Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 1972, p. 11

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riotns Iowsog offices for le Admoinistration ,November 9ts, p.m.. un Friusay, Lot. acd 4.30 p.m. bots of 830 a.m. ors for each ocf lc StOjties Coin. iination cf Csnd. ly Board Of Educ- Lte Seisoci Board. Bards ta as fol- Million and Oais- e Halton Cosaty SSeparate Scisool diations for eau. Coonty Board Of Letsening Offleer nicipal Offices as ,n Ste bouts cf 9tis. and Peiday. m.cad 5.00 pi.. DOL BOARD ire titan tise m.- id do nos eiti- toeen tise isours ttis 1972. ce Colts seitf bo ardcy, Decentier 0.00 pin. at thn w, 1972. ing Dificer, t9n27 ESTATE Loction n0 spore in tis ce, uiîoasedn 1 toweoeater & ,ivie tu Milton, vs of snewmofr m beois ioor. PeteSineso icday ceton 879-0011. ili Homo f'isodream iscis Y ecircs,iseccil. 9 voins. dining soilesen, finis-, sstiibar, 2bath- corporticits a driveway. See il Jacisie Beeton ho Weok 'alois fives you pstases andion i living roui & fireplace, ail il. ss lcrge coin and pae ig $29,300. Cor tint cail lcae 1. 'on bungalow, tac- s9 ortce- po. me. menta sita uoder ilciacsei andi mony ex- spotfltmeet cati 1f7f11 or &l78. 17c2g )ERS fEsquesing -S for OWING wil li tacev- uip dient Delin- t, Gesrgetowtn, rOoMon4&y 72, for t gecil inuso on~ an te isonrty rata erator, font & in allsance of sicndloy tinte c comnscata ZOoircct lboe f72 'titi Marais tendler no ne- t. tteodenn, aiog. iSMObl s champion Io ~ump10o dlos ,S yotse a"1 pagei Phone a tein ad. le TENDERS TENDE OUR READERS WRITE Sealcil tenders acceptaid for 1968 Chrysier 4 Doar Mfiteage app-tx. 4300.ý For 1 espae cfo 2M. Ms oel i DROWN ONE GIOOUP t'? esae fM. ifrdCoze. TO SAVE WETFNITIINGO EItS In thes eveni tissi thse'A. soulil Seol so: lorgol tiesomorves tu lihe exicos tisai isey BOX 179 Dear Sir: slsosld ledl oblig cd lei acquiesce ta lthe CAN DIN C AM ION Ovr he as maywek, irehav mil collective oirong crn of Milton Cactpc CANADIN CHA PION oue tsepccsssauWeeitseefcerccd Wiospey tee, tise W.D. BranchsRtpyr ______ _____ ln sthe Champion, tihe offcng draina of tihe Aaacc.: would automaticdtiy go ta Our WispyDeeapnt risae ias5oa neigisiors seits cor piltition in band. Not just AUtts say train tise fOrst aismmoeesoesst of ta tisos neigisiors who con tise riok of Township of Esqucsing titeir ciscice cf bsuiding site (land seicis immediatly iicving their civil rigis oeemedinus tuae apotentstlaty hgflood ignaret, but ta tiiose of os seio cantot ise TENDER FOR Ibreat from Ointario Creois), tiseongi ta the snre tbat our rigidte weil ise respecteti by tise oso eet edition, selerein tee tearned nsajorlty of coonicil memisers on tise SAND TRUCKS tl Milcn n cintbaifoiy moreoso. Sele tndrswllbcreei- jnckeyed itaelf loto a position tebere fites Cao cey of no ie sore ccy more lisat our Sealed teTondeshi Cel be rei- able ta fa-y and pressure tise Haitan Reginn front iaino are ot aisout to ber annexeti ta cdm ier en tsi C ergs ew Consservation Autlsorities, ta aid aid aiset moite roSn tar a four taie bighsvay? Witt c meri 12reoc RR. , eigeoo ibella in sypisoning cff tise flocd eoreno from tadidozer