LTON, ONTARIOG WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1972 Ni-tySc.,evth Year. No. 53 Bruce St P.S. 00 Won't decide school fate Seeki ng public i naui rv until region announced Brau a. Sciant coulsi le te = ,peaysite. -it woi seen site. of & future Hallon CunOybiiyfiti Halton wa a tegon Board of Education af on ils onu, Milton ;Zud bete rmiltratian building, if regloal polificai, andi geograpiia rr W0 At- aa rtaSe future of the ifrnyI trotto le f lood plain regu l N ation Hnsit regin, a HoitoniPee reguan, tat lsaeasn hpnUpt i fhcat ifta aoute arbool, one af te rountyns aident, Milton trustee Johne Noble saldt cootl be decided outil after te carrent headquariers will A pulir iaqumry intor te need Construction _Ltd., noted! flie regional governisent ban beeon bkeyle neded for a west fo fl fDan. rulta te euain agi o afc decidesi. edacation area if Halton becomnu Mo is tn ogi yalclavr ag ato t auo The board shifted ifs a region ou ifs on and iucludeo copany ofoliowing flie Mit including a solistanfi teadqurlers f rom Onliville fa Bariiagtoa. He naggeufed ftere aplcation o Halfosg Regis r o f tlie rentrai liusiness Barlingtai about tva years aga woals ie au board decision on te Coservatli Aaflorit ta te. dstrit. Thn regulatians waald neten te lese ote renfed fate of te Bruce St. crmai prv nc e for imp to ai prohibit th construction oi auy " builfding tliey occapied rou ouf. properfy until regiasal reaaio bly Jue tf lmligcSi Iedsga goveruiment tes tees dealt wt. te a letter te te Honii James area oul teu aproe b te Tan~~~ psudle Tecont te rotore tte lîl-year- AUlif, a copy Of cisicliwsh Soiy Assistant dicecte Bm d building malien tiaet releasesi la Milton Cormci Barlia Construction Ltd. lidn Lavender naid te rn ie canniderafuon prabiifive, Noble Monday, Solicitor David te Milton Lautber site ai te tedt always bes euunldere aïdi bopo rpeef ab corner ai MiSl Sf. ansi Gardon i m 1 IL 09< RM TES FI. Oz. Jar Cel la Plng. 15< »noPaffag 25< I. Oz. fln 37.< lZ IN, à9c Ail rondo icasi ter Brucn SI. Puliei Snlioul te Milton fhis Tharnday nvnning, Jue 29, as prersent ansi fermer stadenis and fourbons prepare te invade te 115-peur-nid esiucationi ntitule lac a gala ceanion te mark te rlasng of te inilding. On Fridap. Bruce Sf.'s finil classes adi te held an te Halten Cout Board ai Edacatian us nlasng if an a snliagl. tte future la stif urertate but ose fig is for sure--if mil neyer agate tie unid an an edurational iacilitp. The board agreed lint cent if miglit malin a goosi centrai aibnlnin tration contre if Balten teommes acregiaa guvecument, but if viii tie ton expeusive te reovate it tar modern ocliooi standarde. Tinetrenlntece Thaurclap'n ceuuion stade uet 7.30 pai. ansi cill te an outdoor cremonp. if waafer pernios. Edigar W. Foster, Miltan's on "Mr. Bdecation" ansi a feanlier anti principal tlinre foc 26 yeasu is leading ap thb enian progromn as lionorarp rbairnnan andi bni speectes cill te gin ip a ina officiels. Mr. Fauter promises aS speechies ciii tie tapt fu a maximumn of tliret minutea, ta give reonion-guers mare fume for ccinisnig and renecing aid acqualutanresluos. Stary andiphnoto Bp Du O'elly ,% pung man trom te Billiride area, ci a inpuralpes frein te cuest tn. ban junt crne boni teE Coigury, Aterta aith a fefL of merdate te urqaired ut te Faurfi Canadien Wbonilhair Gaines. Bi,, Broume, a parapiegir, won medals fac flicce oi te ste evni tie entecesi. Broume urqairesi a silver modael tac te 0 metce lairree nain ansi .nter silver avurd far te 50 mci ce eant strate sain. ansi a lironze nodal for te f00yard ahlallr deuli Bate te a whlcrair lu sanelit UIc a regalair rae- pou get rady, get set, andi 'clceln te nyn Oliver medalu are avardesi for placteg second te an event ansi Spealiers aitl include Jote Noble, Miton's fronton on te Haitan Counlp Boarsi ai Educatios; Mc. Foster, dia