Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1972, p. 25

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-I mou0 domb for the )UIt.L ON I )UCTS iWindows Awnings i RIES NE COLLET n5 difference on if hoe s and thse determino- final and binding on ad inaUl confiirmait et the seot municipal mail by Use Ontaris le Muicipal Act andi - meut sali mnure te hanrto, tbeis heirs, nia, set bis bond oaid e7oucte seul te ho 0F MILTODN i Jockey Club zoyz Mohawk's future depends -The lutuse ut Mohawko eRcos roid Weil depetd uou 0 ln, siaxaicb it madebyUthe coaurrner>ning Sasduy .grig" u thUe Ontario >acisey Club tald Nassagaaeya ,Iowsbip's votera in. a letter -hsiled sut Usis assis. Toansbip essudil as aue by keiey Club president John J. :7aney ta put the qutius ut ~duy sigbt racinf as o il d rulcil ugreed. An eschies taon Susday sucisf, beld ta ~ 5,resulted in rejectisn uf day races. A toal ut 496 votad amust, 229 in taxeir. Opened in 1963, Moawk Sceay ta located an Gser.d Vîe ust norUs ut Cmpbellile. 'il is une efthUree trauri OJC ,trues Su tht "oulden irseube Circifit" -the sUsers Ga Orden City Rartaay ut SI. tharinen and Oreenatsd Vaceaayin Tronto. Enpmnd stands? Ms. Musucy's lester istimated ulature expanus ufthUe rumplilivile rucesay laclities rugct su a succesutul vase in var of Susday rucisg. "lu ardes expaud and prufresu, Use uing mndsry mE l a1pesute us cso dup wbes Uemauimmrt aumtrsof pesple are asuilable ta attend," the lettes pailed sut. Otatisticu sows Soarday, Sunday and bulidayu are the mass papulur duys for rurtaf meeta. -Wt heliese tht cosliuued grawtb of Mohuawk laceway is eitaily important tu tht Lowville kon Sunday accimnig vote truck, raogiug in length [rom 24 Mohawuk Rîîceway hasco to 42 ights ea'h. If Suday operad wih local governmesî raciaf îs apprssedl by tbe mn essirosmeslal prohlems, iu towsuip votera, tbe club plas te cssunily celebrations sucb as eÉther udd oEntumer meeting or centessiol year asd aîtb local expand Use duraonofsthUe sprisg service clubs. and fait meeta. Officiais have becs asrking biootîy evenlogi wiUs surios levels of fssers- Mobawis officiais stresu Useir mess in as attempel tc aileviate plus for Sunday cuclinsi bouid suIthUe trutlic congestion thut interfere ailb normal Sunduy semetîsses eccurs un Use Guelpb uclivilies. lise 7.45 p.m. usas-tmg Use for 15 minutes lui hall an lime doms nul istertere aiUs oiber Saur Et Use end ut each sigbl's recceulîssai actisilles tbrsugb racisf. -We are lsyisg ta pruvide tbe day, sr aith religisus services an exilt frsm the Second Lise < as nots Uses letter ta thesvoters. Use aest esd uftIhe ruceay Osly tbe uccanissal speciol directly suIs tligbaay 401 for isetie sad be beldi is Use ruseytrattie beadmng aesl us nfese - muit races wsuld eo the 401," Maasey told Ibis ut 7.45 p.m. Msssey expiainesi. seaspapes. "This wouid heip sut Fur tbe paît tbree years tisa asUe Icuttîs guisg Usraugb Suasday nigbt racmng bus been Campheiivile." ailawed ut Garden City and il t5 Ml leuse aluone Use mail papalar esenisa ofthUe Tratffî aI Use saseway is ose tise siebtin pragrassu cosducted susses-s ut lucal sitizeos. eash aeeh. Shauld Susday racisg Allhough Use cars aud buses ho allumeai aIMobawb, a nissiar headisg lu the lrach upread Useir scbedale ta UsaI ut St. Catharimes arrivais user a tas bour lime would be islruduced - Usul lu periud ech sighl, St appeurs racinf us Friduy, SaturdaY, eserylxdy stsys la Use end ufthUe iSuday, Musday and Tuesday tst rase sud Uses ail head tur eveuins. The ractaay aauld be home uitIhe sme lime. The peuh clased Wednsday and Thurs- S sually arud SI lu 11.30 pe. days, he saSd. -We're lrySsg it lu ses abat sus At Casuphellsiile, races auld ta do,' -Ihe OJC presidenî said. hhkely he held abuut 13 Sudays a There are soue prublemo aiUs year. Use lughaays departint." Sssday prugrans havesul ssily A tact sheet atlasbed lu the puves surresslul ut OJC trachi, Joskey Club's uppeul las a "yes" but s aise, becs papalar ut vote os Susday raciog tadisattu Wisdsor, Frontenac, Orsugesille Use rceaay is located os 400 sud Rideau Carletan. aces ut lusd, sud is