Miltoa Couadila efforts ta, support a four bnrough regional goverament structure as OPPoaed ta a three-uait Nation naturally raiaea the hackies in neighboring lmnicipalities. Thse editor of Tie Acton Free Preas, for inatance, msugted editorlally laat sseek, the very arguments Milaon wsen advancing for maintenance of ideality mouId be uaed equally seU by Acton, Georgetown, Naaaagaweya or F.squesing. Mes right. If Milton hadt baued il sSupport for a berough encornpanaing Miltan and aurroumding area, aimply on ita deaire ta rernain a unit, it would have been deatlng in tise generalillea that otiters are guilty of. No. Milton CouncUl did a little more tarnework than that. It hult its cane for beiag included aa a fourtb bnrough, on anme more aubatantiai evidence. Generally it net ont ta prove, on grounda that could ta suhastaatiated, Incompatible an ltey may ta, our twin-beaded goveroment emerged froon Moaday's election with a respoasibility toigovern Canada as tant titey may ina minorit>' position. Tta country can't afford anther immediate election and the votera wli sth11 need sonme Urne ta aaness their nent move at the poils. In aItn, incucotant Rud Whiting, who han held lte seat for lte Utaralo mas defeatei b>' challenger Terry O'Connor for tta Progreanive Con- nervaliven. It wan a clone monrt lhrongb mont of tae night but O'Connor led in mont poils and really neyer oeemed ta drop bis tend. Carolyn Holstein maun't a heavy contender at thte polls but mont recogmized bier an a candidate wit genine abliity and ptatform appeat. Halîn today wil bave a aew repre- If ynu baven't yet cbecked the mnnicipal voters' list, do it soo. Next tltesday, Nov. 7 is lin final date for making corrections 10 tee Iisl0of voters eligibte ta cant ballbIs on Monda>', Dem. 4. This coul fol bas junt one aid- vantage--odtimers tait us a chittier tean aient Ocitar meaun a milider teao msuai minter. One meatar expert says tbis Ocitabr mas tee cantesl since 1925. Competitin fnr Halion's top municipal gnvernsment post, tee liGle of Warden of Halton Canal> for 1973 looks' ta ta nhaping ap earty Ibis year. Georgetown Reeve Ric Morrnw ennounced ltasI meek ta ta gotag afler tee mardea's seat if re-etected ai reeve of tus municipal counicil. Other possible challengers are Esquesisg's Beeve Tom Hill end Oakviite's Reeve Allan Masson, and tta names 0f Depuly Beeves Don McMWlan of Nasssgameya nd D)avid Canuns of Buriington are ,,lo ining mentioned as contenders, atthougbmwe neyer rememtar a Deputy Beeve ta tee top spot. Multni Reeve Boa Harris mas one 0f the contenders lait year butlbe says teis year tae manta ta ren for tee mayoralty ta Milaon, The Bruce Trait Association, ta uls tatest nemstetter, gises tome moral support ta teose Mitas resideatu min doalt mant 10 son tise Sisteen Mile Creek sleriiized mitb a concrete channel. The nemnielter, in n commeatar>' titied "Ptncing the Sixteen ta a Strnigbt Jackel"', saYs: "VIe sec teal tee tamn of Mitn bas plans ta "'reorganize" tise Sixteen Mile Creek, tbat fiager of rural cinron wbicb (most 0f tee year) genl> pokes is mn>' durougb tee centre 0f toma. The engineers tatend ta improse On nattare b>' straigbtening ont te e tnis anil tiatag tee malta 0f lise unfortunate slream mite concrete. Accordtag ta, a report ta The Canadian Champion, "the sornelimes quiet, snMetlmen titat it had a viable future conalderxag economica, gromtb and aervicing capacit>'. In addition it alan estabtiabed a Propnsed borougit on criterla aucb aa lelephone area, hydre aereices, librar>' service, water suppty, axai fire area. Milton did its hnmework la aaalyzng lte potanllat anesameat valueof lte ares it proposes and corntes up wilh a minimum anesament 0f $33,78,e53.