Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 1972, p. 14

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82The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Novomber 1, 1972 TAE KWON-DO, lte modern version ot a 13»0 foot; "Kwon" moaais panchmng, stoltg or muddle photo shtows Mr Groles, also a blackt ycur-uld turm of self deteace culled Tue Kyoa, iteuting ut hunds or flots, and "Do" meunu art holder, muking ldndling of llaree loyers oi boo oas demoastruted ta lthe stadeats of M.D.H.S. ai technique or way. At lot Park Jong Sou scadis sehie ut rigitt Mer. Park demnosrotes his ai un uîoembly luot week The Kureun word "Tue" itroben iacit-thick boards flying frum lthe hado to dautoff a citin with thesioflefhfooe mcans kicking, jumping, stcppinguorflying of lthe ut Polar Groles, mace foot from the fluor. The (Photos;by J. Jennir MDHS news Check vote ists soon Tifesday, Nov. 7la lie final lieiht. Lose sudden death game th mnciparoerlit UCekteognt a B Steven Dflite municipal vtots' mut. i Ceri sola Ilit on lhe mol Scitunl riden in Milton-and in ail of Hallon-creeircd a uiall bonus on Monday: To comply mi the Caoadîmn Electios Art scitunlo wece closed ity 2.30. Il ga've lie pupdls a itohday and lhi eu'Irchers lime t0 vole. Foc ihis liem ooly, Holy Rasary Scitunl wîll itold parent- leaciter Interviews unltead of issuiug, Tomorrow sigitt iTiucsday) lie scitol oui condurl lie licol parI of a staggeced to nîghl parent-teacher interview' session. Ftrom 7 ri 8parents whose last uiîîlirbigi îoh Aîi t îwll dîuuuslhic rtldrrn's wori At 8 î.m. parcntsssilfsnumes from G ta N wîll gel tagelier wlith lie staff. NrslmTursday, Nov. 9parents wili naines G ta V will meri lie tahing staff fcom 7 ta f p.m. 1Tencolfiour--8t 9p.m. willhle for the people ohose cours itegi wîi V lc Z. .Mactin Si School hrld O,îfkurron dance aI1cr scitoi fours 'flhursdy Pro fessional development courses in Se parafe School Pupils in ail Haltan County Attitudes and Values, Language Separale Scitools arc dismissed Arls, Social Studies and Music. once amooli at2:30 p.m. tloaSoîr Assistant Supecinlondeot lhio'tearhersltopartiripatr in In- Katleeo Kenifîrksays, "OVe feel service professional decelopmest liaI lie prograos is iooportant artîcîlleS. eooughlomcril some srhasl lune Four suri t eariter educalion hcîog tubes for tas purpose. 'il/ afleconon have bers hrld sîocr tanIt esperl ooc trariters 10 lie progeamr begao lasî syring. farllrlpale in professional fVorkshops wece held aI dru elupurni arlîvîhles variais scitools arosu the rounly complctrîy un their oon free covering suh1erî oras surh as lune.- Oral French, Munic, ramîly Lle, Thesnes eirly dindnnal willhle fOpen Concept Scitoolu, Relig ion, flsursday, Nov.9 Anuter deteat oao recorded la lite play-off hislory ot lthe "Migity Milton Mustangs" Jr. foothall Ocam aest wook. Playiag ut G. E. Perdue in o sudden deali game, the MDHS ftim ls 20-0. Perdue started off lthe icoriag, gellog lthe f icot toucitdowo. flics on a paus rua play liey cunvcrled for anuter lau points. Mil ton safely ourt hy John Vusilo aller pung ulto Perdues end zone. Oc a pas rust play ut l0i yards Pcrdue gaÜred anolier torth- doua. Titey failed ta msnvcrt lia louchdon. Asolier tuuctdosus put Perdue aitcad 20-2, Miltonol Raady Hamilton, alter passing and runmng lthe hll doua lie field, ra on for Mdlto' oaly touritdown. A onvert attempt ty Conservation briefs Considering fish Iadider AI a meeting of lie Hallon Regios Conservation Autitority 10-t. 25 on Milton lie auliority' 1,eacoed lthe oorit motivation pcogram cnvisaged ity lic Haîlon Counly Gepariment if Social and Famdfy Services sn co-operalion wuit lthe Counly of Halton, lie Canada Manpooer Centre and lie oard ot Education lad heen cascelledand a sco programn is espected ta ie unplemeated la tie neur future. -Leuroed lthe Minintry of Nalucal Rcsoorcesoisconsideruig lie construction of a dam on lte 12 Mile Creek ith la fïsh ladder to eotablisi the creek un an accus for Coito Salooon. Te dam would la ai Bronte. 