Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 33

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Halton Centonnàlil ffanor Busv foul season have mttered a bcey fidl esecn, cedeactinitnes are Its. order of Ose day. Along milh crote, art cassshffeb r, ool phynîcol fttes, tranelogues, snegecenge, aed ce eccasloeal trips ed 1h.r staod plates- ce 'eadTe ofts esenwoed Sp Or 000ma Iuofiurp ce Sept. 26. 'lb. Septeceher blrllsday partp wce aponeered Sp th. Verdun Rebekea ci Georgetown a&M the Mceor Acellarp. Sperlal guest terfor celolel J. Urban of Toronto uloliglsted the reeldeelu ulOs bic ecege uhile Mrfs. George Nudâ cof MiltoIc omspanied ce the orgce. On Sept. 30 eerl Monorices otteeded the dedicetion ceremonien efthOe hietoricol ploque eithlb Couety Ad- ministeatice Building. liait gc m uesau. on Oct. 4 eIeMnrauditorieum. They more given heerty applauee by Ose eedenlo, uho were happy lu see thece agace. Resîdents and staif alibe avaîled themnelven of the Pesoports te Heation. One Oct. 10, Ose Militeon ar Club epofecred o loir :etryOe reidente aroend beeety epetsof the cosusy te ee tise Id colore, lellowed by altereoco tesaet M"wak loes, lb. refidens vierge "hwogly dellgted mith the elteenocon. Sire. Dolores Neit, Meneir hair- dresser, provlded s glant; bingo cne I.attereon et Oct. 14. Mrs. Ethel Gualieer uee Ils. lecky viteioer oft1he jaekpeft, pronlded by the Mener etaff, and ansong t;. rie wineere ure Mre. Lila MiettElmer McKlnney, Mre. Jeesàe Gray, Mre. UBiau Taylor, Mm. Ada Tureer, ced Mns. Taluitha McAuley. Regreehmeeca more eerved 1u01h. luclm and ce- lucky aline. AtIP.C. Party Severol reoideelsaotteodeil Ose min. and party epceaored Set Hydro meet for December 7 Active participation of ail interested groupe and individuls lf battuegrequested ata meeting et Ose Selandt Cououon le Torunto lboredep Dececer 7 . lb. cmuniuon tes calied Ose meeting lu introdue Bruce Homttt, A U.S. planning expert r.bole.d te prepore cnexopended sicdy ut possible oItes foe Ose Nenlicoke to Pickering hydre pouwer lie. Mr. Huullt le mxpocted te, esplil ble plane ced nmote discussions. lb. proposed 500,00 vult Onterio Hydre power corridor ceceineil a setbac receltlymsen Ose cmmssionc colledf or ce enerocnesetal sicdy. Obituary AMrs. Maric AGirl Guide leader tue ueel rie yearu and on active afermer ut Ra Ose IODE und St. Pool's United Church Wemee, $hozaeloe 11e1u1ls1 diud 8 ColutHepblc Oteber 21 taome eeIr eu lo laoted a Yeur. flue torner Marion Still, she btd loned le Milton fur th. post 35 yeum. She mes harn le Torunto July S, 1821 ced married Fred Survining are ber bushand, nons Wdlium George ced Prederico an, ail of 18 Court St. N. Milon, and a brother Wesley 51111 of ucerharougb. Mru. SmiOs murb.d toc morne lome an a pop cloro et Hiten Manur. Fuluerel service uce betd Oct. 24aethe MeKeesie Fimeret Hum, with Hon. C. A. Rainer ut St. Paul'suttliceting. Interseent; mes et Eveegreen Cometery le Milton mîtb Bon Meecer, Carl Ecbeoomiller, Rosa Colling, Stemart McFedden end Imo ISalvation Armyl IPICK-UP TRUCKU nMiton & AeaU IEVERY TUESDAYI 877-822 We.k Sterytime esere Tuedavsui1î0st Vears ou age. DeC, 9 - 10:308 .m Coidren Concent "Rumpletitin Pe iorueil loymet ut the Hareilon Phil. hai-monic, The Hamilton string Gurte and Janet Pebeeon, clarleet. MILTON ULIC I RR Commnission chaiemas Dr. Cnond Selandt eogge&We Ose Homlett stialpehould put prmary ecepheois on envirosceenta Iaoure le key ouet mdi as Ose ceoueing ufthIe Niagara ecerp- ceont in cealing the route selortien. He nid Ose ao le ont te ebous. ubat lu ser.ticaily ils. lest route but te, choose e good route elong uich th. Une con lie budt quschly wlOs Ose minimum ut environeetat damage and local opposition. Th. Dececeher 7 meeing wulI