Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 May 1972, p. 16

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84 Thc Chamnpion. Miltun. Ont., Wcdnecdoy, stop 31, 1972 St. A/baný's hosts diocesan meetîig A geserol meeting ai Sic Asit7a, tundia, ilie oýganizai AugLiras Qourc Womeu w lit W A. He. icld hece ai li Aihau's chucl DIus president Mes. R. lest Wedocsday. flic evout au Aux.c at Cainpbellnllle mode fl here le, eu-lnde wiUi Uic Uic Ireientatiai. lairishus ceaicaniol year. Thic Hcciageco.ierecrc diucesc includes Welland, hsatedgwr m h Gucîpli Milleo, G rgtown, ioSresd athedin uacre mond Abou 30 reoecltvutUi dedicatiai ai Uic garni speaker, AboWuS 30 clrelnats leoflve Mes. ilOUle Jemieas Toronto attendit Uic meceting. grovaeil i larct onate riielle au comuion grupn spthent cursiag ai Si. Mliun's aid ecd upcomug ioraiece in Toronto usia hal lirooght lac n culel Oar Hesitage. Foaidalli lunch. Tee ami cuides acrle forthe Futue.Herspecitic tapie aiaeila ic h atenonn liy Uicwa mut Outr la S lae AC .me ofi n i has ladiag Uic citismship Uiem ai Acliocl. mmes teh su is conféence. Local A.C.W. prcsidmt Penny Sice serves asua nouiteler ali Ocistoa icelomeil Uic grouP. tic Conadias Scrme, a foreiga oucrra longugc prmss service alecli A special preoetai icas ppessicala armatiai l anUicie mode le, Mes. Hehor H. ioess.n ic is fuaie advie Wilison, Hamilton, aile of aie jcictu sgop ai the hishupi ofthUi diocese. A Bic's paît preideut ufthUi laauhifid csgcavcd uilnce trop leilu cmntrc aid active la Uic cnusscinratms lier mauy ycara Canadieas Save thc Childrea of sercce Uicth A.C.W. While le Fond. ai adil os oUier groupe. Early, please headimfe toc subotilg acddisg sturics aid pholes for poublication in lie Champion il onemonUi ater theaaading. This pohicy au intreducoil lest year in ai cfort tu have acildigo pohhlichd aitec Uicy are still ncasauelhy. flic Champion dones oui charge alfec tue pemntisg acddisg Mioricsandsi photos, as maly uUe popes du-aliac e si ix Uiat yuu ouillath stury and photo as moonoas possîce aBter Sic icaidi5g. flic Ediior. (Weigh it weI J 0V ELEANOR COULTER SUM5IEît AZABiOS We longingly eau te orarmer acather, furgcttiog liai hlidop wcelienls andl îh oler suneacon in gcrid are marc liacls. Did yaa hna Siat acousil 2,000 porauns have eyc injuries oucli ycar, many ai them leudisg le lidsoss? Acmoriing le a report freint Cunada's Heali and Weltare pubilication, Uic homo is Uic major cause ni eyc accidents. Lel's lookli a aea precatins given liy the dref industry's Cousicil n Painly Health. The Conci nays a major causeaofcylaccidens t ix pluding glass j acu and bailles. Mont substances cxpoand aider boeut, and lis inclodon the contents if glass containers that aa. cuplode il exposeil lu excessive bout long nugli. Glass containers shaud lae stoceil ai muilerote emperalares. Jacceil aid hatiici gouda suld lae hpi n Ina shelves or la cuol morne, or eeu in tle refigerator il pradtical. flic Coutoil icares againstileavng scealai glass containers os the seat ni a car abere Uio leat bud-up tenon île suiv cas mati a holi oulul ofo id jrofuail High-speed hoaiehold appboancm, home auehshop leule and rotary lace onaro are Uic luplemmits cuit cortiald iseolvein l eye mmvur accidents. Childeen shoid sever lae alluacil le play ali maclunes an il tlay acce tops. Tonlo Shke higli-speai drfis are complcîciy layond île itrmngth or joilginesit