__ 1~ s10 The. Champion, Miltons Ont. Wsd. Octoohr 4, 1972_______________ Halton plowmen cat IPM >îÏapo Hundred $ stako won by HelIIday Mooy Haltoo plnomno oesiOoy, seventi unosuoy; thw Andeson mos an mentrant - 0 ctoropetcd in te troctor and 71hursday; 1100 Friday in te Ontibro Qucon of te tForo horse-druon plumiog nomn- vitiluty and ulo itUt in te open. contest. Jack Taylor of peîitino ut te International Bet Rolierton ni Adton Budtingtn, a dicectur of tce PInn'icg Match, licld ut Selin- onmpeled in the Cacadian OntIario iomeo's Association, ý1l etof Strafford leon' ChaminnclaionFriday,n'hioli ucmciseisan adso-rnn" inithe i'oesday tnSatnednyoflast week. n'as nwon by Keilli Robinnon ni speciai ciso 1r directnru. Keilli Leslie ut R.R. 4 Genrgc- Cunlislume. Becs corne 17117. He Miltn resîdecl Gerge Sonn Susse mon a tradlur close ie te alo placcd lt os utility close spent the mebk ut te matchi un Tucsdoy section ut te shomw and Toesdoy; 121h Wcdncndoy; tce OPAs "officiai[ nigo poieter" cluimed o tropby doooted bly o necot Thursday. and alun toured tce groandu lt banli, foe the only licol, prize Loory Pieket of Georgetown te ldtecmood Femo Sond cor. omarded ony Haltun plumman. 1005 050170 Thurs'day and 111117 George AtkinsolBront, a CBC eYiday in utilily classes. Haltse Conoy Cooncil lad an radin ceooentatur. wo second HoStos Wardes Jse Sman- sinomation lont ut tce match rize os a special fun doase fcuir cougli 00 n eitrant in te olicre literatuce un HaSton oas loess repeesentatives, placing uPeciol clas o ouonty murdeno. distibude ulng lt colendeen second Su o woman. Suit didot ose. Milton Mayor prnmntîeg 1the 1074 plooing HalSon cennsewed oeil fin Bin Beus aise cuteted in tce match ie Halo. HalSun 4-H girs seouy ni te closses. HolSun's onayors' close and linished out of manuel te ln and direclors ni junior plooong tcam of Murray tce money. 1the Halton Plommen's Orecn lente Burtiogton und Forrow Quccns Asseciatin looked 011cr the itoriey Pickering of Oaknilc, Furo Quecnofn HalSus Mory plostones cormier ni tce lent. aInr tch rccent HolSun County Junior Match, came inurth i th1e Gulf Od Inter Conty Anaus conts mteach aI Sebrlille. Murruynts alun placed seceot te o iroctor clse on Friday and Harley Pckerng won a 2lh placele ia Ilm ott w inner iracte close Thsday. Horse classes EigisI farms had enSeles in tce other lieut. Winoco of the Stan May of Hurnhy and bis Angus caIlle cotempelitioset aI leder's herd close, Badenoch broSher Lloyd May ni Arise bOilon Fuir and the hig wiener ni Sortes oi Puslunch, alun mon to ;inctnerly ofHornhy) lheetries the dayoasJ. WdtientlofiR.R. 1 Shied prioes. on she horse classes throughouS Miltos. WîlîmuSIt shoed th7e Ourthlene Formus of Mount te oceh. On Tsiesday Lloyd champion maie and lemuale plus Hope on o lieut, foue seconds corne second, Stan sixlli; Wed- reserce champion Icenle. and and Io thurd prines; Hou Wdlsn eday Stuc was firthi and Lloyd mon loue licols, a secnd and aofn Toro-Head Fams, Rockood sisth; Thursday Unoyd cight, toid peine rilibon. onone second; AS Brome of GuIS Stn eiuSh; Frîday Stuc seccoth Reserve chompion mole ooocd won one uruS, and Wdllame J. and loyd cîghth. OmSt Su Keilli Reid oi R. R. 1 Cranttn ni CoîsSur Cenire won a John Wlseo ni RH 1 Norval Joris V s Hnerymwssalsesecond second andStoSSurds. Judgc was mas lthointraSue clases Wed- inhbeede' sherdndh ooe J. Sondersn COME UN AND TALK TO THE TWO SCOTS BOYS and have a look round when yuu are here, there might be sornething at a thrîfty prîce You rnught like. For You 4 Piece Living Ruurn Suite $40e Peppler Bedruurn Suite 5 Piece '750 How about an Dii Paintingf with Frarne 56" long