Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 24

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812 The Chsampion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Navacoisr 29, 1972 VOTE "lREST i FOR ATIR. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN *STR( *PRC *GOi .PERFORMANCE TO DATE"F àO 310 Main Street, De Pellnw Taxpyeors and Itesidests, On Mondop 4tis Decenster, 1967 - peu bine tte ipnorlumly ofa ssosg la lise seleclise ai tisa pacsons abs ailS guide and oars the Tona ai Milton dsnîng l9ti and l969. maese pans nili ses mass chsages nisicis will etteci lise Tows IMlodn oni wao m destins oI yssr n ife, it is terefnce imnpnrtant tape In t select lisase pansons nîn non teai serve tisa Ton, ad piusself. 1ihave niloced mpsell Inctae position ni Mayor, on tae hasts nS isosis eoxporiesce os tha LomaI Conneil ad Scismi Boards Bld teiag a Bussinessinan inatte Town - as a Prntassiseal Engiseer, Bld teing in a posllls.s to attend Meetings or te asailasie dsrîsg tise day. Il electad 1 wilS altempt isp ail mas posslible, In onse tisai te Tnwn is efiienl and juolly gooerned and tisai ail Boards and CommîStees tullili lise dslias espacled oI tem, in lise havtiInteceat of lise Ton. t null endeasmer (ost promise) Satno is te lollamIne - V.Obtain an eorlp position decîsion on lise Tons Ansexalin Application. t.:: ý Esiaisi an oserait trent and Snad taprosemeal Plan - Bld isoplemesi lise iirst stage la 1960. S3Cmmence lise terst stage nI Use Tesnli Sewer la loto. S1 toenasiîe thse Administraion - oncissul tisa Cominiiten tystees - op-datlng nI Spiases Bld JCo-ordination of effort bteen onrios depaclinns. Inlcrease ladustelal Bld Commercial Assessmant. t1 Seisae lise lousîn Sisuation, Amosd the Zomofg Sylan Sa peoside for treaSer flexisiisty. sWltis iscreased deselopineni - impeose os lociltles for Senior Cillaess, Liisnacy, Parksa nd Secceatins. In ltroduce a salelo and muSsai respect programma olishin tise leamework nI mhe Police D7e- jpartirent. 0ît. Ottais tsa test possiisle cepeesenlation for Multas on tise Cnis Bonard of Educallon tatab 1. ~ Imr m nî o Puie Relations - Persosal - Csrparate and GosorantanSl. Il anp nI tise loregoint are loine acieved, eseryne iasoised nili have010 co-sperate nitis on open misd and te pcapaced 1u concede parsossli deas, in tise test intecest nI tise Town. Tise hapsote t, te ssccess af Milton la Use future - is tise participation and cn-operationoft eacb and eserponeofsusinathe allarssof te Town,owhteirth e Councl -Service Club -sCssrOsor yon .. parsssaitp tataag pnsr son or daugister 10 on esesi. Witis TOUS Vote, MY intitive and ouI t Sa ons - a Co-operatise Council Boards Bld Caimifea Meinters, WE oaa noise Miltsn tise test Towa on Canada anwh toti ve, wsrh Bld plap. t respecttauip soiscît yssr VOTE fsr Mapor on teceinter 4tis. Yonrs Slscerelp, Biaa test, P. Eng. Why should you Vote for Best? *Scisool Board Trostee la Milton 1959 - 60. *President-Miltos Chamber ef Commerce 1903. *Meonhar of MiltonoTowns Coiîncil - 1964-72-Mayer 1906- 19172 * Bpcesented ail Ontario Monicipalities os thse Ontarie Hnusîsg Advisory Steering Committec. * Prepared the basic reporta for Use Town of Milton la respect toi:- -Annexatios 1968 - misen 1790 acces wece aonxed ta Miltes. -Metropolitan Tomanto and Segias Transportation Study (M.T.A.R.T.S.). -Teronto Ceatred Regias Plan-Milton traasfccced ta Zone 1-Sept. 71. -Caaadiao Railway Transportation Report--ta cetain posseager service on tise tace. -Two regional goivecaimeat reports - premsldog a Central Halton Unit - lacluding Mtilton " Ncgotiated tise arrangements that remitteti in tise MAYOR BEST9 BRUAN P. Eoeg. IRaio Polymer and Barber Grecs Plaits locating la Mtiton. * Actively represeotavi Miltes llroughoSut thse Province at, Conferences-Ploiging matches etc. * Co-orditsated oser 2 million dollars wach af capital enginecring woris in Milton tais year. * Negolintev iun coojunictios sntis tise Hon. James Snom M.P.P. tise porcisase by Milton of tise Broce Street Scisoni - as n fiuture