Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 1972, p. 15

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-S oite pie attendSc a 5ecOc .1 ti nid MnI. Ferrier impbelinillo. n s put un Sy Judy, Jauni, rarid Aita truin Hamri 0ui, dile, Brampto, rIte. es on, ieft ce are stl te theft of $20 Impoamible est a !'a roof silO an ai est" te the llreft took place m the boucs sf 7 lit Satardoy Oct. )nor ( Min. iafeld uihe Deputy Mitigaer y Martte hy the toapital Boaud. on wSI Se made rinistter at the Ruirir at Crie for the CeaI, ou actine in Crie or mariy pearri chmirisari ut the th Iriaurarire ntook up hi w May ut toi Milrl'ide irgh rue mnarkrof IE 878-2894 STJDEýNT COUNCIL PRESIDENT Kimo The Presestatimo toolt place doping thse h5gb Mrowpesests Ms. CaoneRoblmnami tS a achool's commenrcement. Robinson, a former buquet ef flowiera, while Mr. Robinson teacher, wan the gueut speaker. <Fliotoby C. (right) and Principal R. C. Monter look on., O'ReillyS SISAMCG RANDS are Stepisen Wood, sho rommenicemenit eserrises. Vutedictoriao Bol captareu tise Te~~~lcCidndap Colluns la partured site fiseu. (Photoh Cy Cuis aS Muai oeceieed thse O Redily Russell Leadersbip Tropby ah liONS 'rt ddmk A long and =rrpesn luit ut asards, crilnts and harsaries sucre presurited tri strirdensanod recerit gratdes ut Milles District High Ochoul dueig th sè oul mmesce- menit ercnu Fmda igle Hiojimi standing le grade suie wou achiened Sp Jouet Schreiher win won a $20 prullciescp prise front ils Haltuin Couty Boaud nI Edoicatius oud the taglis-Foute lruphp. Hur pur cenit was 86. lise Campheilcitte Wumou's Institate prise ut a buo won usorded te Stevn Wollaston lue Crie high staniding le grade nulee Eriglish, site ou ancrage ut V7 pec cenit. Commercial pririe A per reni t of28.5 g-n Aune tegin thu highnrit standing le grade 10 comimernial subjects. The HarriStatiosery prise ut $50 ws prcusted te Siec. Patiîcia Vas Sichle suri te Ilalton Couty Board ut Edrica- Siou proue lue $20, and tOc Wiltred Couier Shield for arluevng the highemt staning le grade 10. Hec perrcent wsri0. Alongf site fillos utudent, Graham Bradrihas, Patrcia a acquired the Anse MacArthar asardtuor tee higbest standig in grade Il adnanred histury. The CHWO Radin asard tor te roian naloahle uasic staderit sas cunneyed lu Jonice Schupler. Taprill Tnp student sn grade Il us Sheds Farnesn site a standing ut 87.2 pur cenit. The situdent sas prenenled site a Halles Cuasty Board ut Educatin proficioury priae oI $20 and tee Juin Miltten Cliapler I.OD.E. truphy and asard. The Leruy tegis Memorial Scinlaruhip and Cuptuor tee high- cul sitouding sn grade 12 buiness nubjects sas inslesed ou Jonice leglinsO Su hd 77.0 pur resu. The $150 Mitun Departmest Sture usandtol the rituderit graduatîng tu a Cullege ut Appbied Artn oud Tecinologp sent le Susas