Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 8

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e Thse Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. November 29, 1972 ST. PAUL'S CNURCH of THE UNIT D CNUSCN 0F CANADA Main Si. ni Jasaes SI. Miniter, ev. C. A. Hainer, B.A., Mfliv. Organist aad Choir Leader: Mrs. Harold Mngnn SIJNDIAY, DECEIMBE-R 3, 1972 10.45 s rn.Morning Warship. Seornon topin, "Chris Gif i.' 10.45 arn.-ýSuoday Cinioc School. Nursety fanililies. Ail Welcoasn GlACE ANGLICAN CNURCN Milton, Ontario. Rootor: Rev. R. W. Foster SUNDAY, t8ECF.icBER 3, 1972 Advent S 8.00 a.nHoiy Commnrnion. 9.30 a rn-Jir. Churnh Sohoni. 9.30 a.-Maiss and Ser- 10.45 arn--r. Chornh School. il.00 a.rn-Holy Eucharist & Sermnon. Thorsday, 30, St. Andrenon Day, 10 arn. - Holy Communnion. Satorday, Croco Ohurch Chri- stmnas Baoaar. Parish Hall. 1.30 pan. Yon Are Airnoys Weicorna Ai Grace Chssrch MILTON GOSPEL NALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Chrinlians gaohered ia then narne 0tf O hn Lord Jesos Choisi. Lord's Day SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1972 10.30 amr.-Breaking of Bread. 12.15 p.rn.--Sunday ScOsooi. 7.00 p.n.--Gspei Service. Wedoesday, 8 p.i. - Frayer and Bible reding. Ail Are Woicorne To TOne Servicns Gad haîh on Ohese lant days spoisro cno us hy His Son. Hais. 1: 2. EMMANUEL SAPTIST CNURCN Carnmercial Stront, Milton. 878-9606 878-3W4 SIJNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1972 The Lord's Day Sac. Gerald Driorna, Onorseas Micsaocry Fellaoship. 9.45 amn.-Bihle Schoni. 11.00 arn -slrmng Worsip. 6.50 pas -Song Servmcn. 7.00 pan.-Evening Wors8tlp. Wednesdoy, 7.30 pmi.-Prayer and Bile Study. "Let us etierinto heHome cf Ose Lord with thanhsgiving aod inta His Courts solOs praisn." kSenvo THE PRESBYTERIAN CHUR IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MELTON Minister: Rns. John M. Muraroy Organist: Mos. L. Viasblo Advenir SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1 11.00 arn-Divine Sri-icn. Sermoan topie. Trho vest Scond." Mussic by Chansonttn. 9.45 arn-Or. Chorch Scii 10.45 a.n.-Jr. Ohurah Saisi 7.00 p io.-Yourrg Praple's ciety. Nursry facilitien. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHI Ministr: Ron. W. R. Lewnis, B.A., B. 878-4428 SUNI8AY, DECEIMBER 3, 1 Bilen Sunday OMAGH 10.00 a.rn .-Worship Service Chiaroi Schoal. BOSTON 11.30 a m.-Warship Service Churcs Schoal. (Nursery facilitirs) A caadial invitation isroxtoo ta ail. CNURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sidnrond and 41h Lii Trafalgor M4oister: Arvid Rosseli 878-685 SIJNLSAY, DECEIMBER 3. 19 10.00 ani-Bihîn School. Clases for ail allns. 1.00 arn -Morning Worsh 8.00 p.rn.-Preaching ofi Gospel. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURC Ailocalassnrnbly of The Poasîecostai Assembii ofCanada Waknfield Rd. and iIwy. Milton Pastar: Rer. M. Christrase Toi. 8-2064 Thn Lards Day SUNDAY, DECEE 3, i9 9.45 a.rn.--Suoday Bairnol. 11.00 a.rn.-Morning Worsh 6.00 p.rn.-Farniiy Prayer. 7.00 Prn.