12 The Champion, million, Ont., Wed., Octobor 4, 1972 - 13 FOR1 HENT 114 WANTEU TO RENT L 15i PERSONAL 15 PERSOUA 1 REAL ESTATE 17 MIU ETATE * HELP WANITED 8 HELP WANTED ELWMXl HtOT WATEO HIEATES voMs fee ervice. Phone fdilton Hydre &*M234. S ET -U P WSýLantet 2- bedrcm ap. Smithi & Stone Lirnited, Georgetown isiln Nov. t. 171 o Requi,,, indî,,,d,,alit,,ah macohiae set-tup eapocieilce Appi i BEDROIRai ,partmcnht cnd ,ork. Roate S3.if per hour, Pl", siailt preoaioao aad 100 pcr ssession, .centaiy i,,,cd an Mi,- cantcomapaary paid beacfts. ltn 4-30Okil.13c22-2957 Pleso aîlPesonel ep. ~7-241 3 - ROCIM1D self-,,oniainred Pleae Cal Pesonel Dpt. 77-241 aparainact avaiiahie Oct. 1. 3-pa. __________________________________b4 ba lacoam, pt-Ovate enci-nitai, car park, adaîts oaiy. Box 165, The FITTER WELDER 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Caadiaat Chamiona. l3c222925 REQUIRED BAOt4ELOR Aparixaat, fiaf Good chcant mrhiag coadit- IADY availstie for has aie- ge and aiove, partiaiiy fsrnis- -ions. Gond wagca. Ovcfiiav o- aniag. 878&4114. 9c2-2894 cd . la fat-m hoaae. Btahiag av- aiiahie. DESAIGajiahie. Beimeca Oahviiie and JAYNE INDUSTRIAL Il SSAKN done ai Milton. 878-9359 sfic, 6 pi. horne. 876-919%. 9c2i-t72 13c22-2954 WELDING D-AY CARE I -y ahin, TO sare mita a profeasionol 878-2241 5 day werh. Woodward St. 876- womao, a com'fortabie foraish- ga3 4017. 9c2&-3003 cd i-bedraom apariocai, clan- MIDDOLE aged acomaaI wmd irai location, rcspoaoibic sapit0- National Equipment liîe t,, do hdhy aittia daya or, caoia oaiy. Cali 878-5264 slie, Distribufor cerrings. 87"-528. 9c,23-3074 6, 1322-2897 WFLL baby sit in iay homne CChMPLETELY foroished self- REQUIRES SECRETARY 1 or more ehiidrca, 7 aim _ 6 oooîaiacd 3-rout apacaoint, su- p.M.. ccry rcasaaic. 870-3223. "able 2 adaita, avaiiabic Oct. 15, <iod tvpiaf, good telephone 9c23-3ffl conacacien location. Pirase e mintacn Work on o-va initiative. piy Boa 169. Canadian Champ- ýMOTHýER 0f 2 ,cooid fille îo ion, Miilton. 13c23-2995 Construction indoairy cape,- do hahy sittmz in hcr oma tece. Compsany preeaîy in home, Mon. 10 Fr0., liges s. NOW RENTING - Gien Ed- dlisoga, hat wiii ha mot. and ap. 878-3063 aPte, 6 p.. en Court Apis., Broate Si., Mil- 100000 an Milton, approiaitely 9t3343 ton. Yoo are iaviied 10 vieili i ycar. the iisiiy iacaiahcd andel sudt- EXPERrEOCE(D hahy iticrc hs y appoiaimcai. Imnandiate This as a chalieicg poaiion. reqaiea iire-ic job, iight holie poasesaion. Renal agents, Best heepicg iaoiaded, 125. wkh Towa Rcaiîy & Iovoraace Lîd.. Milton Reciy ta prefcrobiy. Phone 854-24lq6 or phone 878-4118. 13a2260-tf Be-av t1, 678-5269. 9c23-2992 The Canadian Champion 8c23 Office Clerk Wanted This is aa earellet opportun ity for ayouaaaman mhe moaid lihe a creeer in, the Pubic Set- Appiicant mustî be able te type and bore a f lair for work- ing 63 1h figurea. This position ffers regaiar saI-y, Pr-ogression, and oppor- tuaity far proamoton. Other bcarefîîa incce threc sceeha' paid vacation, cutaadat- ivesccave and ageerus Pension plan. Appiy le: A. H. BRITTON Business Aoiisirotor ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Milton TELEPIfONE 878-2851 for- applicaion forma CLERK REQUIRED BY CHILDREN BOARDED Weehcnd -Emegncy -Vaation Call 877-6402 9828 PIANOS MOVED AMD DISMA'NTLED - rato « Cocapile Moving Set-aire CAtI. BLAKELOCK CARTAGE 878-M 98-af Il LOSTORSTRAYEU FENDO1R ohirt fot- 1968 Chcv., litc mit chomeo irim. 878-3245. llc23-3880 13 FOR RENT 2 - BEDROOIM apartmno, ail cooccaeocea. 