Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 25

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Questions and fou olates are tihe fealares of elections i Milton and Nasisagaweya wlth sonme acclamations in Oakvilte, Burlinglon and Fiqueslng. if intereat runs as higit among tihe electiors as it seens la among candidates, there weUl hoe a gond votlng turnout; on Monday, Dec. 4. As weil as the election 0f candidates in ail offices, Milton property oseners wifl hoe voting on a suhsidined tbua service for thte community. The question on lte ballot will hoe "Are you in favor 0f lteTowen 0f Milton enterig into an agreement la pay $19,760 minimum ansual suhaldy for tho pronsion 0f a local puhlic hus service." lThe toxt 0f lte full agreement as alan heen printed i carrent issues 0f The [ Champion an every otener cao hoe fufly familiar seitit tho proposai. Eaaentially lte agreement rais for Milton Bus Unes tn operate a 20 paaaeagorhbus, ovor estahltsied routes, ab aeaacn ua i reaerve. Tise Coasmendation ta due thse Couneil fer lte vision, initiative and planning wiic ha reautted in lte purcitase hy lihe town and the Ontario Houslng Corporation of te Bruce St. School 11hi the firat otage in whal seui take Lase hi adequately Implement hut il waa te necessary stop in preserving lte achoot, meeting thte need fer ad- ditionat senior citizen itousing in an excellent location and pruvlding for a site for a noe lihrary. Wrappig up those three projects in one plan is impressive. Current legislatlon deprlvlng tenante 0f s vote in asoney malteru; durcng municipal electiona aitould ie amendedi. The legistation effectively tiiorriasinates against apartasent doollers. In tee case 0f the bus suhaidy for Milton thut seil hoe votei on titis pear, manp of the people sela are direrttp involveti hune no voire. Titis hs serng. In lie rase of senior ritizeas asanp hune poiti texes for years and made a sigctifirant contribution to tee lasen, Noin lause of redurei inromes or Iack of better accommondation te hune asoved i mb apartasente. In somne rases obder folk hune decided teey don't nemi a hume osf teir on and their neotis are hetter met in an apurtment Titese people are among tese oho mouId houefit front a tata service. But tisey have no voice. rYoung couples who are faceti wite asonthty rentai fees, often far in excess Toe Hallon Journal wsea Md an's Oiral seospapor. foande inh 18M. The fllaseh article reporlingon oa manicipal eletion hn Milton far the pesr 1860 may protide saine insilh ite voli malltind anti opinions hn tee moenta over 100 poes aga. Il semeti particual limnetp as tee to preparos for anotier eleclios t12 peers jater. Prom tee Raites Journal, Jasaary 4, 1MO. The contst aI oner. Muanicipal sereants hune again teos chutes 10 manage local interests. For the Soucth teset of tiu tess lie Cooncitioca are John Turner, George Dempsey asti Dr. Freemas. Taere bihg no mare nominatias tiare os of courste as contlt. te tee Eaut teard tie Candidates were ilocrates Conter, Samuel Marse, W. D. Lyon, George Sntite anti Henry teinter, Ose latter of winmrelietinoafiter theopesing of tlo poil, leasing tee conteat tetteeen tie other fue. i sooa hecente etideet test Mesm. Mo-s antiamithbaila majarllp ai tic votea hn tee ward asti att teto oas cestreti hotosees Me. Center anti hir. Lyon. Durhng tic altemo af Mantiap, lie samiens far este oere equal, andtihIe retertdcg sîfirer cloeeth le pol far tee day a1 four s'cIait, teavng ta affals 18. Dccciag tee lgcI bathc partiea made cossitinraile eert»ap, votas having tees sati far ail lie oay framnt ear Dustias anti huas Oativilct Os tie saraond day nary tese notes ocre recortiet; indacti tiers ocre bt service would span 10 itoura a day Monday la Saturday Iclusive coverlng ahout 130 miles daly. Fare wonld hie 20c for adulla, 15r for aitadents and senior citizeon and l0c for cblldren 12 and