Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 1972, p. 4

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4 Tht Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Hovember 1, 1972 Third perlod blitz SENIOR B CHAMPIONS from 1955-56! Front row players Fo, Ken McNeii, Dong Vaughan, Eddie Wihiama, Biackie aociude Gord Hadleton, Art Melanson, Jîm Crouikshanku' aemente, Ted Hughes, John Botter, Jte McCann, Ray Cracker Evans, Gord Crulckshanka and Sonuy Townsley, Newton, Foozie Scattalon and "fr. TrYamr Bob Eruin Bock rom: equipment manager Lien St. Marie, coach EarI Blob Ervin Tribute to "Mr. Traîner"r By Btob urft themn ready for tie neol gaome. Ail the playern jokod snoth hM a lot, he Week aller meeb headhom on Ofimse pages are devoted tei hockey always mas a jovial iod of guy. hlayers Woo scored goals, deait sbatteriog hiomo te oppoietes, andl -W useil te cal hlm Gumihoh. Ho almays biail gtio, oraoges antd oBhers wbo comte op mîi ouistaodiog plays. Coaches are ohme quoteil Bat tend ot thiitg. I gueun ot ufthOat pooabiy cme ont of bis ni os Bhey convoy Oirategy ued aod even the occasionai ime club puebet. There masut mnch mioooy arouiti thon. executven get amenttion for omt.ig tey dg or say. Falrplay 'lte position nfIfrauner laonte Bhai seems neyer te tie miootioned, or Bhalmays appreciateil fale play. He pat top o irophy for Oie for Oiat maitero one dit ogives a greatileal oftbugbt. AiBnnugb Oiey mout gentleouaoly ployer. Murray Greohe aitd Btu Haitiaut both won mariage to te cunistenly overluokeil hy Oiis and aimoot ail scribes, tf, Ohe posihion of the tramner obouldot tie minitlnoi. Eolo Schozzisi, a local boy ubo mmnt oin te play pro hockey te Oie 1 bail Oie upportuiyof cbattiog motb Bob Ervio ai Milten District DJetroit systom, spolie ut "Mr-. Traîner" wli admiraioo. "He traineil Hospital andl day last moek. Bob la a patient Boere. Sports fan in aitd a lot of hockey clous. 50 didot malter ifit mas junior, interisediate, oaod twn wili rememiter Bob as a jovial fetlom ubo sincerely loves uenior or laveolle, Bob mou the trie.H b' otfrtetw n gaie ut hockey. lie sor'ts'anr.Hli lo o ilmtai Quarter ceniia'y Bob telked aboai the dayu mhes bie anil Enlo's ilai muli trovel to Doig a chai mith hlmuitin his ilaugbier, the 79-yeor-old sports (inbvlle o u atch Enlo play. "We'd nover tell hlm Bolt me more golitg lau and formieritraînterreveedhlis terni os trainer winch upami close tue te re hecause itme Bid, bo'dbhave a bail gain." te a quarter ofta cetîtury. adwr 'The hosi tomes more agalitot Georgetowon. We put teout Ho meuwrbol auful iard uork vr iut fi, i lour straigtigami 1956. The tast gaine me best Bhem 4-O" Bob taîil daughtor uuggosîod. At the end of every yoar me biait ticbs, smeaters aud bus eyos reflected Bhe bappinesu i thBe utomories Bhat serimi and ail butot of eqailmeot Bai needei mienditg ftee ntent seasoit. lmought bock te baum. We travoei ail ovor Ontario foloit Milton hockey clubs," aioe Thte mano ho tome bom ou Mlton's "Mc. Traloor" rocalleil Bhe romiomiereil itai gaine anil hum Art Mefaitnit itrornil timIe antd Cfluuk Ctirri andi WhIe Bob tam a lot of bockley players coate and go frein MIlI9 cari Fos addod sosglebit.Tat waitfle best h Mn rieflg r.boit." is om carter moitrestertod ta playlitg goaluwittea teami i =nrm~ Grel serbes Onte outht suppose il it poeic justice Bait Bob's l3-year-odd 'lht sortes won Milton the Senmur Hockey gmoup cbampionslsp groodsuu piays goal ter a team it TammorBhnear Napaume aud Bhey ment os te deteat OrIBia lu Bhe