Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1972, p. 2

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Ministor who tled knot ut Ruddell 5Oth anniv. îr"s NOT OFTEN the officiating mioisler is Arthur RuddeUl ut Asbgrove oelebrated Ibeir os bond for a 50115 wedding osniversory but golden wedduug aomivecsocy. Mr. Breortey lise 10ev. Eart Breartey of Burtioglon was looks os ai rigist as lthe Rudilelis cul titeir prescol Wcdscsday wbro Mr. andl Mrs. anniversocy coke. (Photo by R. Douons) - -------------- Bey Red" ROYAL CANADIAN LESION in money? LADIES AUXILIAIT ccsien, lowny Cotellvfte- plaine -Ses Red," hau boda ticket lcous os seul Salsrday's casning ufth1e Irish Hospituts DANCESweepstake. 'lIev Red' was the liclilisos E A .nte ued on ticket No. PXA Saturday, Octobor 14â MM,02 licous on o borne sntm Aoak Malaysia in the race at Legoon Hall, Charles St Ncwoîarket, England. 9 p. lu to1a.m.e - N Music By-THE MEREDITH QUARTET 1w This>< Dcober6tont Film Showe PLAN TO ATTEND Il laaebe5buuiht»;Son of VI ' '> Oclobor 7hSaf11 a at B oy's &Gils' flm sehow at 2:30 les. "An Elephant ELU IRE FARM Il OCTOBER 7th & Sth uro 51 r from 10 a.m. ts 5 pm mt1.0am Ileuister yoar FEATURING 4. er hild forstoey- oi e w ih wili n1e Exhibition and sole ot comenceeingOtou 1t and have cottes with us. Il i SiIk Scrten Prints ts Ceramic Tles A e Pottery * Sculpture * Paintings e Ilandspun Wool % MILTON ELIZABETH HOEY .... MARTHA HOEYUBCLIR Y Not ulouy couples eerlu llieïr 50t weddiug u=leuc ue uble t0 huve th uniehtr wbo niuccied lhem bcek agulu tor th1e anniversaco celebrutton, but Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joseph Roddett of Asistrove dut jst that. Thse 10ev. Esc) Brearley, a yousg United Chucch mnsister ai the Ashgrove congregution when 11e pectocnted the murcluge cecemony foc Mc. Rioldeil aud Elizabeth Fîsellu (Flous) Houdes on Sept. 27, 1922, wau o gueot of bonor ut their golden uootversary open bouse held Wedneoduy ut Hilîceet Clourcli. Hornby. Mc. Breucley lives in Budbinglon and retired front the mnistry five yeocs ago, but 11e tuo hauppy t0 cornte bock und speutu ut tthe Ruddetts' upecial duy. Dluuser, open bouse He wan't th1e only une neho shured ttteic speciol duy with th1e coupte--over 200 otbec guests carntoentend best wishes 100. A fumity diner wus hetd ut Hill- ccest, then us opcn bouse fottowed uod th1e Ruddellu were kusy shubing boudu, occeplîng congratulations and ceminisciog ubout old lurmes ait eveniog long. Mcs. Ruddett was bon and caised on the Howden forne ini Esquesiog and wu5 o membec of Hocnby Uited Chuc beooe ber nuccluage. Sbe wuu ocgunist ot tbut church for muoyyeurs,uad tutec presided ovec tecrgun ut l1e Asbgcove Cbucb toc 20 yeurs. Sbe wus 29 uhen they weemurred, Mc. Ruddell wus bard wuu nuiued ufltertue touen le lretuud whene is1 aucestoru bived hee co ig 10Cunda bu=10 Wbe goe ud Hrby churches ute u few yeors ugo 10 (orn e e eletcrest Church, thry traosferred tbere and uni still regutor altenders. R0ev . Lyose Adames, tbe present mnster, wos u heod table guent uitheb annàercouY. 