1~ 34 The Champion, Miltes, Ont., Wcd., November 1, 1972 G orters DIANE INGLEHART cf Palermo bocame tbo bride Mf Dale Diogman ot Oubville lu a marriage coremonp ut SI. Lobes Anglican Churcli in Pulermo oniSept. 30. Sb& is the daugliler of Me. and Mes. Edgar Ingleburt of Patermo aid the groom is thse soc cf Mr. and PArs. Bruce Difegman cf Ivy tea, tcrmerly cf Milton. Wedding Dingman - Standards cf white mumcs ami pick gludicli deccrated St. Lube's Anglican Churcli. Palcrcnc. for thc medding un Sept. R0 cf Diane Elizabeth Inglebuen, R.N. and Date Gene Dingmun cf Oulindie. Thc hride cs thedaughter cf Mc. and Mes. Edgar L.. lnglebart, Palerm. The groomis thesoncof Mec. and Mes Bruce Dinigmancof lvy tua. tcemerly cf Mdlton, mbn wccc celeheaticg their 3lst meddicg anniversary on Sept. 301. Mes. Helen Inglehaet, un asot of thse bride nus cegait. Nov. Kenceth Patterson clficîated. Sister ailier side The bride seaW given« marriage hy ber lather. He nistor Mec. l.isda Marîli. Obmle nus bier cnly attendant. The geccm's grandmodier Mec. W.l1. plans course nex 'The Octcher meeting cf Oie Nacsagameya Wcmen's ntntute caheld athbehome ofMrs. . Anderson nîi the President. Mec. Gien Peurce, in Oie chair. 'tse ccllcall mas answered hy Oie 12 mumbers pensent by a sbcmîng ot tber special handicealtu. Amcng Ornse mure lemeollery mahîng, meavief, embrcidery, qcdlting blocks, rug mahi'tg and seccdmcrbing. Business acîsing [com the mnutes ciclcded plans ta send Mec. Pearcu and Mes. Jensen us delegates In the area convention i Stratfcrd on Nov. 2, 3. A lutter lrcm Mes. Zcller mas rnd relating in a gift toi le made to the Erland tee Hume ut Stoney Stoney Creeli, as lIse 7Sth Acviversacy Pi'ciuct. Amcng the auticles mucticced as veeded i Oic Home nus a 'Wbatnct'. Mcc. Andrec cileei one Viat bai been in ber famity for oeil over t0f Mcc. DeBlau and Mes. Peurcu cf tbe visiting coummittee gave ai accunt of vuicomers vcited and ivelcomed tu the ccmmunity. The Presîdent inieuduced the scbîect ot Mcvhei"s Geoupc in the comrnîy. There ws mach discussion but nc plain mure adupted ai this lie. beele th aisel The 'Sumîng Wîtb Knits" course midhinsoteuctors Mes. Peurce and Mes Jensen mîi bu Inglehart K. Slepman of lvy Lea mus aisong Oie coests. Ken Dingman ut lvy Lea mus lest man fcr bic becther. John togleharl. bruther cf the bride, wseauosier. P'ollommng a receptiun held ut Oie home of Camerun Murshlinl Oubville, tee couple lef t tue a toceyncuon in Easten Ontario aid Nortisern Nem York Rtate. Mr. aid Mes. Osegman ure ncm rcsiding in Oabvîtle. Selure Oie muddmeg Diane mas tomored ut a surpeise sbomer gîven by fellcm nurses cn 4 East cf Oie Oabvîtle Hospital ut Oie tome cf Miss Culleen Laîboon. fie tuglehart relaties a uthOeir anuel pîcnîc alec had a stomer fcr Diaie aid Date. A comuaity shomer mac held i St. Lube's Paeobh Hall un Sept. 21. sewîng 't week beld ai île homu cf Mes. Acdrem fcom 9:30a.m. L)3:30 p.m. Nov. 7 i1l. Mcs.tL.l)aige, the unvoner cf Oie peugerm, stomed handierufis maudetccciimny varieties of Wocd. The mcmi carving even mncluded une made by inset-len a contempcraey design. Wmoden uhîectu frum -Century " humes le Oie area mure displayed and Oie leslory of euch relted. Wmodun articleclrcmmasy partsuofthe mcrld ccmplutud Mec. Daîglu's mnteectng and informative tutk. Mes. McLuren, cî.srtesy cenvunce, llsaehed Oie licitons aid speaker and ail takdcg part. Plan course on sewing Nelson