Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1972, p. 9

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AIL THREE CANDIDATES ta Uhe 1550585 whitiug, left, i Use iscurehent MP sud Use riding freterul etedtises Oct. 30 have bren titerat stsndard-hesrer. Shasen rfUs bise are tegetiser ons plattonn around tisemunty fouar HaISon PC hopeful Terry O'Connor sanl NDP limes in Use laut weeit TIsey apaIse utsa meut- candidate Mrs. Cerelyn Holstein. ASl Usree the-candidates meeting in Oakissihle aone ref attend a Mtilton Chamber t Com----me morniug laut e'e ugain ut Eslin Liegous ses Uree-cassdidate forum ut Martins St. Sebsal ut Wednesdsy, sud Tusay (yestarday) 8p.m. Ttursday, Oct. 12. (Photo by J. attended tres forns ta Oakvie. RuaiJenseugu> Plaque wiII retain memory of Halton. tund cuoeS se0oby J. rk tihe Ml tescaitive Ian ta lm erty fer a îaid the rp res a se estive uired the erahlp-au riibe. set te Use Fa= hourd has change ..s. The usidu util eunig loy- dalirerei tee csngrstuiateey suggesteai Use pasi stoula ibe messages te Baltsn Ceuniy vemeseea. "Stve bren veaaieg Cosocai. Use book Future Stent anai I Syiaair soemeus susuder if teve iset Kerr calird Balten the Soo euuct erephasos plaea on Use "hbanner" county ofthUe province, fture." white Suee sai Use sesuty ntigbt Aller Use uvrilig Wurdrn tie seail su siar but nst i Sseanheesugh anai sucerai cesuîy "fumne". Rhiting mai the resuiy coucileers meveai Use plaue suas aiynamsic, "tecasurse as utlsdre Us te sees paring lot et tosudeai ty aiynaseic people." the Administration Building, TIse Bighi Ber. Jshn C. BoUs- sutere tl resu te a permanient seil ree seade Use dedication, fturee. Trudeau coming to Haltion Sat, Canada's Pvime Miner t1evUss seorewil te uit Use Pierre Trudeue urrently raily le hear the Pense Manstue laisrig the country te saivance of speet. Use (ct. 30 fraierai electien, seul leur oegsuoers report bue seul puy sb hisi ouil Helton viding errive on Outoolle aroonai neun Use SaIeraiay, Oct. 7 te Isuip teer Saiueday ceseig in by brui- Halten MP Ruai Whiting's cepîce. He's statuai te hune luch campasgn. sud ves ai te Hsioday tan util Trueaul osochedaird to Use 2 p.m. melercade stavtisg a5 particopate i a molervade freas Use Inn anai rndsug ait Use Mail. Use Holiday tee along iatrnhore Tfins seul tie Tendeaus 'second anai Bebeccu Sta. te Hapodale ciection carepuigo cisii le Oak- Mail, sutere a gistit raliy seul te vilre. Be met peoplel it kQacen stageai. Thessanda ave rupecirai Mail ai Outoille aiuring Use test te lie the parade rouie anai caepooge for yrars sf0 1in usa" ails anless ent. for OSD out Tendeurs ave uosu tesef cailei loY Use Hon. James W. Onesu, Miniulev of Gvenseni Slervices anai MPP tee Hallen East, for modification et the ulectricul sud tire aluese systema, icluding rmevgesc y ligbîing, ai tIse Ontavie ticteal for the Deat, Milton, for lIse Mlniutvy et Educalion. Eutiseated st efthUe SieojecS se $85,000. Desigmai for aaiditisual aafeiy ut Use sebsul hy Miilry et Govuvomeni Servicas staff, Use oinsallations incduite: -A circusit breaest contrai sysiese covreing eschbhuilding said spuvaird tram the pesuerbose. --Butteepeoperaei umergeucy bigbbog aisa for seastesama, staircases anai corridors. -A es ssestnlng arvange- ment connectei le Use emergency to tender powuer supply fer udursater iigbtieg in Use ssemiasng pool. -Adîsmentu t the tire alaem uyslem. -Magnelie daoe.csiog unile rennecird le Use tire alarse ceelvel panels, 10 tacilitale mocement et residunta in an umeegency. The seevt la uspoute te he cesepiete sesttin fivu menths et asuaraig auceeleaci. Finilt ormei FinSt Aid classes undue Use auspices et il. John Ambulance