ouest round aund loue Bhe 'Doug'utointoteotresttoaie,"M. TI'aioerpredicted. proviocial crown te Whitby. Il mas thebainoe Wfsltby club liai teat lusuja Bhe iollomotg yoar. Bob's reito as tramner tues hacb tuBte dayu hefore Mion Areno bail artificial ive. Hit job as a trainer masoa uy use. Hoil ho i te fnit an houror anuhour and abal alteoraaine. Art Molasun, ubo playeil miauy seasuns ut fIttermeiate an Seniorhockey ut Miltoreraleil Bob's roie mîh Bhe club. "vrBu wou Boere tue un. He'd lug surfis, sweaters and tomels fume aud baveé WEnNESOAv.NlTERS Ladies' Sot tsitl Orlon Onninos249 lOadieu' Siih triple, mooieiy 0940 Oher Sent sgles, Linda tountain 228, Shoron Ootell21, Leone P'iarllv Olloer gond tresn forma Dezim 564, OnOty OoOoigii 55L, Skis, sit .ue O7 poin i tue 2 t,r ShireytT tfur 16.ione'sO0tfo 10 and caiý'hsulus Yonne Tinisde 35,~4 aies gtrl, Yvnneasr fotter seuit triples, Ruth Tois 69t. Mars Craou 65. Sandra Ligtt69 Ceaglono points tur au. ltuka2tfr Couiiun 0 tori 2uan Cîmptieil 2 tueS. LAIES' SPECIAL tigi0 Old Oo 00 HORNBY JtNENILES mon Bhe Ontario coach Bort Stewort. Bock rom: Elgin Hyatt, "5 Domo Vaoua 2 1E Kohol Bocal Softhll Association cbampiombip Eenneîb Arnold, Don Leslie, Dave McElouon, Luoeea i.200 iren Ia earhier Bhis year. The troup mas preseitteil park superiotetdent Ait Brigden, Eeilh Sloher Souci tlesn Eliiel Arnold 030 ,ilda Rigo 6Oi; Ooen, Vauhan mltb the tropby ut o banquet recenîly. The Chamberlain, Roger McHugh. Ployers absent Eie o onsfr2;Drn team includes, front rom, assistant coach utriode MBke Leslie, en McNabh, Harold fo 2. viile o 2 : een fo 1 Doug Arntold, Wayne Elis, Morris Corlts, Mtr'y, Luron Wilson ondl Deituls McClare. Eîeinate.u. con thn tiet sere, Lachînih single, Vîlovie Oaiey 290, ia.e.'Oîhitre ii leen Bai1 633.'"eyThis wonderful20 nfhC ipr othe____ Zenithls'Lisfitu 212. oBett ibe iîunC.n Ottenem godtles Liii H.Iiige u71i tlinorAgr 20nett isbîet 51. _ _ _ _ _ MILTON MINOR BASEBALL T.V. Annual Meeting caii 1e yours Election of Officers f r O l and 1998 ptt'mnittf Geea uiesThe Pearson D4it2aW B aab financing. A bg fau vonti 20" Super Screen PROM 36 monthu et 12 percent November 5th pitr n n n Oupac-sit cabit m ~ u in Orintl Amorîuan Wainît mor Tane uo RICHARDSON T.V. 00 Pý M. OCassis. Solil State Super Vidmi Range Tuner Thierd Fioor ClstomnizeîTlninit Cabinet oint: 16%" H, 2514 Leio Hll W loi/a" 0. Dimnituiis nuclau oms andi 10D AI'PLANOES Lgt ii antenna prOfitusf is. 201 Main St. Milton 878-6949 gives Milteu Contineutel Flyers stoud by locig Bhe seconid poriol of Frilay's gaine againut Protteon Raiders and matced o 4-t Itoil tinnit. But lefitoreman Ivan Dorigmi set the parie us t fluai period for Bhe greatest Flyte crnibmrf of the yitar, providitg Flynes wih o &-O min. Flynes looboil Bbe Boey mire about to eau Raiders rigbt out of Bhe ein te the fient perlitl but Bhey tel short of tbat oa dueli Boutonl priod aud it mou oily todfortu ndu sumitfbot goaitesulitg by Terry Mastiffs Bhat loBt Bhen miBh o lmty ont goal leaI going iobo t final frame. Ivan Dueigon teook charge te that peloil andl mitfl bis leadership, Flyoeo put the plaes lugetbar and comit out mlBh an "- mn. Durillon soei t-Ire digo Bhe lital poriod and played osrephuunily oltrt bockeoy. Put togeffler Durigon Pot Flyort aheod 5-4 aller Preten titI it eorly inetBe porio. Grog Cbuchmocf oui Dauny Nîcbolo corried theo play 1010 Bhe Raider mine and set [lurigon up for a bhtstering oflot from jusi insîlo theo point. George Mils and Rirfi Marray rocodin a on Brian Freseb