under. Tite aaahuldy ha ased on 50 cents a msile for lte service and on lte has of Li0 mles daly, lte equdvalanl 0f 390,5 miles ha arrived at and lise auhsldy, projected at *19,760. As new rocles are oxtended lie 5ic a msile auulsdy ha extended. The question faclag ratepayers la ehier lte groseti 0f lise lasso over new areas and hoyond eartior icoundariea, hontew advanced enosagl la consider a permanenly eatahlisited bucaservice tehirit conld meel te needs 0f lihe total communlly. Milton Blua Uinos has operated a service for anme lime note and many have fons Il fUls an important need. Tise question he whelter thore are enongit and seiier ltey, as oseaers 0f property, are weillng The detacled planning muaI note foilote on the use 0f lte arisool lbcilding and te uew Uhrary. Bot projects seUl andouhtedly orcupy the tinteof lise new counci la ho electod on Moasday. Ttis ha furlter indication ltaI tise roun elected Monday seUl hoe feir froos a "caretaker" conedl tehic i el asorely loit afler ltinga antil lise local goverument ha realructured. There are o nuoshor 0f thinga t la h done and placcoot, ltaus lte election 0f tihe mont capahle indisideas la eusentlal. Tisere should hc ol voter shrugglng off lte importance 0f Monday's voting. ci whal many itotlteonmr psy on mortgages, aise have o voice. In maoy instances Ilote people coutd mote se 0f titis service. The mylis tisaI apartment dseelleru and tenants do ot rontrihute la municipal coffers muat sarely ho tihipelleti. It hs hard la conceive of a situation se'iere part 0f lice tenant's rental fee doran't end up fiaocig lon prujocta. fi is difficuit, 10 understand seiy legiclators could refuse tenante lte rigitt to vote on s mouey mralter telen oue ronsidera thst lthe samne legisiators ailoce tenantet lai sios rouncteil it o restrictions on titeir voting poteer. The legialation la irosagit dosen hy lice provioce. Il hs too lte la change anytiting for lthe hua suhsidy homeowers seil vote on Dec. 4 btes shopo sitonld ho laken for future votes i titis and every Ontario community. ho naines te record. Mir. Lyon guI use vote anti tee oter candidate tiree notes. Mir. Conter givng a pîsmespr far hieseUl! The pou oas kepl open dit tes a'clari oies Siamuel Morse, Gearee Scmute anti aoratea Cestor ocre tieclareti dslp elecleti Coancitors for te Est Wseti of tie Town ai lton for tee poe cmO. te tee Norte teset tee nomntions oece John teite, Dr. Husme, Juhn Tosta asti G. T. Basîtiao. Mir. Wite oas sustisatet in. ia absncne. Up te tie vcry day af eleclian ho diti seliatend te mome faoard again as a caneditiate, eand il oas anip aI tie segent saticclalian of masy f rlends Btt le afllet ieseif to e hopal hn nominaia. Sut lie lactionisîs ocre fstly ergastîcti aeti prepareti far action. Thep daternedti l taie stinage oI Mr. Witte's apatity and sersaspilitha psety telsmpc. Tie u ass daieteti but il was detecteti tee late le ho remedioti. Bp a systin of bitrbary asti corruption. Mr. Baleo kepI spa, rasper. tablite an ai alle ctose of init a day Me. Wite oas four otcead. Bst darhng te might enerp effort oas pal farte te, gel a deailiot nictery. Mir. Bauleda's sua teain oas oest te Llsareinlle for s otl Tie hnactisilp ai Mir. seule's treedsanud lise snscrspatouuseu of Mir. Baledioa suipporters reactil as evaryhedy mlgld hune expecleti. At four schahk us tic secend day Mc. Bas"ed oas delared eueteil iy à maieelly of use, Ilangit prsiaitly a suteay slgit give a different restit Il mut lie kept hn miel thal Mr. White a as-emldee: asti 1 to la tiste tax rate the neceaaary aahoidy for lte service tai continue. In Nassagaeeýa, votera seul ho, askod if titey are in favor 0f Une ltwnship permitting horse racing after; 1.3 in tee sfteronon on Sondays. Tho Jockey Clubt suggeste lise nnve, ha necosuîry la ite continuing operation sehile somte ratepayers teonder sehy. liseir Sonday in tee rural