-, - ~~"1 ftubxau ~Iîampion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1972 Thcty Si, P.9es Ffro-co rcols Maplehurst underway Province's $1 3,500,000 correctiona I centre in Milton expected to be complete in 1974 Ontario's $13,50t0,000 carre' feadeson the project. Janin'a bfd Worton were on the 90-acre tionat facilties for adait of- waotti teait of tefnder, site tantfweek, ready ta break fondiers, Mapletsarst, ta offictatp rag ta a hif f$7.OO foa o -epoicsns aaewy tu Milton. =soite arch tecto on the toit. Construct ton ta espeeld ta Construction work stinted thi prpe are Dunlop, Farrow and takr two pears andl the depart- week on tho farmner Clarke fana tk of Toronta. mont is catting for coinptetioo in af tho soafti-easf intersection af 7Opoinila 1974. ttgaas40t and 25, ander tho Archtfecta tact monts fited a Factîtties ot Maptehuraf directin af Jain Bttdtng and cp yaof tse ptana forese correc- tnctude bt anaduîtcorrectiona Civil Warka tid. of Toranto. tana farsltf seifh Mittonaà centre and an adut tratinn Accardng ta tilan East MPP buidinsg inspectar Ray Otan fa centre, wtach mttt reptace out- Jans . Snaw, Miotiater of obtain the bailding p rnst. Otan toted faciltto es fanio. Cor- f2averninent Services, the Jain anirafed if wautd take tain saine rrctioaa Centre and hetp reduce limon a mnagemnt canfrart fane ta siftthUrough Use plans- Use poputation at Guetph Correc- ta ooeree fthe mark eoate bp sais- Usey weigfaed 70 paands! tinnat Centre . Deparament of Maplehurst centre won't replace old Halton jail Atfhaagh Ontario is building a $13,500,000 bite are 00f ctasng Use danr,' ho stresoed. carrectioal centre i Milton, tse nom jait man't Over the pat t0Opeara Use senai-annoat visita and reptace Use anfiqaed cont y joi farititr in npectian taurs af ftho caanfy jail hy Haltn Grand Hit fn. Jurmes have caine ap mica recoiniendaf ions Usat Jon Casuîdy, an information officier in Use Use tati ie reptaceil. At one point ahaut five years Ointario Mintstry at Correcitnat Sarvicon. tl Thse ago Use province ansoanceet a proposat ta haiild a Chamapian tbis monkts Uaf a fartttty ta reptace cegtanat jait ta reptace oufdatad facitities i hoca fatan's ttâ-yeae otd jait as Brama Sf. int Miltan ha tOatan and Pont Coantien, and a site on tise Nhi0- nt ictateil "in Use inifiat stages" af Use taie ne Hornhp mas selteo. Thase plans have Mapteharsf prolont. ohviaaatp bren dropped. -Evestallp if mill ho reptaceet, buf righf nse ifs Thte hig push on fhe Mapteharaf centre la ta a inatter of prtorities," Casaidp satet. "Ttiere lu rehieve Use facilties at Guetph ana ta replace Use cani Usere (af Use Mapteharat sife) far anme present facitites af Mmim. Cassidy said Mhanico facîtitien f0 reptace Use Hallfon and Peel jaits," han aver 230 tainâtes ami Guetph han around 500. prrhaps tataer, hut Use departasoof jast canant af- The tatal normalt popuatfion of the Hatfton and Pee fard ittafibis time lotl facltn is aroand 1ttomafes. S..k $ 719,760 subsldy Monday bus plebiscite Wtion Miltan votera ga ta Use potins Moadap, naf ontp fthe palticol aspirations of can- didates hir muanicipat office mift hoe ai sfake bat atua the ftuae of a bus service for Mlton. mhe servtce mas inaugarafed int Februarp bp Mr. and Mca. Dore t-omis an a trial biais, ta see tf Use ared enittd far a service. Af 0-at ine ns suhstdy mas given. Nom the tLes' f eet the need han beeu praven for the service and thep are astang for a aubsldy. The sots- sidp ta necesuary berause sebile thr nerd for a bus service han bren proves, the deinand ian't greofienoagh ta make the venture o paying une wittbat a sahaidy. Ratepopers mill ho asked f0 approve a grant of $19,760 fan Use poe papabte i monctp anoans for the previos inonthas service. Lemis notes finis seould ainoant ta bye arasex dollars par rotapayer prr poe or 50Ocenta prr manUs. Expenses t-omis' catcuatfions show $125 licence for one vetacte, $1t000 inuranea, $49006 in fuel, $f3,090 fer fseo drivera for o tatal of $18,68t. That leaves $t,079 for depreciofian, sorvicîng