12 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., November 29, 197F2 Thumbnall sketches Three seek hydro seats Thcee mon are seeig lise lwe Otaidas hufare mOvisg te Milli seats os Milton Hydro in 1lO2 te Manage Ladlitha' share Commission in Milon's Dec. 4 os Main Ou. ait Jamnes St. Ho was eloclios. Titoy are incombetosthOe vice presideut oe LedithOi' cmisoesWilliam Rouoey Foodl Markts Ltd., and uChir'e. t'ips"n, anud He'andihui ifei[ive at321Mary fuomi couuiitor Asas "Ou" St. Milton. Mc. Ledwith oas ficst Leduith the challener. Olectesi to tusco cenucil in 1953 an To assinl vutocu, Thue Champion me.rciloc. Forthesnt two yeaci proesti a biîf "Oiumitsail ha s«ed as dopiity moore and skietch" of eacitcandidate and his iean elected Cor two termul (Cour background. yoacu) vo ceeue. Ho lost a mnayocalty rce thi Odes Best is A ]OA EWTH laHeitas iteen a memhacsof Lerse Prior Iv joining tite Sois Milacy Bami aid the Depacument of ocial and Family An.glican Cituc Chair. Secvice scitit Halton Coe.ty in 1000 Mr. LoîlwiOi operafed a BELL RGwEY gocery husiness ou Mais St. Cor A Milton hasinessmansnince 17 yoaci. 1952 and a residentainco 0046, Bill orn is Eselasd hoe movod to Rowsey has îecved 14 aid titree Canada in Oie 1930's andl liveil in quarter yoars an a itydro Hydro, recreation roads hot topics Thue coule of Ontacio Hydco'u Nantucohe te Picktering power tine, the oeul toc increaseil reccoaîtoo iaciltiieu and Oie con- dition of towship coadi wece uaine of the issoes discosueci iselmeon Nassagawoya resîdenta and couricil caodidates f0 Fridayus mel-tito-candidate niglit. A meouhir ufthOe CJoalition of Concecoed Cîiienu, Charles Barns qoecied Doputy Reeve Don MMilan ovec Oie powec lise issue. -When counicil wai discuusoug lte power hune thure w o mention tic lami would tohe one per cent ofthOe total land svalue,hc said. First route Mchuîllao saîd the foost route- a diagonal route propouesi hy Ontacio Hytiro mas prohaitly Oie hest. A second route folloviig loto and concessions had tees drawo uphbya previous counicil and planningeboarcd. Ourseg a mourcît dehale on the lins lant year Oie depuîy ceeue opteil foc Oie fiusI roule as Oie least harmful. 10 oe cao shift the lise o anotiterares, all well andigod. But you must reatsoe il will affect another esuoîcipulity. I Oitk you'rc ail auarc of ouy st.and," MeMilian reitecated. Oacnes ua ouied candidate Ri-11l Pouadish ifl ho fote iad a confluct of mntecest, hacas he owsprupecty on orte ofthOe routes. cae lesm glad you icoseit Oie matter up," Pouadiuit uoted. Ho resared that i e ad een a meesiter ut coonicîl witen Oie poweer lues ivse was dehuted. ho woutd rot have disrsssed Oie ouattec. Ose eehr ufthOe audience, J00 Jonoues ut R.R. 3 Campbllvilte. blid lthe canidates hoe was tee ane tu vote itut wasted te have svhue Oie candidates stomi on Oie question of incresel rreultun tacilities. GoS off faany Whdle coonicil memeshr Jha Waton, ohuou isp try or the deputy ceeue's spot mndicated a desire lu expand taciluties, covordl candidate John Henry ainianlly retertel Oiat il ieas fime for youug peuple lu get off Ohiî tanoy ami do someOig Cor Ohimselues." The condition ut rada ieas alao talhed about ducîve Oie meeting. Wite soum memeshrs voiceil complamîts, many pcaised Oie toienship's road împrouemenl ls'uecam. Atravel' ail ouer Oie province and the roads hure are oqul 10 any in Ontacio," puinted out AlOan Parons, a mesidlent ofthOe Fouct Lise. Ladies' 505 single Carcuine Mashalliuo9, lades' hi terie. Qîrer voudsi sngles, Mioneleowion O.asie lIssa 2ic, RageShisi.o M. 000er sgond tipe., Rose Shanon mu, une Oieclsiissu e27. Eiieen e- A.re'r't soc 2 foc 38, Helen O for 37, 2.for 35e Rios3,eee 5 fr,5 0007for33 comrossioner ami aboault ut o Umteo ai chuicusian, Mr. Rueney bas hes aclive in moiner hoackey haIt au a Tri-County pasf presidesu, former presidmf utf Milton Mînor Hlockey Asaociation anîd au OMHA District Coovenor. Ho is a memeshr ut ami graduate ut lte Casadian Instiue uf Management ami worked in Oie past wiOi local Boy Scouts. Ho wa part of a conasttee Oiat isvestleated Oio aspect ut regional govornimont e. hydro services. CHARLESTmobMN WiOi Cive yeurs esporlouro e. Oie Mille. Hydro Comssin, Charles Thampsss la seoklng e.othac tenu. Mc. Tlsempson in milen repreaentativo for Domar. Ho sa chaicesan ufthOe FiCOi Miltos Scouts Olroup Cummilloe. Ho toc, served on Oie hydre cueuit tee to aondy Oio effort of regiasal oesisent on hydre. Mr. 