bave bren gocen on Canada sioce 1003. TIse toril branct wsea formuai in Moulreaion 1884. The tirst unit et the il. Jobn Asebulance Brigade suas tovsed in Landon, Octavie on 109. Meseeriru ot a yeasg "establishment" sean sube tecamr s radical ami efthUe Ceanty suihsvbheurs bi name sere embodied in seetal tarse dung s short hat ssgnificant ceremeuy ulthUe Hlallon Ceuty Administration Building on Satuvday. About 250 invited guestsand seseere et thr piblie gathereai inoîdr the ceunty bailing, lopsted on Sterles Ave., tor Use et Isciai anvedmig et a plaque cosmmorabing the naine ami hsoy et Hston Coanty. Oni band for Use eveni sere vepretatinri ot Otalten's senen monîcîpalîlirs, Halton County Caucillers, sud otticiels trose narseas CounSy depavîsentu. Huilon's Ires M.P.P.'s, Jire Bos and Gerge err and Use ridiogus veprasentaivu i Ottawua, Rud Wlulasg, sere aIse eu baud. Calire mne Poirpose of Use plaque iu te peeserve the namne ot Hatsu tor ail bre, erre Usough Use pebiticai futuve efthUe cosuly may tie altred resUs the implemeutatisu et regîseul geverement mome brnute in the future. Salovday's cereeony tobk place os Use bailsay et tir second tiser et the Administration builing. The eent had bren sebeduird for esideurs hat Use day's cbîliy serather prompted eosuty ofsvsals to more it inuide. Officiai suveiloog of the plaque usas pereorsed by Haiton Wavdrn Jameo Sseanbereugh. 'Fie arden sd bue suas happy te te assersutra it thUsUe unvushong said te aiso paîd trîbete te MilSon cesident, G.F. Tbsmpson. Hlî Ides Mv. Tbeasou, a local histoviait ami vetsred directer et Use Haiten Childreuns Aid Society, seau Use catalysit bhind Use ides efthUe plaque. Thompuon ssggrsted Use creation et a Halîsu plaque i a teetter te Coanty Councai laut pour. Mv. Thempuen lied shtained setormatian front, Use Depart- mmiento Public Recorda ai Arhvecs on the erigsn et Halen Uses ssggrsted Use ceaniy erect a plaque te vuvogne Use origi of Use seusicipahsty. Precedssg OSanborsugb's tait ami Use unceing, several luiet speeches seere dehivured by speciai g uasta. A boutery ut buse Halles gel bis name ws navrated by Walter J. Bernas, Chairsean of the Halten Muse Boerai. Hallon se oumealluter William Hallsn, sets wsea iecretavy te Fvancis flore, Lieutenant- Governer et Uppur Canada, Bernes teld Use audience. Isiso suas a young Engiub. mue suho, s a representatiru ut Use colsnal goverriet i Use eavly lafes, seorted tirelesuly for Utheetitofecol settecus ib tis vegiais Reras suggastud. A radîil -This yoang seau a meaiher ut Use rstablhahseu-urned sut tu tie qeote b radical,' Bours peiteai sut. "Halisu psied for vepesutios for settiers suha had sufterea ion therWar of 1812and fer btter dealotfor Use Serai MOlitis.' Because et bis hrlp and reeceru fov Use eariy piomeera bu suas a "seau sha malle several pslitîcal enueses". Beeres reundrai eut is testerical taIt hy reuarkig "the seore peu study teuîory, Use tuas mistatlea pou seake i the premont." Provincial uaid tederal eeprrsestaires, Balos REait MPP uad Minister of Germental Services Jse Saine, BaltesWeet MPP sud nrely nased provincial suceetary et justice George RerrI anai Halisu MP Rmi Rblting The Chamtpion, Mileton, Oot., Wrd., Oceeber 4, 1972 9 Manhunt hors ... sir ( Continuait front Page 1) ci the investigationsa olc exerase in Whasa ere eaflhd ta eemil ofn h lae tise acesa. The musn were fro "r' fu**i Miltaon, Brantford, Waterdosu "Bt hat 'IL eesr and altier deahmns meau hie siel in the haaae-he A anad a hafya-l may have heen wearug gloves," Ventilait Shepherd dog nmi tihe Inspector pointed out. Yece and its master Constabte Grandecentral Jack Foley fromOahvifle OlP The Neweil