Wcmen'n Icatîtotu mut aithbebhomeuofMrc. J. Vansiekle, Paleemo. Acrangements menu made tu told four evenîng clasoes cf "Seming mib Knils" aider Oie dicection ut Mev. J. Campbell and Mec. Haery Wilson, ulso plans tue a eucre Party ut the home ut Mes. Ed Vîviai, Cedar Springs Rd., Nov. 14. Mcc. J. Taylr gaveuarepoetuof Oie L.eadership Convsention she altecded ut Guelphi and Mes. R. Mecesen, Oie tbought tue Oie day. Mus. A. C. Harmur mus le charge ut reculuticnn deubing uste cmmumity ccncerne and neudc. A tastY lunchi fllued. celebrate Despite a rnlaralily wet night ai Oct. 21, a capaclty mmmwd tursed oat t0 Kidlbride Scisool te belli Me. and Mes. Henry Gorlor celebrat. their 2btli weddÙ)g asniversacy. Receivisg mith them were thon' son, Krmneth and hos bride Alyre, as wetl as thiiel sons. Ju. Mes. 3.L. Blair of Kitchener main hairge Mf the lestboi, aid Mie. Anna Seott MiNulil and Mrs. Clarence Galbiraiths eldoat rouinof thtie couiple, poued tee acd reff 0e ai lise buffet, table. Danring tuthie libraicie et Miller's Orrciestra appeared te bie tlsereuglily esjeyed. Il mecas ansejoyalile evnicgl. Oct. 25 a delighttul surprise dccantr parly midi 10 frieuda mas esîoyed at tise Plaicsarn Reotaurant miti the Gorters ai guonts of Imair. Thai ai Friday, Oct. 27, about 60 cousins gatiiered at tise Boyce Centre and provided a delicioci ssorgasbord miti tie hbad table complote mith a lovoly anniversary cake. With Roc Galbraith of Ern as macler of ceremonios tise bride acd groom Mf 25 years more preclned midi a handsome gift tu commenicrate tse occasion. Tise balance cf the evesmng mas spent in playlcg milce. fie GnrIons more happy dial guesti came f romt Partism. Orumalea, Omen Sousd, Misnicsaaga, Clarkioc, Ingeriail, tNngtemood, Boltocn Ern Georgetowc, Camplielîvillo, Carlisle, Miltos, Ourlicgtcc, Alderihot and Kdlbrîdo. Elles Cacaos, 312 Elceileigi Ct. receslly retcrced 1mi Florida sehere ace upeel 10 days on a business trip. Ellen's husbacd Bill loicod ieor for the meebcod and diey viaitod Disney Wortd, and J. F. Kencedy Spure Centre, both of mhictt mitl lie visitod cn the tour Oiey plan ta conduct in Febrcary. Knox Cisurcli held their t1710 accîvorscry service os Susday, Oct. 29. Bey. Ae Calder frcmn Peterboroughi and one lime sceuster ot Georgetomn Prea- bylerian Chcrcb mac guocl speaker. Wile ini Miltos Rev. Calder mas a guest cf Mr. ccd Mes. Craig Reid, R.R. 6, Milton. Knmx charcli mai luilt 117 peurs aoo and the soucds fromn the old pipe orgai prcved fiet there are came cld tasliiaied thsicgc diat are sth11 gnod today. fie day mas oue cf music aid cacg and the Hattonms Choir led the igicg at the evecmng service midi clih dicector, Ken Harrison playicg div orgai. Fohhommng the service a time cf fllomslip, mas held cn tise lomer auditorium. Congratulatiocs and istc motoes go to Mary Hutction, 129 Thoas St. seo celebratod T> MARNIE RARE and Ronald Rend exchanged wedding vous at Alderwood United Church in Toronto. flhe bride la thse daugliler of Mr. and Mis. Normas Haro of Miltonx and thse groom is lise son of Mr. and Mms. Jerry Rand ofWeston. ~bout the town with Doloires Melanson Phsone 878-3138 1 liertontlidep os Mondep, OrI. R0. LAtoot newcmees tu Churcill Ave, une Me. aid Mes. W. Key aid 100fr four yeur nId luis daugliters frnnm Mississauge; Me. aid Mes. A. Clark tramn Dcmnss'iem, Me. and Mes. S. Wooda frore Mississauga, Me. and Mes. E. 0111 tromt Seurbornugli, Mn. ami