-Ening Boasne tic Servicn. Wednesday, 8 pas. - Bit Study. Friday, 8 pani. - Yousng Poopin n. Thnse things havn I writt anîn yass Ohol believeois the narne of thn Son of Gc that ye rnay kot Osai yehs etnrnaiilife. 1 John 5: J CCOUINTANITS CARPET CLEANERS DRAPERIES i FABRICS FLORISTS FARL G, BLACKC MILTON CARPET and LET US CUSTOM TAILOR HORNBY CH Cons, R.IA., C.A UPHOLSTERY CLEANING i YU GREENHOUSES LTD. Chariored Accoonianl FOR FREE ESTIýMATES DRAPER1ES A r.hle .Tec r 143 Main St., Milton Dour nsappeea mli cornaîn Caou 878-6438 Anytime Phone 878-6542 PIease Cell Dmaenta hnomel oiape- tfoa ragmns ALMIUM87-374 For free in.-ysr -borne Fiornors Emfonir ossur AUIU87304decarator service w grenhouses (9 AM. TO 6 iM.) 21-fCali 878-2513 Taday Free Delvero 972 O2JJMINM JUNE DRAPERIES Loatîd ons Dersy Rdi. et Ad-Winows& DorsMilton Plais 6îh LIan, Hoessay. the soi. Sa- ES D. q72 lad 172 Ii. tse H 25 1 ip. Ile en id; 13. Two teams tie for first place MOBIL PAINTS W. J. KOSKI LIMITED Il Fultan St. 878-9452 Bohisd Brian OrsI Rnnl. KAISER ALUMîNUM SIDING Soffit - Pacia. Windowos and Doons, Aonings, Carpoot tad Paonh Enloasures Railissgs. Bavestrooiag FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OF CANADA Foot of Forsymse St. OAKVILLE 845-0318 21c.t1 BONDS & STOCKS INVESTMENT DEALER George E. C. Jackson eg. Rrpresnntaic MILTON DIRECT LINE 639-5916 EVENINOS 878-230 KDIII..... 21C nf BUILDING CONTRACTORS CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. -Additions & Alinraions -Roc. Roornms Rucithons - ncrral Homne Repaira CALL Ken Bailey. 878-6853 Aftrr Hoars 878-6620 21«-I CARPETS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Rosidiali " Indostrial " Carnmercial Rrady -rmade Dra"pn stock. For Coiioia Snrviae CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINTIMENT SYERS 228 Main Si. 878-2067 lin-tl toilion's 3-1 in agarnol Barlingn bore Sodyalred Bu ld n 'treoisria 10t more int a irno rnay tir scith OâSneIaaguc-al>.ding Bu ld BucoOngosClob. Thetooives action didn't represnanoy signiica5n st change in Ose Fipoos' standings. blOnkeC Teains Buritoi Sireeisville Brarnpton Prestos Oakvsille Milton Hespeier L'iso CF W L T CF CA Pis Break even then lose Miltos Pee Wee Optonists more engagad in tms bard ogbt ntrsts oaer tOn wonkand. In an excitisg garne ai Brarnaina on Satarday the Optioistn rame away rnî3- a 1-i lie. It mas a excellent tram effort inciuding satstanding goaiinnding fon Mise Sisepbord. MiOton's oniy goal was pot rn the net by Duane Stark on a great Passîsg play, Iror Norrn Flesrngtos. Cbrnguaarusy's goal was sotabed hy Cave Sernoon. Ssoday Milton dnnahiatad 3-a gamo aganst Guelph and Oad strang goitending but stifl rame out losers 4-3. Norso Fiendngton, lin Wooiess and Doag Dursey osored Milton goals ad Join Laeporb assistrd os FGeismton's gool. Novices bomnbed Miltan Mios Novices drspçiod a 3-i lead ta the perfal Cisguaarany hockey club Saiisrday and woad up with a 14-4 boss. Masy of tOn Otissgoaaosy goals seea acrrd on Oreabasosys. Tisa lscalo Orld thefr sua mcll ino 3-n secosd period nd at mne Iisse Orbd a 3-1 lesd in the fibst perînd. it rnas a matre of tOmae inaarad isas ovreomanc tha Miltan uintars. Jaîf