-sufficient, it feela, tn warrant a borongh structure. Furtiter detail ta terras of per capita dat aad population was alan studied. Growlh in Milton ta evident as aew plans malerialize almont meeti>, but a syotemi of prepayont 0f capital tevies eaabten tee municipait>' ta pa> for the required municipal nervictag wntIs cash ,rather than thrnngh toag-term detantures, contributing to a aound financiat position for lte rnunicipality. Engineering and devetopment of anmec nentalive gotaf ta Ottawa and it mn>' take lime for conatituenta of ail porty toyattien tai gel bc knw hlm. Similarty ta eiii bave a man-sizeli job cnt nul for hlm ia getting totmow comltitntu thal ta basnot met on tee campaiga trait. White undoubted>' there are major respoosihiities in Ottawa, lise voters inck home sth11 counrt for quille a bit. Wtb our congratultioms ta thbe wioner go or congratualations ta te twn tosers. i tank ail liree ta make lin campan. The wio for Bill Kempling represeotiof tee Progressive Con- nervativen in Halinn-Wentworte, puis telis section of tee counIry securel>' ta tee banda of Rotart Stanfield's part>'. tisaIs a comptete switcb and il will ta iteresling ta observe tee implications 0f ibis ta lin montes ataad as to major parties see-saw ta Ottawa. mtuch means givtag up bils canl> councdl seat and a chance tai tae (mba migbt bol Halttn's lasI marilen. The $10,000 a year job cardes a lot 0f prestige. PC candidate in Maltan-Wentmortb Bull Kempling mait base bail aimne tidacation of victor>' prior 10 Monilay's federal eleclion. Me mon fise ouI 0f fise stuilent electioms bell in Burtinglon schanls prit mnajnr serviceq have atready been cnrnptetied 10 permit orderl>' grnwtb. Milton's greatent liabilit>' ta is retlions mite neigbbors, il seerna, ta lils central location, toucblag asil does tee bouandaries of four of tee counly's mualespalities. A movetin an>' direction ns bound ta get a couple 0f teem upset and a move ta bote directiorns gain tae cnajority of tee couaty uneany. We cao imagine tee neasnes Acn may feel in tatag pot ta a package with Georgetown, whose jopulalion assures il a preponderance rf votes. The to ions bave morked 'togeteer before but osnatly for ttmited lxeriods 0f time, as tin eNnrth Haltan District Higb Sebant Board. ThenActon editar nuggents an>' of te municipatlties cnutd do as Milton and "pulltesaine oldrabbits outof the bat and anist ltay alsn are unique, deservtag speciat treatonent. Wbere matstd tint put tee cane for regional gnveraument'-back: in square one." Milton istit pullng an>' tricks or inaistiag on speciat trealmeat. Milto did do ils bnmework and suhmnitted a reasned anl ogicat set of argumenta for lis position. Il quoted figures and fadas and drew ils concluiouns That optin wns surely open ta "se>' mumcipalaty. A copte of meeks ago, obite t oas oriing down tee date on my allesdane pad, t gît ahbit nf a asoc. il was Octotar 12. Ibmn 1 rmhlzed il mai Friday. He>', my anoiversary! On a gtoomy Friday the 131h ol Orloter, 1944, t oas ibil dama oser Hotland by Germes tlah, rraoh-tanded in a ptowed field aid Oas inhen priasner. teve hees a fi111e teery of Friday lin 131h eser sotre, bt