cas pricipal 1033-199 aid super- vining principal 195&-39 tefoce tcansierring ta otiier local selicis and finaily retirlug lact year; Reeve Non Barris ceprmrolting Milton CooncSl; T. A. Hutclimeon, a lourd meister 1921024; Miss Margaret S. Geimeil, cmo canon tte Rruce St. staff as a tearlier 1926-1955; ansi tcu distingaistesi gentlemen dia grasiuated fcom te ocliaul, Baltan East MPP James W. fnac oi Bucnby, Minister of Governineat Services; ansi E. J. -Tfed" Bounsail oi Winsisor, MPP lac Widor West. Tfice Nnv. N. W. Fustr, renier ai Grac Anglican Cliurcb cff te fie finil speaker un fie pcagram. Pronenfedl te enyes Cliairman Poster saisi tlie ceremonîns cili lie lirpi as licief ai possîile. The schli acards board, listig fie namne ef eut- standing stusinta over te pears, citl te presenîrd te Wrs Cluc, primcipal of J. M. Drupes Snteal cadih us ciare cout oi te present fi stusienta cifl te trans- ferri in te fuSt. Neuin-gaccu arc luvited te te-mg a laco chiair if fley cisli f0 brone moduala arr given ta tird place cieners. Ficot place cionrs cm tte top pcle-a galsi modal. Misses Germaen trip Hasi Brouse capturesi a gelsi mesial hie ceaisi bave liean clîgîile foc fie Canadien tenam wch dil iite campobing in te Olympie Wisrelcliaic Gumnes lu Gecmany fhis sumninr, lic sapa. 'fli Calgary gamen acre dîvisird ino five diffecent classes, acarding fa then partic ipan ts pactinular haondicap. Broume compotesi te a division cifi afilcînu aho have sanilar Iank ef andi ume of certain muscles. Bilîride's top ahlecliair aflilete bapes fa enoter tbe Canadien Wlionlcliair Olympiru in British Columbiia ansi te Pan- closes art durmng te pcegramn. Visîtoro ar rgr!tapark in teMilo Plana parking lot, acrassflie roasi from thc srbmil, as ficre is in. sifrculn space on te sienSl groundls or sucraounsig moais. lusîde te scliaei gonsta ciii te elird ta sign te regîster andi ficce ciii te a siispiay ai ahd pliotagraplis. 'fli remainder ai fie cornîng ea an -open bouse' ansi vînîtars con consier ai ciii Coffre ciii lie cerord ai fie sauti side oi fie builiig. Pabtlsh hintory .ion Dis, pulilisbor ai Tht Chiampion, hon ccitten a bre liistary ai the orbool citi information gicaneti team sctea minute bcoks, te pages ai Tht Cliampion ansi anecdotes con tributei by fariner> staff ant stridonts. 'fli ifrmation, alafi wt many ai the pictegcapbs a ah asrbool riais gcaups mui bave teru appeacin i Th Chiampion for the past tw confis, lis beca printed i teokirt. Copies ai the booiîlet ciii avaiabir ai no chiarge, on a ont to-a-family basîs, ta gursi rrgîstacing aithfe reanion. Afie theirceonian copies ciii b avaîlable aI'flic Champion aifit foc a nominal chiarge ays basketbal othiet Am Wbrelcbaic Gamnes in Per. Bibh conte arr scbesiuieii fi OrsI prar. lu 107f fie Olympie Wbreicba Gamen crelao lic hls i Canait ansitreîs nocwayi intndo miss flial ecent, lie says. Ste mantis te lieupitel Acquccig the firre prions cw a poceonal recard foc if-pear-al Orouse, co lias liceni clclair afiiclîcu foc mess fin a pcar ansi an accidest ovto cia spent six monts te icopital recaporatmng. Brouse con divisi ite MiSo an a cold clulr's niglit on Fr 20, 1970 te picli up some cocbi beots lice ad oree. Ne gati fac ai flic ifli Stdecoasi Brdmngton, a little cent of il Guelpb Une, cies li Veliscagea cent ouf of conte Lune. Publie inqairy Tbe olicitor callesi for "ou mnqir uta te nie for ucli rgulatin ani hle entent thereof"."He andkesi for f li isquir under The Public teqairiesa Art liefore publicaion ai te regulatios. te sapprtiogteârequnu Mr' flop n tberhde uopa: denînts ini i poaed rglions cey geal en tns fthe re eigontes by te Autorify in 197f onder te onig liy-a.H aieptn inicaliog ftle siesignutei ares liad been plblei Alnie g Se fii plae restrictions coulf lie iargely reokedwlien clianonlizafion vas complet es, lie poiotedl ouf