leh.i in lehOe Huone Roum, MacDonald Block ofu'u Park on Wellesley St. )n Smith phemu Jahn Shaueb and Jube vers ce pathbeerers. i.W-- 'i-ý of activities bY ch. Progressive Cossernatlne Party aI 1h. Milice Curling Club Oct. 14. lb. October blrthday Party ueo eeeloted le the Menuer auditorium Oct. 17 spoesored by Ose ladies oi the Hallun Agci- cultural uociety. The prograce mou provnded by Ose Milton Senior Cituaens band, ubono tue- tepplng moulc eaueed oeme of oor roelfdntuto get op ced done eroced th. tbbies. Melvin Cod- more Osceked Ose ladies ofthOs Society ced delieloun refrceb- nunte uere served. Oc 1h. evnint et Sept. 1e, Ose Burliogice Concert Orchestra foudor Ose direction of Uceuteneuit Colonel Hont vislted. Asnong lbe oeieeticosployed, Ose mouic tence Jerome Kernoa "Shoubot pleceed Ose resldens. Perey Waddingten, ubo dreeted the orchestraon ne occasion, lbanlo.d ue gus omb ce haet of les t elluu renidents, ond refresb- meute uere uerv.d. Shufleboard Itesideute. ufthOe Mor ond mecebers of Ose Milice Senior Oisiene cesembltin lehOe Menue guence ruocen ce Mondey allter- mon, Oct. 23 for o tively obuffle- bord teuroament. The gomes uece ebly refereed by C. W. Clark ut Milice, bleu. Laureile Flotter and Chartes Bounoutl of Ose Senior Citizee ueon tep tenecu ced received firnt prie, esOs bleu. Ruby Frost and Herbert Rend ufthOe Manoir ceming un a dunea second. Refreusumentu uere .ev.d. Witcbms, goblins ced unird ceue tbet ceshribute te Ose spirit of Halome'en, ievaded Ose Menue loudutorioce on Wed- nenday, Oct. 21 uben lbe resideuts celebeuted "At Hailoun Bye", flue reuideote were le o gay ceood ced square denced ced tmu stepped te Ose musie ot morne ofthOe memberof Ose Miltce Senior citizece, Tom Bradebe.PlccdMe TIser. uore 25 residenbo le costume and prione uer. preseoted on bebaît of tbe sponsors, by Mcv. Suotord, Msie. E. Mlsoo, and Mes. MeItyre of Ose CaOsolie Woceen'u Leogue, Mdlton. The peety mon sponsored ioy Ose Manoir aumiary and staff cembues esoleted le belpleg Ose r.sidenc uith Osele cesuoes, coulo'ibetieg 10 e happy and socenf ut paety. Th. evnsng mil h.e r.lined masy tilees le Ose future un our edmleistraboe ettended, usth bhu meule camera,' ced pot it te veey gond mse. Refresbceentn uer. eved. Oc Oct, a a Tbanbsging servir. mes cumlucted le Ose Menue ebepet by Ose Ren, W. I. Leuis ut Boston eburels. Hie service mou boken fruc e it1h chepter oI Ose bookl of Thesce- toueos. The Hon. M. Cbriutensmn ufthOs Pentecostal Cbuech, Milton mendurted Ose service le the elsepel un Oct. 15. The theme tue Ose sermon mou teken froces MOsh Poulce. SIbd ners. Service in 1h. blnor chapet on Sumdey, Oct. 223me ccedorted loy Ose Hon. C. Rainer of St. Poul's Unitedi Chucl, Million. He touok lei; sermon frune Ose book of St. Juhn, 17Os verse. E7"ILE Nar Hornby Excellent for Recreation Roomn, Bedroomn, Famnily Areas. Brown-Green, Dark Green, The Chaempion, Milton, Ont., Wed., November 29, 1972 C Request repair shop for farm machiner y Enquesleg Cooincil noill seeb advice iroce a olicitor befoce euluig un a ceqocol Iroos Ceuîg Ooyce lu construcî an agricul local ceacinery repaie dmop et Ose intersection of Trafalgar Hoad ced SIene Avne, near Hornby. Boyce blid ceoncl Mondey ulgbt the towonship cmonittee ut aijoulmient miS granit flmc a 1und seporetion il cooncil eppeunes e building permit tor Ose abonp. Ho ouid ho proposes te repaie mesily term, veiccles frant Ose Drumqoîn-Hnrnhy axes. AIt adjoleleg proerty owners have granted hinm meitten permisouion, ha naid. 5toyce nid h. opereted e similar buieou aI Drouqule for ue, ymarn. bMout ut ce buiess miS h.e agriculturel, terce eqoipment ced meebleery," te said. "But if you cusseinofftthe cool ced mont you're cuc.,ied, l'mn otgoieto Say