Lire a field of new failen snow amaîting te print of lthe first fret, 1973 spreadis ahead cf us amaiting lte day ta day decetopacents - lte prinis ltaI t May bte large or omaîl, significant or ouisognfcant, tragie or Vomir. Potisitg nur "itinocodors" ut tin Lume nI year me try la forus hn on somne ni Ohone tîngu thal are yet In ite prinîrd on tat nete year. Joie us as me botk at tce section nf lthe year tat awaita lte affects nI titis ora and tis toson and commit our projections In te indrîjitte itlackt and wite for itetter or morse. By titis lime cent ycar, area goreroimeet Mil have item restruc- ootred andl a four itorougit syslcm Milt hure itee entablisteo tn encompans uIt of Hatton. OfficiaIs Mit have item electeol la represcol lte volers en te LO lier structure. Mitton Mit itave retaed ita Position an a itorougit andl Lis ioundaries MilI titen strelcit ltrougit tce central Halton arca. Contruction of te 0cm regional detcclion centre mitI, tif course, ite t adrancing trougt tce yeur cmptnying up la 4Wt construction moriters us lte dîIIiUIcomptex gromo 1051 south cf lghway 4011. l'ieç purcitone iy lte Board nf eýdocation of a nem higit scitont site ondocaten again lthe vatid central Position Of lte tamn ho lte coonity and as Plans for tat scitont are formulufed andl developed, more andl more stodents mititin a raduas nI tce tome Mil ta gctîtng titeir secondary educafion bere. Projecled drainage plans for developinent in tce tome soUl continue La ite Irouittesomne as citanuctizalion maiten stom itut heiluitte progreon atoeg tce streamoi and matcrmays aitove, troogit ami itelom tce preseef fao. tedeed il mae be one of thte major bitirles lte municipal couril milI fore. lite IOnos plans and rommilmnent 10 growth il ctontinue, nf courne, bt ealer citzen hoterest mil itecome ro'vdent and Opposition ta lthe gromtit concept may iterome more vocat. Tite tlsreumst resdiectsa itd for gromtit in Puteonos years, may dilinisit us tey c- Lite elferîn cf ltat gromlth mitri UteVy sougit. The lthree rulepayers' gt'oups estaittist in 1972 May bte aogmeold ity oters ronrere ssit specfor areas and interesta. rite forsl phase cf senior citizen housocg Mil ite torated on lthe Bruce st. oritoi grofindo, tce scitont mitI bt renovated and lthe 0cm hhbrary milI ite uder ronsîruction. Rerrealion larolfties moît bte toratedifn tce cld scitool bilding it me sec Ihul section 01 Btruce SL. sth1 open hetmec Pine und 1lri. Mtore doversifîrd styles cf itousing wlî iterome araitoitte becatty, ooeîuding odomoo.iums andf homo cotIses micit may bo more mititet poire range of young couptes. Arlempto to curlait esralating Provincial ropecditores Mil b oce loely in lte fields of eduralion, lthe hOsnpal and lthe conservufion pl'cgr'oms. DerclcplmeclnI lte Alliance ondosotat area south cf Higitmay 401 mii hure ogmon undf ut leunt one nem lt'y Milt itave setled te tat arca awit hue heen Planei for shomrase ondoscoual Planta. The Wilson Aur- oooceroof fîrce mili have estaittsitei lus itrai office on property if nom cos adjetli Loi ta accu. Tite ncm molor bolet rurrentiy hoieg sougit for ltaI oeotr-4d1 location milI still ot itave loaletîaloccd hy ti lime et ycor. Atong oth drainage, the lutir Mont ecororersoat itm Milton Coneil MItu lare mtl ho te itandling of caparity, in te sewage Irealmenî facilifies. Thte raPacîîY nI lrcalmcnl farthities in largclY goccreo tY tce slrruon flom in Swxoen micit carrnes folly trealcif effuent Iron the plant. A furter extension tu te Irealment facililies, oeyond lthe one enrreety ucdermay, mollO lange on te province's unsesumneel nif the nîreans rapueily ami ltaI assessacent is ot tibety ontil July. The rurreot Plant expansion