Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1972, p. 23

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Omagh Former Omagh teacher heads trip to England soew leIIIIi flra len4 tuot, wih thmad lines Aldersbat. N O.D. I1ST st. 3 i. C) Idé By Mca. Cacil PuRterson Redford,. Jîto Devin formerly of Twesty f tve grade f stuenla Ooeah now ec a ut St. fi-tac St. Andrewos Junfor Hlg A ndres acmpanetd tht youeg Sahoal Williowdae, 1eRt hy air people on Ibis finetrilp. They mIS trant leternational Alc-port, rature Sunday Oct. 15. Mas. Tarante te Saturduy atrlng DanSan aiea wentaagfett Sept. 3a fer a twe teait, trip. Their tether WUill&Dni techaeege vis le Englanl. hi5 as an hnnd te set themn att. youngpaeple bath baye anMrl wl vlelting P»ha Cil -1at Scbal RaIah Rond, London, A faree pat fo Mr. and 4Eandm. Mrm. Clarence Patterane naai cen tuenta will ehserve tm Johnanmd Gary and teahn methd leI tht English danajiler Patricia wan held oe c .j Cdn adlso miii au tht Satda enenlr Set 3f uit tht Toear et Londan, Tba Grenwich bam= atMs.Dn lak whrn ahnecvatory, tht Hauntsofe Mci. Pattarsane sislerg, their Parliament, a candected teur et teesheede and tamoies gatherad Wrntmnnster Abhty and Wehurn tar a pleamant taml party. aabay 111e hain et Dake ot Eucre was eejeyed tellowed hy Hfornby RuddeIIs coloebrate 50 years together By Un. JlrnHamitmn an Sciday, ahece they mlaoyed Mrs. Geottrey Dram-Break the arrneryaof the cnoeed lealvme. rnteclalned sotit 111e frirnile ait GftlSpeaker bac turne rcernlly me sihe hald tIen. Jamrn E. Mairwel et St. a batlaiay party le hurlar et har. Stephen's Anglican Chucch, son, Daccyl wba celeheate lies t Hornhy,mwlI ba tht garnI speaker iecthday. His Lit1trlrnds mha aI Eden United Cherch atendaitwere, Darren Cale, Glen Anlversacy on Suday. Gel. 15 Simpson, Gaccy Coulter, Lance aI 2.30 pi. LeLeup and James Clancy. Neilhhars ci tht Nleth Lina Gamen weca piaed whlch walmome Mca. ami Mcs. Bonaid iled a pesaiat ncramhile. Break tei their ren, home mn tht Fallawing tht epeg et the gitli Ninti Lina. a dalicieai lunch was rnjnyed hy Aneiversery greetingn aea ail minch lecluded a large hlcth- eetencid tl Mc. and Mci. Paul day cake which mas dtcarated Khiotec, mhe mOll celaeate thair mlth upecial candias whieh mare mtdding aelevecmcry an Moeday, very trithy te hian eut. Oct. 16. Aneieersary greetiega are Gat mail wishas ara eetctndtd etnded te Mr. mnd Mca. Ernest toiMcs. BedlStout, wba in a patient tfrochlehmnk, mho mdll oelehrate le the Milton Dietrict Honpital thae mtddleg amnivtcsary mn to010iemm surgacy. ct. 7. Bicthday grattiege ara Blated hccthday gceatingn are antendtd tei Margaret Kahine estandad ta litt1e Jamie Break eba mcli relebrate har hlcthday wba caileated har seond hfrth- mn Thscsday, Oct. 5. day an Sumday Oct, t Mth Aaahersary Congratulations ta Mc. tamind. ceertd hi 0th meddlng tp annivtciacy an Wadneiday, Sept 27. optnue ade Chelrrt he Cattie class EHlccestitedCuc h mas dacerated mlth flamacs for Maurce Siser et Branttord this opciai ercasio aste i a.e i h ttîcthday grattinge ar a hthemnnrl h ettmdtd te Mcs. Bi11 Bradley, Ayrshira classes ait Milton Fuir. wba mdll rafaheate lihlch Hiu entae eacnd bath tht aiWdmaOt e Mrjhai champion malt and tamafa Brooks, who mdl celabrata her amr pla t ra en a birthda on Oct 9. cadar's bard. Tht Sialler batdayte ct.i. entisimaito claimad tivie tireit and CaeecaIt.oca te tht tlai taur serinai place cîibao. tatbi tta ft ttacy wha wmn Rbr oeeso t ere theacbampiomlpvchtLde Rhc aali tSt tra soltti leame ut ovil th ae tht mnly alte tompatiteir, mai Okil yaraierva it bath champianinli close maore ut 5ed. Cmngcatniat- classsanmd tht hreedris berd ioste tht coach mnd tht elasu. Heu ratite mai thcte tIrste, amager at the ttami. Fnllowtug thcee serands and a third. tht gama the Lent were tcmsted Pai Jamitt mas judgt. te lumchtlat tht home of Mc. mnd Mcn. Ganet Htmdrn'n.