THE POND FROM ON HIGH. -Copnstruction lots gond un OPPortusiity for photographer Jim nf tise tl-ulorey Noble Tossers uparo.ment Jenoing tIn poss up11. He climbod ti the rot building n Mlluide Dr. si Martin St. urus oiedoy recefly toget a bu-d'o oe view <f4 thse MOUNDS 0F EARTH in lthe focegroanli are can pick out Gruce Anglican Chuecu and tIse ples ut tiltlu lis te pcnpecly bom as taller buildings ait Hatton Manne and Ontario "Machons Fiais," siteofu more future Scitool tor lise Deut. apactirino baildings. In lise background yoo central part of Milton ansd on titis page are future tenants wilt sec il. Aboce, lise Milt pond somte of bis photos frorn that lolty perch, au glistens in lise atternoon soni. Country Kitchen Restaurant stays open 24 hours a day Miltoes tuent 24-houes-a-day restaurantulseoed ils dmors lu the publicatwe. costry Kutchen Restaurant aI Fills Whmel Stop, tnruted Se lte former Johnon Trnchîng pruperty us Highway 5 at MitIon's norîbers enteance, houted a umaît pce-opening paety Monday evening willu abonut 75 cousrcîllors, suppliera, cuntracocu local busmnessmen and Irtendu n land lue orne and cheese and a ballet dinuer. At 6 a.m. Wrdnesday, Country Kitcben opened ils dors-sud lurew away lIse bey' taugiu lins Powers, lte manager. 'fhet restaurant will remoun open 24 houes a day, ail year round, wilS the escption ut Chistsmas Day wben il migut bue closcil, Pumers uaid. Complete reste Filîlu Wlseel Stop lu designed lu Se a complete sercice centre for trucktsand cars. Gasand diesel pumps wece opeurd neyeraI mosîlus ugu Se serve teruk travelling Higluoay 401 and the l1.a public, and the upeumeg of lte restaueant cumpletes phase Imu ut lte ocecall uperatun. ýventually trucluers' raonettes vilt lue made acaulable tue lise travelling public, cumplete millu ubumer lacilities. TV room and loungn, phones and a message c'entre. Truck servicing lucilities, a weighuscule, ttre servcre and a welding and cudiatur sluop are alun betuf plaaned Tfle 117-seat restaurant features a complete menu whrlu is acunlable 24 hours a day-toc esanuple is ulways beinli secved, nul tout duriug certain boucs. Manager Pomecu stresurd that uny itemuon the menu is ucaitable at any lime, including the duîly vpernal dînec. Genuinely lcîeudly service and the 'iuultomlcss" rue ut coller are iratuced. Mont of the staff n'as cecrujîrd iscaily. Business huas heem Setter titan expecîrd, compuny officiais SOPTOMETRIST BIJRLINGTON MALL T ehoe 632778 report. They cupeet the restaurant oili be heavily nwsien, v'isible lcom 401, is ereced. Mito 'ry on erative, Nursery rit Mrm Marin 'u prenudent. Mcu. eus et eted tire .Betty Fouler turne, Sunan Zillio o. Pot Keooedy secreary Mms. i Shirley Me- dfreelor. nieraie linre hall one arn. le 11.30 *prldwllh flt url a olunteer DOWN10W MILTON is partly hiddrn hy the Nole Tomers on Mdlside Dr. Off tai lise ctgbî buildings nf Robin Hood Multifeesls teIt is Main St. and Knlox Presbytecsan Church. locegroande in toui ciew cout lte cool o HOLY ROSAJIY CHUJICH, the chucch ball, convent aod sehool are seen heme tromn atop tbe Noble Towers bulding, under construction uts Millaide Dr. 1n tbe foreground is lise underground parking lot tfur apaclususot dmeller's cars; at let Ibe Mactio Si. itoesi; is ltse bauckground, Nor'tb Amu-ricatui Iliteus-ll plant. D lu for Drive. And D is for Datsun 1600 automatic - the smoothest 3-spee automatic you can drive, wrapped up in the mos efficient, economical car you can boy No decresse in power. Test drive it today. Ï DAISUN 1600 AUTOMATEC lt's ail you DATSUN really need W 1erio e or your mlotuey car NORTHEND BP 235 Steeles Ave. Milton 87a 2471 hAnd viyo gol avvovjob h ~ ~ ~ U tcJ Ea yv32 inches wide eacy hDow on v he barn pavementitve veyf lme , Avy sea Jru <augervhandlevivhe N wetlest snvv lice thre i ghicst ceatier Avd a 1500 cubms vch imyvier ivrvns mor c' c l no ,îvclvggivg. Tvrv s new wo-tage svDwtvrvweradors il h h Fasier Easier Bolier Sv ivvy steak yoiir back this minier on a job vhalu fit vvly h CallonvSuyer Svow Hved. AtiyvîitTvtvdealer.h hn. hdSý .5utn-'n. h &MOWER SERVICE 878-3912 -J The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Novenuber 15, 1972 -V -Il rained agaim on Saturdop, -Christmtas catalogues are and that urus the fi11h rainy uut, and there are jouI 33 marre Satudusy, in a row. nloppus.g dap betfore Clutoassa IL' Do it Yourself! toutle ln! Clioose EarI... Large Christmas reilyo how!ovlt / Weibtn Ptnld Plants Oacne ~ ~ Cu CuloowlelcasO .164 Main St. scement, me date aIl our 10, 1972 10W LASTS eh-p. Preehem se complote &Mol UP fan belli. 1sisi saube ebmetor. st englue lor ILTON, ONT.