arrive tii oce neigisisces gardes coti 12 cloc noo tie upper Ontario St. Crenis, anti dumtping neoi spring, rmady ta dig ot tise foundatico MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2c, 1972 ail or port of tisis flood ences Sita tise for c sity-ocrapiog monstrosity? Asre tee ta for 2 Trucks, G.V.w. 25,00c min- reosideotocf tise Inseer tevel W.D. Brabis of prcceed teiti tise expansion of our immon ad' isosiyibsis. lise es-eit at tise Woodweard St. bridge cres. population even tisoufis or prenent We seill ot wse npaoe by qomstioning resîdens hacve til o protctiion frons tise Thie itssriy rate siscli indtde: tise ettacso r tise mdotivms of tise majnrity of isceardo of flodog?0eieevtsacy Opercîce, Fuei and ait Operat- mer members cf conloril in propcsiog titis encno fMdta(ng mo ie oe tits lite i Costs. Ao attowccce of t ovre, aie believe tisat tise are self-evident. frameteor tisai teit gucrcntee tise penent isour per day stand-biy tinte witt i cintes as o surprise ta us titat Milttn residento tbct tiseir oafety, civil ccd ise mode in compesate for off coccdiil imcgincd tisat tisey cnnld rectify tise traitionai rigito ced cosidercticc tae dayo. Contrac finie front Dec. sertes of miscacltatlo tisot tisey ccd tise mitaied ai teirpremient tevet. lboutd lthe 1, 1972 O Msrcit 15, 1973. devetcpor licd mode in aosesoing tise H.R.C.A as neli as tise majoriîy of one Loes o nytede otne- nrgreso of tise cisanoellzaticc fo'ogr'm, inetoiers of coidil tiiti otiterwise, tises Les or aoy ede oc ec imply by droning ont mne grnop of tee tise pesple teill have toi do scmetiting esoeii ceeptil.resides i order tisat c more preferred about correctiog titis mis-impression. C. E. SNOW grnsp seotti ot tae tittnel sitis c Rosid Superiosmideot teettng. Youes veey truty, Townshisp of Esquesing WD rnhRtpyr'so Ddl ur W.D. Brancith ceceoWD rci Ratepayers'Aur _________________ Associction con recall c consecil meetiog V. Russell, 202 Riverpicce Crese., Milton. bond in Aognst 1972, sen tee asited fnr 19 LEGAL coccd's ccoideraticc on c flood reief popnosai for oc re cci ad in denying us oor Notce o Cediors requst, ntcynr Brion Bet made the cc:Members of cocriti; H.R.C.A. (Me. Notie t Cre itos folowig dlly- 'Steptan); 0cr legct rep. ANDS OTFlg S "At tise tiese fse lots seere itougit and rngtstered, and tise boyers score asearre of t Editor's Note: The larce stari semer Faat of GEORGE RUJSOEt.L *t". mcnng teentarly to the Sixteco Mile Creebos GOWLAt-it, deeeased. Wity did mer efoquent mayor tati ta toas W.D. Beacri front, Ontario St., whiict te Aittsroostitis iitercry pecri befnre tise 'bsig assone Mrs. Relloois referring ta in th AI]u ibron Estaeingecaims ag developer'?? After ail, tises it ot isold true firsi paragrapt of ber ltter, entpties inta ainsithe stateof Gorge us- hat a thetime he Drset ark ots woorteitre cfju liserh Cfthe overpassas seit Gooriani, ]ate of fise Ttown boogist ccd registared tisen Ontario Si. tetaci sonne distance soutit of tise Wood- of Burlingtoo, in tise Cony of Cisesi secs ttare. and Wboipey secs ancre of word St. bridge.) Hal son, Retiei Ccrmer, whio .