The Champion, Milton, Ont., W.d., Saptember 6, 1972 9 ,TATE VOODS uEmuam R AmLffl N ladl fane, living maco bruad. I basemaent, t0veý sashmr alors inatud- . Terms. CaS 2 or M712095, 5 - bedruon techen, ample ped living &i rer bonIl ba ha tireplace, dercowne- quiet erreel. cllae g7g5190 ry Acres for nursery, mre, Singer, on paymetnt Mifite hack t Pal Strasa 95. es ten bushl. As. su1 Yvoe es scuti hat, Cati Myrtie O or 87-8,M 878-2095 le eit caik frunri is 3 -hed- orne han had ýy, scotir & Ocrer will icigage. Foc la'y, cati Ja- 8-9511 ce SM1 coora, seper- riicen. latin Goud ticen- infermcaion n 878-9511 or iling? bui 4 -lid S acres ter serras tu mi- Cuti Jachie i oe 8784319 'hought 't i business id rigtit. For au cal lu- 511, 8764319. 'ed bungalow,. 4- aoc ia LE. finished ne- i relaxation. ilaheaun ap- salis Rosa se M02755. 17i319 SALE BER 13th Sp fer tRRNCR i Beach. 'n motet fur- geratuesst,- Is, beddiag, int, chrome zýfureiture, letds. Att in .WEILL AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, CAR, PIANO, GLASS 1740 CHINA (SOME 0128), LAWN. GARDEN AND lIAND TOOLS, GARDEN TRACTOR, APPLIARCES, MISC. ETC. In GEORGETOWN, ai thse pemises, located on 31 Water St., one street Paut of the main business section. for the Estate of the LATE JIM DOUGLAS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 at 12 Noon Chesterfield and 2 chairs; 2 die, saockieg asci; plut small uphuilntered armchairs; 2 cca- eiectrie appliances. sianal chairs; ohhrome kitchen 1950 Huddun Pathfinder car, table andi 4 chairs; uak diniag only 62,270 mites, exceient au- table, bmillet aed 6 chairs; wal- eidition, setling wuth coad-sror- eut china cabinet; Mamie and thy ceclifiosate. Risch piano aed slndo; double Garden trartur saith plouc & uteel hed aed maitress; maga- cultivators; Telco powcer lame zine rack; cardl table; aide moseaned the cegialar taw,, table; walmit wall minrur; table gardeu and haed louis; 24' x lateps; fluor lansps; sattie tension laddier. stand; brauis sritighl; mime 110. ANTIQUES - Ssaall pione wer tables; chaise louage; scash stand; steamer trunk; 2 double steel bad saith brots; spscolecl narsing rockers; large mog 9 n 9; scatter rugis; glass leather upholsterrd rocker; Bo- and china iccluding compolete alun cocker; soicher teesi stand; set ot Johnison Beas. dinner- scaînat hall table; aid. couch; mare for 12 Oak bedroosa dresser; hall t-en; APPLASOCES - Norge refIn- oak haed - carced hall rack, getutor; Meittait 4 - -blâmer et- gondt one; tante dld bocks; oak ectric slae; 2-bhumer electric saash stand; oak dressrsaitlh slave; Westinghouse saringer oral saitroc; haed made quilts; mashieg machine, gund une; other bedding and liners; old Sunheasa 'Mixmetuer; Movtorola martel cloch; large and untaît TV, 21"; Marconi od lime ta- Vtictoires and frames. TERMS ARE CASH. No reserors. Sale necessary su sertie Estate. Execaturs or asctioneer nos responsibte for accidents. Setling by hid numbet. Auctsaneer: CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN, 20h19 878-2576. AUCTION SALE for HORACE MEDLAND As the tamsa, 1311 Burloah Drice, Tome Line ut Bartinglon and Oukeille, secod fars Nocth ut O.E.W. or 2 miles Southt of Nu. 5 Hignayli(toaihbridget mile Wcsi t ofPelermo) un SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 a) approx. 