Mil hardie o Projerled population nI 08,000. Titis ttatoralîy puIs a ccdmig on the plans tat oMît be aPProvef Provinrialty and onsi lte number of plans on the dramtng board, te rompetilion io gotf La hoe PrettY nliif for lthaI capactty. Somte initiat grading milI itave itee mîdertaiten it tce sita of tce neor Provinciat agricoiffural museuco on tce 8L-acre site adjarcet toi Ielso. The mort soU have hee underlahen hy the soodenîs Irons the Sheridan Cottege's rleacy Ecynement Scitont and lte ProvtneiattY approvedi fonda of $95001) wtt hoe useol for te Prehminary more witchritlît have tacen place prcparieg lte demonsîration ailes, parting ae andf traiter part. t'hose are somne of te "priets" ltaI me sc maing teir impression on tt973l. lOPrinbsteo in mwill ho a great maey aiUter developnenîs micit encape or visionary mood aI the moment Il is aile 10 say ltat change mlI ho Utramatie, bol me don't knom hom cille Ln desenhbe il. Tio arles is aI a time Miten chtange cornes daity ami is inevilaie. Major developtero have large holdings ie the orea und teir Preseere insures chtange. Lest me f ait into tce trap 0f regreltang change, mie sitoutd sec il as providteg nete opporluiieties for tce employene nf ose sîmienta mito have toc sa nsany Yearo itad ta sert employmentelewhmiere; for meeting emTetes.fl~~I 'I lu ,-'ont, ý%or s sed if.yoaadon't get a Ciroscoas iar fro mettt ear. Juot krrpll rxpcting, and it May rolt in somnetirte lortween Vaienime's Day and Easter. 1 aooh t coutl itame il an lthe postal aarcrrs, Who are the lateot villates in errytady s place, butatiot e hitaneîa biom, t on thte Sitnieyn. OJlatory, prorraotinsotig and joot ptaat lazy are adterttes that coatd bie appoeol ta u wth impnntyAndevewoitreloihif YOar tasteo lie titat way. As 1 write, t caooseefromnthoe corner of onecyr 140 eam paprn ta b r& in titree igloto. As I glace trom the opposite corner of titeotterreyr, trcac orca bittzzardl that bas bae goico on for six houro. Neititer ai tfëar nofhts i on olied to maite one's ganse long high. tlowevrr, -Lofe os thte lifr" as my olaagtrrremarked aotheagrnof six acd il's ena faoolly motta rver store. l'm eot sure ait il mraoo but tiorre i on nmethiog eery proload teid finiat compte observation. is really my Mofels ault Iloat Chorintmnas tondotait toeeol apand rrady ta l ried itt th1e rougt. eformaoly, sites sittinf aroocd bcoooling aioa Chorostmao, Ilin lime cf year. But Ohos orear sIte s sotticg aroacd broodong atout N17 lorooolocg alouat Chtristmas. How coald anybooly blame tce poor iod oaecaase sIte' rait lretong aboat the holiday season' Site has ihos lechocg position, oi sec, anollhere sffnply isn't time ta ory aoooo acylig cIs. fils a tremenoa load. ,ne has t0 gel op ai lte crackt of about tO..tloptle ait r inocrrlcrs yco ne. lien sIte itas 10 teudg c ttaoogh te 000w for 94 ,urolssoooploco, to get tosoort Titre, site Icres foc :ià solod minutes. Mont of lthe OtcrnOc os speel prepartef cr01 day's Lcssoc. Most of lte evenocg on spent ie oleso.ritong to me te itorrors and detogits of loor otay on lthe lassroom. Wloias lime ta corr abot Chrostmas dreocalioco, carde ,ood suchit groaf a8f.ty- drive I SANTA PECIAL L395. SPECIAL 1895. t an tort sec os nu. fîrremmer Oloti ce il tne up ail cogit meiting earoîs, loitking mol stamnplcg ecrelopes. Oc Ileccoatar tord ebIl bedising aroocd towne pamong tougit lthe trîl-orers for gîfos. And on Otatut te 240h, lit b taingtename of VIEW FRONI THSE HILL A minier seene near Milton t Phto by S. Burît> item trocoos andl huring tce opportaholy os expacl lte vitrant qoalies ltaI fluite a crmmucily lite Milton a oîesoraole place on mictri 10ive. Li mc sltp Mdo tbe rot or regret, recaîtmng