2 The Champion. Milton, Ont., Wed., Nonembar 15, 1972 Two run John Noble r.tlrlng from Bd. of Education Alle for yers f wok a a iA retiemnt loBt the fild ArStte fonr thear HaIor oa open for a atm rejirentatove, ta irnaine ~ ~ ~ ~ b onieMlat at nhamed from Mion. Ivan Board of Edocation, John Noble Amtogof Bhontn St. amti affoooced tio oeek hn Plans to Ernie Millnon have heen retire £rom board work ai thend noiaetan deswiltat of finsyeai' He did not lethis arcoice neo deralmonae naestand for noiation. aec 4hn.e vtda ooa "li planning to rttie, 1 just Armostrong said be itad heem havait liait tht tinte for if aty ltet and a hall ytars on lte ail- amen," be tld Tht Chamnpin. vsaoey vocation board witb HCBE hNe. Noble rectntIy toi di banad titroagh ibat wao able ta tee hamber buaînet .n IIton and la part of tht board opeation. correntiy morbing with a Noting the vantatoss oi tht Burlinonquipntnt rantai fiin bor Arsto ad there wer aid nadtht atm job demanda 93 trimait and 4,ot night ochool moe ai lits thon. stodents. He tait tht vocationai On Milaon board ta gmattgesat thung la He aiîdblebasijytd hi work educliadthadnttcl ai tht county boron mblcb bie evn i the face of tigbt amty bas ttrntd amne is inceptioni n conditions. 1969. For a ytar prion ta tht Ernie Miflon la the second antaigamnation of ail local boards candidate rainni foi h or loto tht coaity board, ht aorhed of educahoi ot A former onithe ISOC committet whjcb net husiness admat.ator for tht ont tht gidnlintt for tht hlton Sehool Board and mith a formtation af tht Haillon board. background of 40 yearo in P/jac ta that be strved four ynars banking MIiton lotit bie la weil asna triustee on tht Milton District quahfind. Ri1ghi houlBord. PVAN ARMSTRONG Three in re PERCY BARR BOt McCUAII3 This Week Non. 15 - 22 Young Canada Btook Week Poster & ook display in loal stores. Nav. 110h 7: ttP. Laurel & Carat filas- ..al show. 0:g Busitis A Chump ai Oxford Paiact tat Childnns silos nul tomne fil ms on Ntv. 25 2.30 p. Sun. aN vsnpi "Witng àcantsfrn Shakespeare" andtheil Htailton String Qnarini. Si 0rtim etai0 Tuesdan an t 1:a. for thiidrn4 - 5ynarnof ae. MILTON UBLIC LIBRARY Hydro commission CHARLES THOMPSON AIISTAN LEDWITH Deputy reeve race MARJORIE POWYS L Cost of ERNIE MILLSON Sotte meaibers nf Hatton Gtaity Caincil art worcîed tht provinceisanot fnlly aware of the change in tas structure which îeve s aiy ncsalt ahea engional e e s race fgoverottent is inptemnnted la tis area. Coctcn about tht voit of regional fottrottent tiars toictd durig a Cnty Connd ad- monsltratin cootttottte meeting lit atth.' Tht aitinhes aient discasiag a ittancial rnport wich twill nventauy ta soit. à sitedinothe province. Tht study mas prtpartd Ion tht aiaity hy D. W. Faner, a oerttified accouitant witb tht Tnnanury Departtent of tht Tonof Barhinginn. Ont disagrees aiîl nain changns-eithtn dennease or ireasn- atîch thee tarogh netop in Hallon. ASt tht Haillon ttanicîpalitits aith Ma iroi aon li7:30 g o afu Dancing 0.30 tak' 1.00tang Ton iBne t oti Orchstrc an e &10 a car on tOtO ta HolyRosay PrishHal 'The Haltones in Concert ander tht direction of Keeoneth R. Harrison St. Paul's United Church Wedn.oday, November 29, 8 p.m. Admission $1f05 Spansareil hy Sf. Paal't Charch Chair 'Tickets ataifable tram any choir member or af the Chminoffice. race DICK COPLEY reg ion Bsclington Deptty Reeve Date Coons and Nassagaweya Rene donce MacArthur inlh cnprtnssed c'Onceet ainsi tht peovincens gcasp of tht money situation. 