o.". Cuncillur Len Cone conced.d he'n bol mure colis poirnling ast fWot w Ose necil 10r such a sbap le Ose H-ornhy area, llianor uncy ulocer ceuses sioce heus beenon ovuncil. We have tuhave idustry andl there's nu place botter for iuthOse ce Ose onother. end ufthOe tomnuhip neer 401 ced Ose coutpy rendu," interel Reevo Tuom Bt. Oeputy-reeve RusseSl Miler admitîed Me. Rupce'u ides le a gond one, but ceutioned moueSci egaicet geenting a pernmit botor. consulting miOs Ose aflitior. -We've tursed doue a lot ut oSier peuple durleg the lesit Imo peurs. t don't ment te open a cou af morms wiOs Ibis," ho nai. iter teld Royce Osero han bemn e large cul le Ose nusuber ut separations granted in the township, but cunceded. "-If onyicdy gete one, il ubauld be you, because everybody le Ose ores muetu the sop." Coeillor Cose nid be iu preparel tu support the prajeet, il Mr. ttoyce man prove il mdll h. an agricollural operation. Hoseever, bo mamned OsaI a rmrspeadmo linOt everythiog in file souiiesn evd oi the townshp wkl be oed commercial uoder the e zoniug loy-Iaw us bonI tint--a -Tne nom loy-tam mil mune everthing ut uts prescrit use. 'Ibm pereonecau couse o aihîcor amidedrnents," hoe enplaeed. Reeve 1H11 sud h. can eee no dittereece le land use betuece cepairusg agricuttural macbleery and netllîg it. Agricultorol machinery retait outieto are classed as ce agricullural use le the toshipol. In asier lu a questiun froce Cvuvdullur il Homitt pointed oîutitueven il Mr. Ruyce were requiredto seek anumenuoet te Ose zonin loy-law. vo bearing woulid ho neceoay, since aSl adjoauong property ounners have ulready consented lu Ose proje.. You've got a f riend in George Brown A trievis someone who is readu, willing and able fa help yau when you need help. That's George Brown's job, and bis way of lite. When he's not managing Milton's Royal Bank, George works hard fo help his community and if's people. He participates in the Lions Club and in any number of activities around toms. If you don't meet him there, drap in fa the Royal and say hello - George cao help you wifh entra cash for something worfhwhile, or help you arrange your finances, or Iusf helpyou sort things ouf. Aflfer ail ... that's whàt iriends are for. Community Corner Support your local RED CROSS Voiunieers Uruenîle Needed. Contact Bob Simal Recreafion Dîrector 878-4151 SROYAL BANK serving Ontario MILTON 878-4185 Our 27 years of decorating esper- Our $12quality servce anl about onrvce. s abour Da l U t $ lfr adice on choice Ofa colars or appli- cation of paint and w w mailpapor. Na charge k LAS TOITS SHOW OUe te.9 Ine erInO LATEXIS Eus uAL of course aI Meuton's * OR SETTER QUALITv THON. TOP LINE POINTI WITH argent decoratung ADVoeRT505 LIST PRICES OF5 1095 TG S12.5! centre. Ragmilar 1.95 4 SII. l. Orange, Red. MitnsL 0gs oan Cetr for experience ,VOTE l l fl STONEY VflILD@ councillor town of Milton is u phon.e book listing co ried 0 Please tell us now, before we print the new MILTON Directory December 28th Look up your listing in the current Directory. If you wish to have if changeil, cail your Telephone Business Office at 878-4193. L BaN Canada MILTON ILECTION NIONT On election night Monday Dec. 4 ail citizens are invited ta gather affer 8 p.m. at Martin St Senior Public Schaol ta await the posting of Milton election returns Vou're invifed lu enjoy a doughnuf and a cup of coffee there, courfesy of the Canadian Champion Phone If yoo can't attend, you can obtain up-fo-fhe- minute election returns fromn Milton, 878-2341 Nassagaweya, Olakviiie, Burlinglon and Esquesing by Phone af the Champion 0f- Or' il busus, Cai fice. 878-2343 SETWEEI 3:30 P.M. and MIDMIGNI COMMERCIAL NYLON CARPET IN STOCK

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