____ Mc. and Mcr. Haroldl Crier et Meala.I andc Mc. and Mca. Jîto Hamilton et Hacnhy, --Carie Saturday. Oct. 14 ta attaeded tht Inteational yemr calandair. Thates tht date ai Pluwitg Match. tht 1972 HuRton Pleming Match, te Mr. and Mca Tee Sites et Darry le beld o tht fermaif Mca . Grant Rd.tenjuytd a tur te, Hmntsvilla Campbell orar Muttat. ROCLAMATION WHEREAS authorltaftvt stafistlcs complled and publtshtd by tht Canadian Pire Marchai show that ia 1971 atone, 657 people ditd la ftires reporfed la Canada, and tht property foss totalied $240,000,000 AND WHEREAS such lasses are increasiaf year by vear; AND WHEREAS humanitartan andl ecoiomlic conslderatînn f ptrattvely demnand that impraned tire proventI on ceancres lie unrder taken ta prenent this econamic waste and traglc lois of lite la order thaf tht natlan's prospenity may lit malatained; 1 HEREBY PROCLAIM Sunday, Octolier 8, 1972 ta Saturday Octolier 1d, 1972 ai FIRE PREVENTION WEEK la tht town of Milton andl urge ail citîzens ta ansiet tht Mitton Fiee Brigade laseeklng toavert tires on Oboer aiea propeef y. BRIAN BEST, Mayor. I Osean Spruy JELLIEI or WMGLE CIAIBERIT SAUCE ina -270 GROUMI BEEF t li. $475 20ni. 129 Braideil et Cet and tdrapei FRONTS 610b SIDES 11. lINDS 8 1 lb ~r homes of Milton a pi-stoietion e thi-ee-young people mare gîven pro aed pesefl sete with thcîr amai tegravtd and theie parents eceaivail a baedoe aIl paleting. Tht Pattermin tumilytoxpretotd thei appreciatiae toc the gite and party. Tbase atteniei mere Mc. and Mc. Jito Jonon, Cathy aed Sandra, Me. aed Mci. Stanley Mucnh, Peter and Unaid, e Mc. and Mci. Vincent Maillt ami Michelt, Viei, Patrirck and Sea of OlihU.a Sciai and Heathar Paîl, Rtohert PeIt andl Miss Jabatrt, Jine Johnson mai tht master at crcmunea tac tht Communion Tht sarement et communion mai ehîecved aI Omugh Preebyterrlm Chuecb an Smnduy Oct. luat 10 arn. Jot serenices et mernhip ued Sueday Seteat mare fielO, mlth a largeagrgtn uttandleg. Haidie taS tiamer mere ai tht alter trait. Mc . aid Mci. Keeneth Pamt.rtia retuned a tam days No. 105 MLL ST.. agit tram a tee meeli holdaya tht Lake heail. y tRemsu-eet movail Hucehy Soulth 4-H mas completeil but Hammakiat Claubd all ol thalc dont. Rame yean tinst meeting an Satmrduy Oct. 7 glasacin.l This ile att1 pi. i Omugli Chue-b Hall. touilt antd lved le Girle 12 years and aIder Th oneda itereotedin l gatd aling ua Tt uagrdu lovi tei corme uleg te clatons. isil laves i IL M Thera miSl te seven meetings mith damunstcatîann on preparig andîervleg vtgetehleî rmsi i ds , garihes, casserales Dr m1 i and as appttiztri. Tis mi eS hmi iaterestieg and inforacative G e t Gel mal muthes tei Edmurd Ford, ian ot Me. and Mes. Robert W. Fard, Fi Une whibas a Sy Mas. Cacil P patient in Gabvîtte Hospital, Rirthday greet iellemleg an accident ai is Tommy Curre, O parent's tart oun Sept. 23. and Marilyn Ayres. Gtmtamîaihe tueMr. Wlltiam Fritîend fartige Mai11t, Highmay 25 wba is a sotoiMrs. Sam F patient i Milto Hospital tur is a patent ia Mi îargary. wîth a teere Grerîlege reeotetiet. Rtrtbday greetingi and getil muthes go t ft Fiter, DamaIt Lamence, Mes. Je Rettey, Etetti Rayatr, Mes. Jey Roman, Wayne Rînhol, Mes. J.H. Oatv. mj, andMary Rhut . Congratulattons te Pati-cia Patterien oc hec soi--ts aI - Gergtowmn Faie on Sut. Rapt. 30. Patic-e rernived tht Champion- sip ribten mnd cashi ter tp AT sheenieansip in the i-tasniert INSURAN 12 peara elO for dat-y i-atla. Gel watt wiseti t Mes. CAMPBELLV Clareoce Ford Si-. who te in Milton Hospital. 854-22 ings tllans angi go lu, serai Craig meSl mlshea ine Se. mho liai Hospitel CE DREAM WNIP geapher ln Milton le 1840. Net te bail a geterai store et Mais St. tnd mai0on the tema cousail. For many yeaes he mas toma cicrk and retieed le 193f. Me. and Mes. Hemitreet ceiebratad their 75th medinge aooivtcsary le 1956. Ht lied la tala, uged 103, ami Mes. Hemetreet tive months lae, ageil 102. 