Use targest Sameisesome taxpayer in the toanship. Realty Harss oascrs aoald sot sotter sud hsness taxes umoustin ta a loss ut iscamne tf Sudays $103,916 (or 18 per cent ufthUe replace Wednesduay and taosthip's toal tas levy ut Tbursday racîog, Moosey ' iu498i acre puîd to Numaga- eopluxted. Il Use races are catat ays sn 1972. Thetlracb's tistonigbtaatthkfromsix, a loti, astesomeot is $1,300,000, tht race aili ta added ta cash ntsi towlusbipo highet. Tht seul pragrasu- rtsuitisg is a total of largeut ix a quarry umsesoud ut 50 races per acek esmpartd ta 54 $109,3Mt. Withou Mohaho' tsu sua. Partes aould alto he revenue, taxes ta 045cr properly iscrcustd accordîogly. ossers aould iscreuse hy su Suilarly tht stutf ut 425 to 450, average ut $70 per taxable siany ut ahox are recruitd property per year. locally, aould end up aiUs ahut Sxnce upesafg, Mohahk bas Use saine tahe-home puy ech averaged f5 days ut rusiot a attk deopitî tht lots ut one Harnss rurmng ut Mohaak might'v raciof. geocrated $1,017,457 ut revenue Tfli Jockey Club's tetter ta for tht Ontario fuveroment in taanship ruttpaytrx points out 1971 Usrough Use special tas on the ttaceaay, besîdes hvSSSf Use pari-mutuel aagering. Mohawk taship's largeot employer and alo Puys corporation, sales sud taxpayer, t alo cager ta he ut hspilal taxes, tht tact sheet service lu lus cummunity. coocladtd. Ily Mci. R.E. Sevrrign Mi George's Anglican Chaech beld tias unosul tuai sopper Uhs paut amekend. Tht ladies aurbai tard preparîse food and ashint ishes lus tace selîlufs ut a delicious supptc ahicli mauy peuple [rom Ibis commuity enjoyai. The Laavillt-Zimmtrmau U.C.W. Gestral meeing nus held last weekaiUsspecial guest speaker Mss. Wliam Mahos ut Usoupheliville hbu ax istraoucai by Mrs. O.Campbell. Hec tapis as "Heritate"' true anuOntario Cougeessin Tosntoat ihuieren Canadian Cultures aiUs a purpase ta etchange ideus of ha wta bave s Uni Canada on talîcls sud attitudtsxi a syoung ,,vutofmixtd races, isdivdual races spoliein thtir salive lauguage whish as iessslaled ino fnglitb or Frech. Disnriminaion Suggestions acre made lu eîd Sesi hoo, ucaspapees and masgazines ut disrimination, 10 ontruduce special leacuing Sacîlîlies for oea Casudisus, mosu cultures autai official iecognitionof uthUsie lugugex, ouI îusl French aid Engîlis. Mes. Mahos [cil ax a W.A.S.P. SOWhite Augluilassu Protestant) as tht ax latallai ai Usis cogrets, il ix bier duly ta udaore peuple ut ahal 45e liadt ernai trom Suis tyr openxng congress and she ix giad lu speali toansy gruup aho is interestai. lbe feelswe all shuidread our nesspaprrs andtacifoemed and i xc have assîhahile suggestos or opinions, lu be surs lu asile sur parliamenl. Pcuîîî tinsosprîng cungessshec Euchre party Lîllîso Readhesd, ionsa Thompsun, Florence Currît, Guy Bussell, Mary uroanridge and Murley Watson acre amung Use ussuers ut the St. Gtege's Cioarch tuchre resextly. Ms. N. Mount busted Use Novembr meeting of Use ACW. Mrt. J. Stakes read te tcriptuce sud Mss. H. gins gave tht ihoughl toe the day. Some discussion touli place eegardxng the Thrisey Supper. A donation. was receised teomn Mes. B. wuard toaadt tangsugs fus tht sitar, cardt xere sent tumemtacs in hospitai. St wus decidai toa huld Use Occesutar meetiug an Use torn utl s potlu adinîes in Use Cburrh Hall. Ten dollars sssfl be lest to tht prayer partIses "Eleusos Kaye". MES. Taiss, Use president clusedUt meeting sud luch nus oursai. birs. Ramesery acted us i.sustesy esuseser. Gite bina bs-tais tieUsheaUsier driver a break es'endifteisarong. Twoarongs ouver muke s rîght. They otten muke au accident, sys Use Onstario Satety teagae.s J. MOONEY taansbip," Use lettes continues. Mr. Moouey tsld Ibis seaspapes Usese are plas ta ancresse Use teutiaf capacity ut Moawkal by dsuhhtng Use sie ut Use spectaturs' frandstand sating ares. Mabui ws deuiguai ta bandit a croad ut 8,000 fans but a record atiendaoce a cuple of yesars ugo rearbed tbe 11,000 mars. Orsudstaud espumion, homeses, depeudtsu Uste intraductilln ut Sunday racinf ut tht rural trank. Tht president aisu suid Use saseaay coutl end ap aiUs mort sacing