'tiompsos han spest nient ot ins hufe in Milte. ami altemimi Inith scitool haro. Monday bus iCoutinumi Crues Page Ose) on the deed cao voue. During Oie trial perimi Oie service rau from Weilsosdiay Oirongit Oaturuiny from 9 arn. te 5 pam. If lte initnidy la approveil Oie nervure wii ha enhaidod hi cover al10hour day and asix day weoit. If Oie suhaiily ta unei doien tite service will ho 54 c'an"didates seek Ooikville -seatsil 11smomeiâ arBcei uOs-eu ill aillut O in a PUBLIC UTILITIES byJoh albs, John C. Rcsln h m, breJou Iealle; Wrd Four, 5 ~ ~ ~~~grma rue.a - ,COeMIoON f(Four fa be aid Cali >Mi luaifaca in Ochiviile' Der- 4 miipalcl Ward lbree: PetsrWater Slcn, flrg ARATU SOOL, BOAJi aOAarierJ'UFDUCATON: eleti - are tse 27 heci i~ the ri= mbnt Rnch W.tI (AU celaiel): Ward One, fOu to hi elsectsd by gepncsel sccl ai Ochsl Caiictc emrcuneilUer WWicm Anli-iy Green, Phiip Bim ced Antai Ku1 Word Taie, R.L MoLoicsu-rtcecl Lac Aager1 Bocrd of Edacaflan, Ballon Recacne and Adeline Wcrd, Areit Hlmse Lofquist are chllesued Dlanet aid Lae Braide: WoridKaWl are coestanta. =rae Shoo Bod, nd sâ-Dagey, John Saiserville ced P1UC. Baa ü Muir. Musc fa thse mau whu V T Herea a rerap of wlm'. grea in Oppeaed Terry O'Connor for the VOT Oie Oakdle elerfural race: PC foderaf norniuavun. AYR: Inrb ent ln Word For Former R EL M L ERVO. 11 Adro artrg opeetcovucilovrsur Manuel yod RUS ELMILE îlamilv reeve Harc, Barratt Ryland Nom joined iv a nive-way FOR present cauneior Mcic al and newcomner Ccr2iMai"a are i a thiree-wcy race fer lte tops sea. ItEEVE: Iseseshent AI Maison lu biteng claleced hy couscifler Gardai Boewn. DEPIJTY HEEVE: CaMUseDr Paddy Hughes and Terry Matnnel are nying fer te sa BarretletfR vacant. ODUNCILLORS: fTwa le ho elected in earit wardl werd ose: Donald F. Garde. and Richsard B. De y wonnGckvilO Ceescills only.acelamliki. CRerd Tes: lscussnt Rohert Huper la joised ity John Wlitki, G.E. Donneliy, Be.s Haydai, e Massey, Gord Reade aid former plebiscite.. mcluhded. "I doaf se. aiyway lie ce. contiue la speraf e wvlhot; a e.heidy. We eperalod siure Fohrsary au a "us, italIte pare lthe soed," Lewis nsted. Wac't take cab Mr. e.d Mc.. Lewis huit poit ota flamber of idividuels viile have conte te depend e. the bus servsce and are cocernedt about the posible dîace.naaflai t of i. Home Hardware opens Mloii's noenet hacdieare oullet. Hume Hacdwuro Sohres Lud. ut Milton Plavo, sa holding a pre-Chitlas oponing titis seeitmd. Dealer-onor Larp Scituyler e.nosnced frcee moftoo wouid hi soruesi te visitoru aIl day Titursday, Pridsp asd Satucday. Mr. ciuylec recentlp purcitasel lthe local Homo Hardware oullet bues T. R. "Oob" McKirn, wha itad bteeu opecating Oie buiess in a dlown- fuses location foct Oie past 26 years. Wliou Mc. Ochsyloc purclrased the business, mont of Oie stocktvient wi it and ho han sîsce added oOiec lunos hi malle the noe plavo store a more cmplete hardware ouUel. In Oio seci Oie store plans hi add a wilde nelectuos ut upocting gsedis, Mr. Schupler said. Sheridan courses A resldent ut Milton sisce 196o, Hume Harduaco's dealoc-owner ru n straugor lu Oie btuiness. Ho ceceived msst of lits higit urhaol edarcatie. liste, thun werked wiOi Oeil Canada as an istaller. For troc yearsite woched part Unme in bis Camily's itusiness, thte Canadien Tire Corporation Sohre e. Main S1. near Oie plan, ami han hues Oiece Cail tisse Cor Oie pont seven peurs, Oie test Oive as muanager ufthOe store. Mr. Ochapler has aIse laites 10 and 20-weeh couses in itusiness administration au Shueridan Colege ami this saring mill receivod itsi Business Ad- ministration cecltiriate 1o iSheridan. Woching wiOi hlies are twu formeur essplupees of McKim Home Hardware, Thèlma Oosield asd Garde.' Maeit. Part time halpiers ire 'bon IJudch , Esaun Galdits vi Steve Brownridge. 