ohen IL abao faits on Detotar, as teis year. 1 lotl a distinrt cbi and My tasIt ttanghtla teal 1 sboatd hase stayed on bed ait day. olte tee cosers pottedl oser my taad, loine ale from the searchmng tinter of 1010. , Il's ridicatons, of course. I don't intiese o htach rats, oathing aider tadders, brobes mirrors, tee nimber 13, and att teose otd- ojees' symbots of had loch. or ta Monday's vote. Even o, i taom aime of my stodanss maidered oh>' I taaght att day, that day. + + +mite botb haids inhiod isy back. Whiat te> LasI wemb The Champion carried an edibarial page featureltte about lin VIorboen's Compensation Board - a Press release lin Board subiited for publicaion. One local resident min bas heen permanent>' disabled b>' a mark tajar>' malleil 1 lt ai bom tae WCB Press release omilted une importent deal - tee faml teal once a montel>' payons is setled for a permanent disahibl>' morker, teat figure remaans ta effeml for tee resl 0f tus Ide. IL does 001 irrease mite tee mosl of living, ta antes. The man obo calleil won tajured several years ago. Me says tee WCB montel>' paymenl mas enougb ba lise on for tee firsl Imo or lhree years, bol siome teen he bas mit heen able ta make ends meel. violent, meanneriof saream ti ta conserted La an efficient, mement-lineil, smanlh, drainage route, desltaed la carry tee morst nare mon predame." VIe manIt help manilering if il makes semse 10 destro>' tee nalarat inaut>' of a lama ta oriler 10 ac- mommodale flood waters mblcb prenenî a Prohlem a metre Imo or tbree meeha a year. Surel>' flooiling coutd be elimisanited b>' isstallta.g eiteer an open or an undergroand bypasi 10 ac- mommoilate lin sprtag overflow. 'We suppose tent tee engineers esentual>' mill have tair ma>' mite tise Sisteen, as te finail>' mil mite lin morlil. Tse>' mill bave tair fon recreating tee earte ta their image. But il mii ta a mnrid ta mucb no one aIne mill ment 10 Usve." crossed, bote banda. Weil, nom tint a reainnable lune uas osks"arh on thal day in 1944 Oîth no more reartion tin saoglroid, mbirh, as ai>' Englishman inoos, meaos htoody colil, aid bhase oseilteose, so eseryteing isfine. In retrosprst, tent day mosnsot as anlorhy, btta loch>' ose. At tee lune t dido*t teinh an. t badl a date teat sîgbt oith a WHEN Tiff MAPLES final>' reteane their curves in the faIt of the year a trick Ihe>' bore perfecled oser many' teousands, of yeurs, il prosides a playgrouod for yoong fettoms tlike Rlobert Jeooings. lIis father is on lin olter eod of tee camera. (Photo by J. Jennngs) VOL. 113 -No. 27 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1972 Seond Section t1 knoo, girls, il oorhs bote oays. Doi't tell melbol Ithal hailsome, cbarooog yoaig Adonis ysa stomd op wlte il really the saine person as tbal pot-brllbed, bold bore you're living with n00, wooe ides of a good chat ta ti ratle bis paper aI voit and grait.) But os the obole, lite. escept for teose Ico untortuoates, thr bsi i lases, arrois to 'Twsesty-eight yrors ago tonigbt t oas pretty blur and miserabe. Abter tee most snept escape attempt in the aunaIs of escape, 1 t b n gises a teoroagh goîsg oser and oas tyiog in a bos-car, lied op, acing in ever>' moscle and a noontar ot boors. ioctudiog o>' note borie, and sbiceciog lise a dog evacsstiog essor blades. For srmie reasos, the Tttird Reich boid orglrcîrd 10 isboît a heatiog syslem, blaokets and mattresses. The toI>' oay t couldrecreate the eperiece oight ootd lictego outand try tosleep onteloor of my garage, which is oftesooden ariet , avitt pleot' of tltison Equalis taiilt>' was the catrîsîsystem. 