--t::-tt-::::.:.......... of lune. 1972, are iseey nof-, ofterclamst teunesin O'Connor ousts.. Knox 11i 7th fioocoitor, 1972, after wbicis date lise eecuoes wiul ilistrin. tCnltiound leon Pae il provinctdlly. G fniversary ue the asocîs of tise said decea- cppeared faste i tise eventng. 10years Utaral ceato Caisc pearde Olyd 'onoia to orfregi ute i tise prtto Whtmg bodi foost been etectel MetOiers of Knos Presisyterian eecsei itvo whi i the tha or seechgtoti aliitevitrycs in n168 tits btler tbon c 5,0100 Citueci inarkei tise congre- lth onsv soi cie andey Itait Hopeitaeasssato vota tond oner PCPerM- ibe itv noie c 01 it exprensing deepest tisankta to Witns u trifPt c aioos 117th aoosversary seita beisable for lise scit assets c port sertrillisamCtt 1 ycs. Hif Ltri reollowed sin siieciat setvces on Sunday. se isrisiei wo . "Ii vitr li Yer fLbrirpresentaton Getsebra aanrn anypar thrco sodisribledynarn il's everytady'n aibtis Gus acrr Haeiey seboen to ny pr î i fbereci mbyD. aryHrly lte retiref and evomoig services oceRev se ay pesc f ros an romo' ie yelleti ta tise happy c cs.nter. Atex Cahier of Peterborougt, ibvisti e h bave bail crosed. flartey bail defealed Sny frerly if Georgetcn. Dorisig notic. bstitdyc Dl - Th 'e say lit t iC. seere Best tai sec tise secl in 1962. Beot , tae morning sevceititok Datd tis19t da o Oco-going_ ta.Jot toe next afl Progressive Conservalive, Jeta KOo and Teday in kfpÎ1 ber, 1972. govesimient. tnt nst goingta1 represeste Hilton sisce 1957 ita tise servicee otoith aIso S&EWBIJEN, MARSHALL, & speas ccy more. Pitere's tae aider Diefenboaker leadership. celeitrated tac ilOOti anoivfrscry REPSOR, bond?" tise escited 31-year-cid Sybil Bennett of Georgeonhl ofJnKox 25 Mass St. West, Oakville icteper said co tu l heeP' pirtoc tire ci usic ex Hamiton i0, Ont. lunped fronm, thc otage. iteia fori 10e PChe fitort tct Ms Solicitors fcr the Eoeasrs Acsei seiat bis itiggent tactor seic eascpoie tac mernief 19c2- wastc0 in seîoing tise sein, 2,656 votes sercery as d evtdei iysots 'C nussidli, "organisation: Loci irf olb 0 et seeve gol tise grect lThe total nuesier of vetere i chocir. 20 AUCTION SALES orgacinctio." Nassagateeya ablte 10 vote cn 10e Dutif tise evesig service Tise O'Caaoroppat Iecember mncipal etortien il Hlfctoeuoder tac direction ci North fucîtan provideil nteong 2,656. Mont of ttase pecptv-2,6tS- KeotR.Hrinprvel Ward ~ upor Bo nig t1for O'Connor. He wnon 13 are puiae scisool spporters. Tise opeciai music cils Mr. Harrison Licesei Aseie of th 21 Miltan poils, rune of0te remnsing 41 are seporate scisoot aitie ergan. Rev. Calder spolie Licnse Autioeer 10 n nrtit Ocailte, t5 Of 22 in suapperters, towshisbpcoaoicî on tise thvite Euil tise meal Gcc Pare - vesucis Esfiaesiotg, f1 of 13 in Ern learnei ltait tneei. Sacearstao pieuse etandl ep." Faim - Lvecock Towinsip, four of ftve in Eri Cocolitico Sales village, eigist nf 13 in Actan. I ) " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Whaitig liitd non sevent of t10î j- Phonai 878-673(0 adecncepotins. T o or Homne ilsisroisait Ail Typai A sorprismng 83 poer cest or "Ir 51,&f4of theeligiislec2Sclta mrcms WE AL ALOTCO vterscatit