2.30 p.m. Isanediatrly follusaing Burkholdr's Sate. TRACTOS and IMPS.EM- pullcy foc M.F. scaclur; sickle ENTS - David Brosan cas trac- hiadc sbarprara mith V4, h.p.; sur; rac nuostid loader; 1.H. Pioreer Nu. 400 chahs sasa 21"; C. 3afacrosc trait plasa; M.F. 3-! rlcctric pig cear; 2 'pipe tarcan plosa, 12", 3 ph., M.F. i hacadrs; aludge pump saith V, spin tooth culîivatr3 p.h; b.p.; 2 fraaehuocny exacos; !HtIC. doudblc diac, Fcrd Pccae- sealhîng plusa. curling bon etc.; sen double disc; 1,tfC. 13 - disc ftnece, bydro, iu anar frtitieer andi grain drill; sel t OfFIRNITU'RE - Deep treeze, 4-section barroses; M.F. Dyne- 22 Ou fi. 1,18-C. tria.; Westing- PIe cosser, 7' rot. 3 p.h.; Case ha,, clclric atonec; cool anti aide coke; wagon and racka; weud 'canur; Westintghouse oui- tubulac bale eles'atc sait-b mol- agcr maahr; jacheî brater, or, ýi h.p.; I.'Hd. horse mon' coaI' 2 Osicbec heaters; book- or; Case hamuser milI saiah 50'Icase'., 3-pc. chesîccfirld & chair; 'hait; 2 steel colîcîs. ocsioat chair; 3 single heds MISELLANEOUs Grain nd a. double cae; coucti; bocks, auger, 20' mith 1/3 h.p.; 2 lac- saagaincs and usher smatt il- rowing craîs;scif dscate;rcas. TERMS; CASH. Nu reanrar. Facsa scld 'su Bronîn Creck Pesa. Park. Not cespensible tue accidents. Sale on p rcly adjoining Brlsllderai- heir sale et 10.30 a.m 20h10 MAX STOREY, Rocksaocd Auctineer. AUCTION SALE for the Estate of RUTH TAYLOR 563t tth Lier, Oukaille, hait milc Suth ai Scitaneia Rd., P4r miles Seaeh-Easi et Drusaquin. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th o) 1 p.m. ANTIQUES - Pine tlaabock creasar; ery eld blue salit ad cuphuard, e panes i erb doue, pepper; bloc saîlt glessa sait t dcasaer and 2 douers, a Sut] shaker; 2 Enalisb china plat- une; paine aidaibuard; pie sash irs; plus sasy ciher pirces et stand; pine ad eak china cab- china, glass coeirs re.; 1 inet; choice pine duughhbox;saallsaantel clock andmimr- square pine chero; pior table; ras picra ueî yrl discoerrd. large fine blanket bon; Vicier- APPLIANCES - Beach 24" 4 ian pactor suite, scitre, Plat- bumrrrive, lise ne;Whicl- tormcrocker, armcbair and 2up- pool 7- frigrrater;nDue;Thrcc hulstered nide chairs; round space brair, flle arc, R. C. A. ttak pdlesti extensio table; Vicier radie; fetrrhe poer Victorien maînot dresser; 10 taber TV; Simples serincer ca- pressedi barh chairs; captain's aber; Toasicss auiecnaic buttai chair; aery otd npbulsird eah akillet, lîhe ncc, T erras cIre- arincheir and fouitstout; pine & trie broter; Airmes acuuma - bambou, hait table; Gerinan mal er' desh Iap clouE, in rp orouste 36" mulhor ' asp gany case; 2 uld wairben' sat- PURNITURE ETC. - Winr nuttswing mirroc; smuli table' studieocr; 7sx9cmg and un- Quebeheaoter; t tare pine derpati; hasserh; 39" bcd îith fmrtaad piriures 12 assci, boxsprmng andcmaiirss:3dra- ed pictures and frames' 3 uit scer capte desser; 39" sractai lumps; 2 halls. ' hd cuti apringsanud malteas, 2 tea caddies; 2 haond made likc noew; large plyscued card' roolting pins; set houteiiutod sca- robe; 4 dracer esh dressr; me- tes; micher boghei, cuttre grits- dirine cabieti; 5-pc. chrece kit- der; coco sheler; 7 crochi, chra suite; caipir hitcien ceb- frum 1to 06 gai.; t gai. jug' cron ine ;piiisaoud clteitic u1heard; retidecit pan; round tiercack; Singer seig macrhine; mir inotden potatu casher' copper cor; saapir