Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 May 1972, p. 14

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82The Champion, ilton, Ont., Wednesday, May 31, 1972 Q.lbampion x M.M. Robinson Annual awards assembly By DrmaaaJaae Byers Good manseg warll! Rlble isdawsng lu a closeand tnils t cames ail of lise test mincie cleciec toc otfices, tcestsced am. (Yippee!) Thic M. M. Robinsn shident manrcil held tioir tinit annal awarda aanembly, pccamlting ntineis and leachece wli elaning pertormance dpsia.Severa1 stiideiin theur mach grade were hceeced and lorm aire sime et Oi nJibn were l cedpine.Specinanardanere givn le Mr. Rnlly ced Mr. SesyOi for their eftortn ai niaft ailviairs. Beni wiahms nere givn lu Mr. McCtlugh sehe afteunitre yearn ai M. M. lu leaving tac aneiher Halian Scheel. 0cr PrinciPal Mc. Ricbardson is aine leang Roinscon aller tnn mears. 0cr studeel cacaicil bas really doue a remarbable jobe. Our social evnul have been ceulsanding and the spera spirit bas enlieo be Oie hesl. le sape Oie "Mach Pacry Machine" cce gel il cenu as e. ireeltfnals New we tom lu Tnuy Track wi a report tramt Oie MeMasler change rcem. Hi people, well ne have a gcedie, report tac yen, three ladies have qnaWled tac Oie Ontarioatinala iialnrday May 27 lu Osuhawa: Tecry HeaOieringtce tHurdleuf, Kelly Hamilton (iiinlpuand Dicnnt ced Pauline Brederode (00gb Jumpi. fliain il, O-J. Mocîce esgltt alcef 550w. Rabisscons senior tiseaire aria classes camne op wilb amOiher beanl. flic gang prmsenled lhcee ounledn and vecy aisique playn, cned nliied Oie sehale nheaag "Calalyni." Il mai ai greal, Oic audience ws jusl rolling lu Oie alen. Il nan a Muni. Rdl, 10 days It and necre gelllng remdy lu pack il op alýM. M. Sa gel yaair penieis rcady tac the AOhillieiBanueteand get yor habooim rmady tac exmn. UPTIGUT Tany Gabriel, Bah Cccii ami lau Back arc maing il ai Oie Allslclic Banquet May 30. SchooI news HoIy Rosary student designs board"s logo A grade eigis cudeni of Hcly Roaay Scbool bai won top bacers tar a loge cauleai far Oic Hallan Cany Separain Schuel ToTcellmaaiaf 340Main Si., Miltonewau preuled wiOi a prine cf $25 recenlly by T. A. Heaicly, Assistant Superviner eft he Hallon Sepacalu Ochail Board, daring ce nnnembly ai lhe achaci. The nchaal's aihicicu ace pcaciing tac the ilallan Separale Schcel field day lu be beld June 12 ai Nelson High Sciscel lu Bachangun. Becaceofth ic vy agenda et Oie Jce 12 field day, Oic camingf acisailu wii banc Ohir reay ac es BeIih colo White Ocks audy ue3 t Sports slack, formai soo Coffee House "Happening' A spii session tcacs ceel day is scbedcled tac iledenu cf Merlin Si. Schail. Stlenle wli be cempeling in a murain nession ai Oic Schael. lu Oie at- lueceon Oic Irace mccl w MInut lu Milice District i 1gb Scicel. fisaluame alerance grade Oive uludenin cf J. M. Dcnym, Bruce Stcreet and W. i. bide wli ha lulung partin an "oeainl" day le, hclp iemr gel accuniemed lu Oic schail. lun eoftcain Oie entir nclsednlcd luc May 80 wli ha snilchcd la Wcdamday, May 31. illcdmic wii bc pacilpalluf uinte North Hallue trach mmit ce Jcee 6, proaaly Oie Ontario Sp Fi Fard WiOi Oic mnd et acalmy Inn weekn away, acliviic leeep peccingaou. Ou Frlday iaha hald ce open tracki ced tieldl day. Ail uludenla cf Oic uchal mccc allamei lu miner ny cclt and an may as Oicy mceled. Sehaci mai ici cul eaciy lu attend Ouas gala fetival. Sports i Riin ain arc Mcarly a llung et Oic pani seng asncans are astnclni lu-. Bel ceuldluy'nigsiuacJlndîec Fciday. Senior nindents et yearn gene by mii came bock lu bannit Oie ballaet RfWiite aoce agalu ced play lic inachecu lu a gaine of hauheihail. Thece wiii aine pisse peng matchms lac aiy aie and badmsinton gumms. Admisnte, tahe nighl lu M0 cmits. As forOie pcmsidmlini elecliens ai Wiin Oua, Ohiug armi' gaing luo eml. Only anc candidate bau inmu aimiuaind an ycl and un' a chine. Se there munit he mach chise unieca emumone elue caren ecngs la fine Oi chich a baille. Femmalihue Pccmaraioentaforheformsai are iseieg made and il'a nel aiccamain le nec peuple lrippin acauind Oic hals wiOi pain ced luncihai, paining muraa c ei walln ced windame. Ceoi efthOe tormai lu $ per couple, but iiit icacib il as Oicce miii ha twe banda piaying. And yec'd Oiinl Riien menld isald caioher daime; an sort ofIa gaing anay presntafr Oic cccl et ai whise cge ino ig engh la gai lis the rmai. ButlI glm iseh cml of lise peuple cli have la mail anil ceci year. Milton High Elgin roufs soccer squad Milto Distrctc Higb Schea Icacis und fiseldi campelilurs ut McMaster Unscersity unit kTsduy Parlscspaled ie lise Halo-Peel trach aod field meel. Milton pluced lissi out of 27 uchools. 