87ý8-5256. 13c23-2998 NATIONAL EQUIPMENTý 2 - BEWSOM opto, aperf DISTRIBUTOR 13083293 Oser 24, Grade 12-13 eduaat OOM fur reaî,coenraliocat- ion, somte acoOIting trainiag, inwt eaaeetac n sone id travci. Oma car. p0arking saeaî o878ae o 5. Repiy- 13023 3942 Box 167 i - BEDROOM apa iment o Canadian Champion ,ov. 25. s,,aîb of Acton, Cai Milton 83-0708 Ato,, aflo, 6 p.m. 13b43723 t ANID 2 B00>0001 APARTMENTS AVA1LABLR Fromt S130. and 5145. moath-. ly, in ACTON. Abaac anclodea ail utiiiic, coiored applisaces, dcapes and hsicony. Acton 853-2197 - and - Acton 853-0272 iSa-tf THE MAYFAIR Mitant finesi spat-tineat ha- ilding with acpsrste tcait floors. Featarea anclade: an bath, r"orcation maet, 'hobby euom. coiored appliuaces Thre aeafew1orl2 bed- romapsraaacoi availabie 000. Apply SUPRRINTENOENT 285 Onario Rt-net N. or Phono 878-3180 13,-tf ONE MONTH'S FREE RIENT hpacioo, apartmeaî, fria., sîove, drapes, heat, light, mate, parking. $135 PER MONTH 853-2043 14 WANTED TURENT _______________________ 6-RODai -h-ou.,, ly 'loc,,od. 878-4624. 14c23-2999 .3150 aiS ,,,,,, Appi, t,, B,,, TO rento r , boy, osed! bouse Hehe cony'stop pcson- 6ThCa rtdinChamon. a l Cal Edar dDoby nel-ider: The Champion. 13c23-2968 8784141 1423-3000 IWIMPEY NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesman in Attendance from 10.30 arn. Daily Cail 878-5364 Collect FAR1. bourte wifits ban, »I.- ton, Steetsvalle or Campb4el- villt ares. Paidy wih 2 abld- ie. -659-73,39. 14c24-289% GENTLEMAN reqadres mt-i and hard, pceferably ln towa, aarchdays oaiy. Appiy ta Box 171, The Caadiaa Chamtpion. 14c23-2975 15 PERSONAL PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL Neaaeii method by Ratropea apeciaiat. Speaial raies for ams and lega. Par day or ivna- i04 appoiaimntnt JOANNE LtPP, Seetsviiie Office: Moaday, Wedaesday Priday - 865-843 11-23 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17a-U HALTON REAL ESTATE LTD. r BROKER WE'VE MOVED ADDICTION RESEARCH FOUNDATION TO SUITE 201, 136 RANDALI ST., OAKVILLE 845-6854 15b14 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE FOR AIL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: M-AURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Elizabeth Nsaan 978d191 ,-es 525L1 III ~ ~ ~ ~ 22, roIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIif 2t0ling are, y 3 mie frmnly25a perrefADaing ~ Il for poa- counitry home. Thtis propnrty lia a charmttg combiaîln of dry bath and open meadoin anitis seveca A . E . L E PA G Epond ailes. Priced Io sel ai $19,5W.0 Ca Elizabh Nom iaaE Pt-7Iccd aes . Ca854y-254ostt 784.1 57 YEARS' CONTINIJOUS SERVICEios rcdt elCaiBa Guus 881. Memher of 1he TomaIto, Otario, aad Oahoille - Trafalfar CAMPBELLVILLE - NORTH Real Esate Bads 25 actrs,ttoty bsh wityar ound steilpri,atensc ________________________loded, pet aoiy 3 miles ta 401 Hway, Asking J1,98 per acet-. Cal] Bryaa Dautaulai 878-4181. OWN YOUR OWN Hardware, fscdea aad farm soppiy ceaIre, arnid location, font HALTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED, BROKER growiaf at-ca, on 0crr of main boy. and country read. Great opportuaîy fer a younac, pron otownmaiiowa business. Could be epanded inmaay different way. Vn dot- open lot offe, miih or wiîhoai thc stocka. Caifo Ven- eariy appointmeot. o o CENTURY FARM 5-bedeoon suivre hoose, baîlt apprx. an 1835, 200 acres of geatly roling lueur soil,2 bar, one of the fine Esuosing fat-ma ai] equippcd for 1-cf famiaa. Caii for appoiatiren. FOR ACTION AND SERVICE 161 FINANCE NEW LOW RATES lot and 2nd MORTIGAGES Service With tategeiiy 014.BA Member 91/4% -Combiae lis and 2ad. -Psy ail yoae billa. -Combiane debta. -Bud s hanse. -Add a maont. 