Grahamn scorad twice ChAis Capuin nsrd Eddin Gant aoaasted on th ini 6nf d Gang MoCan ad Mark Bradea onh second. Simotoa3 skating Oin Fay scored twire and assiit ment la Milit Clans, COnis Adsaooa and Bariy Riebai. On Saturday aftarnonn the Mito Credit Union BaIldogs piayed hast toi Osa andafeated BrpoanFs tripla ,A" tom and cer sisal out 3-8. Thr BuIldogs camerop asith 3-air Orsi effort of Ose season as t-ry bald tha vsitors to one goal in cach perid. Dave Toirtaisa tamned is a top sotois gane i n eMOltos net and osiy sorne gireat gooiasnding ai Ose altier end of tha raisk kapt thn lOldolis off ths score sbant. Goac -Posnis" Wisnnsotod 3-ai if the bonys tomn on liOn 3-at agairni the trams in 3-air oms divson, tOry sbosdd soin a lot oI garnes. Correction Five years on County Last monO's isassa iorractly attiihtcd Ban Harris as serving mss Years as onacillsr and tOmee asoevson MilItonCouei. In O Iact Or sarcnd taso Years as dapaiy rance and 3-n mscad sp toimerae for a tOres peor stint and sorcadi fice yeara s on i sownan coanty coni. Hn la nase sOaengig Mayor Brin Besi for lise mayor's seat. Supplying and Installing TH4E BEST 1IN Floor Coverings aBROADLOOM aCORLO)N & CiJSHION FLOORS ta INDOOR.OUTDOOR CARPEI K. W. CLEMENT & SON 123 Thomas Street MILTON 878-2194 - 878-2194 FLOOR COVERINOS Choose yoor nrot lr cveinj froas or srlrntion of: " Ooaiiy hraadan " Convrnirol 111v. * Coohianed sheel vinyls 0cr Puli7 qualifird installer cao iay yor compuete flo i 0e cma sui the materiais toi tise dtrit-yniaoselfer. 0 ?Nu MD 700 Main Stronni E., Milon. 878-2351 21-0 CATERINO We Cater To a Parte " Bianquets " Luncisrarn " Weddtings DEW DROýP IN 878-9229 or 878-5111 CALL MRS. WAYNE 21c-0i CONCREE NEW CONCRETE WORK Walis, Siops. Baoeen Fiosos. RESURFACSNG fioaos, cuohs, palios, vemrassss. Gsaraoieed bond. F ree aslissate Iron conconîr specialists. CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL HEARID 250 Martin Strent 878-6853 ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES *Saplis Tanin *Wil Tuaes Otiser Canconte Prads *Plastic Snmnr Pipe a Fsaplng Service 853-1529 2lcl9-tf DEAD STOCK REMOVAL PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval LIMITEl) Of dnsd or disaloles Cattl. and Hiossa. Phns (416) 6924421 Blahoeis Lis. No. 28#C71 10«4 Trafficking charge laid A raid hy Milton Polie on a Main Si. romonsg iniasa sony Sortdiaormng Oaa rsuisted in a charge oI possession of soarijanna for the purposa oI irafficing Oring laid agaist sone mn. Policessay theraid wsteiO resait of an investigation." Forth er charges rnay 0e pending. report penice. ELECTRICAL SERVICE 1JANITOR SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITBD se IND1USTRIAL te COMMERCIAL a FARMS & HOMES e a ELECTRIC I4EATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Charles St. Milton 878-9513 - 877-5795 21c-tf ENTERTAINMENT ai OFFICES e INDUSTES Campirte Janitorial Service 878-6388 21-it jKITCHEN PLANNING MODERNîZE DISC JOCKEY SERVICE t Music ot Oz Let as .hrip yoo plan yooo kit- Music for ail occasios- chro for rbfiainn and baity Banqurts, Wrddisn Dances icldiog