/ttte tavurtd tht tuat tuotof tise tait lie bsut noted it coutt deiay tht ptocess liy a cocus alile tocO uttictats ottutiat ails CRN officiais abutitof Tise divtrsiuu s oecessaty tu/aise aater a-tut ut tise CNR lu thie otteein a closed t/lt rntistuugs tlie upen dîlcis as il dates noua ofJolisSi. were t/rut os lie scelle aod emptîed tlie costents of iliren fire ex- lîsguisiers us tlie hunze, aller gavî/c troc a motocycle spîlled c ilie liasemnest and suas /gs/ted liy a gos ]tester. ie Oy tes prmptse li tiref/ les Wlntise t ire lroie u Ms Blytlir raoilu tit cearlis vsiturs lned front tlie liusoe. Thse coloecyc/r was liudly dumaged and/lie wall asd cei/cg of tlie ore lasemeci roomc ere blorlired. Tliere as soulie ilirougliut thie biouse, cliicl i /reftlgsets recnoced cils a large tan. Thie famfly ulayed scill fivecis ovesnightl iicty ullier tie calI of the 5o2i e nn s Calstonna (Sunkîst) LEMONS 1 2 for Florida-Juic sweet ORANGES 2 don. Juicyt-OanO TANGERINES 3 dos. Florida-Juict GRAPEFRUITS 10eo IMilton Council brief4 Dois agein 0f Mnlta Co"nciltan Community Ser- vices Committee Monday nigbt tise committen: Reqouested stafrepart cncerng tis af inmes rnqoest 10 mont thse cm- moutiroe in tise sew riasi. Tise Ki-smes misis ta botd meeting once eveey Smo senebotiere. Tise esmesitten mon concernnd aisout tise baill bisetg booised op, louvissg o rala for town progroons t1010 -Agree to odvise Milton Liisnsny Board lise board wootd have to cnntracit for snoc removal ond ootoidn maint enance services isecaose tise porks and recreation departmenl and tise morks deparlesent bote neitbor tbe Si me nor tise mocbinery to do tise reqoirnd worb. -tequesled staff repat on tbren drainage p=os o on Mitl St., Mary St. and oS tise corner of Martin St. and Steetes Ave. -Wos advlsed of parking probteous on Miles SI. Apparenly tise extra veblictes are generolnd eS tise Glen Eden Apartments. Tise commilten inslructod staff Soi lovestigate tihe problees. -Received comptainîs frnt residnts in the Kingneigh Cl. aroa about the tack tfracts in tise park and abnut onn tiren ttsat i onotal of trtmmisg. -Agrned ta odvioe Baollon Rn gton Conservation Autbority tihe town bano loofor improving tise Towen Ènnbetwten Ftambnro ond Milton. HRCA's workskop ond Moonlnberg Con- snrvation Aothority orn tocated on tisat road. -Recommended enteriof îstto agreements to have engineering otodino carried out on Moto St. East, Nintis Lise, Lower Base Lise and tise Sixts Lin bridge. ACCIDENTS UP St. John Ambolance orges tisat an aseoreneos of safety procedores be introdoced in tise home and on job sites. Accidents accoooted for 7.0 par cent ot total deats in Canado doring 1971, a 3 percent increose over the previoos year. No. 1 ont. (white) 3eassAULIFLOWER Not1- COOKING ca0a" iOgs ONS No. t-U.S.A. C3 bonîhos GELER? 3 heads LETTURE W ~ ouonder-Hoouestoud) Liptne Ioni pe palt)1240oz SLICED WHITE NO GU .x iss oae BREAD KETCHUP (it oz. sotttesl 3 19<q Fress- Lean - Loin" Foodland PGRK GHOPS $ 1 190911t PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. jars 619< _______________Frosh -Lean .C-to tiavouss 6otks c OKROK 5b FRUIT HELPERS 2Os. 2 8< PR OK .C-o inils pkg.l(0oz.) Frest tous HAMBURGER HELPERS 59e Fretin Grade"A" EGOS Mdonset 69doz Woner DANISR BIS pkg. f il s 9pha GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE No. t-Canada GREEN Bsh CABUAGES 2noo35' NntI- SSA. (celle, paît) RADISHES 2 pkgs 25c GREEN oNious 2soncs215c PORK LU VER Fres__ bo GROUND MINCED BEEF HAMBURGER 65¶ Fesh -Leon STEWING BEEF $ i 1 91b. Fresh -Lnan BLADE or GHUGK 1,eb STEAKS scift "LAZY MAPLE- 7 c Int. Wthite S3853851 MR va0 trayt pko. MUSNROOMS 619 a.?wf jellere "PREMIUM' BAANS (One price aniy 7 « WIENERS bc) oo 69. e.FRI eMAReK**eET TV & COMMUNICATION TOWERS Of ail types A complet. U ne Of antennes, tmersUHF OVHF *FM OCSCOTHERS vic.rto eqa pment-installatlon IL ser. -Frai. Estimâtes Je SOUND 539 Main St. East -Il . MILTON 878-7295 WANTED Articles suitable for onnual June White Elephant Auction FOR IMMEDIATE PICKUP CAIL: 878-3524 OR 878-9098 OPTIMIST CLUB 0F MILTON INCORPORATED WIN A M1L LION DOLLAR OLYMPIC TICKET With every $300 minimum gas purchase you can fi out a draw coupon that will make you elig- ible to Wifl (This is for Fois./75 dram> GEORGE M. REED THIS WEEK'S LUCKY WINNER R.R. 3 Campbellvilio GAS UP NOW e GAS UP OFIEN Vos could be test week's Iucky winner S &H SUNOCO 263 MAIN âf. <111PR a)878-4227 950 lb.

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