of so yonsaer and ibaid ba hepi out ai childreo bande. Cleaning ceemicals, spray painsand cleaisers are aha legli n Sh i t ol aI Seale le evesiobi. Keep Shiu lac oui ni île coucb if childrec. Gsuaporvusai childcen at play con Uie greatesi risso nieye isjury. Huit cyn injuries sufiered bp childeen happoosl otsile Uic classeosn. HMi couacs acre taita, llus or shar abjects. flic Cauncil ssps tops sacheas BB guns, daces, sling shile aid hoas and arcnanîbnaulilnnly la ued iclic on alt is sspereiing. fi, in spîle oI il yoac precautin, an epc accident dors uccor, lic Couceil cecominda tlase uit-ail meiluse util a doleor cou tohe -fi hasseholil clernucale enter thc oye, flond Uic cye ailli iater umediatelp aid continue for 10 minutes, holding île cye uder a laurel or poac coul seater tram a ouriall pitclar. -fi thc eye s cui da oi as wi icater or asythiug clue. Proteet the eye wîi a liglil preure fee dressing ond git le a demier or emecgencp word ni a baspitl as quickly an puslible. Do ni, uder -f lte eye husosufterel o bina or ix Hoack, apply colil compresses for la miutes. lier a dactor tu deteriie il Siere le internat injury se anme olier coinplication. -For a spocli in lie eye, lift uppor lil oer e ba li le malice the eyewth a ligbtdressingand see aîmitr. Do ntaaitle sec ifhi nul go away It leo more ailet luled itself furtler into the membrane. You weIli notice ihai ail o aIe Sil aidavise "Sec a Doder If il is ontoideol dorler's houes, get to a boupîtol. There is alays a dacler an cail thr cet aie îemeresc icard. New officers MOT Fry Society TO PAl Mes. Morjurie Amui ut aramplen s camai premîdmi uftle Peel-Hallen Elizabeth Fry licty t h gruapis ansuel MonJy* c@-< meetinyg bell May 1l in Brampton. Mes. Rouih Coaper- tbumith uis secrotory-treuree. Ceavenera noaie isclude Mea. Icà%c Brenda Heudersus, mcmhernbip; Mci. Lois Williamsn aid Mes. Kay WILL 8E RIE Sicaclihamer, nolunleer co- REGISTRATiO chairmen; Mes. Della Plellipo, soial and icleplione; Mes. Pal Whitted, public restions; Mes j Pat Laine, planning. O E Assual eporte icere cirenlatel deocrihingithe aorh ufthUi sociely o n JUn on Uic pao yeac. Progrout for Uic nvoniag teck Uthe rsa ut rade- playingby a group f vunieers From 10.00 plasidng Uic animal meeting progrom. FOR FURTHER I -Woddiag, graduation cliueiahiig or social leail ai h m b8 pour busc? 'a ail aisa fo The P o o 8 Ir~apoi SILVER TRAY uarkteg mal ypeurs of weeli Adirng Uic git with lier areiliocesan service le tise Anglican chu osme ne seas Peesident Mes. R. Austen (loti aid gucat Prcaonted thaMrs.MHeber Wlkison (centre) ai speakier Mes. Douglas Jcnings (rigliui. thc diocesai A.C.W. meetinl Actont lasi <Photo by K. M)S Film on Eskimo life shown at CWL meeting Mes. L. McCarrou prsdi une lic final meetn i f the yeoe 0I lie CatUiubc Womons [Lege Weneiday, Hap 24, cloag a ncry hoay pour ut ealering le icidigi andl banquets. M1I1-1È ý'a I CENTRALIAGRAD Liz Milier, dasghler of Me. andl Mes. Si. Miller of R.t. 3 Campbellville andl grand- daughter ofOurs. Francin Roberion of.Hilton, ecently geodissted front Centeolis Colleige of Agricsltllrsl Technology, Huron Park, witb as lionnes diplorna in home oconouscu RoIIy cost is only $1 An eree as mode la laiit acelis Champion report about thc cor ealiy, wich is beisg sponsorcd liv île Hilton Police Association sud Uic Boys AUiletic Club of Hiltion District Higli icliool. The mntey file icai quotcd as six dollars. ht should have bein one dollar. The event se planned tor Siondai, Jonc 4. 