by 32'L-decurate that wall for $596 Try This (French Provincial) for that wee girl in your lite, a nice Bedroom Suite, Double Dresser and Idirrur. Nigbt Table,, Headboard, and 4 Drawer Chest in White and Guis $22480 AlIso Lamps, Custom Drapes and Bruadluor f0 makle yuur borne comti From Us Dont be Shy, yuu dun't have tu buy, to You wie would îust like tu meet you comf i interiors Open Mosday 'fol Friday 70a.m oui '19 p.mce Saturday iiia.m.foh p.ml. 21 McMorchy Avnueo North, Brampton Phono 459-2862 Nurse daims third win in côro,ëtI'ton For th7e thied yene le a ente Fred Nurse ni RHR. 2 GergeSuwe has an 117e field crop cripelitinn le uloge conoce Pioncer Vnriety oîth 96 points. flic second winer ons H. Crnig Reid of RHR. 6 MilSun, Pioneer Varîely, milli 95 points. flic Shîrd cancer LiosesSue Hall Cocons ni RHR. 2 Milton, had 94 points n Seocca Varîely ensulage cone Th7e louelli mos Once Ineson of ilR. «S. MilSun, 93 points, oit Warwick. Fih, BrctHarris' R R. 6, Milton, 01117 Seeco, 92 points; sislli, J . C. Marshall, R. R. 4, Miltn , 91 points, Pioncer; seceth, RusselHoccee, R. R. 2 Caiepbelicillc. 90 points, Pride; cîghlli Kec Ella and Soc, R. R. 1 Hornhy. 89 points, Single Ceose. 0117cr woles ocre nuelli, nI th7e Fair Fridoy nighl and Satueday meetinog the cors, and Snndny lic and Mes. O'Conor oece guesîs aI o winc and cheese pocly held at th7e home ni Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MaeNoli, RHR. 6, Miltn. diton. 83 points scili ISetolh Foorrellih wao D)on Sheronnd, R. H. 6. Milton, 82 points Norlhrup. «I17e cometitioe 005 îoded hyt -'lgi0 Lioglir ni Orangecille, Septl. Y. Cors oas eceptinally ood. Thceltis sponsoeeuly he Hlton 'ileicollorol Society and lic Ontao Mîeîslry of Agricuolureand ood. Robert Marshall, R. R. 1, Miltoe, 88lpoints, DeKolli. Telth n'as Bob Mecry,R. R. 5Milton,87 points I n'îlh DeKailb Eleventi wsoCecil Mcijone, R. RL 4 MilSue, 86 points et Pioncer. TwelSu mas Haold Middleheonli, R. R. 2, Miltoe, Su points mîlh S)ekolh. ThilrteSut usoJ. C Richardson R. . 2 Winners of hay, grain Connrciai hoy and grain eniries %%ri' heocy n Milton Foie ogoin Suis l'ose Su 117e hoy classes. mincers oi licol prioc rihboesîeoluded H. C. Reid, Jack Jarvis. C. McConn, litrold Pollero oa Ross Ln grain classesDav'id Fishcr ni Milton n'on to licols, Alf Ford and Bob Merry (bIh of Milton) ose ecn Six firsts uioepetition un t17e vegeluhie classes aI Milton Faie mas bren. T.J. Ocoonridge of Georgetown wasStemaor winer iSusix lersts, loue seconds and one thicd, lcooscd closcly hy 0cmo Coolson ni Catephelloîlle n'îth site iirsts, ose scond and lice Ilurds. Slephen Stasley ni Rochn'ood badl lice lersts, cîglil seconds asd Isoîthîrds; Mrs. W. Feoihersn ni Midtn te Sur lsts and sis seconds; Peter Hutchieson ni MilSu te Suce isti and ose tlied; Mary L.. Focrescer ni Buelîngn Io lîrots nd o theAd; OD MilSun, David Agnen' and Mes. R. Lawrence of MilSun ose lerst 0117cr oners încluded W.C. Bridgmaon ni Oakodîre, J. Honni ni Hlton Manne nnd Cern Larence, MilSun. Talle beets, win1er onlilage, cuconher, citesr, mosknoclos. socet peppers and pompkins oece anon 117e vegetahles shows. E. N. Estoliroolu on s odge. J. R. Curde OD OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL bTlephosc 632-7788 A 1110 SaIe for tse bout hovy draft, ogricaltorol, Perclcro, Belgion, wagon or express horse shows on te Ime mas mou hy Charles Halliday of R.R. 2 Cluesley a11the Miltce Faîl Fair. Hollidoy oas cotepetin in tce heavy nurse division. He mou aotuher live licsla. Ho moas loloed by Otan Maof R R 2 Hoirnhy and Lloyd Obole, 1;7011 u womm mou three nls and anc second. Other onstcre mcr Roy