1The Roddells have two cbîldcen, Betty (Mcu. Wucd Bcowncidge) und am ilosson. Anotber daughtec Joy (Mrs. Hucttey Anderon) dled bu u plune uccident 15 yeuni ugu. Tliere ure ulso ubue grund- chiddeen in lbeir fausnly. Trip west Foc 10eic boneYnsoun trip in 1922 the Ruddells tcuvelled lu Buffulo und Mcu. Roddell nrenembecu the weulboc wuo ncnidibty seurn foc th1e end ut septetnlee--souoe&blng l11e the weu10er bou been ibiu put week. on their 2510 unniversacy 10ey tubk u 8,000 moue trip vrest ta Bunff. Th1e Blilcreut UCW cutueed lue the uuuîeersacy disuer und spun bouse. Gueubu wece lweueot f romt GoIt, Cotedoniu, Toronto, Donadon and Staycer as oel os Icone att ot aiton Cousty. The boppy couple ceceived huodredsofu congcutulutocy cda, pIus neuny floral lclbutes and giflau. Tboy niceleed leltecu front MP Rud Whltlug, Premier William Duvis, and MPP Jbo 140w plus a ceclifleulte frnt Primee Minister Trudeu. Mr. Seoe ubo dcopped bu uithOu open bouse ta preseol u proviucil CHAMPION IAuhorlie s econsndl I Clans Mal Potl egistrtio Numer--91 39. Aines active in the commnty, sibe bas been on actie crh osrker most ofher hire ond hons11eld isenbecsbip in MILTON LIONS CLUB the Wonten's Institute (licol ut Hocsby, lter ut Asbgcove) for over 50years. BINGO Hoblein bordt Hec bunband, born and ruboed EVERY THURSDAY, on the tuent just soulb of Asbgcove on Sevesth Usne weoe AT they sb11b ve today, hassot1een MILTON DISTRICT lION SONSOL served on the chrc's ceetery WILLIAMS AVENUE MILTON board andi nen o trustee unlt EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7.30 p.m. recently. He secved os the S.S 3L uchint boord and toter os Scisoot J REGULAR GAMES ATO p.m. Ares oard No. Due i E lise "Porlodons" pocehced 60 JAp ers Holstin herd, ose of the lirut porehred Hlsiniebrds je M O oatn n rtie n interesi SENIOR JAGkPO. $575. ini ni twsdispersed in 198. 53 Numbar, Hin sos Nowson han in the mnsime lobes over the operatios 0f111e tamsly tarin. 'Me Meet three candidates Upper Burtînglon Cîisiens Forumtîs planninga nteetinglto lt oiers in the sorth Burlingt oreabhaveoachance tuneel10eic I decat etecto rondidates. 'Me mteeting os Wednesday, Oct. Il ai 8 pin. aI Faîrview Scoin. 'M1e t11cm Haltos-Wenlworth ctding candidates Nocnt McGiness of 0 tÀhe beat puelo, Bill Keneptîng of th1e Cossr- R A voboces and Diobsos Esîley of the NLsP wîtt b1e on bond t0 speok and user questions. OunsOui the provinceoOnt"cl eaou u Novu Scuo, New Bruuuwtok, 1.0uupoaesupibue uud British Culmbia se wefl asu = & stoldedecalhus. J- MILTON SNOWBIRDS FALL DANCE Saturday, October l4th .SOp.m. Holy Rosary Hall Jack Reoves Orchestra Adm. 14.00 Couple, For ticetsîcaî 074-2587; $75-9095 -MILTON - 878-3272 or 878-3208 Shoetimne Sun' '5lru'fThur". .uup.m. Fr1. and Sot. 7.08 & 9.80 p.m. 111.5 F,1.8S 8. Suu Mu.$ Tu.lSa Wsdl1 oeSMigap.m Séh vmn Cdll 08 Studanus 11.50 1 1 . il- 1 clulldren - .93 Ma rR11 DRZ property tu cors durinl Ice' scht Miltonu Do bockey teuo withdcuw Ire buni sOu Milton Con nigh. Principal cousicît in ai. ton and Ok, Icce ander u ulso sbuces: contnin1 t1 free i 10E v, 0 Q 01 0 b or o. o o o o 0 o o 0 0 Nu JIIIIIIIIII

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