'lhty suggettd a letter voicing tht coanty s vconcerta shontd acvompany tht stsdy when il is prsented 10 the province. Cailtafiord Mci. MacAirthur dnnlured, "t don't wantto drag Nassagaweya into something tbey canit af- lord. Wurdnn Jattes Sstaninrongt isaged wîth thcm, claitting Premier Davis at anîl aaurnof tht tinaivial profileas iotoltcd. 'But if yns aîsh, l'Il support the idea ofsending aletter," hesaid. Il was agceed hy tht cilltr commoittec meoihers ta bave such a ltttr dan op. Count Courivd wîli hc enamino tht ramifications of the Faciner report ai fulanc meetings. Would you believe Alitalia Airlines ,s rttlIyîtg .li,es aee btwan Toronto tnd titl us'ng Bocing 747s. 22 as day exctrion Rome 129600 TC) Milan $265%0 * Witt S-50.n con tactet Milton Tratel Service 14Mtimn binant, Milton, Ontanio Planae 87n.28a6 BIILL ROWNEY ANGELO TONELLI MILTON ELECTORS VOTE RONARRIS FOR MAYOR ON DECEMBER 4. 1972 THE WINNER of th1e SOPTIMIST CLUB ai Miltan 50 -50 DRAW Par the Mont h af Oclaber, 1972. MR. BILL PRESNIAK 43 larton St. MILTON, ONTARIO NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE DECEMBER 31, 1072 9.0f P.M. "The Nashville Sound" featuring Lena Nicholson Modern, Coontry & Western Music Buffetl Luvch Prie tnfrcstvcnîs Availahît Noveni n Marritf Hall, Ancaster Pair Groands No. 53 Highaa West Limîtel ticketia - $15.0 par contit availablt tram artinda Hysina t. t.ilnl Dymeni Maa R ut, Rntn . t . 2, Tounptoe, Oaio Dondan, Ontario Telehone 7652468 Telaphone: 627-12t6 -Sptnsoredby Wetworth Jnior Formiers *Wooinig Scen~es Shak-espeare LlinZack and Sydney Emberity present a sceves frovo Richard 111, Macbeth, Taming of a the Shrvw andi Henry V apd tht n HAMILTON STRING QUARTET Play music ot tht bith anda tith centuries and otf the Efîzabethan Theatre at the a MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY a SUNDAY NOVEMBER 19, 3 P.M. -ADMISSION PREE - a Be sure bo attend this special program a rought f0 yns through your Ii'brary avad tht South Central Regional aLibrary Systevo. ln ordar ta mSai t ittik Feh trotta blond plamoa la "ha la neudail by pallint la uami ta initat; hatalapila .ad Canadian ho.iit, tht Rail L3urlattaa dlaeaa binoS cuat m m Sa it, OPlNUE ait AnRaCa INDUSTRIES Stetiai Ave. Hornby TuOsdOy, November 21 1 p.m. fô 5 p.M. 6 P.M. fa 9 p.m. latte tainee ait ermk On ae Cao an cotCah.liti MITO IONSCU BIN GOr i 30 THooUinAY tnOV M E ThnTh6 tl etnd i ict Hitgpmch fý16 tp e8ý aLua DONIT MlISSi t The European Alps The second Tranel and Adventore film en thîs year's Rotary Club Stries TUESDAY, NOV. 21 8 P.M. Datarit Schoal For Tht Deaf Andiforium Travel tht Af ps with Jim Porsmet. Ste somne of the most sptctacofar scenery in tht worfd. Pind adoenfore le the bostfing cif les of Zurich and fSaizburg or tht moontain v.illages. Jivo Porshet briogs a delightfal bfend nf tht fand and peoplet voho inhalait Tht Enroptan Af ps In this tun fOvlng film for ail aves. Staîtat tickets, goad for six admiasiona any Performance: adaltsurvgov; Ifadenfa $3. Singlt admissions: adaits 01.50; students 75c. JOIN VOUR PRIENDS AND ENJOY WORLO TRAVEL WI Tt- EXPERfENCED ARTISTS im