'lbrresoas nothing rongssith teoaiters, escepttbat tbey carîed gais and oore big boots. Bt 10e>' orre the soul of courtesy, uotyiog my bards at ecc meal. Il oas the menu tatioas lacoog. Not mach varietý * One item, and ai sonne inrals. flot romn ose. The wasbroomn facîlteîs oere rateer on- adrotoate, lou. 0ut boo masy of you base evrbero teoder>' brtped doon or010 a conder embaihmrot b>' a paratrooper, bis amaround your oaist, yoars mrutdis .absuldces, o go ta the battîroom' I was draggiog soce leg. loas gssdroperiee. 1leare to love black read, oursi asd cabbage soop. t cbscos'eced teat a songle boird potato, rîgbl sut of the pst, oas a disb for 1he godo. t learord boo mach 1 coatd take. Aod t to lule tboohlol toc esceediog>' omall iocccrs. Weil othit. smasbong blsonde on Aotoerp, anA t oas 10511>' aooyed ibal the stapid oar bod otecterevd a'th my social lite. lut loshîog bacs, il soas ose ofthIe luctorst days on oc lite. t stlI hiadt a miser- abir, otten ocetcerd esperiene 10 go terough Hoiorsr, itoassoneofttemost iotecestong ino>' lite. andl1 mode some tise frîrods anA sao a lot sf strooge teings. .5so, m ing was losingfotmtive toa diten pilos a secb. M>' on squadson of eighîrro falots liat bost Dise Oachouor, Jobos>' Roso. Tatty- Frire, -Dogle- BeIl, and a week brIse t gsI il, one of my trot- maes, h etA>' Wabrîîîan, rose, kîlrd. i(A week aller t1s-si il. os other trot-mole orsI dovi n oine. t boa lasArd ose oîh a bosîb danglisg, aisîber lie oîth nis tops, o brabes and teirt>'.sisholes inm airerat So itoas jail a malter of uie. 1tsndrbooiiaoy oflyoshae iadtte same esperîroce: betiesiog teat the ftes liaitsisgled yosout forspcial piislunent, and dîscoserîso, maoch laler, Ibat obat seemrd ai theuetîablackbclssdoas realy a sîlse Ic ing on disguise. Of coursc, the opposite con bappes. Ash sainesof t rîeols woteogtil oaste lackie a in o eibr lices ohes tbri stsodoi frsot ofhe-prcecith thaiî sentIe, sweet, undr standing and volsptiious yosg crealsîr. and tounîi tbesîselces 25 ycars irt nsiaaled ta a lai. nagging shcco. Bene fit children in wartorn coufltries Korean Children's Choir to visit Twenty ymars ago, handreds of teousaids of Korean ebildren ocre bomeiess aid starvial, oitb litIle hope of esen grooing te, metart>'. Toda>', tbanta la tee ticetens et- torts of concernedt people aroaid the mortd, mail of Korea's yontes are nil ont>' beate>' happy yoaignters, bot teo oyes gtom olte anticipation ai tinir ftlai. te a oortd oearied aid depressed b>' tragedy, 32 of teese tise>', expectant chîldeen, obo comprise the Korean Cbitdren's Choir, are liing proof teat loe and rare rau oorh miracles, and tint hope sa a viable aid pomertut alternative to despair. The Korean Children's Choir oon bor sout oi tee international cloldeare progrann ot Wtortd Vision International if Canada, a Ciristian bunanitariai organisstion, obiel mai ilartedoi 1950 mn torea. la tee torbulent years teat lollomed tee cessation of tastiliios helmeen norte and ote, Wortd Vision lounded nom arphanages and snpported esistiaf oses, graduat>' unaining rmsponihdity tor 174 instttions and 15,700 ebldrmn ta Korea. Farn tint choir As tee ehildrmn grom aermtomed 10 lin lnr"of suiiint fond, an edacation and a home, tee musnical inrituge il tit counry baglon ta show ilsolf once agnin-ano