50 will dance ail night in Youth Council project it% CHITtlMAS AFFECT'S cisdre an ather olu Herron a member ai tht Chinsa group, top ýIcteod and Santa Clous Frau Schitd wer the a:iwt he hasi sof a Christasa tancertaPeretta rgo t r Al cas ladora Kathy March idan andf tra ch.trac tes on the play. tower night tht pt oby de sudrotua f .T M. Deayes Scho ast aI mmn Newta osrrmrd tale rayng for awhit iaal gil sng a flawtedcumsong. oeK o y ft the aoungstr an tise foregrounis a lrsts mu Iwrr rft, elves Cary Buhea andf Jerry (photos h D. O' l ) HoIy Rosary oids porin Guatemala Tht stodents ai Haly ltoaary misos in tise country. lichool, aluni avtth thetr pareala Hailntî Diorese, of aviiti and partahioes ai Holy Rosary Mdlton ta a part, csmpletely Charch, Mitoln, have tndtavortd supparts tht avons of tise raligiaus ta atd tht poor sn tht Central order. Amertea matos ai Guatemala. Bestdta ratsing nmoaey for tht Studeots laurte MeGninnesa. Guatemala misstons, several Shelley MeGunnss, Jasire studenta avorhtd ta provide a Arnold and Karts DtîNin raistd meaningfl Charistmas for needy $21.04 reteotly ches they avant tarnsiien in tht Miltas area. carollive on tht streets ai Mtltan. Paydas Paul MeCun, Ltam Thea' uorh nos os a eomplataly Jotastoa, Slaves Mier, Daren, volantary hasts. Nancy, mnd Juan Mcillarailh Inaadditiototlthissoin, 1147 in ratatd $27.50 in a fond raising change cas eolleeted aI a ailver dette. Tise moaay wil tae osa ta collectton aI tht sehool's purchase Chrtstmas ltasheta; Chrstmastconettw Inak natantch nera distietd hy tht ago. At press lune, Hoiy Roaary partis. principal litstr Francis aaid otudenîs could go ouI caroîbmag again; and Ihal perisaps $200 couldbherattd, Thetmoney wll besent tathe Sittrsof lSt. Jloseph, chu operate J . R. CurieDD OPTQMETRIST W BURLINGTON MALL TELEPItOtE 632 7708 This unt a Double- nt meup .. sour go oui lc happy wish farspot agra yeur To al spprt aur thanha. Milton Janitor Service MILTON A. Van der Viief School news Celebrate Christmas prior f0 holidays Concerla, plays, shila, doar detorattons, vilat f rom Sanla Clas and otiser activities osant- iated cita Christmas avare tht order oI tise aveti, in Miton's seismia, tant hofore tht holidaya started. At Holy Rosary Sehool tht popilu presentati gafla ta Father J. J. Marphy, eartahng staff avemisars Alverio Sclsiezi, Shirley Cashoar and Mat Chois- son, and Arcs iluparintandent; for Separata ileismîs, T. A. Hanaily. A modten teraion of Chartes Ditens' imtmortl elasoit, "A Chistimas Carol" amenutd isy aladents ai Matin St. ilehant in a conrert Tharsday snh. fastaad ai a luth century iltrooga, a mnderm day businessan samed -Gronei" cms tht man avio hotad Christmsas. ta addition ta tht Christmnas Carol severai otiser ahata and siwing hy tht grade six, atten mnd ttght chairs nere eajoytd. Hon cindres ai other lands viwtht caeeaios of Chreistmnas cs lise thane oi a concertait J. M. Desyts os Moday Dat. 18. En tled tht _Magie Christmas Bell,' il showtd how tht childran ai the world entouraged a nues oigand tired Santa Claas ta agamn mahe ia yrarly vîsît ta mitliims oi homes. (Contisoed os Poile B3) . Icenil have danced ail algist" may hoe ose oftie tunes islarlng o tram tise retard player at Mil on Youlh Conseil's Qonmitt îlo Collfet Hoove loaughl ýWed- edayî as tht MYC launrises a tund-raismng danceaihon prajeet. Striga .m. Wednesday, s=vrimet.bersof tise niais(ond guests> will siset dancing asd taey don't aspect ta stap daocing ontil tamaran nîgist (Tissrsday) ai 7 p.n.-a fuil 24 hasts fiter. Organiser Naîl Clarson reparla tise danrers are hoing spoaedt asts mane par haur spleted, tssLs 50 ara aspeeted la start dancinsg aI 7 p.m. tntit, ansd mare avil hae aalcame if thoy waat ta participate. A minimum of lice sponsars (or a rouple of bsig an bsaad if anynne conta ta encoarage the dancers aviis mare finoncial assistance. Itunds avilI hoe osed ta defray esponsea in raaaing the csf fee bosae. Offer prises Monte naît ho pravided isy rrerds. Dancars avili hoe given turet lave-minuta braks daring tht tirst 12 isaurs. tarte mare in tht ainsi 12 hoars. plus a ta- miaute reat break aitie isalf-avay point.' Priata avili hoe given thoon Weho campleta tht 24 hoars ai non- stop dancing, or ga the longeai, Clarinon satd. Tht Yotii Coontil is praviding food (and foat powdar) for paritipants. Indicative of tht modem trend an dancing, Clarisson said dooters don't aeressariiy hava ta have a partate. Ttay cao dance alose il thry visis. ln otiser MYC activities, several mensara avent carolling aroaad bave as Tisarsday 'lis Satueday oight, "ileadog" ithe oad tsgaged for tht pre- Fins Furnittire MILTON PLAZA Newv Ysear ' Dasce ai thse coffe Resovatins underavay Members have spent a lot of effort mahoag repaies and renov- atiasas ta thse cof tee bause during thseChristmas holiday break. Tise stage is hoasg raisod, painting la bali;g done, tise front lobby in hoîog resovated and a new oignisa golsg sp at tho front. Donations of mare peint, umiset and=st fritare (tfsesterfietds, choirs, crmeta and tables) avssld hoe apsnrecsaled. Clarsan said. lt voOfee hoose os open doaty, ail day throagh the ochool holiday break. 10 wao closed an Csrittmas Day and aviUlIe closed again on Newv Year's Day. Ilaganizers are planning te free dances inthe snr futue for memisars aaly. MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSING OPTICIANS Oculis' Prescriptions prompity & açcurafety filled 14OURS Tuesday & Wednesday 9: 30 ta5:30 Tharsday 1:00 to 8:i0 Friday 1: 00 t05:30 69 Main St. Milton 878-4961