ftere con no assarance wlien tis would te. Annensi officialipln Mari of te land deuiatei floosi plin cas coniderei in te townus officiai plan as first paiorify for develaponent. He Lsugeted the Atoritp nhlad . aemde an effort ta auensi te Officiai Plan alunslate tenus guilde te paie. Ibeo oicitor noaitiStere wu no provision for reniene or objecion =pe te neru clio are lu te torignt orea ansi even te ten lu sot providesi vit an recoarse atougli il coalsi te seriously affectef. He femmesi arbiirary, the paver te grant pernoifa for eonuirucion vitpuf oup aveoneýof recoarse. Wliile the tenu's zniof la soliject tir te appreval of tlie Ontario Mnicipal Boarsi, the proposed ce gulations circucceai fliai biody, te eolicitor coaclusies. Concert, fireworks Saturday Dominion Day i Miltan ti Satarsay ciii tie marlies wt lircworlia avec the Centenoiai eMili Pondl ond a biandi concertinl f Cooteoniai Pari. 1 Miltan Parka Roard lu planning te amnuai eveni ccl liegios cifi a concert liy te terne Scots Bandl ai Centeoniai Park, ai 7:30. Lasi ycar tlie band playesi n f Roary Park bat ibis year te c oncer t is en mocesi ta c Cosiconiai Park. Fievris aver pond Fireris 1ciite sel off aliout 9.15 or 9.30 00cer te miii pondsint 'e thc aaauai ilispiay. a lic fîreworlis are gencraliy r visible tram te pond banli au e ccii an Centemnial Pari actift b e cspcctesi Obere ciii lie ample * accommosiation for ail tis ycar. b. or i in ni SHE L.IKED THE MUSIC...This littie girl couteta t contaus lier exhuicrance Sundap dieu fie torse Scots anti Milton Girls Pipe Rend comimet foc a bni concert at tie Hatn Museumo Festival at Breo Spottsug the vacant stage seudiy, sie cuiminS ou anti icapeol a-oued ta, fie teat ai tise toc- tappong Scattisi baies--muni te the tieliglit ni fie autience. Tise festival caturei piestp oai rng, music anid olti fasooned Run (Photoeiy R Dioas) As ?tdy ôn dams in creek to mninimifze channelization A prel se nary en gneering foc foaci contraippoýssNo stlyrmtnfSeycit t SneM repart cas auflerizei ly Maltes tie notesi if cas tegsgetd consisic nuplementai an of DemPu -yNe Coonicil oo fie pessiliiy a fil t co for cecrealian plirpannu. pliase ose ai te clianneiaion revr i monsteucing amae olains an tva onM. Povtýys, clie te furfier repart cas veîîng, lic licencies of thie flateen Mile commenilg anie reel uin,1 lciag preparei. ithe cemnent Creeli, le minîmîne sireamr saidsire cousi like te sec fie Nin prseeedlng area nci] clianneiin proposais. Authoriip offer any feaisîbie Couacîlior Ivan Hsotec suggcstesi The repart, estimnaici by te alternaives. -I siont sec cliypoosifeAuaiylcakvi anî c Halion Regian Conservation flop iisnit come faccard cifipooe h uhriyb se on Auflorîty te costinc escess of poposeti nalteornubhv.o 1ids ito pfraconsi nîi cliannelioation Estimnatel 2,f0N, ea expectesit lbe paisi for to conilr ai~ r pase e one, Main St. te tlie CPR $Sua,aia pli yth on prvnead alternatives."tak as enpciiioisly as lansi. liy lietas prvne ni poisible. A requesimi recoercd Cooncîi Y'flcip te a leiter te fie Auflnrily, vote os the resolulion feousi implemen Couacil's Monsiay action engîneer M. E. MacKreil Cooncîlior Bunter ansi Neeve couldaou folocesi a oint meeting cifli fie suggcstesi fie lagmu o acc uthSe Harris in support. Opposcîl ere sainc siri Aoflacit y ast cccli clen aller- P. L. Rotertsn ptent cousi Cooncîliors Powsty, Chilsis, Main St. onie eSeprapasesi cemeul contair 250 to 00 acre fret clhinncslîabn ere asivancesi by 'clîc i s qaîte consieralile." Ceunctiior C. Scillie. (A report of Ho suggested, bocever, il could fiai meeting is insire laday's mt e sufficient 10 malire cliannel paper. i improvementa anrnecensary. Four damooncîfo1r SmiS ie notesi1 i cas thrdsn le entent af clianaci flic cesolution appravmng fie impravements iliat ca slusiy aslirs fie eagcreern 10 oncertain ansi if te dem