aitd Joug Aonderson futuboil tht play chen hoe suatted a buose park tebinil Frosch. Darîguit scoreil bus second goal of lhe gaine and Milton'st Bld in loto than Bhrou miniutes ubait fie lot is flue lino poil 10 drill te buose puck. Bob FubomoOo oubrcipatel o chanre andl flou ocross Bhe goal mouth, loovlitg Bhe Raier toande mh o cbance te step him asflie stoppaI Milton'$ oîghtb goulofthBe gam ilan Bhel sorBh in six mutes. Presten ocoreil once beluo Miltos blîlo aitd once alter but Bhey morool able tei came neor Flyors alite Bhe ste minute barrage. BoBh tht flesi andl tirdei periolu more tat bockey mlBh boBh iems getting a umbar of gond chanîces. Flyors appearel ibtorgaiuo and l otyel o pour FIyers sovouil porof. 'te gainemwata relively mili mie uiBh Milaton g M lf mime flnfractian id%%tiba six. Tom Fmidley nf Milton as barils"le front tht ires for il miniutes during ltae fird periuittu serve a mîuditminnor. Johnu TmioBl flad te viae ite for ropaire; tarty lit ltevgnt but roturea latte aller b ag ot attoniltd te. RichaordlMurray made bis Brent appoaraitre MBt t club M sureil to goalu aid Hwo annulas it fis ilebut. Murroy played miffi the juniors font year loBte itarly Port of Bhe Session but novar filuboil t year. Torry Matoe playedmone of fis hotter gomoes l it flne goalu agait. Mastlnt mode 41 nopul cnuportd to 39 mode by the eforte of Frourfi oui Sparba in Bhe Baller cage. louprnsfve debnt For Miloni Riefi Murray srorod Borce and assitd Bte, Greg Citocflmoch itcortd miro oui ouuusttd tice, BiBl Presnlai, Dong Anderson and Bob Pokomoto tcored singleso. George Millu and Gitorge Cousent oocfl otoioted tuict whbte John Tutlli, Aatgou York, Daitoy Nirbîn and Cooig FlemIng ail assiteil. Cor Hotutetter itcortd tbret toute for Bhe Raliders wite Bul WtBo oui Bod Laureinte seorod singlest. Flyoro fiavt a chance to touprove on Boutr min-bu record recorddmbaothnyftoitBte mi t moofi for thite gaiesin foar foar ilayo. Tboy play te Brampton 'lTarsdlay, Barba g B Feiday ond homo ogoinst GOavlle Suitday. Neot Friday Bhe P'lytrs wiB launch a item ides. lIt an effort te bave fans anl porenst mit boBh boys frum teo oui t boys [rom oBher temits, a gathering te o Win teusg plaunel ut tht Chartes Hotel alter Bne tome. Maity il mit ail t Bte Flyers mIll refon te ar Rug Raom at titat boitei te chut; mtb ployeas. Onme stové 110. fast ^i=npion tianalfîil ad- etieo are continueli reparti8 foi aurceno aod terrifie responut frent Beir ltlle Au adverhoser receooly call The Cfnapîous ao "groat nvine"fe bel Id an elertrie ugove te Oie fienit peanat oaBtd ate gai mairie mogre tal WHAt WE GOT FOR YOU PFfly fRe-condltioned A-1 USED CARS 1972 Econoline 1969 Pontiac E00 Van wtt VOt end Parisine 2 door fardtop. autumnat Il. passetoar saut, tl nls a bome. Licencit esato more option No. N8378 tatures. Licetnct No. Oi Vî401mes 189 1969 Meteor 1968 Meteor Le %oYne 4 door bardlup, taLeioe, 2 doue harcdîop VO, autoflStlc, air mite VO, automaflo, powier onitlnlin, radio tuln stitelinu and irttkes, sinvi coulant loonge silets. ts Licnceto No. 77746Ot0 t, tait cmsort lomin suits. Licnceî t'o. N57477 AS IS, NO CERTfFICATE 1966 Jeep Staton Waon,. 0/te' Oaily redt Cars avoulable. Rent by the dlay. motk or Motf specil weokeoil rates $17 pluos esuleage from Frlday 4 Des. to MAAndau 9 Watch icor the race resuits co1 in the U winners circle 4 A B te O te l le in Er ai 61 H 41 Y, Si hI M GI il s Va as li t l Co ch Di as fi 0 ot th Ho bi OCi En bat Rn sot gi E uli gMi

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