Me- ijutcboun nf RH. 5 Rokood st to flcats, one Second aid ne third; Clarece Baclcr of RHR. 3 .Cayugo to flis, Iwu secundo and to Utla; Reog Coolissa of R.R. 2 MOlo. ne onoord and ou thid; Anirew DoodJty Mf RHR. 3 Jarvis o licol. An R.R. 2 Hooltmood resident, Ernie Armsirng lad ose liico, Sucer secnds and o third, Victor Ly=en R.R. 2 Caledun won 100 scnsand to Odirde. There ocre seven enties in tce 10eurons taloi coutest, plan four six-horon tens. -Champion classilieds oUil mole yoar lnlepbooc ring. -Anon wantingenury furos 1or t17e Oct. 14 walktaon con obSole one ot Thec Chompion office. TUE CORORATION OF TUE TOWNSHIP OF MASSASAWEYA 1912 ASSESSMENT Upon Whioh 1973 Taxes WiI le Levi Changes ln the Assesmeof Acf provide f the7 asssssment made lnf970 for taxafion In the ysar 1971 oi sot 15 chooge octil the yoar 1974 for tatolon the ear 1975 excepf a foliots: "No Asodmenf Shaibe made othe ssssintor collecfor's roll by reoson of an Increase In vaine f0 fand becasse a building has bon erecfsd, aifored or eniorgod unfil fth0 increaso ln vaiue Is 0f 1005f 1lnh suri of S2,500 0f narkief value. or, if fhe assessmenf ln the muninipoify is ef lestlan maorkef vauaino af0 equivalenf veiue." Assessmoof snosssil ot besoied tofb ones and occuponfsodorion tihs mnofof Sopfombr es ISsuaiy fth0 case. Appeais 5,07 be made 00015sf th19f70 OssessmnS 0f 057 firme op tci chfotier 3f in 00V yeor. Ausesum amf nofices wiii be 5sfn ouf where thers is an ncesin the value of fhe properfe as 00f ont abons. Appeais may f0 made agaisf sncb suppissnfory sssOsmens durisg fhe perioduofftinsenticb .11i b sfof.d on the0 notice. NOTICE RESPECTI NO ASSESSMENT APPEAUS Municipaltfeof: Township of Nassagaweya Tho ossessmnt sroll may be Ispcod durIng bsinss hours ai the micipal offices located at R. R. 1 CampbeIinIllo, Aoy cunmpioint wifb respect tu on assssmsn ou f170 osss ent rollmay bebroughftoithe sdsssmn Renino Court porouant te section 52 le Thes Assessmest Act, R.17.0. 1970, c.32 as onded by section 10 of The Assssmenf Aniondisont Acf, 1971. Nnticesot Compiaint must bemadeinwrlifigefhr by iatter or on forsms avnoloblin the1 Municipal Offices. Pur purpuos of identification, pinoso sncinde yonr nmsrr and postal addrss, and fthe reaos) for complilo. If possible, nut lso f170 assessment roll nombor, th7e street address, concession and lot sumbors, and the municipaiity in which1 tnn properfe under compiaint Is situotsd. Aoy Noticeo f Cumplilo 01701117e maiied by ordinory moil 70 th7e Regionai Onvintror naomsd beoni, and, ln addition, by registered mai o f0 ny persainhd bole 05055,sOsf complinesd of, of lolr titan the 31sf doy ot Octobnc, 1972. Me. M. Ilarbinson, Signed: Ronionai Rngisfrar, .ssnssmssf Reniso Courf, C. Thompsos 713 Devis Dr. oCiek Nwmorkof, Onario Tonship of Nossagoossa. Can your washer .00mu cope? If yoor unasher has boon around a edile, chances are il's cot doing the job il should be doîng. Take a look ut loday's aulomoatic electric washers; they have featores Ihal wîii handie ceai toogh diii, and the dainfiest of dainties, with less wear on th7e clothes, and on youi your Ilydro* milton hydro 2s ai t 1 9 w"l 1or Oirul pr lent t licol pi Sob bu excelle aod gt Peoatry MePlia seondi Allas,' 911 iii BoSton Jodge lced 27 colo Fred Prenles Piolet Roueil agolo 1 Veorli rirai Montai Nurse th7e ses lolk t Junior' Oiooclau Clairdis bObo li Ldge very ci uf yeoi lxii ci Citatiî OOfrtro animal the Gr' HC. lb lIes F. Pi Moto HALTON CONSERVATtVE CANDIDATE Terey O'Cnnor stops lu admirc 'Ooverncss," o registeeed Hnlstce shown liere seil 17cr onces, Me. and Mrs. Thomnas L. Leslie, R.R. 4, Georgetown ut Milton Foie. O'Connoe mus