ballots. Tise ~~ J J ~ lCentre WE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 tAKALTFR vopinfrtae tatter part sec YOUR BEST PRICE on oey and isterent ws "ODE" AUCTIONEERING repnrtad as taiog 10se. ) ANTIQUIES A SPECIALTY Peomineoî conserv clives Generai Scies attandcsg tta vicoy itinctin ai ~ Narval inclodeti Jios Maie Of 1 ~ ALAN ODENBACH Oasvie ccd fort H10tan Of (iradae & Licenseil Aucsioneer Actosi, teio btt contestadth 1e nnminatton, cîso Peter Mc- 878-2945 Wilcmso eiaes detated in tae tact ferleroi election and J'lm MILTON, ONT. 22 Secte aibo represento Hcftan East Nemisrru ci the Hallen Region Coseervatieon Authorsty teilfintceI seitis MPP's Jit Sos and Gesrge Kerr Nov, c ta discos Pris ccd cons of resoring Bruce St. Scisooi ccd ccmng Part Of il fer IIRCA iseclqocrers. Mentiers ageeed 1a tise meeting Nov. 8 cnd instesete Geoerai Manager Murray Stepisen tai provsde c otatentent ealasng lise acîbority's viese andi oisy taey feit the Bruce St. Pretrtect old Ot tea gond plan fer HRCA iseadqoccters. ta tae eecoîce cotaority metotars ssii taise a lcook ai the scitcct and tourthe bulding. MCC for Haltan West cnd Sccretary of Justice George Kterr ccd MPP for Hatn Ecst cnd Minster oGoverient Services Juon Sno iseti wteletess exprestmg magret aboeut tise ttRCA's decieten dinroonting the pesssisîltY of purcbcsîng tise bisclding for at admcinistrative office. Tisere bas for saine lisne taon a cacpoifn te save Broce St. Scisel froc whial at one point eeceil ifloostaise romn. Vere iJonnell, a Bortinguon trastee en the Hallon Ceunty Board of Edecaie, spocriseadel c ccci- p-tut. Ho recoîvel support of the iseard, ccîfnt ccrcil Gforge err, Jan Snow MitOi Ceuscît ao oeil ce sscny indsvidocls. A eetcg bas been bol cita Ontario Heritace Feonrdatson le siovioss 10e poesibîlty o e- storigef bieldcng. le bis letter tu, HRCA err sail. i m rccbiy set satisfied tact ther Actisersty, or taese reotined b tise Actacrsty te look iea tais proposai, really gave il tise de- tailel oeusideration necessry acds lise circacstaoces. 'As yee snow, tisere bas taon c c'rettat ofdiscussicoisbypople assorsaled iots tise Hltaitn Coaniy Board et Edecatien, Halton Ceunly Museum, tise s oeniy Coccoîl atnd tise Coceîl cf tise Town of Milltn in respect te proposais te eave the Bruce Street Scisuol. Jcc Sow and t isai lise oppertunity to cool cits soleo tisese people socras o eis ago tn Toroto. *One of 10e proposais, in v os HICA's tord fnr nrw iccilities, "ias te bave tise Autisersty icilnil in a proleci wiserrsy sarteoflthe lanil coutil tae ued for ca >Senier Cîtînene Develcpcent ild te biuldcng iseif ceuil bse shareilisvthose whe arecsn- tuetevnsider morepermanent fisere seemn bletno agu cOtln alcit er ereatninn ose " aîes isefnee lot, long in the mont tat tse location of 10e ~~agnie su as c litrary, Milton ciea. Tise fost, tiserefore scisoti for yeor purpotes is ideal and priscily botter fran the plan musetan or art gciiery. 'fis for repcirs and resovinns couil ta ostoblish sncllc fctaty ct Board of Edocdion isoif may tae inieccizel. Kebgo." ACTON ý; D !0 ~Kingh Mill Esfhês~ $1 7y700,' ON L YI5MNTST OOT CODOINU àj0 N HOSE CMHCMORGAGE RMe FRM 144.00 MONTN uOW AMN iNCLUJDINGTAXEýS& MAINTENANCE DW AM N ELECRIC EAT STOýRMS & SCREENS L :FULLY DECORATED AN AIN POTNT FURNISNED MODELS NOW OPEN FRON 10 AUM. 