lthose desiruitte tings of lte pas[sandl ognocoof lthe itaodicapa cf cachler lîmoîrd gromt, me Mit liedt only frustratlion. Mitton and ils important surronnding urea Mil pnte mîthon crtmn caturat timils, As nesodenos il Mîl ho our responsihility ta nsure ta its hosl feotures are rontinued us me math out1on tal ean Item page iteudel 1973. A0 spi-cial rel10ict ta Jonitcut woid i the Carilon Ntews',.per wouldolt ta tom ane otitcoul bis ecomi. tAtO La errer cor else toio mrails tos rsolocn od iîss. riapo. Kccp lighittg, ut' os lte lhie. Mrry Cistmas. Letters SHAME TO SEE CHILD IN LIQUOR STORE T tce editar: t rcjoy rrading lthe "ose 'tears lOgo" le your epar, esprcoally te efeceeces mode ta te hiqtor laws aI lthe lune <1872) and the 'evilo" of deitmg. Ncmadays, 1912 il os a veey rommun oogit ta1 sec peopte teaieig titr citildren coco tbore try are otd ennogs te go ta seitoot, tat lthe tocal loqoor 010re is one of te stops tal must ho made ta the course nf mertiy shopping. Il mas very dirhareninggto ser a momac going atto te locat store tbda moentag ( Dec 22) mith a lutte girl aot Imo or trer yeare nId. ls tee saome lam as t tce age of lthe ctomers? Hl. Warren, R B . 2, Mlton. te Lord and moast iologon cttons ie vaic as tolry La prop apa. s tcpy ree mth a nisto ascroitole as lthe teg cf a goal.To trer, Vo Christmas Eve, mitro mool people are <50004 lta it,cr lstenog ta carclo, or sotongooL)th litrlllie in thteitchoesyupta oy oltaows on luritey dressing. t alooays gel lis job. SAtd1 Ocoosmty. Notady cac turc outla shillinog lite yours traly. I lite il neter dro' ccc soggy, but moost, and ooit a tife of Ots twn o se lthe standard ongredirots: Irord anions andlccIery, bread crumits rea flot leuagil, and a gond dastof eerythg in lthe spore cuplooard, from tatasco sauce ta ril border. Addt hall a poscd of butter, melîrd. Toos insnegrounc irien or turitey gicardi, cot lthe wuler Ots been itollet!ino. Aod errry tare * cu have a sitof roc, fre lthe turitey Mit mracs liit you'll gel op in lthe itas gol Oser loit angorer, yos'll itare a l'ral, lorcloord, witUtapersonaoty alits own ontour itacls. Il dores wondcrs for te niit liedl diccer guesîs, toc. Irve fleerid good tcetolalcrs sao, aller Utter itrîpoogsof my dlressing, "Wow. one mor i tose andi I roatd lly" Il's mcclt dIltrtessocg tIteý tcIre il. Kccp a 10cm liat]on the graro itoat eclthisccurs. On0e mot, cf course, itc lempecale ie 0000000 lis tdressing. One yer I itad a ourlet s' icltietgotuopandltriedltofly off ote patter as t oras carrviog inn Oc froro lthe Otîcitro fitsmitalto1td my wtfe, ayay. M'ier'taoms llmasc'llith tcritey'e laut tat il a'ound op oc lthe itler lme, on a pool cf grease, mot Imelve otarvteg people maitg. 'ut1In grîllof aa lrom me% teme, ttlo.teterliooas. Oit Yrs. Chitmaseearls. 'eil.laatemtyeoat ocsmaose. Ta . f. It'exactîr ilChicago. flads myeoltmo Oc KincOroelc Netws. Hoos tacgit seitool fcr 45 Sugar and Spice by bill smiley J I ~ oooelhave onceragatc madr'our ameant rcuittr V. Gerlaehtof Sletîler Alt.. t tcss. Noecaros,no Citmas yrescrits,no ttZtetoitYoo about orlar anolun- tuor-rooslmoof, solly decralicos. Iilootle Lorismr.tI itey itappy. I ________ _______n ein the resolve le increase Our efforts te make Our eommunity a healthier, happier and more proaperous eue. From ofl of us her. ut ïrke ëtiampion ALL OUR CORRESPONDEp4TS CONTRIBUTORS AND Jim Dilis Roy Downs Rager Walkor Nancy Waters Bob Burtt Marion Hill iim Jennings Dan O'ReiIIy Audrey Hoff Marg McNeuiI VOL. 113 - No. 35 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNISDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1972 Second Section 7Pages of thePasti Frn :ý FI 20 years ago Tatou