Philtipu. ineptes Wood caplered te Terrp Ceutoarsur Cihacriship, Csp oud tee Juin Miltun Coopter Scintarship for $SO. JuAnr Hadlep sas usarded btee Peler Larrier Asard for tourte year geugegplip. Mersa Wdlson ws preuenlted tee Rus»el Leadership trolihp. Fine asudri Fine asardn sere =rurldt Cordas Agies tfo tehir is standing i grade 12. He ind 88.2 pur cuntk Gurdun sas prescrited site a Halles Couty Board ut Educatiun prutîcimncp priue ut $0; the Ceurge Cossus Shietd; tee Rurth Aniericas Runkuiell ut Canda LIC. Tmuphy asd $10 pro- ficîescp asard toc techrical uubjucla; tee Staderit Cueril Husur RuSl Ploque; tee Ctudmnt Csancd Asard le Crace 12 and tee Anne MacArthur Schnlarship in cince. Topa inegrade 13 Tnp uotdent as grade 13 sou Susan Pearce site an ancrage u 93.5 pur cent. Sua receineda $ffl Haltes Cotpt Boaud ut Educulion prnbicieuep prlue, ou Onrioi Schutar certificate asd $150, lin Fictett Siield, a $10 ucholaruup, le uiatemotins trumn P. L. Rahertson, a $50 Canada Trust Sursarp toc tee higinril standing sn grade 12 matee- matici, and the McMater Uninersity gunernuru' rcholor- shup. A Fatsi Cearmng $20 Cchulur- slup sn Engish and a $100 nchulershipt front, tee Miltoni Uni- versity Womens Club sere pre- senled te, Theresa Merritt. Recipient ut tee Enening Star Raeheah Ludge $150 ucintorsteip and un Ontario Scinlar Ccc- blîicule and $150 sent lu Susan Rabertson lur higinrit standing le Grade 13 Engrih and aoteer louguge. The Milton Lins Club asarduof $150 sent te Peler Mule. Marp Poser caplured tee Rap Ceumner anard tur tee Sigbesl standing in grade 13 geugrapby. Cectltîrates Ontario Schular certitirates and $150swere eachuswardedluo Narma Buumhuer, Robert Collis, Jo-Arise Rainrtu, ad mtari Rabertson. Stuart s aino preuestcd site the Ted Hood Meurial asard. Susas Vou icle ws ua ginen ou Ontario Scinlar certîlicale anid $150. te additionsrite sas asude te Haton District WomeniE leutîtute Bursarp. A Usnersity uf Guelph Mtrîculatîonocertiticate sun presented lu Carol Mur. A $10t uehularuhîp frnm the Hullur Fedieratn ut Agriculture sui leîlesed un Cesniu McClure. Secnndary ncSuul graduation tiplumus sere prmuenled lei te Iullusîsg; Agries, Gordos; Audres, Munira; ArSic, Susas; Ayer, Alun; Cacher, Raymonid; Suer, Douas; Bayrilen, CSeryl; Oeil, Fred; Birider, Frank; Bradlep, Susari; Braduhas, Judy; Broucier, Stene; Brudie, Jouet; Bruwn, Leslie; Bryrihas, Henrp; Cairnis, Patiricia; Catin, Penny; Cardillu, Curmela; CarIas, Marilyn; Carroll, Shirley; Cbapmas, Mary; ChuchmucS, Greg; Clarridgn, Wdlliam; Clement, FoUti; Collins, Rama; Cuneil, Bernice Cuuhe, Wayne; Cooper, Lmsley; Curradetti, Helen; Cuuplasd, David; Crisci, Caruielinu; GenOun, Betty; Dunpby, Gordos; Curnan, Lyris; Ella, Wallace; Ellint, Mardlyn; Puy, Lais; Fili- peste, Justifie; Ficher, Eliza- bete; Pruine, Lynn; Prîtntey, Gin; PuyarcSui, Faut; Gîllard, Fred; Gialles, Marray; Rutedge