setting lisey chose should ho iterraphod tt hsuy roads and traffic stiming aI tee Sonday rares. Towshiip residents have already rejocted tise mouve once andi Il osit hoe up ta tlom teiteteer teey stil hld teose samne vietea. Electiona in Milton, Esquesig andi Nasssgsseeys for tee tep positions sll teave escit mccnicipality teiteout one 0f uts senior officiaIs. In Nasoagaweya and Esquosing tee depoty reevo la chailenging tee reeve and in Milton lise reevo ha citsllenging tise Mayor. Some eXacerience hi teus la ho lest and oteclara mst citoose tise individual moat capahle of provldlng tite csecessary leadershtip te f il tee senior positions. Municipal goverument i cin a state 0f flux teite att officiais excaecting anaseuncement on a regional govero- ment structure almoat dally. Thtis seill bo part of tee frusotration and part of lise challenge sohicit att municipal leaders teit face. It seui require clear teinkers i every position in every council to grapple sylit lte uncertainties, yet preas on oit competence in providing people- oriented governosent, and lthe foundations for ohatever nete governasient foras ta imposeti. Voting day in MatIn is Dec. 4 seite polis open frot 11 as. laS8 pasm. As a citizen, yon have s reaponathillty te state yoar choice hy casting your ballot. il. e- 50 years ago o~~eoTa ude* FROZEN DINNERS are in store for ohîle lie people al Gicn Edien Ski Club teese horses and manp othors, as as tho backgrondt look torword 10 voler's cp chilI tiescendis opon tem. maop more sncies of lie oite stuff. 1btoseitorses finti tee snow a hintirance (Photo bpJ. Jenltings) VOL. 113 - No. 31 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1972 Tiie Section Commentîng brie fly An extremety lUgit ternout hn Acton test seei sain just tous tean 17 per cent 0f tise eligihte votera mark hallots in a liquor ptehhrite. Tise Adtn Free Press says il wonld ho unfortenste indeeti if teat apathy extenda 10 tee vote for couriil ts on Dec. 4. The Uquor vote, hp tee oap, waa 450-74 in favor 0f Uiquor hn dining ronas and 423-105 hn favoir 0f sale of Uiquor under a touage licence. Bote Arton habla plan te opptp for Uicenres soo. An editerial page feature hn The Champion a couple 0f weeks ago, shoot tee mas sehu invenhtid tee whlite Uine 0f tee igitiapa, was enjoyeti hy hics. John Ostter oaf hilton. Tite article s about Frantk C. Biggs, Onario Minister of Higitoays 1919-23, who oas hics. Oster's fateer. Meet-tite-casdidate meetings in Esquesini anti North Borlinglon intigit (Nov. 29) are a great idea te lalp inforas notera ahout tee local candidates. Unfortenately yon'il huve tu attend te donnve any lanefita prior te eletion day next Montiay - lat meetings are tnitedulei toc lte for tocal weektp neospapers te rover Iloas prier te voting day. The BurUinglon meeting is aI Fairviese Schuol, tee Esqsesing meeting aI 8 pas. at Steseartton Hall. Does anyoue kos tee reasont for the "AE" deaignalion of the otti Horuhp Scitoni, whirit is currently in se as ARC Industries workaitop toc retardei aduite? A graduste of thut anhoot rerenl orote the Ontario Archives in tee if tlap roulti tell ia wtp titat snitoni got tetter designations oie offter district achonîs oere kacten hy notiers. The Archives researclars replieti test esrtp annuet reporte cirra teis in cannrcios wite tie soanI of any orgaaistion, sacreeietinh delestino un.' i oas ot Mr. Baste". Hie hnsolf s eleeil ity his ove note. Tie othor o Coasicillara are Joitn Tisampton aond Dr. Humce. Mr. Vftite's deleet mst lastlrihsled esorey la ia inattention, ami osant nf preparatise. Tisoagi eosry goversaet officiltin tic teard vateti agahast hilm, tcere was mare ti a malorily te hius tenor lad use malter tees properly alteadedti . 