'c. RENTS epàNursor 'of CElVI NG NSATTHEIR OUSE IM 3rd 0 12 Noon INFORMATION 8-2123 Ille lamily in Indie Uic C.W.L. home munie ni Esliluu Sic ai toi adopteil sent an inieestiaf Cambrcidge Boy, N.W.T., as accouait of Uhii Ite and tamlly. intcresting armaiuet offist liasd Six ladien will lie attcndisg Uie linowleige liy twoics ucln C.W.L. ceaveulies ai île Holiday teachers aho taugbt tue ose ym lu, Oalinilie June 3 le 5. and lhncd aith île Eskiluon. HomeuMOIe Tbe meeting adorned unith Mes. J. Bissosdle sliowed a tes leiuf uered. Nome new supervisor Co-Op Nursery School Meî. M. Leseico, ispervisor of bield in Jonc il thc Muaaerg thc Hilton Co-Oipecative Nursery Gaine Paruo. Se" haliiel lion clases il St. Ilahaia Poid's tUnitedl Churcli fine doyo a Bic exprcosedl lier airrea ai accli, is lcaning ai Uic mnd of iis leaving aid thanhod aStfo th i telm aid Mes. Norma [cpu ot fl and cu-operation white ahe (bogli han becs iengoge ai tie has lemn teacliing ai Uic local nu superoror te c cuiig nursery. ycar. Mes: Lepa as formel Mes. Kingfi supeevisor ut St. asocinîcil aith Milton Day Cure HidsNoc7Shola0k Centreand icili le on hand le tal ni1i spolietle cgrup about Uic iil parenle ai thc uchaul's uperation of cu-eperative annouel open homoe and registre- nurscries and cspliacd flic rulc lion ocssin un Sotuedoy, Jonc 3. ployai by Uic touchers, parents Mes. Lennins repoeted loe caid cuccoline on thc Golinille MCNS executine and parents ut seboul. lite shawseuil o fu thc gencral meeting li Hay 2H, Shia costitulion, egistration ou ecent actinilin ai te ichool. forme andl parmit information Thle childeen liane nisitcd lunder- ulîcets, and spolie leieflp on Uic gacleon ai J. M. Denyms and W. t. cule ni île lioliocle Coudci. Gink iclionle, alla visitai Uic Wluner ufthUi rermi tbicycle lbeary and tued Milles District ratite nen Mes. Oetty Judicisa ot Hospitl. A svind.up picmc iu le lic eil lit., ilton. We-.En MARCEL - JIN - ROSS TO SERVE TOU SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK ROUND STEAK GROUNI ROUND STEAK $13.191b MINUTE STEAK $1 .291bh RUMP ROAST STEAK ROAST Il1m19îb SIRLOIN TIP ROIAST LET US FILL TOUR FREEZER- ONLI RER BRAND BEEF FRONT BEE F ............611b ISIDE BE EF..............71 Eddie Morillon and teTara Sisshand fromt Torostoprvldod mule for dasnoag ait tie Parlait Social at HMy Rosary Hall os Friday eving. Dueig the evenlng Jay Crawford of the nlioahand danrel flic Horoplpe aid girls frontthe Fisiagan Scliool of hrie Daiioers darced several Irishi du r.s. Rfay Lunch aon the door Eilaid a graad flune wu lid aS wlio attcndcd. Ersie Walkec of Reigote, Suarrey, Englasd lo vothig mIlln for tee weeko ai tho home of Mr. and Mes. Chiarlcs Jonea, 41 Bowca Si. Me. Walkce la a Barmai Star Veleras (lie fought endier Geaerid Silieille ic ahcscosd world a, rcevlng thc Burrma Star.) Bitliday gcetlegs go le Jamie Eraldne, 194 Riverplaoe Cese. alia cllelirated lut illli rtliday ai Fridoy, May 26. Congratolations and licol wialieago le Me. and Mes. Angelo Tondul, 402 Pine St. wlio cee'ldUerDl weddln anvcroary on Moiiday, May 29. Guy Marsiil if Vancoover B.C. arrived la Milaon ai Uic weclicnd le attend Uic weddlsgs id fao of lut groodilaugiters, Gloria aid Poun Callard. Gloria marricil Lieutenant Michael Wright of Peferlioro and Pamn marricilLieutenant