Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 May 1972, p. 2

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2 TeCap on, Milton, Ont., Wedinesday, May 31, 1972 Open citizenship office CheHamilton office ofthe Canadias Ctaroohîptiepartment is establistuag a local office in Mitton, sterling on Friday June 9 and everysecond Friday afterwardOffice hur ill ie8.30amto4 p.m aitit a 43-minute lunch break starting at 12 neon. Milton Coancil bas granted the Department free use ut a mn upstairs in the to hait for meetings with appieants, and hau atmo givert pernmission ta sr Use counceit chamhers fer Use judge ta mineview applîcants. A representative af Use eitizennhipdepartmeent uaid ifs preaient one day a unee serviîce in Brantford le heing eut hach te a bi-weehty sevcin ordr ta staff Use office inn Miltan every seeond Friday. The departenent Serin there are many enho want eltizenuhîpe le Uhsn area, but eannai drive ta Hamiltan or Brampton le office hases. Opeoing of the loeal offie han bren adrertised le Oabville, Milton, tiurlington. Aetan and Georgetown neenspapers and Use Gaheitte radio station. Formers' market in Acton Trhere*s a possibility a tarmers' muehet witt he staecd in Aetan thîs esomr. Ninr yaang peoplebhav eeiveda $7,760grant fram Use ipporteoilirs tee Yoatb peogcamn ta estabtîsb an aotbentic market ie the dowto'n ain Roaid extension wlns approval tiarlingon Coancit tant merS, an aS-5 rote, approem a plan te etend Brant St. toCedar SpringoRd. i esaresaof Higneay 5ai Highciew Dr. An alternate ptan, ta entend Cedar Siprigs Rd. mauth ta Birant St. al Beaufor r., atauermdown Hallon Region Conervation Aotbority sapportedl theattrnte ptan bae they feared eutting a road enta tbe treenlined ecerpmenl not of Highway 5 Give buIk le0. ccc,,îy-îîPie a) sero regardens et tocation 'Commiltees et adjuntment eayo TECO. soold be appainted by the tseal Hydre relonat ,osnceoi ocal ieienn woutd TECO disagree whaareport lîkele hnave mare tiret band bycvarîos hydre repeesentatîvro imcmledge oi the monicipality in Use eousty mba saggeot hydre and its problems.'« shouid remaîs a loa The repart setteipates potice rroponsibiity. The only paint being a regioaa rrsponsibitîty ftra the hydre rrport mbleb met mita 1he OPP bring phaed aut witb TECO approca ivmas Usr ar a prod et fie yrars tram prapoord aequisition of rseal aeas ohere tbey nom serre. The asele held by Ontario Hydra and OPPacer Aetan, Esqueaing and the propoord metbod ai Nassagaoeya nom. tinascmng. Accoediog te 1he report, tire ijisbage disposai and drainage servceeshosid rrniinilocalutil moald rennais oa cuch tOme there is a need tu responnnhdîitîrs, bomever il i replaces'aianterrmitatfull time considrred thrait major creeb biemes. Each localmunieiPolitY enclosures and flood contrai should pracide the type et tire marks soold 3e a fonetion efth1e serciceitrrede and can afard. region according tulTECO. As the nombr ai tait lune tire- lîbraries sbauld remiant as fighlersîinceeasr. conîderatn local responsîbîiîty but 3e sbasld 3e fies te lrunnferrîng eecieedmwilintfiseyrarmwitb a thinifunctinto the rgion. ciem te poonîbiy trunsterrîng Bilding and plumbîng tbrm ta theregion. inspecion and animal and Museeennmauld becomea local lîcesîsek protection nbautd bu reeponsibilily and the HalIton donc~ at the leratltt %VI lbile Maaa.m shtàtd . becume a emnergeney