pire finishead natarai etc. hardtcocd cabonets. Ani for Carnedy Roolis free brochure ai Slaster ofCerrnoiesService avallahie 878-6637 0 ff Ai0 AII FARM SERVICES COMPLETS ELECTRICAL &s MBCHANIOAL INSTALLATIONS & REPAIES '«oor Jamesway Dealer" Paswer Choring Equipmna for FouiIiy - Hog - Beef - Dairsy Escellent Venciaîing Sysiess CALL 853-2168 Rural Maintenance Service Frae Esîirnas No Obligation 21n-tf FARM BUILDING Steel Roof asnd Repaira PHONES EVENINOS PLEASE Waterdown 689-1086 J. M. Harris, forsnnrly George S. Haris. 21v-bf FENCINO NORTH HALTON FENCE Commrercial, Residrnianiand Indostrial aiso Tee Service Trionrning Os largo ions reonaln Foiiy Insord Phone ACTON 853-1010 HAMILTON 527-7976 Speciaiaed in Ooosn rnrecking. 21a51.Il FINISH CARPENTRY * REMOGELLING *RSC. ROOM * JTOIREN CABINETS VANITIES ARBORIE COUNTEES CLIFF BARNES 878-9135 la-nf FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE Fusera Homse Lsd. jky 114 M Se.. MOiie Our 2M3 yearo0f isaipfib, toutens. servia. 878-4482 lieU GENERAL CONTRACTORS OREINRAL BWLDDIM CONTREA47OR a Rennodifes a Aicenatlana si New cnstrunction Fone bylueprints asits coniact. GERRY DS WIID 878-3534 3104 a878-2351 n 21v-Il ILIBRARY HOURS Esponded Leibrary Hansos IManday 12 Noosi to 5.30 pi. Torsday -Wednasday - Thurs- day.- Friday 10 amn. ù) 5.30 pan. Evenissgs Tursday - Thursday - Friday 6.30 pmn. t0 9 p. Satorday 10 am. toS5p. 21ct4 MOTOR REWINDING PHSONE 878-4111 or 826-1223 EleCfric Ca. Ltd. 3153 Base Une Rond, Miltons. MUNICIPAL TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Thown Cierk and. TTreeoa faspansor of Buaidings, Flsssnling, Treasches Paisnsg Band Conniaitanetso Adjisnansa Towns Supegsened.s 87&4131-2 & 3 Sireeisvdile 026-3802l Snwsge Fiant & Warka Yard 8786171 Fins Chies-s Office 87848251 Ernergency Fins 8784922 Poice Gepartineni 878-936 878-6969 9 arn. to 5 p.m. Only OPTICIANS H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Opticiens 6M8 TEAFALOAR .ROsD Bolittanle Rond ai Dsasnqsb Wnkdays, 6 pan. ta 10 pan. Wenkends, 10 a.ia. ta 6 pin. ory apSiobtien Onsaits' Ba's posptby filled, MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSINO OPTICLANS Oculist's prescriptions prompt- ly aand accsaraiely fibind. 69 Main Si., Milton. 878-4961 Arfhur A. Johnon, O.D. MILTON -218 Main St. 878-3673 Appoinmens Tansday, Thursday & Prldy M4 Mi St. B., Actan, 853-820 Wednesday & Bsouri PIANOS - Tunlng and Ropalrlng OARVILLE PIANO0 SHOP 305 Charcs St. ai eynolds OakvOllle Planas toiasnd repalrnd. SpecialWnin l gaad recoodt ioned planas. Cali PETER LANDRR 844,6673 Open daily tutti 9 p>m. PAINTING and DECORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTI NG Contractor INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTA3 INTERIOR.