Mes. C. Wuhker toa London aid Me. and Mes. B. Feddenp tramt Toronto. We melcome pou lt oaur tous. Me. and Mec. Barry Bressan cf Toronto mure guestas cf the Bey. aid Mes. Jon MLuray, 245 Ourcet St. un Tuundap. Me. Bremnailn li ai been veey activel ite Rimais Cloto spke to memboni of MOlton's Rotary Club ai Tuusday evening. Congratulatians and liest widccc go tc Lunep and Barbiara Keaue, 395 Maplemcod Cese. mto cuelinrata Ohir medding unnivercarp todap (Wednesdup), Nov. t. A boarty molcome 10 Milton gore out ta Me. and Mes. J. Meet, tonmentp of Toronto, sebo bave aioved i et 54 Mac- Donald Ccesc., Me. and Mes. P. Caurci ut Rezdale misu are living ut 46 Lorsie Scota Dr., Me. and Mes. N. Graýppe front Kitchener mbo are raiiding et 101 Mec- Donald Cese., andi Me. and Mes. D. N. Thsomas foraierly Of London, mise haove moved te tut MacDonald Ceese. Hoods Cicke Queens Mf the senior giets' casboll leugue bseldi e chicliai soppen at the hineoof Me. aid Mes. Stewart Fits' patrick, 379 George St. on Weldaesday uvesirng. Fcllemleg dinnerdihe girls presesled Me. aid Mes. Pote Cremic, Grnt Ceuison and Dorees Vaughan midi a gilt aid tihe lisforea good baseblt seaisi. Happy liiediday misis go tu Gond Vfaemingtos, 335 Woodward R., mbo relebrates is birtisday ai Saturdap, Nov. 4. Newmresîdents et Oie Gie Eden upueimets are Me. and Mers. T, Martin, uparfant 627A, feutavDM. n r.G Mersie, apartaient 708B freint Hailton, Me. aid Mrs. Robrt Smnith, uparebseet 623A train Hamilton, and sesehymeda Me aid Mes. E. Jensen, apartinen 727A, front Beamale.. Wî moîmome thina to Milton. Tme baideed gueulat et Alderwood United Cisurcis, Toroate, mitaessed a iseautbu Csriat-estred weddlsg wea Mamde Hame, daugiter of Me. aid Mes. Normean Har, Milton, -and Banald Raid, as cf Me. aid Mes. Jerry Rend, Weetos, aidstaged vema aIt a lale ai- tersisn eeuosy, Sept. 311h. fise cegadast Daisy Hyseis played rny "tiable selecliaia js'ecedicg die service, lireehlsp Loi "Jese Jey ut Mac a SeI Iinge;aucgMrnieo the arme cf lier tatiser, apprcacsed the aller, peeceded by2 rnaid'et'isese Midiele Hure, aister ufthOe bride, aid brides- cuida Gay Stimera (ite, Oliver) aid lanice Maiceiter, 0bt et Torcnto. At Oic alter midi the groom merehim bust mai, Tirm Nirnigai, tamei Ken Merek aid Red Nicheles, ail cf Toronto; minsters Ren. H. D. Muddle et Alderuccd Udtted Cisurcs, ami Or. H. C. Slade Mf Jarvia St. Beau tint Osarcs, Tomante. 'Mlelride'. fleuir lesgdi goses mai e craile ot lir eus Congratulations and braI mishes are exteeded te Me. acd Mes. J. W. Cragg, 422 Woodward St., mbo ceiebratod 100fr lilid meddisg aediversaey ai Baiday. Oct. 29. fie Ladies Aid ut EKnoc Ciscci bld e business mneetleg aithOe Maise us Garsel St., ai Maidey evesico, Oct. 23. A business meeting mas fcllcmed liy a fellcmabip bour. Peesidest le Mes. Amirey Lyle aid huisc fer the eveding wc$ Mes. Jobn Murray. Me. and Mes. C. Eretais and this tiseee cisildre fernm Micaiiieuga are cese recidens et 7633 Appleby Uine. Me. aid Mru. H. Puppe front Toronto have maveil i et 310 Ebnucod Greffe., aid Me. aid Mes. L. Kelly, tcrinerly cf Burlinglos, have maved te 279 Ebnmod Cresc. Weccme to Milles. Happy liirtisdap to Ryle Gervais, Fine Siderced, mise celeliretec bis liirtliday on Tuesday. Nev. 7. maier cf tise groom. Toast InCeis Tiai Nimigac, toastmuster, caledjue ap Mortoc, Oak- vilet latpOie bride; Rom. Wsi. ai, Alercalo, la toat the dcalgcleg. Mie