properîy took on and ConstabeeBill Vardeotthe the appearane of a "grand Burlingtee OPP meade several central station" Menday suhe criss-cross searches threugh the pelice officens aed aicmhers et thickty weeded and roch area. the mes media ceeverged there. Wlsile the twe ofticiers sud thse Occasionally tise pehice efficiers dag trehhed threugh tise dense ou duty hinted tse search reuld thichet, OPP officers patroeild te truittesu. Burhiigtas detective tise perimeter hath un feet and i Paul Chapseas saildi there sens "a cruisers. geed chance tise setruder wans Headuartrs euly a hehe scung for food". Police suere statiosed ai ahout The deteclive said, heseever, tise quarter selle leugtha un tise tour pelice ceulde't afferd te tube asy reais. A cestral headquarters uf chances. tise eshire eperaties devetoped ut Accerdiug to Inspecter Meure, tise Neseeil heaiehetd. tala terre et aheut 30 efficers Buvhungteu detectives checbed sua ienelved iu Merulay' the huse fer the susect% finger- iearch saugso.r prints. Burlingtuu luspectur TIhe sier suasut ustisout tas George Meure, wha su su charge intevestusg sidebights. Whsie tise OUR AEADRS WRITE J EMERGENCY CLINIC IDEA FOR BRUCE gr. SITE I seeutd lihe te sue the Bruce St. seheul huilding sud site preeerved hecase il is a distisgusshed, seti preserved heautifut structure seith many happy icheut day meseurles, geieg haeh te my grasdparents' dayi. I eeîeyed my sehoel days ut Bruce St. Scheel seitt ail my scheeloeates, teachers, and priecipals. I seesld lihe le scie the icheel ise fer semnethmng practirai, lite an emergescy ciec, sehicb I feuS is atseays a eecessity hliea vessauity. Mri. Ethel Hlarvey 9 Benses Ave., Richmesd Hit]. Safety installations pelice stsed guard su tise Nesueil hassehetd and huurty lisess reprs erigisated Usure, tise Neweils' daaghter Rathy St, suas suasuavre ut suhat res happusing subi about 4 p.m. A sudent it M.M. Robinson 80gb Schoet in Barbenglas, sbe didn't leurs abeut the incident astil ber sctool bot divoer tld ber abotl te searo h wil e droor bier hoe. By about 4p.m.the dog Yoco" had eel; disrcved aey trare et the miroider sud pelice decided te ga iSe the cerdoed eff aveu. A force ofabout 25men, all of them arssed, moved eoutb frvem tie ares et 14 Sideroad le 10 Siduroad. -Wu cumhed the entive avreu hut sue didet tome sighl t ofeuh ailier',, eeptaieed Constable Harry Guyitt et Simacm OPP. Aceordmng le Guyitt it tant about 30 te 45 isnistias for the 25- mue torre to ore Usvmugh Use oer. -Wu dids't discever asl signiaoflthe man'ssuhrreuheu" tie esplaai. While Ihose ee meved IbensehthUe bhsies, tire cruisers patreilud Use pevimeter oS te bloct, sasid luspecler Moore. At about fotre p.m. il suas decided le cati off the con- cestrateai murch. Hesuever a fumail torve et pobice officievs patrelled the aveu thveugbset Use migbt. St111 as large Tuesday mersief Inspecter Meuve said the suspect suaes still aI lavge. He said a "perioseter serveillasce" suoutd te trpt en Use aea. Os Tuusday otticiais oS Joseph Brant Hospital in Burblno repensai Usat Mv. DiCecca seas in salisfavlavy ceedilen. H8e huai bes taren thuve atter the shaotsg. The suspectvit a lO-yer-old migbv efthUe DiCecca tamily. H8e oa descvohed as ie fret, ose inch laIt. suith long vurly bresue haie asd bresue uyes. H8e sueittu about 230 lis. As et pvess tire hehbasenot hue apprubuended. Weyre Available Yus, tees Ctampion is avait WednsudaysaS tbe foilosog seesauaiets HA LTON VIL LE isusisugu Guasal store B ROOKVILLE MeLestis Stare ACTON A.das Bus Sea Roaa MitIs Stote GEORGETOWN Stevens Sore Cuastur's Store Jau's TesIs Shue Deusoe Smuke ihar SP EYSIDE Kuttru Store HORNBY HseahoOaunerai5Store