rGuudtfellusb, Jean; Grahamu, Curryl; Grant, Cucul; Gresn, Geurge; Grirsuold, Meredith; Hachenlcash, Cisylun; Hadlep, Jo-Anse; HamSly, Pumela; Hamilton, Betty; Preemari iHarnier, Tanya; Hantas, JaSie; HutSerley, Juin. Herrun, Clîtlurd; Hudson, Mary Jean; BaSl (Horney): Cossa; HyuG, Heateer; Ingliri, Janîce; Jefferson, MaryLuu; Jennîngu. James; Juslun, PSîlîp; Eendrîch, Wendy; Kennedy, Danid; Eessep, Lendra; EMettait, Rusas; Koulst, Stene; Kusal, Juin; Erousa, Eules; Luittas, Bete; Laing, Bruce; Gildea SLaMarrSr), Ahana; Lungridge, Jane; turner, GiSlias; Carmas, Lynda; l.eemari, Richard; Mac- Cougal, Gary; Muahe, Peter; Mach, Runemary; Murshall, Hugli; Martin, Brian; McClure, Cessus, MaCullurS, Ruowland. McIllsruith, Ciase; McKee, Danid; McNahS, Kenueth; McPleîll, Lurna; McTruch, Richard; Meihle, Jacqueline; Merenîch, Karen; Mi, DeSSin; MilSer, Marilyn; Miller, Rubert; Murgan, Danid; Mullin, Kathleen; Marc, Cucul; NeseSl, Fred; NyhuIt, Henoy; Nocles, Allast; Orpen, Michael; Purchesu, Mary; Parher, Canid; rPaltersri, Cheryl; Pethanp Spehruu; Prruicellu, CarIa; Phelps, Claudette; Phillips Suan, Pierre, Ena, Poirier, Marleie; Pupe, Susnr; Pronua- nit, Anita; Real, Rusuarisu; Rued, Ruthi; Reid, Danid; Rus. tenaur, Lydia; Rinhardon, Elizabuth; Richutta, Suanne. Roberta, Atan; Roberts, Futur; Roberts, Richard; Ruhertsion, Juin; Rota, Daniota; Schreibur, Carul; Scrutt, Thiomasi; SOurtield, Peter; Sieten, Rap; Sincuniteli, Auutiu; Skinner, Maîthes; SiS, Broi; Soudti, Barbara; Smrith, Stene; Spence, Dosna; Stoesr, William; Stririger, Rubert; Cullirif (Sytrima), Corrne; Thomson, Ctatias; Tiel- mars, Lorraine; Tum, Barbara; Tumlinuun, Ruy; TrimOle, Karen; Vanducas, Barbara; Vulpe Louise; Vus Cobe, Peter; Wauuri, mtenu; Watuon, JitI; Wedell, Derrick; Witdng, Tarin; Wdiso, Lamne; Wilaon, Mersa; Woud, Steptes; Zanenra, Auna; Zirnin, Sidnia. Cecundarp îrhuul Susur gradouati diplumai werit lu; Aindernun, Elizabeth; Andrms, Musa; Barter, Madtine; Boum- hauser, Nuona; Bruown, Gail; Bryan, Sharun; Chushey, Roubert; Clarhsnur, Geoftrey; CluSmne, Victoria; Cullier, Danid; Collins, Rubrt; Cuptcy, Stevn; Curp, Cindy; Cultur, Roert; Ciirrîe, Bunp; Drew, Wayne; Fergunun, Nîgel; Flather, Mary; Galashan, Timuttiy; Hearnn, Carulamne; Hudnun, Barbura . Jarnos, Michael; Jopyce, Judy; Ca Dunne, Mary Grace; Lynde, LuAnne, MucKay, Fay; McPbuil, Noucy; Merritl, Theresu; Mule, Peter; Mulir, Kathdees; Gdes- bacS, Dsiglit; Pearce, Cuuan; Regis, Margaret; Roberts, Ju- Anne; Rubertsun, Stuart; Rahertaun,.SCanr, Cuelen, Juose; Ctaîuuin, HuSly; Sndoun, Michael; Van Cîchie, Susan; Wathiss, Lynn. Pur machine mathmatici, Silncr Certicates werc awarded