mesores meutd be a responsibility efth1e orew regianal rroponsîbîiîty. co mm un i inei di ng Srruh reade cre Nannagamrya und Milles. Caneermng mrid t3e report Rerreatin ec'entaty ondîcates Ibat t3e regînnal TECO says ereation shoald counri shouid hace jariedietien ecrnlaaily beceme a regînnai ivr he constrution and rrspeneîbîlîly. Haltes Region reconstruction et regiona roadls Conservation Autburîty sbeuld but upon completion efth1e merk, ecrsîually 3e abolihrd 13e the raads mauld bie the report nays. Publie cemnettere responeîbiîîy ofth1e munieipal oeld brstbe drail a'ith loeatty council. ccording le the report. The local municipality meuld Local mamecipolîtîrs sheald set hase jieîeiclion neer ils oms bc cmpetition with each other eeeds inda'culd maîntaîn anedbusiness andîindusîrial regiseal mridoin t3e cemmunity. decelepmeîtsheald bca regînnai Il the recemnendatien mas aeea aicocen accrpînittherregîom osld naî Social and famiy srices have itseîwrad-morks crm sioud contiuearlabupratd Tfleeportlindbcatrd a sarînge frotaargienaîîeveî. Trans- mould bu lourd in thîn mariner poettiiin shaad beleft local but because ai 1he iacb et recîeedewtibn tmeyears toec duplication. fif shasld bulened rgonal. Ail maîtrs reiating te the The scheme eneald ser the sepply and production et potable regies coîleel and les'y ment et waler. inciuding 1he cemsteacin 1he tases and laike care ai capitl ai a Il eaiermeis, the lîsencinit The regian sholt instllatîionof ai mae rvcices and essume responoîbîlîty for ail! the billing oficmtmerobeald bue capitel iinencmng mita the regien a fonction ai t3e regien. This and oaiîlassume respooibiiy ~sie stetemeteappis teal] torail debts a etiupairdfor meattersretin te sniary thoseifonctions asigned toit.- sewe's iso.lace licences, loltry and local The regien shasid try t5 business taxes woald 3e 13e sels eabi h uno 0Ctr rae, tais eedia theloa el a1hn th ero rie su be il tnde the peposals 88MILTN - 883272 or 878-3208 Thurs.,Frm, Sat. Juno 1-2-3 Chrome and Hot Loather olr "William Smith" lOduîti CA RTOON Showtime Thrs. 8 p.m. - Fri. & Sat. 7£& 9 p.m. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wad. - Jun. 4-5-6-7 DOUBLE FEATUIE Rbasf of the Creaturs uith the YeIlow Night Blue Rand "John Ashiey" 'Kîaas Knitin, "Mary Wîlcox" "Diara gercer' in51 5sntien u Thurs., FM., Sat. - ,June 8-9-10 Aut NONKERS Coler "James CaSses" Shawttme Thurs. 8 p.m. - Fri. a Sat. 7 & 9 p.m. Council turns down photography pro j.ct MR . AND MES. WALTER REGIS et Ontario St. celekrated tarir 503 aniirersary recently. The couple more le Flenida miih reclatives 0003he leme efthUe enuiverssry sud rehunsned bonme recrnily. (Photoehy B. Biset) 5Oth anni B.A. IN PSYCHOLOGCY Miss Heenda Hulme, daughiter ot Me. and Mes. Kenneth lItlme and grand- deuitîer et Mes. Wilburt Rush oit Milton, reeived a H.A. degee ln Psychoa$2 et tac speing convocation ai Unicersity et Gelph. for Milton Mc. and Mcc. Walter Reghu of 245 Ontario St., sparîment 208 colebraird Useir 5013 esnirersary Aprîl 17. The couple sent tane speîal day in Floride nebile riciting tarre. They mere maccird in Guelph Ebenozer Bp Mra. Ban Mrteaa Ececyane ta inrited tcan open meeting of Ebereer U.C.W. un Wrdnecday eresief, June 7, iehee Mr. Wdfced Elntey milI shom clides and tell abut hie ecent cisil ta hic daghtier ler Rbedeseîa. Bîrthday grertîegs te Jane and Mach Menca, and a secial gretîng le Ebuener's oldent membur, Perey Kitehisg, nehe mill 3e 88, on June 5. Rohert Bealy, a local photo- graphy studest neho neants te do a summuer projeet le Miton tei photographicaly portray Use ettert et seamzatin en a crm- munîty, vies turned dun tant meek nebes 3e apprsached Miltes C'.