2ad Marigagea front 12% 20E REYNOLDS INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 <Evenings> or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 arn. - 5 p.m.) 17 REAL ESTATE ,PRIS/STE saie: Large, weil maitaaîed, older type famdly home an Milton, coaveaicat la- cation, extra icome frontmap- artimeatiftowcer deaire, ta mait saine, rcaaaoabc price. Picaîc repip 10 Boa 170, The Ca- aadiaa Champion. No realinrs picve 17,,429 PRIVATE SALE Commercial Property Buildiag excellent condition, asaiiy coaveridtoustore with iittic or no renovatioas, iocated on hsy corercentre f i. Open fort affers. 9 to 5 - 878-2325 WEEKEND & EVENINOS 878-5295 17c-It Commercial Lot Serviced 3/ Acre Within toma hooda-y. Phono 878-6422 17c24 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 E1BEsT M Insur anLd. 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO CONTRY ESTATE -Loai,,d lose o Camcpbliiîiie cu.,,omý oucmplcI %%,îh lireplIkO, patio, d(,,,,, m,,,,,er bled- roula1 12 x 17 ,ith foul bao,îoî,, pius u-, oulai Ior en on the min, fluor,; Iv,,d rom ,,ith 2-pu. washroom;o 1h,,,, large bedro,,,,, ,î 1h 4-pc. bhitont, ,on 2nd fi,,,,, fuil autjf,,I home is,,î,,,,î,d on a 16 ace o-,,oded lutI mhi,,h inclIdes, 3 ponds. Li,îcl un, MLS ,,i $84,000. Ter-nis avail- "FOU.Nl2 - A ,,omfortle, %,ol-onstîî,,,u,-d 2,i,,oy home n quiet treed trieur inMilton, lar-ge iaIdapdlo 10' 132'. This home cons,,o,, o ,f an,,co:,,,co hall, spa-io Acton A Meadows MODEL HOMES NOW OPEN 10 Excuhing Designs o3 & 4 bodrooms ar Buaalows & ait-levela aLargcsingle lfamdly lots a Ail ith garages and braadiaami MANY EXTRA FEATURES PRICES START AT DOWN PAYMENTS PROM $29,500 $2,50 CHOICE PARKLAND LOTS AVAILABLE HIGHWAY No. 7 AT WALLACE STREET IN ACTON f 1001 mon, 010. b îric ylace, vcparmo 0111,0f tnom, O alCîet(1)8300 SAVINGS large hîlobo,, with breakfast a,,a, rear suoi porch with OrCH olet(1)830 0 UP TO $3,000 2-pc. îcashroom, 4 largo bed, ooov and boîhro,,m on the BOVIS CORPORATION LIMITED 2nd fi,,,,, fouil ba-,cmo,,, nu%, g-, FA. heatilla syatcm, 17h14 Pocaion egiacereai homes, Parafe. If you are- uoking for a Ist ciasa older home, ereotod oa pour foundstioa. 40 Ibis is il. Domo pavaient f11.000. 1 to chouae fromt or cutaaom de- aîgaed. Get ail the facis. Frank OPEN TO OFFER - 9-reom brick home, cenioiiy located an Mil- T. Piafald (home consultant), ion and inos classy conditiont, spaci,,,,, living room, dia- Braver Lumttcr Co., 570SHar- iof roui,largo lhe ,rea,,son loaltfe3 dioms E top Dr, M ilton, Dat., phone 878-1 ,ith mail Io oau hroadioîî onî 2îd fi,,,,, 2 bedroomt on ( I S 4123 or viait Bcavec Lattbee 3rd fioor, c,,tpietcdy linisbcd rcruation maim 12 a 22, CR S for, home catalogoe, 31.08. broadioom and br, 2 car beated garafge. Thia 0-, a bar- E 8M I T 17,-I gain ai- 127,900. Term an bit, barratgod. CM ERCIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Siaated on Steel- fMLO STELA PA TO e, Ave. la Miltoo, 250 fromago, 1.9 acres hupl scvicctt REAL ESTATE MLO STELLA01 PA TO lag l2ro u in os hihcudb ovre Brok.t" Real Estate Broker concept. Liaied oo MLS ai S79,000. Ternis availabic.INlArtELT 398 BELL ST., MILTONO CAMPBELLVILLE - 10-room bunalow, but as 2 aeif-,oeiaiaed NUAC 0D oaita:i1oonIaininf 3hoedcoo-.the od aprmen cn- -taining 2bedroomora2 3pcbahrooms, .oAilheating, Moffaillg i, tsho locauion grand maîer suppiv, sioac-d on, t 5 acre lot wiîb 350' ai th s,î,,rev and haif irame, froage- Taxs 3325. Li-,icd ai $39,900. Bc sure and ace IWINEDIATE POSSESSION home, auu s,,,, aluinumo sd-ý 1his proportv noi Ciii 2,01 Bail", for, an appontan. 