'TIL DUSK AT. MOORE ALTEO CONSTRUCTION LDI INACAMOL9E 1/2 Mile S. of Acton, i 854-2271 LOR2 No. 25 Nwy. 8 3O 9 RID THE Rej&LTHING ATTHE RUPP SNOWMOBILE CARNI VAL. Test ride a brand-new 73 Rupp. that appeais f0, you-the Sport, the Experience the power, handi ng farnly-sized American, ortheNitro, and reiiabiIity that w ill meet any the Super Rupp. Ail are ready to challenge you setforyour- urnp when you thurnb the self for years tc0 Corne throttie. Wring out the model Corne try the machine that's as good as you can ever be. Yoc mny ulso wiv nomc gevuvne Rupp accessorles. Olives, boots nd lise IlIe. Evoiy rider who Il1s out a Rspp OCroivol Eniry Form cutomcu:colly isocoms otigible for thc Rupy Avvossotrcs Givccway. Ail foc iletais ot the Rspp snowmoilc Corvioni. Ian's Garage, Hornby invites you to participato cf fils Lune Befnen Der il Orifna na R. SATURDAT NOV. 11th 2 ta 9 P.M. Rupp. If's fot for the beginner Brsng poor frade & Trouler-Instant finaamsng-No doten pafimenf Tise Chsampion, Mlton, Ont. Wed. Nooeme 1,n i1972 Snow, Kerr want HRCA use school foroffice OF HOIJSEHOLS FSinNITOIE, APPLIANCES, SOME GLASS & CItfNA, MISC ETC. In MILTON cf tise Ccir Grondis in lise Agricotcra Hall. For STEVE SPRUYT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, cf 1 O'Ciock 2ipc. citeserfeld suite; Mcd- APPLIANCES - S0 Cu. fi. iseerasece ccffee and enil tait- deep freezer; Moiait electric BEAT WINTER ) tes; 5-po. Sponiss biscisen su- Gornsc ste; Roy - Gitacon 2-, ite; Lce Bey cbole; modemn de. refriseercîce; Westinghoese WITH DRAUGHT FREE 5 -pc. iseiroiic suite eitis tas astomnablo waccier anil deyeu'; 1n sprieg ccd nuisise mctsress; aid Westisghouse scringer wsiieg 131 A I M U I A ff I D ~ esodet 3-pv. cisesterfielil noise; nsacisne; rctsgeste; box store; ' WAU INU M DO R set cf bonis beils, dresser and vacuum cteaner; Bisseti nweep- cisest of draseers; dresser wae- er; allier sceit eleoti applice-A N W I D S droite; roundl using tcable, ci- ces; Cleecoeed conitinaîlan TV Ç ry etauiu rhn or reaily cnt doson for csflfee tais- ccd steeess Viiing 19" portable tcndy. nedtubleeaesrng, p reeî f le; coucis; cabinet coilel sew- TV; ocnden uccis; gicus ccd fecor etetse , striepoo ito ing mnachsine; finer lampe; table, cina inctuing . everul piees jo isest inte hitcssose $qp8.j0 30 9 temps; 2 milo; telepisne table; loi ticbisg ocr; pots ta pas qp Plusess Grillee SS ironiogiboar; isigischair. 1et. . Twooebsestesamndcs tetantu e mrng TERMS ARE CASH. wnstise, strippinig. ticceened. nse sli s A* I No reserves. DOneriecviog conty. Operaf is. Verticalan $oisede cOis. reviese frein if ans. ontil tiine of scie. Als avia i Qht Sefling by namber. Lunchs availcisie.-AisOsitnn he CHRIS SCHOUTEN. Asciionrer, /2 l Dn..c t s FREE DELIVERY- 25is27 878-2576, MZto DJS'l/ /fhJ Mon 0 rb,L E rtUU8782351 Champion Ads Rac-iIy Pay ~~~M E 50MitnSfE. by Gtting Resuits L adpeedeaeoas-5stda.eofs.()

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