- EXTERJOR Cali Noaw faor Preis Esiate 878-6137 Bon 114, Miltn. PLASTERINO STUCCO Plastering &Stucco AU Types of Sisanco New Pîser,Bapsbrs, Coca Caii Aidershot Piasfering Ca. 878-2016 PLUMBING HYDRONIC. Piumbing & Heating SEPAIRS, NW WORK MD1 ALTERATIONS 878-2917 PRINTINO ai BROOHUJI.S 0 PlIBLICATIONS e BUSINESS PORMS e WBDDING STATIONERY A cosapineinGn and Producionn Service 8-2341 jj Dilis Prînting 'W Pubîîshing Co. Ltd. 191 main SI., Milie. MILTON PRINTING SERVICE * Lntterheads e Enveiopns " Brochuons eports " Marnais - ponpaond and iliostratnd. " Soapusel FAST, FAST SERVICE 878-6677 2ic-lf SEWING MACIS Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE5 87&M66 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Msi""l Sat» Services a" RepaIra on su naires or évewhg sasommas lia-st9 SNOWMOBILES *Dv4ns,, Cmany lsm SALES and SERVICIE Drumquin Garage Hornby 878-4807 21v-if, AD INFORMATION CAtI 878-2341 CANADIAN CHAMiPION SHOW REMMAI ,DRP/BWAYS & PAROINO LOTS Cleared 2 Piows CALI1 ANYTIME 878-3716 lictf STORAGE ACTON Terminal Warehouse LIMITED Induastriel & Doatseaia Storage Privaîn Fssrssnare Loakes Banded Siorage PIck-p & Delivoery - Maoingas BROICEBRAGE SERVICE photos 853-2320 Actan 394-241 Tornto 21a-tf TAILORINO - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'SWEAR 202 Main Street PHONE 878-4472 TRANSPORTATION BUS SCHEDULE MILTON and TORONTO Lv. Milton 07.00 a.ia., *10.13 ami., o-4i.13 amn., a-4.35 i.m., 0-6.30 pan. Ar. Milton *10.00 a., 04,39 pas., o>-7.30 pia. MILTON & KITCHENER Lv. *6.20 pas. Ar. Milso 05 nan., o-8.15 MILTON & HAMILTON Lv. a-8.5 a., o-.30 pi.. MILTON and GUELPH Lv. a--10 a. Ar. Milton o.-230 pi. en48 n tap Satssrday, Sun- dayHollESy. o-Satarday oniy. a-Sunday ar Holiday. ObaFolday. c-Tns. TOis.. BaL. only. UPHOLSTERY Milton Uphoîîtering a Rnaptsoistnrins Restyllng " Custominsllt fituiau " Conloaci upsaislaolsg "A comspile saelton of var- oas fahoins ai onasonasle crier " Frne nsiaas " nec pick-up anid deBvnry 878-90914 E.R. 3, MILTON. Larme Arthuir, Prop. Writn 3 poar gssarantee on workrnansip. 21v-if VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX For Sains &s Snrice contact STELLA MARTINI at 878-9709 licStt WELDING SPEYSIDE Portable Weiding Service Pose Enllimaes Comnercil - Indstiriel W. KAMMINGA 115. No. 1, ACTON Isana 433-2438 TWI N (Moble Service) 197 Mlii St. 878-4676 Milton SlAVE DENNISON CI-ARLIE'S WELDING Wing - ILepairs - Portable SOs Lice CH"4. SBRC 878-5365 21edi WROUGHT IRON *RaiRnts-Indoor & Outoco *Gares * Boom Diders CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. ASOTON VAN DER RAN 250 Masrtin St. 878-6853 lInif> aid MW] ter, Angel oph toron Bariogtc, 1972. Gra Mns. Ths A. ILARA, OqHara Bionte S son, Ken ibs., Il n Hospital 21, 1972. E ,Mr. an Miksan m Caria, t0 of Mr. a Of Braok M. an pain 0f 1 their an? limen, ta son of h Pei, MGO ROBSON Jack 1 Mo ni nf Mo. ai Horliy, 1972, in Narval, -STUART ef faons the fori iheir yo Anone So Stuarti, and Mos Tornto, taire pi Church, HUFFM, n1 on D day, No iis 'Hof huohanc roy Ha 1, Anlor ( Rira)i Mos. 'M of RLR. hy nine Monda> ai Homs Cerei NIMIJO ory n ing as passnd 1971. Gar yn Sincr y How w Thar ns Wr cri dea Would Sad.i3 Inn, Io nophev STOVI of a îaheî A heao w i ,Lxyvi ghier i grandc and Bi in nigMo cords ia Tar c3i-36S andant florner soho t May st; pilai. o31-363 B. A and os apy a ta Dr. SDr. Gi B. A. i for th standi ai. Sp fr1064 fosii Lysnna

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