and reposes and alter adacelanoua onerheod and doosa't inctade any0ing for profit. Aay fores the bas aporator inlects mîlllie tha sslp profit on the service. Lewis nafedti 0at current logis. tation dans ast alose turions oUser 0-an peopertp asers ta vote on fthe bas sabaidy. Etectors mnt hoe tisht miU an '0" kehmnd thoîr naine, mhin entes ont senior cîfleens 0f Hatton Centeaniol Manor, 0f the sentor citizen aparfntsas oni mtas ail of the other tenants in toma. toetis foots 0-ms silI hase a damagmng effectu an scaspaiga ta hase a sahsîdp for tho service. --That mahes If raagh", ho caminenfe. Inthe cane ofa morrtod coupte sebo have tho hanse lîstad ander une naine or the allier mnstead of ns ce-omners, mIsy the individuol sehase naine sa <Continuoti un Puge Ticetro) t2oerecttasal Services infonma-I tion officiers saîd there are prcsentty oser 230 toaes ae0 iMîico" and aroaad 50t st Guaelph. The 500patio ms anoorkahte" an th os0e optimaum tze for sah faciltf es. thry satd. Tatataf 400 tThe tirang centre sa destgaed taacoininaate 200 paang of- tenders hctmoon the ages of t8 andi 25, wtth provtstion for dormitartes, acadeitc and cocattonal training and puhtic vsittng The carreettonat centre otîl house 200 short-teon recidtvststaraint18years of age ap, otth darmitartes and areas toc acadernic andl indastriat tradro tnstractton and visitig. The centrat tactttttes mitt caver kitehea dtntng, revreafionat and coininnify acttvify arean, a chapel, s ctfat andl inedirat services, laandry, adinistraion alfices and sapparfting services. The plans tahe adeantage of co ntgatarat separattano a- bddy trersoIndgadees and creeho, for ohich odptin contratist sprcitted. Thene, c-uapled wtth the design ofth0e hatdt ns, setîl eftecttvely segre- gatethe taingecentretanmates New plant production A gradai shift s andecmay 0-at mili ser the Don Milîn hranch of Oarbee-Greeoe move its aperattan train Usere fa the nec plant near Steetos Ave. in Miltan. Plant supertatendeot Richard Stetnhardt said production ta exprcted ta hoe totaul swtng hy the end of Use poe at the Mitan plant. Craftmen and contractars are still on the site, aarhtog an office accommoation, a lunch rmain and tmcihtng off morh te 0-e ptant aires. Plant manager Bracr MoKenote satd sonneof the offtces seere muvtng tant meehend. Masfonave Hie telt atatont att ofth0e sales and service personnel woald inahe the moue ta Miltan, white saine ut the productton people could stay ta Don Mills andl sreh aUser empisyment rather 0-an osake the muse. Saine people setti ho iered iocaiiy nom and perhaps trainocaupats ofthe crrec- tonal centre, both ai0tn their ton unita and Ln 0-etc aiternating use ut the central tacititiru. 16 font trace ln addition ta necacîty design andi gruping ut the huildings, a li l reaetee seeurity tence i ,hpcctteiitor utduue recreatuna ain.Thte plans also catit f or au iutcenal systese ut ruade. utth paocd parking for 200 cars tar staft andI visiturs, anti a oea main ,css close tote adins- teuïtion kisch tramn Highmay 25. ho clecaird raîtway ht-pans toce ettrrttccty separates the itaplehurst site tramn thr f000 it Ail Moniettarst buildings are to-aigorifo ourneustoreyin heght, aith connecttng corridosntathe coetrai factittirsuntit. Litving unita are shopeti and groapeti ta urtuauumberufencasedut- iluor cuurtyards ftue ue c utn- msates andi visitars. l'heltraining ccntre io sal dicîdedt in t0rer ltving unîts, one leasing 72 bedu and the u0-r 64 lieds rock. These arr fuether sabutivide ttaotuumitarieu, each atith a muaximum utof li eds. starts soon mure when the plant espands. tOuge hîns ut porta andi t ttngs were being stated last weerand worh mas mndermay tu estaiih meldîag and steel shupa. A campany spahesman saîid tac tirmi had huped ta hase macrît by Ototber biut beause, ut con stractian anti service delayn. 