cash staed; eleitirs boler; 2 separutoir bosats; sait' rack; îroning beard; chaise lt- hat and disptuy case' Atudia ugc, 45 tai. drosa; 18" rotery inmp; tesanstoor elsamber' 1891 ia mer; plus coshions, pli'- coin container, rog houk' cou' sacs, toseis, qsiis and blun- aie tondr teusile eqaipmeet. hris. posader flash, shat hait etc.; iRA ESTATE - Ai eppres. >1916 rtiby glass ced pressed 3 p.c.,ithrcciltbc iitcredteor glass sugar bosat and butter sain, siltjeri te, resere bid, thr dinh; 1909 cuthar's glass; milh 4 -rmoi isut stoe buengaleow glass, hout on amit; satin gimss cui tat ful anerni, oii bruird rase; German chinaushow: 2 andsiatedeon a2.01acretlot Grmn china mustachte curps; cui 240' of trueîagc ou a quiet -shaing mug; Irishsehiskey paved country rod Ternisot o ja5; 2 Gersan china cake plat- sale: 10% docu sale day au a et; Cehostu'aklian creacnr & depesit saîth tir balance dur sugar; Buvurimi china angur & Néeraier 10, 1972. Management or asetisanne nul rospuasibin toc accidents sale day. TERMS. CASH. WARD BROWNRIDCIE, Auctaoer, Phone 878-6730. Mort Browneidge, Jack Lasason, Cleran. 2gaît. 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES -I lOT FOR1 PRICE )NEERING >ECtALTY nies qJBACH di A,,ctioneer 45 )NT. 20019 à 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 18 TENDERS 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL I19 LEGAL AUCTION SALE For Comploe.TAIO1 EMEFRSION UIàfl Ille Croatiet te Tsv for fn Auctlon Service not be renpnsible for cepf a g-y RIbSe Ridge Pane ld MINISTRY 0F GOVERN- dits itrarred hy my citle, By-IawNe. 2-72 cerner tnt Nor-th Selne RIoudlos Chris A Schouten Christinr Williams, aftr TalleNotie Mem and 3ed Line Qatasille. MENT SERVICES this diie, Augesi 30, 1972, i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 AUCTIONEER NE UL IG Sg E'me'soniJ. Willi,mî At i pcm NEWe BfUIitD-peG 19e19 Thei Cienmil oftihe Corporaioen et tise Township ai Nasagasa D3avid Browen 1200 diesel trac- ae faltps propnses lu pesa au a hf-ia poussant ta section 459 of the mmdicipal tur, 850 bes.; N.H. torage isar- Suies cenductei any-ahere. Maplehurst Facilities for se or nstpmn p ad pesmaoraily luing he follnming Firnîyitat aratr asiih 2-nsas carn heati N. iîrr-pet-tin nf an amopemi rand alionce heteen conessns 5 ced g H. ttodet 469 haybine; N.H. Mn- iTel. 878-2576 Aautt sjcienonrs <Correc- Ihra lt 6, 7, 8, and part of 9, Tonship ut Namsagaweya mor dr 73F~Ohle;Wntro1' RA. 3, Milton, Ont. tionul & Training R. 723 partieularly dencrlnd asailw: Ail in singstar hat cerain paeloir poker aIt PT aaler7; e ster Ce2rs Eu,,. ' thactaif land sitaateIying and being inthe Townshipaof N'anagaweya, ______ai____in191:_______4_entes Countynof altoe, Provineeof Ontario,and haing rempoeednofPart of saitling, a gouod N.H. forage har-, , tise ampeord rod allnwanre hatwena cncesn 5and g in the naid rester asilh single rosa curen MILTON, ONTARIO. Ontario Mvunicipsal Township thr lt6, 7 8ad part f ad wihaoûprem y b houai; 1969 Perd hait ton pick- 5a u up truck; 1967 1ton Cheroint ' mot-e pertioularly denoribei an tellnwn: Cnmmeerleg at a point ln the siah lrck;196 Fod 60 sahe I8WPPIt FR ~ Teder' mth westerly hmita otthesaidrnd aflncance hatwemt eocessinsaà dtaetruck; 164rd 600 esmtak W MF Tne Board and 6,haing asa the nnrth easterty tifit o ots6, cnessin, dstnt