îincil tac a $M grant ta hetp finace the pralect, Itoaseaclose 5-3 cote ai the coanicîl table and caaniciilorsotresued they meree't agamost Use prejset-sep jeel didn't bave the moee le Uhs yese's budget. At the suggestion of sererat ceunicîltors, Beaty nean eincocaged le take op Use prejeri mUsh Use Rotary Club's lbrary cemmittee, t3e Chamher et Commerce or Use Lihrary Board. The photagrapher tstd The Champion atter île meeting he maun't noce ehUer bu neeutd appreach these groupe for fmuancial support or grve op the preject atgeUser. Girant sOurd A pbstegraphy student et Ryrun Poîpteebler leetette le Toronto, Beaty le 24 and Use ses et Mr. and Mes. Hugh Beaty et R.R. 4 Miltan. He tald île couenti bue and If otaer photegraphers liad plunned a large project os arbanization in seeral conesonunîbr tales sommer and /ersary couple by Rer. A. J. McGitrary' They have one men nho brvens Wakefield Rd. Miltos Md feue grandehderen. Me. Regin retired i1962 aller 41 peas mita Use CPR as a tetegraph dispatcher mnd 3e atmo merhed mita freight tickets aI Use Chatham office. Tie couple attends Gospel Hall an Ontario St. Their mon Murray norho an sperrîmer mith t3e CPR. They hare four grand- childeen, Dace neho hapos te taach aI 0Z ,Margocet a grade 13 student, Rota a grade 10i slsdrnt and Tunatky age 1l and a Breuce St. student. soagkt an Oppartuolîles fer Yus graeit ta finance tair neerk. fley gui sapport frisa Use National Film Beard, wblcb wmnted ti display tane enalle le Gttanesand porbapo publiait a bush, but 1he OFY grmnt feui lhraugh s nly about t0Oper cent ai the precci oere approved. Beaty bassince rereired a $200 grass trsm Use Canada Csuel te henp taneard Use runt ut matesials fer a pruject un Milles, an sought a toilher IlMBfrtann tan tan coneil. In retare focr Use support he prosrsied le dunale 6f memited printa le Use lewn for dleplaye ai île lbuary, fates, basin shows, and unynelere the lenen mouId beuefit fremn tanem. Theynessdd le permanetly fiued ta tant 1,000 pears, le eald. LUe la Milton The project neoald shnow man's accumalation of hle possnssions, buw bu sponde fils leinoce lhme, ble use et space, Use baildings et Use commmnity, Use enrirenneni and hone people litn and njey Ile. He dlepinyed useral photos bu kms atrnadp lekes et local people mnd recettes. --Il nenald le a stady ut lUfe in Milton ai dtl lune-a description afli Mn l tan coeunity UsatI gues leyand etahastces" and neould le hinler- ically ralunhîn, he nnplainnd. "People leinneon ne isue tann. seIres le a differnt highti he predicted. Milton Libuary le linresind le dianing tan pelIns, he esled, mnd taep ceald le circalated iu otaer lbuarî e inlte Sauta Ceniral Syetene. Comeiillor Mrs. M. Powsys sald she sane the cultuaral and iterical ralue le Use prujeci and eupperted it 100 perrcest. Cosucillor Dr. Iran Hunier salit h mun a ksgbly "ideabiic pruinci mnd tac Usai ressort le hikd it, bal bu noted! ceusent didnit have tan oney le taie peoces budget ami feit tan tanen couadait spnnd moee on secS prejece. The orgasinatn fer meniatty