Dace Biadeège of Kitchcner le a iule weddig ccrcuony ai Grace Qiorci. Also travelling front Vaicouver for Uic wcddlsg w" Gloria aid Pain saut, Sylvia DidI. Rccivisg Uic Juior aullary cliarcianship biadge os Saiday siriig ai Grore cliorcli wee Margaret Partitoo, Brendo Poster, Kelly Colui, Klu Ridddll aid Jodi Whistler. Bil aid Barli een. sIi Une gave a qadrople birlliday party on Uic weekenil wîtlà5 Thedsg flcParty au given for Uic Uency's sou Pool, dooghter lori-Aitt aid grandl- dooglilers, Tamomy Lyiine and Pa"d Marie. Sarali Meagas Silcox aas liaplzel liy Uic Rev. R.W Ponter il Grace Clorcli ai Simday, May 20. Soalih la Uic daugleer of Me. aid Mes. Graliam Silcox, R.R.3 Milton. A f aiily lunclicai folloacil Uic Cliorci servibe and iliose attendiso isrlodcd Sarolin ~bouf the with Dolores M Phone 818-3130 Goilparento BiSl aid Herjerie McNasghtos fromt [crac Parh. Monc aiicsdlag were Sorols geaipaenis Me. and Mes. eavy RB iol BantSaiford ami MiIoBeo trou Orllla. Saeahi a hoptiail lna s 10-yeel Cieistesing gon. Boit Wlslai go le Me. ami Mes. Peter Vun Wouu, 85 Toua Use aho coeclae Uhi aeddig assiveraarp ou Bourd.elyp 28. Warc airry le eeport thai Har em tPers aid Andy Meechun ut 392 Kiagidlgl i are patienits la Miltai DItict Hospilel. Tlele cumeradea ai Uic Ripal Caiadias [agilos, Besanc 136 are Uionlug oi Uiom aid aloli Uiom a speody recovery. NURSE GRADUATES Miss Betty Anne Hune, R.N., daughfcr oflitr. andl Mes. Glen Hume of Bsrllsgtos, has graduatel aith s Baclielor of Science degeee in Nursing trom the University if Toronto. -Don't miss Uic Tommy Halter sliow dance ai Uic arena, Jonc i0. M ellanson Gregory Scott Doicu, son i Me. aid Mes. Boy Doans of 421 Woodaard St., aas liaptineil Saiday moesing ai Graco Anglican Chacl by Bhe Bon. B. W. Fonler. Mis Goliparonts aere bits ir-e graiprntl, mmru Douas ut Rolart St. aid M. ami Mes.- Jach Dukes of Headaouhm Dr. Mes. Sain Morley, 296 Oak St., rece iloa surprise niit fr0 Mini Hilda Taylor aid lier aleter Mes. Kmn OuDoicdll aid Mes. J. laharshy, ai if Victaria Harbior. Mca. McDoadll aid Mis Taylor usit le ve la MOtos. Me. aid Mes. Gien Hume ot Buehangios attendit the gradua- tiouoftlelrdaughler Bel Anse, R.N., ai canvocaion hall, Uiversity ot Toraile ai Frlday, Hep 26. Later 'LnUie cvealag Uioy aere Joiaed hy Misaçensa Hou utBaraglnai45. aid hbel Ted us eto Barrie for a tassilp dlnser ait the Town and Country. Betty Anne geaduted wli a Bochler ut Scence la Nuing. Happy biethdop te Tel frusees, R.R. S Miltai wha celeheatoil bis hlrliday on Salaeilay, Hep 27. THE SIGN 0F -A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR .. . THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE... This evîbievi identifies the civic-indecd buivsineve woisponsor in ille coviitn ity Fur iîfirîiationav caRs. BEV GIBSON HOS5TESS-8711-ao47 Take thungs easy in your kitchen Newr wirng wi brng nom convenience to von kien Von con sied an clectric dishwasber, bave elcîrjc onilets wbere younveed thein. plan your Iigphtîing toecustsuthsaboiloctcin od glare Tieni hwe nt vourh kilhcihesnsA appliances. Improve yoar lighing. Even change lu tic living inarmil of eleclrjc bceîieg. Talli ina quolificil electrical conîractor about rewiring in your borne, or ilk ynar Hydro. Tic Hydro Finance Plan will ielp yo gel utorteil riglit away. your Iiydro* milfon hydro 1~ MuUL

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