1845-150 indiratei lthe scinet super- intende-it gave tetter designations tsi snitonu sections olticit oece dincide hotineen lwo towensips, anti of course tee Hornhy scitool seret studente froas bote Esquesing anti Trafalgar Towsips. "I1 foonti ne explunation foc tee letters anyteee anti so t can onlp assume the tetters were assigneti for porposes of rîarily," terRIe the arriiol. Cas aspone teil us ohp te nuashors "AR" oece ginen Hornhy A ueal sioffle at Quens Park las given HaIon's tino cabinet minister blPPs new tocations on tee flonr 0f te Iogislalare. Hatllon West hiPP George Kerr, inio oas recently ciameti Justice Secretery, oas moneti freas tee second front rote seat tu tee t3th, winhle oton EasI MPP anti hinister rtf Governasenl Services Jias Snoin moneti up fromn lie ltiîrd roo le lie fient coin. fils cntecesling tu note Ihat Dac McKeoogi, wo reoigneti is cabinet post oner a contliet of hlteresl lasI sommer, remahas a front lancier. Oiserners teel tis is an indication hirReougi map enentuattp rejoin the cahinet. Anoteer scarf deate in lie Ottawna acea lasI ineei cenindo us 10 stress te danger of chilticen wearing long scare. The ncne-year-etd niclimt in tehis case dieti aftier hec scari hocame entangleti in the poiner take-off of a tracter, dcagging hec loto the ticiveshaft. I is rait unusuai for pestgsters te 'Icp eut' lthe ire on asy botiy of inaler front lie hase tee fient front pots a tein sien on tee surface, bt soretp teose alto okaleti on tee Mill Pond Satartiap oece tempting the fates ocmecessarly. A parental waening is liasetp junt n00 oies tee unpretiicteite tempecatares do strange tings le freozisi anti anfreezing inater. For gootineos nake telt thuse youngeters of yoors le keep off tee pond until poucre tare its safle. Turnisg in a faite fire atarm is te wurk of some twiste inmmd. Wten the stores ia terned in ducing tee middle 0f tee night firefigitters hase te tirets. rusi te lie lire hall, and gel tho eetucpmeot te tho scene. In att the rosicg teere are chances of accidenta. itep are preparei for liat risi if lie emergencp is genoine iut ohmn tep arrive te find nosoci property exitIs or ne tire has hen reportei froas ltoat propertp, teey natarally get angrp. The public caon belpi, of course, hocause when socoeooe taras in a falIse alaras ho ofteo gels hos satisfaction front hollsng msreone else about il. A report of sort information tu lie police oui snallp pronitie quici action. Elections are qaile different noo 10 teose of 1860, bot lthe provision of trans- portetion lo tie polis is a fealare oteci las cootinocti. In an article front the Halten Journal of 1860, a team of horses oas sent te nar Dontias tu iring hank a coter for one of tee seate on Milton Council. We doohl tie corrent candidates oolt comitier soci an extesive trip oecessarp. Asti oe douil aay noters inoult ihe haulcol teat far iy horse for tee pricilege of casting a yole. In spîle of tee facI liat lino yostg peopte are rustiof for municipal office aod in spite of tee fart liat tO-year-oltis cao cote for tee fînol hase, lie inlereol on Milton's municipal election generatei among tee communily's poote isn'l ton greal. Tuat is lie conclosion one asigil dran, comiderng lie poor tonnool ut a ment te-candidate meeting helti ut lie Youte Couincîl's Coffee Hoose Sstda. Tie candidates outnomieredtihle audience. t'eriapo il stimudahos business anti starte people teiniing aout shopping, laI if or coalti nominaho asyoue for Our hate parade il ootd hoe teose radio statios anti oliens oho play Chrnistas carets oreko hofore Christmoas. Thop destrop monh of te e aap 0f tee Chistmas season iy endiess repeticon of carols. Up tee hase Christmsas has arrivei enerpone is oint of iearing them itaring froas tosti speakers anti radios. Scant attention is paitu teir message, or teir msic. Hoo mach holler it teoulti ho if te carols anti music of Chtristmas onre fimiteti te tee feo days hefore and te feo daps aller when peopte can enjop theas. Tatea frot thceissue ni ThceCanadien Champion, Tcrsday