5 cai taI toilw 29e HOII: STUFFED MANZ OLIVESno49 Fresh LeanMepia Lea - eayt luServe ITALIAN 9C. SMOKED Whole19 SAUSAOE 791b MM, or Half l b Mat a Leal WIENERS Ohk 1109 Caomans COTTAGE ROLL 751. STEWING BEEF 89cib BRAisiNO RIS 69! PORK LIVER 3, ,s 99c ROUND STEAK 1.19 SILON TEK 1 PRIME $1110 SILINSEA 129k, RIB STEAK h .0 Tht Chatmpion, Milton, ont., Wed., Octebet d, 1972 19 Ebenezer Sale for church project By Mrs. Rue MeLeau Eheteter field a cry se- iv lul.iiilîr saleattltliville lieui A large ausuttietofiteuu realiatd a tire suin tereh itoeeott of tht rburrb litître the lSfth atoivtrsary oeil ytar. Speriat thanke ara ginen tei Mai Stoeey aed Cal Meletyre mte deeattd their serviras as atetieneer and clark. Wortd Wida Communion Service mai ohsarnad uit Ebeee. Mcc. W. Gardner mas tht ititînt. Naît Seeday in Thaibigintef; Oct. 15 lu Animer- sary, and tae tullumlng Saiday, oct. 22, Ebanezar stervies are camtttted in order eut t menfliet mt AcheS aininecnary. Mr. Frtd Ituffman. Mes. Hay- 1 AO F 7S PF I S IN 'M S ER R HE RI 0L i O tardes laitier bas tabac op emîdance ut Milttn Centennia Mater. -Next iMutilay iet Clu tanbsgivisg day. You are Invited to an OPEN HOUSE ý ý AT MILTON FIRE HALL on Main St. U W THUIRSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS OCTOBER 12 und 13 FROM 7 TO 9 P.M. Members of your Milton Fire Deparf mrent wtill be on hand ta, guide you around the ftire hall, demnonstrate the equipment and show films on fie preveaf ion. Ail aduifs and chlldren are iavited. Free draw leach nighf I for aduifs an a 21/2-1b. dry chemnical tire axtinguisher. Aduits must be ac- companied by a child ta be eligible for fhe drato. Frea gitt for each chiid atiending. Scroll awards wili be presented ta the elemenfary school classrooms beinging ouf the iargest number of parents to, this open house. Comne and bring the tohole famnily. Fire prevention is.our business NEXT WEEK IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN MILTON AND YOUR MILTON FIRE DEP'T REMINDS YOU DON'T GIVE FIRE A PLACE TO STARTr Tbis message sponianel by Millt Ane Fie Deparliet in co-operaliet with lbe Hiaiton Cout Flac Prevention Bureau. ~Îon~- -la April l1i wbaa G. A. iote, is bouse the isteelor i hadi no outeide painting a iter tht verandub mai tht oaiy hmbe n the tret otiuoisly hy the famlly. liter, Mes. J. P. Barlemas, r. Hemstreet mas a pote- j alendant Ministry NOTICE Orfien 0F PUBLIC MEABINC * WîkTOWNSHIP 0Dtir F NASSAGAWEYA WHEREAS the rutceltutg tetmo f t. E. Ct psham CnutiIg Eainee-s, un beaui ot Mr. C. A. Seet Milton Heights Camping Grounds hus submittof ta the Otntario Ministry of ttte Eneirnett, plats tfor tht estuhllstlnî et auon and spray irrigatiot turilities ta sere te campsita tn tae TOWNSHI P 0F NASSAGAWEYA andttas applitd ta, the sald tilt try for apprueulutf suh wuels ail inaccrdunre with Setion 42utth0e O to Wtae Reseeneos Act; AND WHEREAS tl appeaus froenu examittet ut tht suid pansittut the propoed sewaga cel-ks wli ha tn Lot 5, Concessuon Vil, TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA- NOW THEREFORE this le ta gie attire thut tha Eaeirnenatal Heaunq Rourd ot tha suid Mittetny tUtti ut o the 1tlth day ut Otban, tt172 at 3:0 St riel EDST ia the attarnan ut t ht Ceuil Chambae.s TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA, CutvpbeilviIt., Ontario, hoId a public tearitg pmrsuant tt titotdd (ltthtsad Act. A planaof te rpoeadîaaageutoks ili be atuilable for anspectiot in tht ottice ut tht municipal tlerk ut tht TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA. Ontario Mitîcîteol tht Eairntîttai T. M. Murata, Board iirtary Enaronmtl a ita tBoar I ~ Geler peet PORK SHOULDER ROAST 59c 1BUTT CnROP 69Ctema ni Frs N.1 o Frîh No. t Fresha to LETUC BMAAS CELERY RADISHES H~ad 1 Oint 2 .h39e 3ii25c il - -

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