dates ech yeur, if Susday rarmag is ulloaed. At prmeet OJC rutsa tpring sud tait mcet uithUe Supper highlights community activity lcgîslatîon tabîng place os these issues. Mss. Peso McCursuach Ussuhed Mrt. Matan tor hier very' eniightenmng lak. The business lor thr evtniug is conducteid ly president Met. Peso McCormuch snd recusdtd hy secrelury Mes. Glenua Gullmng. Mcv. Olîve Cullîx lai Use group iu the aorship service on lriendstap. flanareai tl Mss Ocruice Whiley and Mrs. Loaise Guhy enteelaisai Use ladies xîlth a hurneros stat aiUs s message on vîsîtmng Use sich. Mss. Aima Collîng ax Use s- cuopanst lor Use ladies tria ut Mss. Macj Hall, Met. Marias ialcs and Mss. Nancy Rsmsbaa. Mes. Marj HallipresentedUshe e siate oS ollîcees tus the cuming year. President Mss. B. Milîse, past presîdent, Mss. Me- uoack, Vice Preuident Mss. T. lOstuax, Unit Heads attenoos Mrs G. Poule, eveuiog Mss. H. Hall, Secrrtary Mss. L. Broun, treasurer Mes. O. Peer, masse Mrs N. Langtoni, ('mmunity and Prîendshîp snd cisitiog Met. P. Ciixg, Christian Educatian and literalure Mss. George Cullmng, stardshtapand reccuiting Mrs. George McCormach, progrues Ms. H. SacertSfn,supply Mes. K Smath. fouxers toe churrb Mss. T. lumshaw, pîssixt MES. H. Hall, nursery Mes. N. Ousu and Mrx. G. Richardson, sards and fonars Mss. N. (issu sud crail raIl, Ms E. Dubeshîrs. Thc noumîutiog cumnîstîre încluded Mcx. B. Guby Me. R. Coalter, Mss. Murray Collîog. Mcx. P. Culon. uîfiîcîl Board Oepresrntalives Ms B. Mîllar. Me. T. l4smshax, Mrs N. Sangtos is the auditor. lie cuoiîiuoily sesds gel neli grctiogî, lu Mss. Eleanur Coulier. The Champion, Miltoe, Oct., Wsd., Nsueter 15, 1972 S1 tDevîtnansd Michael Tritchier. Karen sud Michael nul usly tupped the tchuui't poxter-draxers, KRents pestas an the tup girl's prize sud Micivutît won un honurable mention aurd toc hoys in Use couoy-aide colesl xponxured ty Hullon Pire Preveolios Boreau. (Photo hy R. Doses) hn Oon ettr totbecitzonsof iltn fr05' C-lin 051e,aidOte for lfeeVilb 14W ore tha0i at uni Othr tje -in Milton' a str5'Eresentat !on ut historyronee effective reP the courtltevel. to fo10lasnbar , t have served ilîU f o plet 7er on ùordl cotmmissions anc0 on couine5 - ,,,,nteea tree -,enr 5,7tensiOfl course in nnicipat gosseriest localQeen Universityp Bo tnat T eciUt bet thlernaecat 9frairS. AL.a 1 am preParea t ievta the nCesnar tinle for the ya5'S hours Orf teeilE' r lE. thSt the p05iti on Of ReevO o t hve tlfYs poen My ndti sithout sro faVOur On -nY issue rhc ffected the ineeeSo ~ pept~ot' 4ilon. ut co5'tttted to establi shiflR fh por oMitn 1 ,b prsvng Mitton' a orunit Systetf in 11atton there sreervîn ito% proper statue- As RSaVa,, t -1iit mate arm tha titon ~ih5are protectati and avanc ed siit a o afir deis voice. t thiOnk 1 have pro'e t onc rnetcridt spe alc out vahere your isoterests arecnere Mito l in need of jncrease8d 0i faCtii5 'ia yasao i proposed to COUrii paclan for a V csmf y e ntre co5tPi5x -hiOh sOuld include a library, a rneetirig place for seio citttnnian anyothr fciltiS 5hiC MoulOosnefit te Oe cnlotl5uît regardion jreceived very little commnif aRads utte ilse . eeve, t feei support for this de atteffetive~ p tion to presett that t 5wouid be in a mor e eff eci pOid r n thi, plan, ýn to enli5~theiOnîîadfo provinc ial and fatierai go ver n'T's rmieti II. ou ta for me jor R<seve, iitt t0 listen to yOU tina, to et. as Y ou n r.E ColinS ill FIRE PREVENTION WEEK unards sece Presented ai Huly Rasary hchuul last aeli ahen Milton Fise Chief A. E. Clemenl visiled the schuol ta ditribole prizes. He is pistuea with Cindy Roche, 7, ut Ms. Clcshtm's grade lo ctsss aacli an the plaque fnr het purent sltendsnse uithUe recent fire bull opeo house; snd grade tise poster culslest ainners Karen LESSORJLSO HUSKY CAMPER SHELLS Lahtweights, deluxe 0im, slidig side windows wtt, reiuforced i b frarn ng idca for the camper or handyan. K U5 Lis $35 N STA LL E 1961 BEAUMONT 4 DOOR SEA 075. cylinder, automnatic, une uwner, Lic SE4690 Wdteî3r Mainn kfe. Mitn Ont., 4 TOWN OF AuLTON STREET NAP

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