traom tic issue nf Tise ('anaiîian litapon, 0c, 24, 1952 duare titan DO per cent of tose etigoitte ie c cc trit est X-rays on Ballon Coucty uloro theHitrîon Count) Tubculobo and lien ' fi Asseoco codueil the surey ta du,'lrItubreulosito in is curly stages. The ,.,%uclsweersetlup in 15 Halceres tu aO'uerye r ocmt2leursodoand op. ,.rsortoogo Untec ruenago 1500 sobuolcers uce s caorasseco, cients and bo'eepOtolrsL lthrougitoul lthe outy. The ckor as bourieti i< lthe suppcrtocf att ',eOtieer'lobs. A tiren lthe luronof Maurice Readitead aI tomoilte, rogit mites from itere rcmplttly destccyed a tItrer 110cr tat tarn 'riday mnorcoog. The barn was auutty used toc ruosmng cicitrs and acconmnodaîrd 12,000. Mcr Reuditud had rcertty dlspcsed of ailof lus stceeOepîitt2citrons ii parositcd itetire. Hemaoroxpectmngafuther 12,000 ta accore loday and lad teen domng tome repaie mort. Weoil alleotîd Chitmbas service ere field con Sunda> 'c Kox l'rrsherao Litorît. Syrrîub Chistmasmui ws rcolerol o> itolt junior and seniorritoirs, bthe bunior soogoog cn splrcdid roicc JoY ta bte Ovoro anO lthe seors eitoosing Tite ll,,bttbtl Iw,010e 50 years 090 Taies train tise Issue of Thse Canadian Champion, Thursday, Dec. 00, 1902. lts ucdersismd tal teereM ml ttree candidates for tise Wacdcmshop of Ballon, Recors George Barber of Actao, George Obimer of Oatelle and W. A. Irving of Neleom 0cr ne cf mtom, many tond tc tonner Mes. John Telfer feUl on tce pavement n Salueday evenong andf icote ne nI tiee achest sttppcd on ne ot tce dangereos stîdro mtocit rhldree peesist le matmg. Miss Aima MeKeona, of Wyoicg, mto, tas tomn aooOsting aI Byes stores, rUf for lier tome the end nI tant mecit. Jota Wroggtcswoeît, foe macy years Reeve of Esqoesmng, and a former Waren of tOaltn, os secînuste fIl aI is tome. The Champon atol move tomorenw tit lis ncm quartiers, nenI dane 10 Messrs, More>5& Hutrison's office. Misi Clara Mills, of Oal, and Jota, ot the Banktof Tofonto, Hamilton, speco Chitrstmas aI iler tome brr. The montty I.OD.E. meeting Mu lta tatd ut ttc tome of Mes. J. Marshtall, on Friday, aIi 3p .m. ohA vry cnjoyatle tome mas npanl aitie tmentf Me. and Mrs. Sidney Feermoneon Chitsmas Day, miten tey ectertahord thoir tcoeeds. Amoeg tose peesent mccc Me. and Mes. Arex Sidney and faiy cf Datoille, Me. and Mes. Nelson Freeman ami faily ot Toronto ood Mr. and Mes. Jiggo and faily of Haitonu. A mcecy lime mas spen i dancing, gamnes and music. 100 years ago Taises romtise lssueotTieCaadtau Champin, Tisnesday, Dreemiter 26, 1871. 'lThe t-egontattvr Assrmby nI Quemec itas pasnedl trougt the tee stages a bibI peovidmg toc tce trial nI ccntrcvrled cleetono oinsaar ta tise Englist Statute on te saame suitîct, as mdil as tot ut Ontarto, andi sescra ailter provinces cf the Domnion. Thenee peoprictar of tce Argus welles ta us tat te Dateible correspondent hn nue last issue sianders tue. Wr regret lthe puicaton nf te itam, il not correct: itut c mrasO say tat wc orver hoflore itad thte vrraoty cf ibisrorreondent qucotined.. 'Flictigtsellto boardbeladrcidrdltoce- engagelev. N. Burnstforsixncostt. Oarurras entra nitooting mratch came oBf oc Froday. Thte day mas catr rougit, but a fair rrowd mas on atteodone. Thte stnnthog mos vrry good-focOurein. <arhl Uftce putbi scitool Iecrs, Me. MeLcean, Misses Boucs. Ponton and MacKeroco mere the recopocol cf a bond- saime peet Irom lthe respective pupots tant ment. A Univresity on tce Scotch System on atout ta be fored ut Adcbamce, outh Australia. The Empesof tisia, wil l'ost Naples. TH E CANADIAN CHAMPION >227ese- Irn e, tt W N,,sC,,, AOot - te ttC tt'., ,t . ,5 IAGON SANTA SPECIAL 13495. J at SPECIAL f 1695.1 SANTA S PECIAL 13295. -I