- ~v~- J - 10Tise Champion, Mton, Ont. Med. Novemisur 15, 1972 Hornby Elect N. Flemington to presîde over club By Mci. fisc Hamilton 'lThe Horsby North Senior 4-H Club held their sixts meetiog oc Mmnday, ai lise hume fi Mcc. Jim McKay oîth Jmnet Couplacd ai the pccesnt. The 4-H plede 008 repeated Iy lise Il memiseru luesentL Members mode beef suupoand chîckec soup oursh oas uerved egi cheese, crackse acd putain chips. Thsis oas sereed tue lunch. Tise sevenlis meetong oasaie held ai tbe hame ut Mrs. Mcla un Mnnday euenmng, whics oas npesed euth lise 4-H Pledge by Mary Baisser. Cabisage ben relisb eau made and cacis member tobka jar tome. Eleven membersultarled tis Club and lbey ecded mils lise same Il memberu. Mes. McKay mnd Mes. Sol tisere veey prudnoftieir girls. Annicersary greelongi are ru- lended to Mr. asd Mrs. Ronald MacPbersas oto mdll celebrale 0-ce weddîog amniversary un Wednesilay, Nov. 15. Tise Nortb Trafalgar Eucbre Club beld 0-er eebly Euchre Party un Salurday sîgist, Nus. 11, ai lise Nonsh Trafalgar Recreatiun Centre. Tisere wr seves tables ni nuebre sn play. tise his prines for 0-e ladies werwn by Mrs. R0-el Webbs, Mes. Vi Preston mnd Mes. Etiel Martin. The gents peines eere eon isy Clare Wilson, Gerald Teneycise and Tom Bouuîield. lise uis1 drues mere mus isy Walter Barnard and Mes. Jim Hamiltonc Tam Bsustietd, mon a tox of etocolato candies for haumng tise mml ose bmnds misic weesxaid Mc,. Vi Preston, ild lice lune bauds mnd oas 0-e mimer ut a ton ot chacolate candies. Tise nesl cuchre will be held n Salurday Nov. 1t. Bîrtbday greelises are eitonded 10 Mrs. EarI McMiUma, wto oll celebeato hiec biethday n Salurday, Nus. 1f. Me. and Mes. Garry Htamilton ni 0-e Ninls Lise, Hnrnby isy.eluld nith Me. and Mes. Ken Barber ni Streeliville, un Salnrday nigbt. Eurhre party Tise Hutilas Cony Ploomenis Asuociatin beld a enebre parly un Frîday nigisi, Nov. 10 ai 0-e Bayne Cmmniiy Centre mils 24 tables ai euebre mn play. Tise ladies' priies ocre os iy Mes. Rnis iSeesoel, lirsi aid Mrs. Idrace Rorton second. Thse geils' peines ere on by Clore Wilsn ui and Donald Douglas second yrîne. Tise lucky drami ere on by Mes. Mary Brown, Mes. Fanmüe Clemeois, Alfred Bail and Roy Corrne. Tise prizes tor hnded nul by Heatber Hyall ni Narval, misa oas crumird Halton Furne Queen for 1972. A delîcîsus lunch cas serurd by tise commutter. A meeting mou iseld Nov. 3 ai the Nortis Trafalgar Reurealias Centre with 33 adulto and 23 cisildeen allendîng. Tise eeting upened mils Io mniies callrd "Baille ai Nerves" and "Frim as a bird mn Wmler". Rois Gracey played inne familier lunes un bis accnrdin beteeu filins. Ofhiurs toc 0-is ycar are as lollos, presîdeni. Normas Flenaungin, vîce-peesideni Aies Fuie, iecretary Brlly flaye, treasurer Dmnny Corses, trail ce- ncdînalnr' Buis Cule. Troul Cnmmitilee-Craig Ruyce, lmn Breoak. Jars uSimpsen, Bill Specs, Pal Flipyoncr, Clave Corsos, Henry Declin and Larry Wnrb' man. Creeus have teloredered luero emiser. A traîl ride tn be plaooed. Tesly-mn tamilles toue poîd in thr club aid unynne elin nishes lu juint os n membr cmn geloi touch is th 0e Greellugs Bîetisdoy grerlînn are estended In Ronld Breaks wo oul celebrole is iidoy n Nus. 15. Birlisdoy