'ltece are over 1,3CR Humlie Hardwace stores moast ti c"lto. Eacit store is owsed ity Oie Mdeat dealer. race fer Oie uwoseus, along wvi incumitent A.W. Masas, Elizabth Milcitesa, AI Ruelos, Die. Ocealu, Cameron Hiffmer, =cmc NikoOici ami Michael iCaRe. Board uf Edacalle. laiet le elecled in wardu oe aid fouir, lies in marehi tw ami Werd One: Douglas Wood wus arrhumoed. Wurd Twa: Incumbtel Le. Cre.ler and Doug Palmaer are ce~o hy Jian Clelland ami Werd Titree: lorsishesfs lre Goshie and Richard Goudin are chaOosged hy Gouy Suterland. Werd Four: Jsdy Alexander, arclairmed. "One me. os vuppotoil uo have Oiecapy at Milton District Hospital Oiroo Omlet a week. Ho huas il umice itecauao tha bou ihiesnt raiu Mosday or Tvesday He hasnoe car ami we.'f taire a cit," site said. Mr. Lewis dlaimis noverai haunewives une Oio hua ta go downhawn, have groreries ulelivered and laite Oie itus humne. Two rides and grocory delivery colts them v5 cents, icluder Oie sore's 35 cent doliveryCm Thue hua service is haing lisedt murce evrit monOi, occordisa uo Lewis. The daily lad avoraged 30 or 40 dvcing Oepfemiter ami increased consideraitly in Novemiter. As Oie mold weaOior sets an the Lewis' predicl a e ves erealer demad Cor Oie service. If Oie svhaidy eules Oirvvgh Oie route would ha uncreasel lu laite in lte soew subdivisie.s ami evmlvually Oie estremoe south end of bien once Parkway Dr. is cmpietel. The hun would stop at Mille. District Hopital every itoor ami Oie Oive ami lo-soisulo stopu at the Post OfCice wieosd ha eiosated. Mapo nhowisg Oie route ami icitedules wosld ha Irinteil and dtirihoteil if the service cotiuea. A simple majsrity is needed to have Oie susitidy defeated or aprv P hare are 2,450 votera Yc sq 'n Itali of Oie t elaai ity the à Police-i spectata lee ni seeil haut s watche Ray J for tIse wlwn dl Met are Il WilI the REA Reeve pilease stand up Because uow more than ever befure, tee need a Reeve teha wiff stand up for Milton. Wt ueed a Reeve teho hao the knuwledge, et- 4 ,perience and forfîtude f0 sfeer us uafly through regionaf oenet 1 have oever been afraid ta speak 00f on yoîr behalf whether if ho to profect ohat romains of oîr natural beauty and asseto or te try lu provide uerviceu withouf crippfing peuple hle yoî and me- teho must pay the shot. Milton is expandinà rapidly but valeur we guide deeeloprnt oîth a siroof hand and voice we car easily become a concrete cavera. 1 arn ail for progresu ohen ft benetîts ail ut you. Bot f teilI fot allow Milton lu become a developerus playgrud. A Reeve mut stand up for uhat tou helieve and rot he uwayed hy 000 parficîlar intereuf group. A real Reeve wîiI auk f007 aduice and opinion on formîiafiog poticy and present the rosues tu yoo cItarIy. He oi nofsorprise fol by annouancements, atter the tact. Surprioes are for Birth- day parties. If yoo elect me Reeve 1 teili devote my lime, day or nighf fui he your voice ut fhe municipal aud couty lovol. I soit work f0 updafe oor recreafionaf faciifieo for our youfh and senior cil izeus 1 hope oo cao cout on each other. Give me yoor vote oa December 4fh ard I promise- I oi stand op for yoo. Sincerely, Colin Smillie. VOTE SMILLIE:FOR REEVE() Town of Milton REEVE OF ESQUESINO TOWNSHIP -9 Years Municipal Expermence -A vote for Russell Miller Is a vote for dependabie representaf ion and a keen sense of responsibiify to the eiectorate. FOR TRANSPORTATION Phone 877-6619 or' 877-3674 For Progressive Planning More Informed Community Finalization of Plans MALCOLM H. FREEMA N Councillor Uaqueslng Townshlp ON MONDAY, DEC 4 VOTE JOHN F. MoILLWRAITH JM FOR COUINCILLOR - TOWN 0F MILTON à