Etiacks and coalier tares, eqsdp- IT TIROUG HE Pre-qualification IN THE MrrTER 0F Seto 17.15teet measuanminarhwmsterlthere alngfrntthe easttly gl nt0î af The Planning AiîL (IS af the mid l6, concesmin 5, anti mhich said point of commencement AuctBRWN itiee, ' lut qaalitfy as Tenderers for the -18 AutinerCoastruction Management Cee- - endi - i THENCE Nnrthmeuterlp aluag the Snnthmentry hit of the said 20C19 68770. * ~ rocs 1or the: IN THES MATTER 0F an appl- Rouai Allumanre halsaren Cncemins 5 aed 6, haing alano the Muptehursi Pacilities lier Adý cati bY Ile Cor-porator Northantrty lirait ut the said lat 6, Concessin 5, a distance ut aul Offnndrs tCerrectiea & the TaownO itofe p 1,6.5tsmoeo et heNrelyageftesidLt, A U C T I o N s A L E Training Crotes), Milton, Ont- Provo] Ot Itu R«lted A ire,26onesion tmta0Nrt laetnthu L5; A U C T I N S L E ario(aerxiM ecoatvl Bp-tam 1-9 paaaed (ha tt THENCE caalcaing Nnrthwesterty alnng the Seu00mmsterty tuait ot ue__ u$3,50,20t00.0 sheuiti ro- day nf Saptemben, 1969. the rond allomore hatmeen Conressions O and 6, anti haing the plete anti suhmiI Tendter Pore Nerthauterly lirat of iLnt 7, Cncession S, a distance et 1,980 fret, OF REFINISHED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, OTIES FURRIT- qualificaion neteretion te be or lembtoe Northerly angle ofthe said Lt7; USE, GLASS AND CHINA, (SOSiE 0128) CROCKS., ILLAPin tc he Tondais Offie cmii tir APPOINT MENT FOR TH.ENCE rontieuing Nnrthwmterlp ateng the Seuthwmmterlylirait ut ARD SILVERWARE. SMALL APPLIARCES ETC. ihen 12 uclouhc volon, Thursday HEARING the coud allomaace halmeen Cosncessinsn anti 6, aad bing the ________Srptriuter 141h, 1972. Fomns Nnrtesterîy lireit et Let 8 in Conression 5, a distane of 1,980. fret arc avuilutite tramt the Supply THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL mor-eor less, tnthe Nnrtherly anglenf 0enaid Lot; la MILTON, ai the Pair Grounds, in tha Agricalta Hait. Beanch, 12mb Floue, Peegussoo BOARD hrby appoints Pcitiay, THENCE tontinit Nnrthwemterlp aluag the Soua00cmterlp limsit nf Blork, Parliamens Buildings, Tu- ilr 22nd day of Sepîrm-bor, the said coudi ultemunce haîceen Concessons O ami 6, ced haing the for MRS. G. STADY roeta (tetphere Nu. 965-4751). 1972, as the heur aif in maochc Nnrthaely liraitnof Lot 9in Cocesion 5, a distanen oft,430.63tre1t TUEDA EENNG SPTMBE 1 a 6o'lok J. C. Thatchr, mn thc tomrooo Ilocal lime) ai toa tandard Iron Bar platedaatmpint threin; TUESDAY~~Dnst Ministrr 18c19R12a 6oclc the Cecit Chechars ia the THENCE Nurt00mntery aI right angles la the Sos00cmterlp hauit ut PURNITUREput machine;. t ai cochhes Tows of Miton ta heur an ep- t4se ruadt allamanco helmeen Concesions 5 aed 6, a distance of 66.00 EEPINISHE plicaimn feteension feeat tel, a Standard Irnn Bar plunteid in the Northamterp Sisit ufthe - Odd sideboard with mircr culiar tos ailtIree; French mcmporaey uppeovet grant d rr laar ece ncnimOad6 î an h 0 rophîsard; 2 pise hrchns; eld carsing rocher cith satin OS6EIEI breci 197. thc B-d ay 6-7 Snuthwesterty Sisit ut Lai 9 in Conessuin 6; small pine tabl with drawers; eat; 2 parlor cairs; 2 buggSîpirsabora 1972, t By-au fr70 NESutesel hroiogadstneo .2.2 et h coul cintier; 2 pine blanket bu- ucheets; 2 riding bite; 1901 cap Ministry of me6s9y.n~s f SCESahouthryag er p h e tmtung