1he musve mou Lef bock. The fichu maufoctures rua pastng and indtirtand minog equipinent. The firm oprned tas L'on Mîlis plant in 1953 and expanded antît it ttad 48,200 square fret. White the Milton plant muaIt shoa any cunsiderahte mncreosetinsqaare factage in thc begtuutng, the plant will hase the aitoantage in taghier ceîlîngs, a dettoîte ad- sontoge in 0-at hînti ut uperation. Rarber-Creuco' Milton plouf is on Barber-Green Rd. in the Alliance Building Corpurattan's indusrial mail north of Steees Ave searsit of Hghwac 25. 24 in race for 13 seats.... -plus S-JbSîd\(iy i Over 5,000 elîgîble to vote here Monda y \toetay is E-day in maetcip- alities acasu Otario and i Mit cutecsa tthe0- poilis ta seli'it the il-:3 membrs, sciu rsesand hydru cons- titssiones ta repreurnt them for thc orotm t-c ars. Ther rer24 mn and o unin in thc race. hi Million there c are 550 elîgîble vatifers -acrcoed 'here ae apprunuutatrly 5,125 eiegihie ta cote on the ceuncîf race andt thts figarr isaludes 4,500 chu ciii aise, hlp select a Milton lrustre for Hatton laanty Board ai t-:Auaattun plus ano0-er 025 separatc schoat supporters isba'1 voteoa spaate sholrepro- octitati ta the saute buard. Of tae total. abiout 2.-f5il arr proprrty 000cms elîgîie ta auto on chi-Iher or of Milto saksidtaes a ton bus service. Attase tff-pere-ds lhasges in the requiretocofa tue vilg e'tiiktlity întrodueed 0taîrý ar giv, lte franchise tu att recitaL 8years o er eand tais tiais sacli'd the ranhu ufth0e OK plaque at Bruce St. lie hîstoey ot Bruce Sf. Sehoat mli t>e couaneatoratei, Haltn Cauti, tuaid Ifu Etiueatian agicceit flueýsday.'[hep agreetita Truster Veen Connlî's suggestion ihat a plaque be put un or in the si-hoo, sbhîct fa 0-e pitrebasir sa sppruai 'flier ton oft Milton aticerel ta purchase the schoi on a condtitonat hases. lie 115 yezir-utd structure, once itnsmed, appears n9ct hase a raie plonord foe if n 0-ot future ofltie iîmnitv. liegie vaters. ta Mittans tant municipal etectin, held one ynsr ag0 in Docensfor of 197t, thoro acre juaf 3,500 eligible vutere. Doseloposent of nom apartinnf andi subdioistons bas atuo upped the total nombr of eligibte otes. Pulls are opan Monday fronn 11 o.m to. f8 pn. tacotl lino) oint calcin mtwll hoe castineg ballots in f4 dit fereaf polio at savon locations ai ton. The poing ptaces have bren cbangod 0-is 70e ont sot ers who are unsure sehere f0 go sbauld checks a nsop pahtished iep the hics in an odeerfiseinent ehocwhere in fodapas Chanspian. bit ctîgthle votera bave afreadp reecied acard in the mail outlaoing chore Usep sotld vote. PatIn are heing set op at J. M. t)eoyes Sehint, Candian Logioa Hal, ton Centeanial Manar, Martin St. Ichoot, Harmonp Court Apartins, Maptair Aporfinenta and Milton District Hfospital. Rushlitl nnppee Dîttetals esxpeet the anoat supperfînse rush hoar af the potla, brîmeen 5 pain. ont 8 p.t. ns anyune cho can vota earlier i the dap coufd hoe mine fade s or etan hoe propoeed for a possibte lîse-ap. Towen officiais point ouf 0-at onty Uhse sebo are peapety owners are etigible ta vote on the $f9,090 han sohsidp an 0tai is a maaep hp-tam. Tenants mUtl net hoe alamwed ta nate, nor selS a spoane seho la ot litit as an onron the votera' tista. Agaîn ihis pear a targe composite baot mt hoe osed for 0-e cencti, sefoat trustee and bydea c-ommiission otectian. Two separata ballots mill ho ianed oefur pubbic sapporters misicis tufts the naines of Ivan Armnstrong and Erest MiOlsan wo are seekmng Mtltan's seat on the Hotton board of education, anti a ditterout une for seporair schant supportersmwhamill chinse brtmcen Lien Auger and Ken Walsh seho are seefting ansUsor seat on the flattan baard. Votera i Milton, norUs Haltan and Oak- ville muti ait ho safing n 0-o position. Composite battais Oofb the large composite balots mitt atso fiat the candidates for mapar, reeve, dopotp reevo and coanicillors, plus bpdro coseinission. In the race for mapor are Brion Best anti Ron Harrs; seehato the ronso's chair are Perep Barr, lob McCuotg, anti Colin Imittie; rannîng for deputp ronso are Mes. Marjarte Pomys anti Diets Copley; and tho f0 candidates for six ceanictt seuls are Spd Chittin Jus Kerr, Gordon Keantz, Dose tlopd, Malcao Mantord, John Metttmrath Je., Art Motanson, lob Moreau, Honel Porter and Lorry Siths. Att puhlte anti separota ochint supporters coni vate on eaeh position. Thle naines af hydra coin- mtssin contendeen Chartes tbahmpsan, Ansfan Ledmith anti Bi Rocaep are otan on tho hallot. 