mneh sa tint morld Vision hegan organizing a mchoir in 1957. To yesrs tater childam il tee chair ooed ta a single orphanage in Seoo and in 1961 isade tbeîctîirstconcert tour of Canada. FTssagbsout the past Il >'rors oe thon 100 chùdrrsthave received special musical traoning thrsugb tais progco. Ta> the World Vision Music tostîtute il boosed Ina large, oro building sn the Kioto area of Sesul os the grounds ci World Vision's Korras bcarlquarters. Maire thon 50 cbildren are cscestl> in reidece, training 10 bases ucc doc and tour, houes on helîdays, in addition to aîîcîîîlîîg regalar scbsols Ln te ra Scasoed trocellrrs, the Choirbas saninricer 20 couoteies,Isetore baidreds of audiences, biags ail beadssofstate. Tbeir torlhcsvisg trip t0 Cansada sn the taIt oll mach tbcîc tîlib îsîi 10, lin countr>'. The>' ontl appear ai Mstose Hall. Tsrssto, Nov. 30. 5t'toe the brout' andl taltroth1e Choir cbildres are usediate>' sbvîous 10 ail audirercs, the Itot etteet ot tbeîr perfsrmance esstaiio sooiethong more. Thsuglithseracagrs ofisaand depriation are inbîod Ibero. tese cailde haee inen ohaped b>' harsh coperiences. Toits>, as asîbanssdors of sîher childes on nemi, the>' stody, oh aisd pero oite the hind of rommilment bornosf onderstanding. Berausr tee pecceotage of sephais aid childe on neemi n Koreo os rapid>' desrending, teis tsar of tee Koreao Childeen's Choir otîl hesefît eildren slsonsored b>' Piirld Vision on Vietnam, idusesia. Cambodia, Lass, Ara aid South Aiserica. "For sisteriand rothers" Aoare ut the rer>' speciat nature of tinir mission, tee ehîldeen are preparing the concertowithatmostneriosness, epressmg teir desire no1 on>' toi represent teeir on nationsbssorahty, butîaisluidoowet "for oar sîsters and besteers on oteer asaitries. .. leoeath the antenînt>', of course, teere in escîtement and loyiol anîticipation.sof seeing tee grandiateer irom Kentucky wo mutes eches,* Niagara FaIts, The Itoraies aid tnAians." Their lt-ci>' tsar of Canada wil ie dif- tîcuît aid demasdmng for the etuldeen, mai>' sf obom are prunar>' saboot age, bot lin>' aren'tconcerned. -We don't havetlune 10 ta tired," ose ceteran of pont tsars enptained. Oser the >'rs, a total sf1010 ebdldrm hase traioed aI tbe Wortd Vision Munie Ithîte, and neven ofthe Iradontes base gose os to advaiced musiral training botb in Korea aid ahroad. The idtotte oa eqoal>' proud of tee mai>' oteer >'oongsters min are mompletmg bîgh sehail, coleage, tarming courses anA carioon typeo of techairal educalions. Fsen among teose children min are 001 porseing musical rareers, mas>' are otitioong Ibrîr training and abitit>' in teaebisg or in pertornsing as meonhers aid anloisto of rbarrb and mommani' omical groapu. c3ii~ avis axaisa Pu*)t da't; hara axxytlxlsx la." i *eff lit Bwu al tee Milton brief. eed teat Reese Deput>' Reese stttg cierh a. W. grasara isa latter. fPages of 20 years 090 Tatas tramn the isaue of ite Canadla Champion, Ont. 30,îSSI. Marra>' MePhail, 39, mas elected b>' ai overohemmig majort>' os tee tirt ballot te rar>' tee Uterai standard in the sent iederal eieebion. At the Lîtarai convention in Milton tawn bal on latarda>' of lait meek a motion mon alsoaniunool ondarsel teat in recognitionn oflervice on goocmnment, HugheslS Cleasersof Bartangton, the present memner for Hatn, ta. appoinlel 10 lin snate. The Lamne W. Lamng faim, Lot t ni lin seoonte conression of Nelson, proved ai idesù site for tee ainual match ot tee