a, docsiolnr nt.6.2;e u0e xe;2 pine truns; munb standi; ef NorihmOntaio aovernmen t anilbeo s inneresîoîi THE NCE cnnuing Sna00ounterly alaeg the Northeaulerlp uit of 4presueti bacs chairs; osher 200 elti 78 reords; bndu; Govenm n attnd the salt mat allnwatme between Concessions 5ad t, and being ulso presanti back chairs; pille chair; severa uit lampa. arious shaP- nadflr ted the Sna0meserly init of Lot, Concessin , a discae of ,9.0eet st aI 4 cane bettam, chairs; esa nd siacu; tantereis; crocks; c-DATED ast TorctsIi 7bcreisaaSuhryeleteiigo ethercane heltin chairs; piar glass papnrweigbl; aid pietar- Services day ai Aiges,192 THENCE ontinucng Sou00oustemty mlong the Northounterty ]iait nf deagh bard; eah desk; scattins anti trames; moierors. euh table; maple boncis; oal IiS at HN - Painting Contractors K. C. Andrewes, the reuti utinsance helsaren Cuoesonn 5 anti 6, ani being atnn 00e sahol deh; tt Hteticit taaîiuin n d IrNAr; Serctary. Snuthmesterp licâou utLit 7, Concessinn 6, a distance et 1,980.0 fret, chair; uah bar ront chair; pri- salis, matrhing; 4 rus giaus SEALSOD TENDERS miilb haNC cnr o ntinuitabrouhpeterl ngth e ot sel lmto mitive rocker; cane bottant ru- seita: 2 eus glass salas saiis sil- rccicrd uti 3 pcm., LOCAL Exesianatora Note the ENCE ocîalocei Snu00unmt Consns 50 Nnd006,sterty asthni ANTIQ UES - D re pand ve ur esing; erlaisbter h- ono By-Law No. 6-70 Soethmesterîy tirait nf Lai 6, Cancessian 6, a distaece nf 1,962.85 fmit OTHER FUNT at uish tish ae (orDAnal) colENlRa-97 more or lacn ta a peint tistant 17.15 teed meceorei Namthwesemtp cibr 'betireem dresser' child'smtaaat hia iercr fer the iiceice paining o-h T1ND MLO therralnng &=a the Seutherly angle ai the said Lat6, Coneson 6; drsh, painîrd; 2 non cicher 'tc Pouer Hoesathse Ministry f1Bpet o 67 fth op chairs; ai cbairs; eah dýieing APPLIANCES - Floe peil- faecaition, Ontario Scboul fisc I ceatin ai the Toma uf iton' sabir; squaer nais tiomersînt; ar, vacuumt ciranar; carpes the Geat, Nilton, Ont. hs a By.iac teirsgnuîc g ertain THENCE Soithwestarea dstnceoef 6tut,flmore or eu te pint huer boni aed prias; codre rareer; hiticen dock andiOrssls Tisa ibra ~rcuectet candestcks;wal she as ick- oihne scail niciricai appliana- aTendr docuents may bc ah'- Floati Zones aod amenda then'fhe berect escied parel nlsbect tomamlght ofway aaer, tng nd radiasrsa ctissct;tinoti 1-eni the Ontario Minlis- aoriginoal Zaning By-lase Ni. 31- upon apaerelofland moe partiu]mmly descibed as flnca: ei ngg bashet-, treadir sectng rs. try et Goercocra Services, Rn'e- se in his calesc. Pamecng ut a peint in the Sattweuoerly, lcit ai the Raa TER.MS ARE CASH. cienai Nanaers Office, 171 Ju- h mas insînti r ial By-ilau Allocanre betweee Canemsions àOued 6, distant 17.15 fiel measurml Norrant-cas. Osaner cesing tu ciîy. tisc Si., Toron 530. Ne. 6-70 ceelti br a tcmpocory Northwmcterly therEàlong tramo the Easterly angle of the taaid Lot 6, Auctiietera Noir: Insuflicienî accmmeodatioan aI usners NOTE. Fer teether ifa- By-lac actît crtain rrcrdiul Concessin 5; proesi resîdene fores us te arli in then abovn ceatioeeni hall. teon cogaritcg tis sentier cieka mie 16 Milr Crers cedîthe jTHENCE Northwemtnrlp ulnng the Saathwmterlp lisait ai the rati Poreviews fessa i e ocieci day cf sale. pleasi cati Ne. S. Contint Min' est Beacothe b Creeh