Nnv. te, col2. inll as athist reported. Some ofttem faild te gel teir deer naci. One porly of sas fol mly tino deor. The eoceptioally, dry onateer mas tee esplasatioo ginen. the reteil merchans of tee cillas are orgasîzofg te oppose the 100-cent otemp tes as receipts os ainount of $10 anti ocer which wîlt come into eftect on Jas. 1. The say il wîll not otiy ho a naisance hut a serîoos handicap tu hasmness. Tis oîll ho the case in the omaller places as oeIl as hn tee cilles. illiam Martin, oho opent tee sommer at Hilîstie aod Penelasgtishene, arrinei in on on Mosday evnom oi 10 oit hîs cousin, l'O. Martis Ho says his eldeot hooteer Jasper, wo hadt a strohe shoot o nootes ago, is inToronto andquite helples. Rohert Jachon, aho tarmo ea Napanee. calléti ona Ilo oli Milton triensti as Salarday mornîngl Ne lf Milton toi hiu presesl lame about 30 years ago. lthe regolar meeting of lKnos Church Young People's Society otîl ho hel inh tho schmol.roomi on Toestiay ecesofg, Dec. t. A goal progcamn s promisei. Everyhody oiviei. Silver Collodion. Premier tlnory oîll vioit Georgetowon Ocol 'Thocstiay. Mayor Date osîlI give hien te official welcome, ad a8p.m. he il speakino tee bown haIll 100 years ago Tatea from teisse of IceCaadien Chtampio, Tiursday, Nov.O, 1072. The ecacation hy tee British marines of San Joan Islandi, according 1u a Washington tiespolch, teook place last Fritiay ohen the bot mîlîtery occupascy estehlishe i n the spring of 1860, lerminaei. Ihe Govermer General's Foot Goardtis the lateot sool oelty on military circles. lhey are 10 ho eqoippei sîmîlarly te Grenadiier Goarts. The County Couscîl soIt meel os Thcstiay, Dec 10. Tic towship Coascîl ot Nassagaweya ailihoi eli ai tee court homse on Tuesday, l)ec 10. The ice on lie postii o in 1 capitel condtion, anti shalers anti cuelers are tetiog aticastage of te e aler 10 have a good lime. Tic tamouo bacicenos' cik, allhooghloosg one oftis hestplayr, slîtll confidetieoforeteiiog teiauccis onoias A shoctisg occucence happeseti os Wetioestay ecenîng aI Orîllia when a hittle boy, oho hati disohoyei hts ooer's i'oiinand tucomeioon te stis, hy some meams set lice 10 lie hotiroomn where hie hid toaseclf. tn lie course of a tew mnutesc lie hose. oîti ils coLnteolo, oas enlirely cossumei. anti tee chîi perîsie in tho THE CANADIAN CHAMPION h.E -Excerpts from the Halton Journal - 7- 1 V ' 1 --1 - 1 ý i ý - - , 1 - IIIIIIIIIIIIIR Pages of the Past Frs,, Chan on ff 20 years ago Takesifrsa cte iasue of The Canadien Chaampion, Nav. 27,1952. Kees coteresl oas mandfest in munccipol attas ai the nomnation meeting in Milton on Friday ecoomog. There os a fair atlendaoce coosiderisg the oeather prenailiag. Reports of tisse otco servei onre concse and very satisfactory. Oftthet17 nmtnated foc couecl, 14 will seek tee six sests on couricil. inadequaocy of tee auditorium ai Milton t-ightSchoot was again enident onThursday asti Frcday evningo wheo the place oas pachei for tee Hîgh School commencemet. Stadtis asti staff presented a lione program. There were senior choral groops usdee the direction ofE. W.West, dancesfor al grades direcled by Miss A. Taylor and loasimg hy lie senior boys. Ile school orchestra Linder Me. Wnest also contribotei eu...- ombers on tee pnogram. Peeseotalions of ainards, dcptomnas, etc. is atme a igiight of ochool commencements andti ose shoose teat Milton Hig continues tu standti gh ini iaachievements PrincipalJ. E. Marcellos t ani Boacrd Chairmao John Bell matie the pre scatations on Thorsday eneniof. -4 Principal Marcellus and Board member N. 9 'a 1,. Picktirt matie tee presenlations on Frîday. Nassagauteya nolens ocîl hase an nînclion on hi day tae letfour councîllors aod to puhtie schasi trastees as a resaIt of the nomination meetcng in. Broohoîlle os - Mooay afternsmn,tiescrihedtas qiet nd tairly oel allenid

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