'There are tma seata open on the toal hpde coasoln. The bas sabaidp questian mil hieo a separafe hallot, as ontp Uosetmitedoasamnees can vate on 0-is question. Thore are 2,450 ousers on the tint. Soverat of the candidates are otfering rides ta the pois on votiag day. 9000f candidates lincoinastions ctoaed an Nov. 13 thore bave boon tbre nmontings hold for voteras bagotta kows and boar the cansdidates. îhe first mas Nov. f3 af Martin Sf. Schint, sponsored by Miltan Choinhor of Commerce. The secont mas Sofueday 0f Hotton Manar Isehero rosidonts are, for the first fuse, alod ta vote i the ton etection) aad the third cou an tatormai gathoring Sunday 0f tho Mitton Yonut Couril cof tee hause. Thus cacapaign bas seon a bravîer thon usaaimail and sign compaîgo. Tma candidates have large hîlîfoard-fypo signs aoran towa, sonne hase posters adoraîng store windows and utdîtp potes, ondi severol of tho cantidates haee bren moiling lîterature or goig dnse ta daar Usraugh the huma. An adsance poil mas hetd Monday 0f tho tamn ball for anyne who mîtl not hoe avattahie ta vote on Dec. 4. A second ad- sonce poilmîtll hed Usere 0-ta Sotunday, Dec. 2 froca tl o.m.ta 8 pin. Houes mttt hie the saine as 0-c regutar paît on Munday .- If ama. taf ptin. Ta vote in adsance poils pou must declare pou cansal otteand the pala n Dec. 4. 23 vote at first pol Ao odvonce pol in ceanoction mUsh snt Mondapot municipal etection mas hold in Use Miltan Toma Hall on Mondap, and 23 enercîsedti os franchise. Somne of 0-ose cere potting ctorbs and depty roturning afficers, seho mil ho hanp ranaing Use potts on Dec. 4. A second odeanco pail mi l ho hoedt 0fhUe ton balt brfmonn 1t o.m. and 8 pin. 0-ts a tirdap, Dec. 2. Bt ga ta vateo tiopone bOft aft Use vatera' tint wheba mnta ta inake a ballat on Mondap cast dosa, ifthoy are a legîtusata voter. Thop mst see the tomnos rofuraing officer, Cleets Jack McGeachie i pensa, ant i ngn a doctorat ton 0-af 0-ny are etîgthle ta vote. Officiais report anty aa "X mack setîl hoe arrepfod os the batiot - aeheck mark ta nat vatid. The *X must hoe ptaced i a esecte hesido the eandidate's sie. ar hosido Use 'pes" or nsMI on Use nubaidp question ballot noper. Alter Use polisouae0 a pi. the staff of 30 depuf p retairnhsg afftoors anti pal ctorha mil tark Use' ticrs, opan the boxesaont shirt countaug battota. Tite rosalta mîlI hoe tetephoned to rotarnueg offitier McDeacbie af the ton hatl asti ho miS! quîcbtp retop triera ta tho oIct ion refarn centre 0f Martin St. lebaol aaditarîim. Thoro tbey'tt hoe toite as blockhoards and atthUe candidates ont thoir supporters are expactedti f galber thone to aatcli the resîtits came in. Caltee, pisone service The Champion ta agaîn offerlng ita popolar oleehaon aigbf services ta otid reoders. Rsata mitt bie avattahie on thep are receiveti, hy telophone af The Choampion office train 9 pin. avilit Use rosulta are finat, biketp ornand 1t pin Ta obtain resta, phone 878-2341 an 878-2343. Resuta froin Dakvtlle, Baetîngtaa, Esquesiag and Nassagamepa mitI atso hoe avaîlaste fhroagh The f3sampian's phone service. Tie nspaper mitt altm hoe praviding cafter ont danois for Use ceowdt at the Martin I. sehoot rotura contre. A COMPOStTE BALLOT mill ho asein laBoard of Education. Ait of the 5,120 etigibte Monday's municipal etectioa in Mltin aint volers wlt rrceive a baltot tiesignei tube 0-ms, ton ball stanagraphor Marie Wynor dlsplays anti 2,450 property omners etagibte ta vote on a sampte of tise longer thon osat hallat. f0 witt 0-e bus subsidy miii atno receive a second contais naines af the 2D candidates seeking 1f ballot bearing the question. seuts os the coosdcil and bydro comssion, (PhotobyiJ. Jesntngs) plus oaines set to seeking a seat an Use Hatton VOL. 113 - No. 31 190._ 4 nz, PKG.