sere 1allgmance halceen Concessinns 5 aend , laeing ma the Narthousterp Ocae, ai tinda u artinnr a sreuenibi f r y of Goerneca Soýriccs carred out and if cas, sisnrn- liratntfLot 6, Conssnionn5, aistanrentqlt4.8 feet tapint terein; aOi r, hal Snîie or oehr. a ch aaaîîhîno repnil o lerio, 171 Judsun St., Terou- iare. appiaotei hy the Octarie THENCE Nartbeastery perullel tethe Nnrthwesterptiui t the rend Auctioneer: ~ m CHRIS A.SHU ,teIstouseipa f Bis ue a ritir mun alloccere haetedn Lots 5 anti t, a isutance 86 feet, mire nr less, toia 20h1 Autieene CHIS . SHOUENihrtsidayut ciboar, 171.peint in the Nurtheasterly ticnit nt the moud attucanre hetceea 20 9878-2576. tTelepsame 965-1211, Locatl0. Farir Ordrs af tise Dnar- Concessions Sorti 6, anti haing aise,00e Sea00cmste-y Sisit ai Lot 6, _________________________________ 134.) me Municipal Boarti enteatit Concersioan6; Tisemes er ny ee the prioi of the By-lac lu tisc Th oeto n edec euI 30mb day ci Juer 1971 anti fue- THENCE Seuthouutery thaeoutung a distane ut 147.85 flet, mnme or ANTIQUE and GENERAL MERCHANDISE e rosaeily acerii tr t a thi 30sis day utl Joune, s tou a point, distant 17.10 lent meanorei Nnm00cmsterly Ihereang M. G. Van Arkutin, 1972 und teriber te Septcissbe, frnm the Southertp angleof thenaiaiLot6, Concesion6; 22.ea 19agr.72. THENCE Saathaseslerly puruOcl ta0the rouai aSoace hataen Lotis5 A U C TIO N Seislaan. Sine the emedia morha anti6 au distaerofc66 teet, more or lecm, la tha peint oi IN MILTON TENDES OPENING NO. 77 - A 'have nais bren andertakrn, tha commenrceet. 19019 Ce rp.atica O ets Toma ef SECONDLY, a 66ftmosientabkushm bp Bp-lac nachar 7 in 1881, for As aise Pair Grountis, an tise Agricalturai Hall. Mîson arr cakaig applicatiosn the Tonship ut Naunagamepa, Ihrugh Loti 6, 7 and 8, Conesion 5, bar a ftehr exticoe le Bp- Towttship et Nassagacepu, more partiroînrlp deurribei as Inlînci; STRA ,SEPTEMBER 9 et 12 Noon SOV .IepWne lac Na. 670. ALL AND SINGULAR hat cer-tain pacel nr trart of landi nitate lping SATRDA, SLVEpon Hei WcInd J. NaGrari, Clous, ceai hacg in the Tonship ut Nussagucepa Cacetp ut Haltun, Frecion front Il a.c. day of sale. peeblen,, by cutling 878-2341 251 Nais St. E., Province o ntsario, andibing compoed aotPartof Lots 6,7mndg8in Marchandise Consigned by Local Public Chsampion Ciassifietis. Milton, Ont. 19c20 thc 500 Concessin of the mai Tonship, anti chich sait parcel insa _______ utrip ci lard hacmfg a perpetdiralar asidth ni 66 tet caid liig 33 fel EXETINL FERN 0 NIQE ADCOLCTB-20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUICTION SALES onirs .idrofthe herein denrrihactirelutne. EXCETIOAL FFEINGOF NTIUESANDCOLECTBICuccening ut a peint in the Soatheatemîy lient ufthe said Loi 6 ES INCLUDING FURNITURE, SILVER, GLASSWARE, RECENT N *E distant 409.92 Icit, (7 chaina, 12 links) ceasme Snathceuterlp DIGGINGS 0F OLD BOTTLES CROCKS FROM NORTH86RR A lC T ICt hemouinng from the Eoutry angle oft hensai Lot16; ONTARIO TOWN, ORIGINAL CANAISIAN SCENES, FRASISO A - O THIENCE North Nl degrecu, 39 minuten West, 959.64 leed 114 caies, N4 OIL PAINTINGS laiks); _____for H. B. BURKHOLDER & SON THENCE Ncrth 18 dngrcus, 12 mnutles West, 227.60 tedt (3 chains, 60 PARTIAL LIST AtIll fis tr, 1219 Bucleas Drie IBrlington -'Calville Town links); Gon wih te Wnd amp pst ffie ik wll;FrechLinet, tirai tur Nanti mil .E.W. trois hy Narth Servsice Rouai et THENCE Nnrth 32 degrees, i7 minutes West, 196.02 tedt (2 chaien, 97 rotiniabeti cash stand; glass iveey pin tuish; Frenchs icery corser nf Ne. 25 andi 05W.) (est sicof Brenin Creckt on links); ftet pianoc amol; cicher c anicrer hox; tracîti cirrcrs;« THENCE Nnrth 15 degrees, 22 cinutes West, 200.56 fret 13 rhua, 16 chair; Oaks chair Vicicrian 1bey's 20" Mustang bicycle. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 905t10.30 arn, links); chairs; siainut siaiceti. roder! Siieer-piasrd sait anti rplipe'; TRACTOR actd INPLEM iri.ieic; art et platteen sea- THENCE Norths 43 degrees, 49 mnutes West, 468.60 fret (7 chainu, 10 lied ceashinaimn caedrlhc; baby disti; miid pins cnaaue; ENTS - Jao Oecre Ne. 2010 cm. pi, crama, lard cars; James- links)stoapecntinthr liiitbelascnLots6and7; lae scat; calons chair; pictar- tait dishes; Dopression glass dasitractar, 2.200 tes.; Case Na.esc larmes mmcg ceraie' quantty THENCE Nrth 33tegrres,29nmintesWet,adistancenoft,19.58fet rs and'framses,* temps; lacs; fritcoilsi; 3cldcmiiden plan- 300 gas tea,mae; taras macinea et brg and caillceii eoW std 1 isains, 13 inkm); glasasear, nappirs iccledinc es; 2 mut spak hiaaees; bail frmint end coadr thigti mii, bain mmaafha; .1800 isýaîl Cheammilmi THENCE Norths47 degeen, 47tminutes West, 836.88temt (12chain, 8 poeas',s boulens; cenacr, i: mlach; aidtlime geindtismor, par- lamng aisacticcas. Ciar-Lynna tec chrobe ae links)r hntna pointminthe liaithalmeeaLotsandet; caniors cmargar boultes; plains; lai sice 2 camitcn palirys, pucp; Casc Niaii 'C" irctar aumnum rmitcasion latter, 21'; THENCE North 47 tegreen, 47 iutes West(South 47 degrees, timmiecset;risaiee glasswarr i pici trri stand; t pino bai (1934) min ritaor, cons OK; Wa- Licuimcr gala, 12'; 5 sieme gai- 47 mcantes Wesrntm y-luml; 33feetlSObinls. of low oyvaeie andlvta; t set sealca; i pair andie- tcrloo gar ent eisu, 21,i ip. e's. 14'; Hailcai bydea teccer; H2miueRs,î8ah2dgrs,0 ciisgass;imstaisiOkm-ay 3mcis;2ion pitrys setmasicitci amir; N>F No. 74 set if actîîaî ains 12 x28 hNENrh4 ere.3 iutsEs,(ot 20gre,3 talatis, caihicg, 2 mrep, t ccf' 1cbmpplesrcos, i ait graîr, irco pion, 4i icreaca, i4" bautaa rim;nninue East in Bp-lad) h,198.4feet 116 chahas, 81 hlak), mare nr Ir,'ic.icp sncio s lune so hay litir; Irishi titres & tii brama; Kimicgsisidn vibra- eT LZE ten tuapointlin the Nnrteaatelylirit ofth0e saitLol8,hing aisete glass, T. Saîmi largo trois h coifeiis; teshpiesaa shni euîîîvaîcî, il' 3 p2h.; I. amiu etrt 3% ,0 Saathcesterlp inmil ci the original rouait aSloance haletw,, set si'ierplts sait andt pepper; cuti cýaler jug; crsyital pneppicHCe -eîmn tasrF1ls03 eiir Cocesons5 anti 6, aend asisih point in the endi of the mit rmait set ul silvcrcactir isaidors; canane acnd satier; ceimireti glass pirisîn doitble dise; set ai caic isar- 1LUMIBES G ais cln Bplandar7 pattir; Iteancii plainer; Ige. di-sh; Basarman piasior; 1937 pini est 0, Poos,1' . 15'tis etrmtirer ' c tobr. 2 pe'clain wasb1Ivc;ctccanaCrnaion plaie; pcacîhaodi- andigroin drillan rbberîsteel, atier assenleti lamber. 