3-h,,dooam day bcich bungalow, iocated on extra large loi, iBm P' îng and dioing erouai, hitchea wdth breakfast nonta, gar ifg oopiv-v mOdcroo,,, TREMAINE RD. - Close t,, the ecarapoeI, 15 acrc lot m,îb 377' age, pavcd dcive. Thia home is lastefnlly decorated andi kaitoiatgoitsiogroombath d frontag, trvevd and spraeu,dDOo,,open to offerý ceady ltomorc into. faity ,, larg e dro liigmditb a miînimum doîso ravient of 55,000. close.d hach porcb. Aioa IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -Ho,,,' Horrv' Wu0i oya 4 BEDROOM HOME $24,500. Immeditaî poasso- liritod oimaihlr of1 i and 2 hclt,,o aparite,,ts avaiî- This is onc of the fincat homea in Mtilton, large faily sire kit- ton. ahle ai the smat Oie,, Eden Court Aeis. i bedroom s-I chea, diniag ecein ',th patio doors, iilng rm wMi ires ftom $145; 2hcedrooo suitos Proa Î165. Fu3 fur. suaon, firepiace, full baisement sa6ch fiaishred. ma. taonsi, 3 hobduo,,,îîtdhbrich bonga- nished mode]itesiî,,h- Richardon Furvtire adp homeoisimmacaiat. Good ternisart 81%% N.HA mom.. eu, arv:groomfon ilhna- plcs of Milton. Open by appointment. ndAp age. ment tîiih finished rec. r,,,m, "LET US HELP YOU" - If voirare lbinkinho,, f boyîvg or seli- THIS IS IT aiaaohod garafe, spotesvty ing. our staff miii be pieasod to oris voir and Provide 3Shodroos brick bunfgalow, compleîely redeaoaaed vv3gb new clean. A-,hing 532,800 voo mîtb the hencf,î of thchi ercsci,ce and knomedge hroadioomn insaaied ibroughost about I yeoc sigo, finish- Lovey,-d brick bungalowmoth tcibo at boaiîor hîgb p re-,o. tactics. Cai o,,y ed haacmeaî miih rec. mrn, aiea andi titcben, garage, a vew ormiles, 3hdooms, membr ofîor staff a-,ac cniece. paved drive, fecd yard bacing t payZu460rais large living avd diig eoom, FOR SERVICE and SATISFACTION clone ta shoola. Cali nom for apptointmat. 'brcakfiatooh 2 log barn- inf firepiaces, aliig dieurs Coul BEST REALTY at APARTMENTS FOR RENT to patio. Fait finîvbcd hase- NOBLE TDWERS, close to daseattown on MjIîsIde Or. CaU non ment with alk-ou to double 87 8-4 118 for-yoar reservation. a res A shîuae on9 2 INSURANCE INSURANCE INSURANCE acrs. Askï1ï$599w. Art Peacock 878-6447IMike Ledwith 878-4873 00e carry a compuete finae of fasurance fncinding Fiai, Auto, Lin- RTELLA PARTON Stan Thom pson 8 78-2455 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 lity, Life, Miertgage etc.- 878-6705 Jim BaiIey 878-65061 Brion Best 878-4118 FOR PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE CAIL 17a22 Memes ofthe Oakvile Rel Et&doBor 878-2888 CAMPBELLVILLE WEST - $2,500. DOWN Grest opportunity ta boy a nen boum wtth mindimm dowo paymrot, 6 ovrmized mrcat, brigat modern ki<daen, 4- ceraientille bath, 2 firepîsacs, 1lia beautiful big haseaneent ready foi' finishiaf. Priced Io ail. Cali Joan Htacourt 878-4191, m. 519-82-7563. 401 FRONTAGE 38 acres, Camphatlviite sisn with one-tldrd toille 401 frontalier, 7-roctm haute, barn, pond, ideal laaestinent or borine farta, 3 miles ta Mohawk race -traca. Askiag S48,5tB. Colt il Caston 1 St 9oi p L Older 2-ni L p 8-bedmaon la Country on neati> fil fa: On 28 oct A 2-bedronie in Bai Be: trm ba f acstres ri We haee j n-sotes fi quiet Ca n fer UIn oqn ai8. Loo in nulte, fi barle, 2n ed donta entrai ne OH an87-1 20y AU'O nintli loiaui 1 A( 8mbrile 8lte t inora on87- Cail DENZIL LAWRENCE