ereeiogi ure eitonded 10 Yvonne Brnwn misa oi celeisrot bier bielbday Nv. 17. Friendi mnd neigbnrs il uIe plemed tohear hat Ralph Rae ls tocs tome ogolu lrnm tbe Milton District Hospital misere ise speni severl rebis. Rendra Hameilton ni lise Ninth Lie enîuyed the lue Capodes ai thr Maple Leui Gordens o Saturday. Drumquin U.C.W. deals with busy future plans By Mes, Cecit PaBtecuon 'fis U.C.W. ni Bethrl cisurcs he1d their sen0ly meeting ai lise tome ni Mes. Steoart McMillun un Wedneiday eueg, Nov. 1, eu0- Mes. Carlyle Feoiberîton prcsidng, and ;.eadîbW o peco Auluon Vouce Mes. W. Hurai vnnîucîrd lise osip priud. Mes. A. Bull, cunurner ni slruuedsi, bud un înlrresling pupur and disusion un geiling ornu e igisisrs aid ulis inîreoledîin lise cisueci. Bull cill word Peacrowas ell anseed by 12 memibers. Treeue's rert sisored usaI the recenl banane isadito n avry suc- cessua ventue, thr membrs thcn unîrd generus donations In usisu orlisy causes. Chisitmasidonation One isundred dollars nus vulrd to puy lue muintinna lise ebuecs geuro. Fîllu dnllars mus 10 10 seul lue a Chistmlias guIf lu Miii Aude Lawrce. n missinur lunuiser in Cisud Alesca, mnd $100 to 0-r Mîsîuaary and Services l"und. Aliunk y uuand gilluas le bc sent toMrs. MriuTuck, of Kîeklield lue bier isenulîlul exii us isullun collectiuus alise banane reuenlly. A tale uf urd sdltig oi be gatheced aI lise cisuci Dec. 10. Il1 Th'is will besent to Tornto, alung wsish Witse Gis Tirer qults uslt n i thn isoe of Mci. Mecey and ineluded ini thr bise. Mes. A. Bull eus îsunsrd lu pin'u'ise lare ouses lu e ie r muoer lubIes made by Me. I-)ueti. Many lisauk vuu chters ere rend -Iruse Don Listr lue gillu wuoî in isitaL irue Mes. G.eorge Baîley lue guIf fllleing iser iness; Peler Vunder Dussen for n gi wite su ispitll irus Mes. Belly Hall lue gillu and Sucwrs seul lu ber isusund Any adson larrvaller 0-eir ucauacident. Mes. Hiaeey Pîciseil senta 0-unis yuu lu the ladies for catelng ai the trousseau Ira uf 1e daugisir Miss 1Luioe Pîubltt un Oci. 21; and an appreciobuon note caue frus Me. and Mes. Niccoin Rall lue lise eedding gi [ruse the U.C.W. A lettirfo thue0r John Milton Society lue lise Blind oI Canada eau rrod, eequeîimg o duoain tu penvîde Braille and large prmnted booksu nd Suuday Stol Idlserlue 0-uthse mils veey euer sîgisi, uf uîcs 0-re are 3Il0,Bs prsens in Canada. A cansh donatin oas mode lu pcucude bosu lue une yer. Mes.' E. Bul mus nased la attend thr pensidrunt' oksuop in Milton, Nus. 13. Articles leh irue lise bdaa e ne aunlind by Mrs Mcry 'lie meeting eluird mils bernoisclin, oî0- a delicinus lunchsbegunsevdisy Mes. . UlIiniseelain, Mes. J. PîciselI Je. mnd tise isess. 'lie December meeting ouI ise a 'histsmas yul lacis dîer ai thn hsome ni Mes. L.. lIàsier un Dc . Bl.ru. Lyime Adames, Mes. 1). Woodand Mes S. McMiUma areuocunsene lise peugenun. ldrlisduy greerlingi go lu Rolps Featlison, Janet McMillm, Mes. Jie Hulluuyuand Micbael Juui'. Cungraulations lu Me. ad NIn. S. Tenes un 0-er 23ed sinddng aneveriary Nns 12. Congratulaions lu Mr. and VIns. Alfred Bull un lise iîci nI thises gcnndsuu, Micisael Rnss Warks n t on lue Me. and Mes. Wneis uf Oabsîlîr. 