Countrt Fae DR UMQUI N Susqou Store OMAGH Osuaah Guesa t ore PALE RMO Pasesm Saurrot Stave NE LSON Cettongs Sereisu Station Mosunt Nueso Vaous LO MVISLLE iouville Oareur tobertson a Causews KILBRIDE Castes Oests t Store CAMPBELLVILLE Moshawkt Sne Eaurys Garage Cats Corner MILTON HEIGMIS Cottler Vaney Paehsodu Geaurai Susure ln sud Arauud MILTON Chalut Restaurant, Sun Str Se, HSuis Retaurant. Hudus Sroe-lu, isei Cus.o Attuesos Fruit morket. Weut End Maus. Miltoe varieur. Jo'seeria Store, Harris Souisaurr, Josus Bitliards, The Chamupion, EtlaruY' Pharreose. LedsuSh' suer Save. Miltons Saîvatesue., taie-Hure LSd. Ptaza Ssuske Star, Mae'i Mîtk. Maaatoiew Restaurrant, Mitton Distroi Hospital lohhy, 10O25 Sevice Station. RIDER BOBBY CUTTS of ltse Aimer Jenier Eiders receives instructions frose Directer Debbie Mackis during thsefair. (Photo by D. O'Reilly) (;. Legion Notes By Gleorge McLeod J de the flau seasan appvoaches A selîbal teuareesevla siated vslerlaineeo cossesttees are Oct. 21 asd regelar Satuvday beoy liiguop evensA sheî. night danceo andvucbves ae fleboavai teuaet Oct. 14 at beiet held. Membrs are Part Credit, snooker teernameel ecoaragoodie brmg lbeir frsesds Ls Oatoîillc Nos, 4, billiards ie sad egbrso ethe club. Oatcoille Nos. 18 antd a dart legon members sserv ameef NOTICE The Nalton County Rloman Cathoio Soparate Sohool Ooard TAKE NOTICE tat The Haitar Covty Roan Cthe tetarate Sctael eoardon the 20tS, dot ef Septervtee, 1972 P.ssed Btlaw Ntee oatse te errowig of tey by the issue and sale of a Oreetareeof the sad oerd in the rinvipa avoont of $180,000.U 1. Theorose foroovovthe moees toitbcseeeed is the contructin of separatsoel acommodation ave tre sottit o et qatevt. 2. The atvovrt te te bereaed is $180,000.00 on the security et the said Oebentore, whichtstai.e astharge cueo the scooleouse proterty andrpreises -andevtthereaaor preoaal roerelcoened inthesad Barancdepo he sepaeate sctool rates cliectle btthe sad Bard. 3, The Debentor iste te dated Oc taber t, u972, s te bue m iteiet ai the rateof 7J, ter cert ter a nntO payable servi annually on Atil 1,and Octotet tic essit tes of the cr et o the Deteetute avd is te te retatable in instalmertsofpriciîpaleoOtater inthe ers 1973 to 1992 Year Principal Yeat Princitai *Am-rcv Amvount 1973 $ 4,000.00 1983 $ 9,000.00 1974 4,000.00 1984 9,000.00 1975 5100tO0 1985 10,000.00 1976 5,000.00 1986 1 1,000.00 1977 5,000.0t 1987 12:000.00 1978 6,000.00 1988 12,000.00 1979 6,000.00 1989 13,000.00 1982 800000 1992 17,000.00 C. G. Byrves, Secretary THIS ISALL THAT'S STANDING BETWEEN 'YOU AND A FREE TOYOTA COROLLA. 011 the looaîîd lit\ t I o10 ta l 11 plot I'o o . îîîl \utTS plAY TOVOa« iV!lý1 WINNUN COMUNATIONS. HWY. 25 JUSI NORIN OF 401 878-4363 826-293 1 Y,~ Why should you have to sprint te get a hot shower? - An o11-f ired heater can give you Up to 30 gallons of hot shower water in 20 minutes. Il's moreieg soomr lime in somne tomes, Ibis gios yoar tamiiy more bot mater tasser tor bot le rebat bappers. Cd grIs or bis mark. Sels. stosuers, and wasbîvg soured clotbus. NoS t0 And tore te goces. If the lamîiy tuaIs poor oid mention te pile oS breakfast Dad 0 te storeer avd uses UP ail te bol realer distes. bu may sol guI a bol stower etai NoS eniuss Oil really aises tuaI lasSer. bis hoase bas se ail-tie e tiSer bealer le' a tact wu cee prste If Ou1 car beS rester 3 timus as tast as gas; yoa re vol tuatI g waIer wibth.Uf., 6 limes as fast as eleudl ciy ly il mates a oi now, sprn vS Syour pbone lot ot sense tIsaS se oi bealer S 09 o sn et i a us os osr botline BELL BROS. Shali 405 Martin St. 878-6380 Miltaon

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