chaie mhlle Wlan, tu toas the grand polyester bistae, faisibloned uit0 esotiera; and a apela toast ma& e slimple fllled bodice acd givnifuracdrnclber Maei by Empilre maintl ino, faDling laboa imrauniJe,f Oakvlle inCzci. delicatelY bouffnthret tiSled Ouate, allier dia. Torcato soil atarI. An spal pendait, gift bracn the Milton area, inrbided Jeck ber parcale, cempleedl lise Jcisia, Gait, grealaicle of lise bride's aisaemble. bride, aid frais Mantoais, au Tie velvel rilibos triai ai lise mel ai the greescas gracd- allaidaita' aulti.faesdaus mater weea tui, i'Vr isied dealasa fan crewcl blere, and as aidle amdi et, emlsrldery wiirisacuukedOR Me. an lls. R. Baarliuky. the bride's gous. Kadi lier Mf the flic ceelyweda lravelied serdi three-tiered skirI mas werked in aid rered te lie in ilton. aitau asadeat la Hescrta ami oiber pcccedling feallnldcis for flomers matit by the bride the hsappy couple mere ac hersait, iser motiser, patarnal engagementi buffet supper et the gracncier am Trhie ie borne Mf Me. aid Mers. Nerss bocet ei e p thd p1e Hare, sisemers isy Slly Sullivas coos .Oee brder aid bridesmeald, Janice Abse annuel mai the tact the Maicaiter et bier borne, Toronto; graem chse le meer lits ftder's JeansPalkenstels aid Pa e sa meddig suit uliha isarcoallât et ber berne, Campbolllle; eocrise lie, aidea pecket muIds, Ediel aarsiky, thearu' dhli aid fob, the gittafMthe tact Teraila, aid a "lite ans bride. The oier mens M lie Parl Heras" ahwe byO Mark, mure bclacks tocades midi rail ami ai fthde gruom, atbolisee white rstfled usirla. Oakville. Coee.eriplivru fie oeremssy, ulemeslned by Re. odlewa peSed 1yte ANMOUNOEMENT reedicez cf ueveral ecriptarai. cisaen ly the couple, ami read by Dr. Siade, ernpiseslng Oseis love fer Hie eus and Hie apgreval cf Hcly Maleirncs e Weddisg Song, susg and eccauipesiied ai a guitar by Dauvid Mcddle fellcmed, alter misicis the vume mure oxcisacged frcmn memory by the couple. Quet Holy Comin fer the medded couple mes perlabos et, peeceded lip the cgregatli sicgicg "O Perfect Love", tolloming mhicli. tise happy meddicg parlp hereied deus the aidle to the clreims cf "Ode ta Joy."1 A bot buffet disser ia the fellomcsp hall fdlcmed, bostied lip Me. and Mes. Rare. Amuce brairel gueule more Me. and Mec. Cisarles Haro, London, Berthae C. Oadsby, Hamilton, gracdperests cf the breide, and Mes. Mareis, Misitosas, Manitobae, grand- JACKIE BEETON -Curling entiaeta more ai N .Lno spodt "cadfcrter d% l. un .enfnc that Jackie curingclu meli. BeetW achlved top -Ad"e . tllltiCii salçs hoescrs for tha "Irasues etSieriaiCollege ments ot October. remauns cpen te tie public astil Nov. 5. am the Prafesslual toutt Why worr about washday wahee? MMe utrt talae to pour home Use or iaaa plan if yo ish. Or lugging damp wash to the line? PruClaOummae unu prese Weieen Christs G f Wrap Pop pour things into an electric dryer and, UMsdedeneyu: ecce purchases for a sesall charge. rain or shine, thcy corne out treali, . J.siu-vsca.orsT srinkle-free and requira leas ironing. Take ' ,«W Olt s: ff: :ueur:iz hl.CHRE he lime flow to consider a nom alectric st.Irntaiilou, convenance.r dryar. Have a littho more lime to cai your own, coma washday. CATNA CM ME orn Inlive botter electrically RESTORATIONS LTD. and Browse MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION fleMriss.Mias250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 878-6U3 Wedding Rand - Hare t e