5luud wîises are eilrndrd lu Mes Juisn Piekeil, Se. wo celelucJlnd liser ubtis irthday un 'isurodus, Nus. 9. Sis reeceived usan unedo, gîflo, floeal arrangmnslofled rosesand muniis and goudosis n ib0is speiluoccasin. Sisuas guest SAFETY Constable Jun Redpath ni the Milton OPP spolie il 01 iudeun ai Ponevueo and Ruort Litle Sctouis aisut saiely, bus merS. He alto spuke 10 serotors ni lise Clivng Edcaiun ClasaiAcn Fbgis Scisoul. ni iunue aI a dîer puely ai thn tome ni ber daugisîr and iun-in- lue, Me. and Mes. Wîllued Fraîbruln and Mudelli aI Ginag. 00-ee guess ere ber geauduideen Me. and Mes. Juo Eves, Heoir, Dauvid and Claauy, and Mes. E. MuDuel. Wr miss inis dean lady many For lise luIst yne the Druequin Slîmelleî rcenlly ilgu 0-nie pengrue sdisedule of esecîsng and calorie wnlcsing. Thie eetings ue beldi un Munduirsvenings ni 7.45 p.e. nI l'nccy Mnreî Scisuul oî0- Meo. li Cmi Inn inck us inuleuclue and then leader ol Mes. Jum Bissee of Miltn Tise club have 201 ynd up membrs and hsave an auveage ulîîdunun ni Music s supplîrd isy topes and rcocrdslfor aurnjuyaislnnsciing mils peines guîng lu lise beîl egss lonrsforeacisunris.T'Me lulluesug ladses have uun: Laurir Scott, Mes. Agies MuKînni, Mes. Gil lJallipeau, Miltn, Lullin Me- Donald, Applcsy Une, and Mes. Cucul Semeuar. Anyussr sîleresîrd Ln guud isenlis suîîuîed Inînînn thn goup. Manorites sketched for OakviIIe art show Peurdl ukhes oil nesideeta o utnn pescîl shrtrhng anSi a"t Ceulaumatl Mauoc oui be taBa.sg mils neidmn ufth0e iochajed in a 'twoatatst", art Male lu Milton and mmrte ut show hemg staged ai 0-e Bets Elth 0 epictarmmutt 10100-n heushom. Spaggue ou Morran Rd. in Hmfacvr ClbieNov, 26, 21 and 27. Ose aludied art in art rnllegms Mangie H. Bahewett, misa luss 10 rlaud and Eugtnd mnd huas to paiul portraits m aoù, lu lolau ied mils several oeil buowu Dua I-10g ion the Nov=ia Cenadimn arItssaidue immmng dom. Oser 0-e past scierai he n 1 tM mous Mes, Babemel has spei Donna biug morbu mils PEEING INTO MILTON' PAST: Tiss lwa photos rame fusen ainapsuût collection ai Jise Brecka, Burlinglan, They depirtifour lorul ludies nlise stops ufthe1 Registy Office <nase Family Court buildinsg) la 0-r top photo andl thr floce- bederîrd iront nicthe uld Court Husa and Jol an Broca StL la thr lucr phouto. Bnmruae lu M. Brerbuns iamily took tise pirluri nrund 1916. Rerugnize any of ise ladies? Kilbride Elect recrea flan slate for village By Mrs.P.D.J. Sooues Ducong thr poil ire eeksi urguninulioiisas een ueging lie cumeunis lu lues oul and voie lue lise ire ullîcers, ond leut Tucsday, lise flllneng ere eîrctrd. Presiden ls P.Clulrec,fieil Viu Pes. Me. i.. Cenles; secretaey ,Mei. 1. Murray; treunurer Mel Andersn, Social Cenveneri Mes. V > Parent and Bill Farrnm. Rink Cunsener is B. Murray, Cl. Cuuluun mnd A. Wrigist. Bail] Cloncrires are G.Harris and A. Seau, pubiscily Mes, J. urnones, flireclues onclude Cl. Ripper, Mes. B. l)ussire, Mes. B. Coulsos, A. iluriseidge, Me. B. Gagnun, S. Prie mnd Mc. R. Muirbead. Ca SBuppty Buildiug usem suce muny ofus ere odring suisu Fred Arnold wus duîng îlircciug leufil alung Kîlbiscde Si. and up Ponton SI. nul Sulurday. Il sure oas a ig luud und Ped nisly durecird lise trucs uichisi lu negullule undr somc nueriangîng brauncises, mnd sluwly isut îurrly lise Cuis Suyply Building eus trunsorîrd frne the Old Hall lu ls new site beid the Kîlbiscde Publie cAisul. 