1.eacned 1,000 foot of lie reseroir fomret Hîllon pFails tiai laco sprayed toi determîse lie effecî of te spray on kiltin0 grooli of vegetation Ilat oould eventually la flooded. Stepo are biteng laiten 10 esore ltaI vegetâtioji once Olooded doesnnt resuît onas odor proitlem siuilar ta taI aI Scotch Blockt. dAgreedltopay$4oufora letter of opinion f rom Queen's Univer' sity Ln rcgard 10 lie preparotion ofa model ot lthe Scotch Block spdllway. -Were advised liaI itisa douât- fol Hilton Falts Dam and Ifeservoir wil1 la completed by lie lieut oceek ot November. 'lI'irly-lwo days ut construction lave hero lost due ta lied onalier and soddisg and ieediog wilI lave totoi lefI until nent spring. Engoneer Mac MacKreSl han becs aohed ta mahe lthe contrortor aware of lte penalty clamse la lie comtc if lte oori sol dose os tane and no extension of lie agreement isrequesed. Hamilton oas itiocked. Lest Monday oludento uilaeaoed a performance ity a gruup performmng "Tac Koon oc', lie Sapreme Art of Self De- fence on Korea. Volleyitafi clubs Voleyhaîl leamo tast weit playedliheir lest two games ufthe season. Playing ut Georgetown laul Monday lthe Juniors louI lUree gameo straigit, 15-0, 15-7, and 15-11. Tite Sr. leam playimg ai Georgetown lot lirce games lu to wi scores of 15-12, 15-7, and 15-3 for Georgetoon whîle Milton 000 15-4 and 15-12.1In gumes ai T. A- Olakeloct on Wedoesday lthe Jr. leamn lot 3-1 ohile lie Sr. team lost 3-1 akio. Scores la lic Jr. games Oece 15-2,15-11, and 15- 5 for Olahelocit asd 10-4 for Mlon. Sr. scores wece 15.-0, 10-14 undi.-Ofor Ofaitelock and 15-31fe tiIton. do ail-candidates meeting oas iteld aI the scitml for studenlu la grades 11, 12, and 13 bolt Tuesday. 'fhi Midget girls' tanheltball team w00 viclorious, oînmong 18. 14 whdle lte Jr. and SI. leumu lIst. Hockey try-ouo foc flici scitool fesamn starled last oceei ehanmpion *Ferriers celebrate Abouti 55 people atendidèd &M-"doce boisoriag lbe. ý;LdbL mùF ofmmd M~ ~~~~Ot Oor2lo inad es ee Bung ta2Fie lt'e et R.R. 2 Campieliville. The celebration waa put on hy dug tees Guil, Judy, Jane, Ilurlene, Dehitie, and Augela. i Guenlo attcnded tram Hamton >1 Orlington, OkW rmtn Mille and Torot.' No clues on, drug theft Milton Police are stil1 anestigaliag lthe tbeft ot $20 teartt af bard drpfrom lthe Milton Drug Mort iln pl=z. 'lThe people responaible eut a Ilie la lthe staras roat olith ou osxe Or ouw ta gaia eniry te lthe blding. Poiloýeu lte t-IL10 place auelaietw boom a 7 ilin. ta 12 lmidigitt Satarday Oct. 21. WiII honor IDeputy Min. Alnarplque marbiaf ita teit wob aie medical tild ilie rd riellsel ta lthe Depaty Mlalser ai o Heallth Stanley martla iy the ly Milton Dlirict Hospital Board. flue presenlotion ail la mode lS lalte depaty minlater ai the Bo8rd's Trustee Reuimn at lthe Oatario Scitool for tla Deaf, Friday. Marin itas lam oacive la lthe moetirl sceue for martyr yers and iatla former citairman of lie te faore Ostario Heolith Iaaurance nIl8 or Camaaaîioa. He tomb up its prsenoct position la May of ti year. Youth Page i EXER ISTUION -T E-SNBECS e ;..m The thinking mans lriend ... Bill McVean IfBilMcenld a snl iioi n iflwoIdb smuat ng pepe ot 0 k 'Wha o eiv eimotn Bi exlns " but eve oee nt mponOtt l tht ou'vettaught filthrouat. l'oweoeî. iftpou can'touchae fou rui nd oncelenawte. pou're notthinltfoals nhe. He adîoootatsthaî people shao oui prjuices oncoasonth becouse fiee uap i bsoeprised ta disOnovertuap'OOtlOeOa thi i n sonnftttou. "Theo's ffttifaolOue in oeistency tor osisleeofs skel" lathe uay h0 puis il. But, ofcourse.Bill Mofean sa amn o otay pats. Tikinal the tie osks lit headoache soitho lso plays muuic, ees the nuent sons in o qufozial wap and adds lils an deft toucheas ot humour. Affgond flseglg eteeklapot, 11:30 ta uldnight, oe ialofgue" 10:05 a.m. and 6:50 p.n. -________i ad asustoa STRIN RUT 1~ School news Schools closed early Monda y

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