ceharded neede Use moey mure urgenîly, added Councillor Cuban taniltie. Can fOnd maney Deputp Reer Bub McCualg unid if esunicil wnted tle project supportn ai amt equesi. Wlsnn Il rae le t a sale ton gising Bruy tbn $600, oely Comenillara Harris, MrCuaig anal Pownys roted mn tarse. Dr. Hunier dide't ente. Anhed ta tire hie ununer, 3e sait!d seervice elub nhasld undernerite Use projeet- "I am oppoed le île motien ae pul, bol est oppoand le tan Dnpaiy Reeve McCuulg said be neoald take 110 up ita tan Rotary Club, wbirb has a speelal committen oopporting tbe lebary. Mayor Brian Ouit sald if Rotary lares il; doues île Llbrary Board or Chambnr ut Comamerce migbt decido le nuppori thn mdhotographnr's idoa. NO MEETING Theemsen'îbu a meetingof Milion Casseil an Manduy. Jaly 17 too rmany efthe ceunicillers cviii le on hobdoys that meS. Tahga holiday poIli ai test ne-n2 meeting ut theancml, Mayar Brion Besi saldîlhe Jaly 17 metin.g neuldkhave lo e akippnd au ilere neas a danger ut flot haring a qorums. Soims nel le aneay for tbe other 'iee meetings ocbedoled la Jane, bol thn neeb ufthUe 1t tantas thn wocst. Now you ca arnge a boan while saiing., Canada Trust bas a cencen lent ueo- may for Tpiamohipeyet peu te arrangce a oas.Tpclmntl aret ltis OclicA Phone-a-Loan. crsît of Tot lUethly AttA a's lest thai simple. Term Sesset Ln eessetr Parient r You phone. Wcloat. 6 o nîtn $ 300 110217 a 310.3 St t51.72 The reacions for borrowîng are yeurs. We'll i enntl Ol1141si tond you îttoocy for a eo car, payiog bilts, 24 mnthn 1,00 204.52 1.04M 75.18 boite tripeacoeiens, a vacation, yao rame it 30 esetOn -1 Ï,i0 32.6 2,320.67 77,35 Att sas te is ctiti as. 36ese m stI eau0 47.2 2.979.29 82.a5 This icis te0 special trip upianin, or dows.- - to' , r arosto njus t nahe arrangement 36eons 5, 95 85 598.8 1.1 Canada Trust E Phone-a-]Loan Service Main ai Charlci 878-2834 Public NotiSe... The Deparîmeof etf Secrefaey et Stafe is pteased la eeoeoene, 93sf as af Jane 1912, a Court ot Canedien Citizeeship, miii 3e epesed le the Town Hll Commiftee Roonn 2nd Fluor, Miton, Ontario A cîiteaship ollîcer miii be in affendance te sepy inormat ion about Casadian Citizenship aed lo take epplications for Canadian Citi ensh ip The office mîtt be open Frîdaps June 9th and 23rd (Ad aitorsute Fridacs thereutteri Frone 8.30 a.m. te 4 p.m. (Lunch soir i100 tat aIo.5 FOODAÀT ITS FINEST Elie Minakakis ANNOUNCES ' t4he MIKE'S Delicatessen S and Restaurant 1, Price First 2 Day Features SWe have available for your appetite a de/icious menu for lunch or dinner PLUS Sa complete uine of delîcaiessen producis including Smoked Meats and Pastearni TRY US ... 192 Main St. Milton 878-2690 OpnD i1y . . dy1.0t 20 1~ fanon o mon de Bc de A am mere le whlarbe A. R. bulunge 2, Hon estimai eut leso On Si called tract Enques Speysid lirve se mnfi Lande Fiee D5 Use cas An sf1 Natural Pic At a r Plansi membe -Wei appliesi adjsti ashed r iam ; W far cons Wimpe3 fcom th Mli con appliesI the Os wbere t zonîngi H-ec ratepay Ridge Rirerp appos vi Ontario decele; compile ment h suhdîci -He relepn Corpore -He propr Hc HO CA41exandr 5sý7Vikhai1 0PuShkin ';Lermffontov Saguenay River pense the Gaspé, Quebec City and visît St. Pierre/Miquelon. F08 FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Martin St. Mi ON, ONT. f4161 878-2886

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