'lie bilding ouI bonuse lise logo and equipseeni, and ise moeunvnin r luer leadrs mnd bovs Ire Capades 'lie Sulrly Paleni cildeen isad a laun allernaun last Solnrdoy as they wece taisen 10 ire tise Ire Cupades on Tornto. Amngil tise cisildeen fruse lise KEdide Puie Sutonl Oece Karen Watson, Jmn b'usi-Prlrrsn, Nancy Odarien, Nancy Duisc mnd Judy Jones. 'l'e guests ulsu orul ain, nurely Rîcisy Muireed and Cathy Andeecse. --Cnlds and fln are prevaleni ini J. R. Curde O.D OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL TELEPHONE 832-7788 and hec palillugu r deaectiscdd au spooianeous and free. Shé wurks irae lier vac trucks and (fues ysptures ult le lucal cuu.lysîde au wel ua lier favurites - auto wrelcig yards and machine ahopis. Thue Nov. 20-28 soaw la opec la lthe publie 0-cm, nom to 8 pis. -Macyhuniers are aay cocu. aftec deer thua web. flue Royal Winter Fair la au on Tormntounml 0his Éaturday. NOTICE TO ELECTORS TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TAKE NOTICE TUAT un Aivanos Peil ell ho houIII on: F1151 DATY- MONDAI, NONEE 279 1972 SECOND DAY - SATURDAT, IEOEMIER 2, 1972 The Advance Poli WIiIl Be In Thse Nassagaweya Municipal Office Buildin g Beiween the Hours of il OS A.M. and 8Il1 P.M. bath days. POLUNO DAY MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1972 Between The Hours of 11:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M.at the foilowing Potling Places: POLL NO. 1 Resîdence of Beverley Bila Campiscilville, Ont. POLL NO. 3 Nassagaeeya Township Hall Brnokuille POLL NO. 2 Res idence ofMl1y El11îlt Caepbellville Ont. POLL NO. 4 Reiidéncêa'Is)ncan Moitat Lot 27, COnc., RR. BNa, , Rocbeaod. Ont, POLL NO. 5 Residence of Hubert Mac Pherson- Eden Milis, Ont. Cir & Returning Otticer, EARL S. CUDOIE TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA 0(Xo 0) D l~K rffluu"- ait ALFONSO'S FRUIT MARKET 91 RUPP WINNERS aI Ian's Garage Hornby 6543 9t h Lice 826-3468 Our tisanks to ail who participated in aur draw which mas heid Saturday Nov, il and congratulations ta the taiiawing miniers. Peter WaIker Kelly Duol e e. 2, Milton R R 2 Strcetsille A, Wilis Va Piant e.e. 3 Cas'snlll 10 Juaze Dr., Weîtae Dane coraingler Phyllîs Milford e.R. 2 Hlrb 10 vaid Dr., Strcevtnu,11 Bill TrussmsB e e. 3 Campisolluille RIRE IIPP - TUE REAL TUIlA IV IHEINZ RSHOA LIROON MA PLE LOG! BaEGET by Foods Bravo BUTTE 24 OZ F 2 75c 12894 OZ 2.29 73TTER Wl SELA. QNLV #80~*W Oi L RAND M547# MAPLE LEAF SWIFTS PREMIuM MAPLE LEAF IlES Assorted Meats WIENERS BACON Stew 5,sf 16 OZ. PKG. 7 c 16 OZ. ~ LB. PKG 02 75 PKG. LBf 30 CLMNSSETPCLD FRESH NO. 1 f@j FROZ ENGf cOEAsETPctLE *taI: @**Oag Le GREEN GINT PaLY Coffge REBO LEAN Oc CORKI 5 Roll$ 73C LB P@rk Oh@ps 90LB. 2 LB. BAG55 FREI4 GRADE A FRESH GRADE A FRES GRADE A CHIOKENS Chioken Legs 57LB Chioken Wings 3'l c FRESH GRADE A C RShiknfIB99 40LB. Chiokenlreýasts 5710B FRB ilOKfl PRE5» PO#C AN Visus FRESH NO. 1 OS le NI NOTHOUSE NO9 r i Head BANANA L- O TGMATGES UVL ETI'UCE 290 ADVERTISED~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SPCASI FETT A(RA ERSR F TERGT OLMQiNli IL O S P FRIIMRE