lu; Hahher, Mary; Sauter, BiSl; ConneS, Gecald; Cursusn, Gary; Ercîn, Vîchi; Puy, William; Musat, Casas; Nyhoît, Mary; orler, Stuart; Reat, Carnel; Rullns, Brenda; Srnuth, Cuflees. Gulu Certiticates sucre givn lu; Amste, Junujddrie; BlyIbe, Karen; Charîtus, Larcy; Cool- sus, Lynn; Ella, Mary; Ella, Vulerie; ESua, Wallace; Gregorla, Denu; Inglîs, Aune; Mouiou, Loirraine; McDusald, Houther; Miles,' Helen; Pautun, Vichi; Rigu, Luo; Tyrer, BrunI; Walhins, Lorraine; Wdhuowshi, Jouet. Special tetters ut Counen- datiun rHîgbent Asucdr tor machine maîbemulîci sure preuunlcd lu; Hupins, Donnîa; McLund, Karen; Wilsun, Ruthi; Wrighît, Duglas. Hunnurnstudientas ingrade ine sere; Scoît Andersoni; Cyntia ArguSl, Jouine Herlainun, Nanry Orodîr, Russ flache, Chartes Currie, Jeunifer Duignan, Nura Greguros, Denise Haditun, Detea Hector, Clene Houassun, James Jettersuon, CSandra Johnson, Mark Juynm, Sion Jupses, Heidi Kuricbnih, Eric Lamus, Michael Morgan, Denise McCusn, Arthue Mdller' uas Peunicesu, Gleunn Frire-Jures, Sandra Ramas- bottant, Helen Rîgu, Michael Rîgu, Kathy Russelîl, Janet Schrcîber, Chris Sumiernille, Peler Wîllîumsun, Ju-Anne (Conrînuc on Paie ns) POLLOCK CAMPBELL M.-nnarreing Down with ratesl Cali and renerce a nos Clneunumoî Impala or uthen finc car. Gas includqmd with rentai. Tildon haour rmost majo crodicardri JACK RICHARDSON CHEV OLDS LTD. 878-2393 HIGHWAY 25 S. MILTON or 878-3812. Stalk up on Kellogg's Corn Flakes at this new special price. NOW SEVEN ONTAItO SCHOL41tSHtPS bave hes msarded le, Robertson, and Nurmu Buombooser. Rot picturet tsa noteer gcaduating grade 13 ritudenis cf Miltonar District Hlgb Sebo. inner, Bob Collis. Theo neeno roreinet teir usurds turing Tise scbolars are, foregrmssd, Jo-Ans Roberts; standing, MDHS Commencement exerrises Fritay sigbL. Suas Vas Sickle, Sasan Pearce, Stuart Robertsoon, Suan (Photo by C. O RuîSly) -Clikdres mnjupnd Hattosea patislet shot Ct sr. h wonderful 20>" Zo fit Compact ELECTRICIT<' Super lu Sur Iusess j can b. youms nithh Elctic S O l Cmasane:per for OnI * rismaîe i 698 per monts ACtiosloutq Banik fioaachsg- *Nea Circiis The Pearman Dota6Sefi * ddtal LIMes Abig taslly-asie 20" Super-Scre FR000 36 Mooths at 12 percent FEADIEIISTONE aCtais. SoulSate Saper unies Rangei Tuner. R C A D ON T.V. ELECTRIC W,114 .Dmliin xld otosad ANO AM MANES 178-6378 etm rtuln.201 Main st. Milton 878-6949P 12 oz. pkg.j Turn to page B5. You'I tind more of the right prices. LLblaws more than the price is right. EFFECTIVE lOtît NOV. i SÀ The Champuon, ltoun, Ont. Wed. Nunemlusr 1, 1972 63 MDHS honors top students at Friday commencement 8~~'DSPENSNGOP ICIANS sOnaiS Precrption Fill 50055- HOURS- Mmu Fi a.-r 5.30r Tueda Th.-n 9 a-9 n .m Tusa and Wednesdap Closed Saturdap 9.308a.m. to 6. 00 pu. 175 Laheshore Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 QAKUILLE MILTON

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