2.aCmitethrow fl itr; haremsy antdr a;Nn i carsiot set; bondt mate 13 tram relir; Noe' Itra Na. 19 ANTIQUES and FURNITURE in lcrepsing00 i ciasl,Cnolcitr, r agnut any prsotclaims Omillei lampa; 2 2 ai cocss an reltint pic; sterling PTO couture spcnatee, Lcly le Cuttr; buggy body w5h rses lor yi anuswl el mhjuirtae, aet, lonp phemb-am chn cPlin 2 cetue sap bockhris sîlser bumîminisoui; peari handi';ieîîîîenc speader, 3 poh.; Omiu-cpecpisecapv; mut cacti isis eda much pero allescapplicationein witing t Oit magazn ak or as mtgr'ca ut~eîonhoou Nippon fitse post hoe amifîr, 12" auer w.h agcn; stoop sîrîgs; the ordersiget norhatfore teit a fSpebr 92 cy tuish; C.PS. bactrailcay ecw. J.Oc ear d spcoyr, 21' ismo.geais ciadn; mils dans'- 2 bsar-0mRdptepnbr 92 latr;cînar glass birtd ce, Outr etiaice incas inciue ;on craile. 200 gai. fibeglas mci ets; c'akicg plssc; aid DATED the lSth day gf Angaut, 1872. crpot; largecoer glass cantir mut painlinga; chromeacamnsmcc tan;. ImH.C. tracler mîmacci 7' amui cliri st lan a oui(woen tilier; E.sccium glass fruitseet; 12 caug 3-shbmtaciaon cas; N.H. Neci68car, F plancesc) nreis yoes anti C. Thumpsos, disisR S. Pressia conenutc siseigun; hoe bon euth aie- Ratia bar sidercaiso; baie sîmcis" timiatlelre ce.. McCiary - Easy CIERK.-ADMINISTRATOR.TREASURER tisis; large lesone pîassnr' caca; Nrsmeanc day ficîer va- er; Nalmi bain- rietr',î 20' e- 1spin dry eestir; Ceitispel tria., of the Tonship nt Naunagacepu, rcalihubaase; argehrasas cal srs; dtiguin;baos.laiicmnvaiccssi cmaio; haie acd 1goamiant; Ciace Jeccînlnrîtrie uuSott cili lacp; Royal pîrcelain gra- caerrd, ismrses' brasses. 1 sel grain rireaice. 26' mim îmodecac- samise. Westiinghouse diasesass Campha0avile, Ostarin. cy dish; hoen bau; caîlar bas' Haces brasa sippet; citi dcii. eiafn; larai agon meus caader ce. o hot ess Ceitispet tramz- ait segar basaI; heatint design phoe; ses 13 Stiaisspie racks 15' s 9'; wgonimcti gcav- e, 15 ce. il.; Elcirisma 21"l GERTRUDE DY iROGDOw cestacdtisi; pire 1748- mi- bookis;oplrisetlIig'sty bos. TV; Whtse ig-ag sccing mach- ciamile saticon; Nippon eea cacha. MISCELLANEOUS - Cîccul- mcc citi ronse case; cishe ~ ec c / tiiss cuti fimisi latin; rieac6less Nmi morebaedusr; Iîaluaa izi. ai sacs; grain arasae grain ami- tîtat he rtmn;Asis ,""-""1' aa ccnpesrcitiîid; Aceriuaspnssry; maty meniques & gr6' itmcmiaiWcad's aamicx spaceraer, coud eonly; eym' mnteoick lack itasmtte; mercandiseofselect valuecîoa celer cishl1is.p. casai. Cacis' puec 2 -PC. ropiseard; open LII minatue lquo bule; Cro- nuerus o mntin. shtimm grain geicdec; MeCal- hucti moderinn; pela, pans,J ation plate (George VIt; 12" 1 'Fiss tanis, i 20-gai. a 1h iough ehain sac, 24"; cercent smai appliacces, sars, cast irnntrying pa;4 sqes- sand adpump 2 3-gal. tasmcixer; Vegaeccac sparamire-ciocsboos. ing Tup. trn ilierganunin'au.pamrJc~asi .Ç ceatcibhaar; alin 4 mmicos;e. f on c2poerg. Tbnrccciitb cmsidalcimeatiqeanntmodtn r-i ee *)4 - medlswih eavr; aniqe 1moer; cu f. ri. iurc imibnseld. Masiegaramigemcents no eiynioptnte.-" Lunch availaisin. Oraiet audience. Seliig by namber. This is e Conlery Faecn 130 pcars sn famoily. .'km If TERMS; CASH OR APPROVED CHEQUE. TERNS; CASH. IJ Halonrcninr racincrnlrsosbefrls Nsonrr. Parc soIdt l Branîn Crenh FroaF arka. ~ tUE "ODE' AUCTIONEERING, H.rpnsbofractuc 29619 HMilton, Ont., phone 878-2945, H.Nediant Saie n catjimiimnf proers immediately foilon DeZ c-is AlnOehalAclne.20h10 'MAX STORSY, Roukmnuai, Asotioseen,"r '. 2Dcl9 ~~~~~~ ~II -lnOebcAcine.11La 1