meant consisier ther construction ef a only a dlean-eut of thie stream sosail siam ai fie CNR bridge on ces reqiresi. il coulsi te corfi- thecmainliranch oflthe ixtrrn; cle g tomre scatl contrai siams 10 Nerve fan Narres, pcesisimg in impounsi culer ou tlie WD thie mapor's absence, asliesi iu'anc; andiare-esamination Of mcmters aiter approvai of fie therstance taliu ancthe fture ose af te Gnarie Si. caler courue. OPENS STEAM-BBA 'Tice samne rsololian aslics fie Auihorîiy ta cîilsirac ils io Snoc, Hallon East MPP reqestei imposition ai finid ansi Mînister ai Goverames plain regulatis in fie Ion ansi Services for Ontario, ciii ai- te resirsignair frisa Dam ironu fiîraliy open fhis prar's ilfi recratian la iloosi contrai. onnuai Steaco-Era reonin, if cas -A A a 1n spianation, Cauncîlior onnooncesi ttes cccli. Thei 1972 Scillîr notesi the toco hiasi reumain tami Milton Fair Grouns supportes in p i macili Sp.12 ansi 4 ansi te officiai thie construction a Bre Dam, apeniogcîwll foi lac a Saturday umfrsaofng itcouiiite ascii monparaie. Te claon, fOrantz ansi toc McCoaig. lorres notnsi, tefore toc vo alternative ta chonnelization in te h ai Main St. Ne alternatives could tie oui likeiy seutit. rosi of phiase anc is Ilthe iquisitian ai any or mîllie suggrsted tation of phase one tomatirafly force te am reattuent babaw wins three medals ansi ail fie roasi. coicne loa whclchair mnay colcanre cay 10, ose ianli cas Hîs spinal cord cas liruisnif, secon iiccacy loa ecren cia lias iîiiculi toc lion, fie company eot sevecnsi, bat siamagesi enaughll us of aiis legs, but aceuse scitchei te a liank cifi an casier toeut offilcntral ofhslegs. Ne srrms 10 have asiiostrt cr11. rntranccwap. Thercompanry gave cas tolicu ta Milton District >I ialics a chile te get ues ta, boa a cerlis reave ai alisence eo Hospital ansi fica tronsiccref toan oit ceqaires a comsirerabir tie couisi attensi te Colgary Josephi rant Memoriai Hosmpitli ameont ai lune teiocc you cocu Gaines. cn Bariingteu. go auteure, but rvrutualiy yoa Grttmng te cork is no prali te April oi ibat ycar lic tecamne aiiapi yoarscii ta the situation," as bis car la equippesi vifi a palîent ai flic Hlicooli fie allarte esplios. speciai bond controls. Brotîse Ncbabilibaa Home in Hamilton If il basil linon foc fie beip, eniers bis vebicie by the ciare lie stayer! util Oepiemlier. encouragement, bacliing, andi possengers' sîde. tI simpiy open Recauuc ai flic social consefling onsiccstandmng ai lits iciends ansi te siser, grali a bisi ai te seat ai flic institution lie cas iamîiy, froane's mental attitude and pull myseif in." Rin carisa a cliannelîrd ta Zîcliarf toaads being a pocapicgîc miglit twa donc maclime-lir folsis lis ifustproefing ( Hamilton) Ltsi. te a lot iffern, tie asimite. ctelrliair oct plats it te te cterelie obtaieei ts pesent job Svitrb baalis teck seat. if could tie rafler asofc aae etfali. Evsdifi lit ta retriece te chair ai ~ ~ ~ Ee ofietaaheitl company lic norlis fram fie bock seat if the front Bockliteelasses for, Zieliact, bas made seat vas anc efid mso. tn te intervai tetaen icaoîng allaces for BRcuues lacli ai Sports liave aicays been a part arhln ansi vacling te cetarnesi leg pocer. Au office manager lie ai Brouse's lii e-lie played te Geseral Brank igli Sciant. is aiten cequicei fa lianli fie Uice for a paron sat pot 2f andi company's receipta. Recause te (Centisesi o Page Elacoul - I AN ENTIRE FAMILY receiveti tlieir parents Chsarles asnd Etea Nieteen, andsin Canadian citinenslsip papers at Frittay' Martin pose vikli Wliitiug. Friolay's coulrt vas .s~~~î ~ Cor ..toStIl C an d wvere the format linginaiez ni a Ctiigabp Court lu ckfarmnitdby fieMP Rui Wbltlag. Son Milton. (Photo byD. O'Eeilly) Jerry Nleinen. dautgiter Mms. MOIsI Bayoe, Gal a reunion Thursday before Bruce St. Handicapped youth swims, races, pi Wheelchair VOL 113 - No.