Haltos Piosomai's Association on Tharsday ot onst motk Fort>' plommen lrom, tee coailes of Ontario, York, Peel, Wellington, Waterloo andtiattonimtain rindy riîdy. Ferry Clease ot Georgetown oas re- etected as irenidmit of tee Haltn Pro- gressive Cunseroabsve Association aI lin anonta meeting held tant oreek. Tom Laoson, Q.C. ut Gaboîlle mon eleeted vice- peesîdent. Lît buth>' no means least ot atas agendan Monda>' mght, Norte Haiton 11igb Sebool District Board tsrhted tee buolding program. The motion ut Jol>' ealling for a st on tee progrann oîtb a sebail on Adtos bad ot inen aeted upon. A sobseqoen speriat meeting hetd aI the home oftte chairmantsn Georgetown had hrougbt forth anuteer proposst for taidngs in tee terce 10maI ai ai entunae rusi oi fM,0.00. The original program for construction in terce 10maI calted tor ai espenditore of approsunatel>' $9s0,tot 50 years 090 Tatasn firam the issae of The Canadien Champion Thorsday, Nosemnrt2,1t92t. Ottaoa ays the average dîst of the oeeht>' tami>' budget of 29 sable ioods mas $10.28 aI tee hegunniog ot iteptember, as compared oîîb $10.44 tor diogont $11.t2 for September 21 and 91.a3 for lepembor 19114. Mostreat Protestnt taipayers are oh- jectong 10 baomng topa>' ai entra 105 mills for tee edocation ut Jeos, lyriams and other non-Protestant elementsowho are at present îtsd>'og on Monîrmîls Anglican sehaits, and as a resait of tein dissasation ai appeal odll prohaht>' be made ts the Qoeher teoustatare. Aboot 100 oeehî agu, R. J. tiare ar- cidentally eut ose of bis toel oite bus axe as inowas atoork inthe bsnear As. The ond diaf ,not heal adon Monda' tetoe oon amputsted. The Farmnera' Club met on Miton tat Satueday esenofg aid srrangel for the collection oi a carlond of sots to ta sent ta tee iarm tire sotterers of Nortem Ontario. On Saida>', 21s1, a memîriat mmndam, ta honrtememory of the ate CamnPoorre, Oas aieîed in St. Jude's Churrb, Onhoglle. Canon Worrell oas redtor of tee chureh trum 1868 to 1903. He dîed sonne years ago aI Onh îlle in bis 991h pear. 100 years 090 Tan irom teissue oflihe Canadien Chanipioa, Tharsday, Ortoinr 3, 1s7. Me. Froner, tee Reforou candidate from South Grenvill was returned lastoceekby a majorit>' of 173. talte Germast papers ofuoro os teat the Id World oîll mso ta odependent of Ainerica as regards refoned petrîteom, of winch Germa>'in partîcular bas bers a large importer. The crode material bas latel>' been disroeed in Gattîcia on onconceivable amoaits. 'Ibis eeenîng, beîng Holloorru, ouIl ta oer>'favorableifor eriasmle abbages". The Town Fateers oîl meet Monda>' ecening lThe December sessions mdll tae betd at tee Court Hoase in December. Parties deîîroun of joisotg eeening classes on connectuon oîte tee Mdlton Mech- aies' tIntitute are requested 10 tease thit mames oîth the Searetar'. Mc. F. J. Jones. The Goeernmenî defro>' Imo-teirda of the espense. Thr Bîoard of Higli lebait Trustees met ai tee Tain Hall os Monda>' atternain. Basides the oîber.bunînems Iransaeted, a resalobionowanparard requsenthe Town Councd lu grait ose haidred dollarn for lebait parposes., A socialowillle given by MissnCom ings ar te resîdence of Me. John Commnings, reme Mifton, Thursday evenn, Nos. 7. TH E CANADIAN CHAMPION îe qNo 5 arao -aO, r ,,,aaO, N-,, ,1 .-aa, s-r,.. . r , r II- r raa,ae ,.,,, ea'r ,, r ,,,,,r ar ra 0O ~e.ra ara p,,,I"."ar 5 sa,,,rar, n ,îoa 5,-O ,,, 5n5 ,rr 5-a.a J sets Sugar and Spice by bill smileyJ