Community Ceatre - Senior Citioes drop in centre - and new Liisrary site. * Presently segotiating witis toro major industries for Milton. * Has establisiset direct tacs of communication witis Federal ani Provincial departmneols over Use past give years-Tsus reducing resi tape and delays. * Curreintly segoldating ta improve transportation la andi out ef Mtitan. * Succossfolly camplteit titis yesr a 3 year course at Yack ami MeMaster Universities la Seat Estate Law-Soriology soU Economies. )NG LEADERSHIP IFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT and OD GOVERNMENT - FOR MILTON "The man for the position. of Mayor i e Member of the Association of Protessional Engineers of Ontario e Fellow of the Real Estate Institute of Canada " Member of the Institute of Plant Engineers " Graduate of the Instituts of Mechanical Engineers " Member of Milton Chamber cf Commerce e Membor of Grace Anglican Church -Milton " Mayor of Milton - 1968-1972 e Member of the Oakville Real Estate Board "1FUTURE COMMITTMENrT' 310 Main Street, Dear Fellow Electars of Milton, ( U 5 v j On December 4tis, 1972, you have tise privilege of enercisiag a Democratic Rigist, tisat oi Eiectirng a Counicillin lead and gover tse ToneoflMilton durng 1973, and paaaibly 1974. Ibinis an oppnrtunity nat ta hae lgared, or tasen igisly. During thia next year it tn recagnîzed Sisal legisiation mili ha passed ini respsect ta ltse restractig oi Municipal Goverssexit an Hallon Cosnty. Ssch Legisiatn couid drastically affect your represettatiin althe local level. aisal tise cost, and degree of service pas will receive. ThercI are it la vital tisat yaar interests. and tisat of tise Camminîty hae protected and eahaaced wherever passible. Ibis can only hae acisievesl by a Casaicil Ilsat han strang leadersip, hnowledge and expecesce, and ls deterned toaciieve its gaals. 1 sller myself forthse position of Mayor, an tise baila o my record as the Mayor dariag tise pool Fisc Vears, as a Businesman in Miltos, and as a Prolesman Enginece. Honing tise hast inlerest ai thseTnown at heart, andtse dîne tu devote ta liose interests. If electcd, 1 miSl ensleavaar ta, provide slrong and soosleilgeoisle leadershsip, seond management, and efficient operation ai tise voris Departisento, Boards and Canssnllees. Aise ta, sc my hast eflorts ta acisieve lise isiloselag:- nlmplementation oi tse reconsmendatiis ofithe Roads and Sidenals Stands Stoy .Construction ai a Second Senior Citioons Aportinent. *Estaslîis a Senior Citizeos Drsp ta Centre. sPorchase of atite and Constructon ofa NeweIÀteary. n laprsved Recrealion Progranmme and Facilities. n creased Industrial Us Commercial Develapmsent - Jais Opportooiies. nssce Usai Miltonnissan elitaste poaition wlUsin a restructuredlforis ai Municipal Governonent la Halton Csoty. * mpieentationoflOntario Hauoing Corporation - LoatsRetal nd .O.M.E. Programmes. *Devciopmest of a ParsSystem as recomnended la tha Tosen's Ofiial Plan. WiUs "YOUR" Vota, "MY" Initiaive and Determnoaion - and Use Co-operaion ofthUe total Community - "WE" cantmase Milton -Thse No. 1 Comnnlàty inthe Country. t Respectlully olicit 'VOUR" Votefor Mayor on ecemar 4Us. Voars Most Slacerely, Brian Seat. P. Eng., F.R.., M.I. Plant E., G.I. Macis. E. Advance Poil on Soturday - December 2nd - i1i a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Town Hall Polling Stations open i1i a.m. f0 8 p.m. on Monday Decemnber 4th RE-ELECT - "BEST" as MAYOR- FOR INFORMATION OR TRANSPORTATION CALL 878-4118 DEC. 4th Qtiesl feotnîres; on Oakvi If inters eMSors landaie U nil ha service qtaeation infavo- into an minimai Thentext halslwî Clampit Milton passeng ond hoy Coin for tise Use tOv lOrprr propert Lime ta mas Usa te scis tistional excellei site for tisose t imprelu Cur tenants during amenéi dîscrîr dorelli ta L Miltas many i involve hsavc p sigoitit lacs a have nl don't r tiseir on apai thaun i ~month] (H mhe nrewspo article i aineh Mioine i havseeal Don ouci roosi iron OU nocrtee I -

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