1. Milice coospeiors are Guil Flslnley, second froin tse rsghl, ced RuOi Ileed, Osi Iccin Oie igisi, lu lthe B0 meler isurdies. 2. Second tram lise sigisi, Gau Fritlly ciears Oie hurdlien uOi seniac gicla' 80 meter hucie ereni. 3. Saady Fualer, MDNB' abal Pal cnmPetiti hecu thIbatu, 4. Thse tea- cf cemupetileru Oial nu lu MeManler l Taenday are, lu lic hace, Ceac K. Onachnic, Coach iJ. Robertsoen, Glenn Torner, Rade Belear, SeuIl hirRenzie, Mihc Mergun. Mach Grenise, Joho Ifaccelfeldi, Pele lRoherts, Counis D. FanIer, and Cosachs F. Steves. le Oie front con are linO Nemi, Deishie Roiserts, Nancy Nava, OaSl Frililey, CaOiy Rusnell, Seedy Fouler, Auna Willalsancd Ralisy Rans., 5.Ruanioe lu a cluOi place fiish os Oie 400 meler dush lu Rnis Wisonc. 6. Fiyig avec Oie bourdien; lu Nancy Nova, csgisl, sul piaced itis i tic I0 meler hcrdlms. 7. CaOiy Rusneil, lu Oie air, placcr it Oin luthe mldgcl hlgb luamp campeiian. B. Pele Roberts cempielca hOing thc fincuel. 9l. Scco McKmcde barbi Oic discai for a Mi place finish lu iaet eneni. la. Second tram thc rigisl, Nancy Martso starts lise 6l oseler dlash. Phsotos y Slen Dilc) Graduatsoc photos are icelcomed i uthOe Champioe. A Ina0 iy lisree ichs mudle size) printism ail Oulu' needds. ALCHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAYCp.m. Grace Aeaooan Farins Hait HAVING A PROBLEM? DROP IN Th Bcoy Sinne Difi. Thacac aicccrieam, maiput ccl et the Hailan Ceny !champiaobsip Tnenday by a Scace aI 2-0 by lard Elgin fr.m Oie mmlt. Congratulations are lu order for Henry Brynhai, Waiiy Mabhe, P'acl Sianer, Gceg Heancy, Gary Heancy, Jin Jecelugu, Mibe Kcudrich, Lamc Beaciien, Tom Ellial, Sandy Elliol, Ran Onîhacru, Mihe Carroll, John Toedu, Bais Haggars. Sinne Kaewicn, Hoaadi MILTON COUINCIL BRIEFS - NAMED TO BOARD Boche McNll, a haricclluaul s pecialisl iil the Ontario Deparimeel et Agricculture ami iFond offcr i Milice han hemn jappeinled i l 11 a nacancy an Milice Pares ami Recriniion Commilîce. Murray Greohe cesifes becacue ot olber cammullusenlu. Cececil upproned appeiseeni cf Oie cen aiccaier Tcemiay aod decidmi lu a snm iellac af apiorecialice la Mr. Grcan toc lus service 10 Oie board. CONSIDER "«Walk" Milice Cacecil lu gaine la neslîgalu cbunging Oie truiic signalal Main ced Ontario Bs. la aiow a period lac pedestirmc crosclees. Currenl "wnib" igis mars mils cilier enit-neal or iris-sacils irai tic but Malyor Brian Besl tld cocnc5ilorn Tceoday il is a bauy camer ami felîsce lac .dangcroco tac pedeulclai. AI Oie Mill-Mactin igis cne signal allons only pedecîrian manementin hes iternecice ced il in' possible caucei hope,, la do the saine ai Oie Ontario-Main camner. CANADA WEEK The weeh ofJuly 2 to 8eil] bc pcoclamed 'Canada Wcch" lu lono, lo i, i mih a nlinwide rclelu'alioe lic h necek tlloning Oie cacelcy's bicOiday, Milton Corcil decîdeil l Tcesday. Aoy orgaulezalicn 'lan ing specici enenla are lo ba ei le IIlinth cacred lecen or liseir plans. IIAMILTON'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE SCHOOL COMPUTER KEY PUNCH HigI, Sohoal cet eecesuun LIMITED SEATING STAR1'ING JUNE5 MOeN ,AFT., EVE. CLASSES STUDENTLOAN AVAILAeLE Loceot Cant-Chece Fuots acaned By Ethicut Fins Ph. Now 528-1108 .D.PI. TEACHING ON I.BM. 139 King St. E.. Hamilton 20 itl Dr. Eantal Falace Theatre -Tac Deductihîe --Goernenî approeei -Placement Acsistance Seumiaco, Mach Joysm Simon Jaysm, Brendon Mccciii, Oie terin, ami cOiers niso balpesi Oie ienc capture licol place lu Oie Rani Humeo lague. The MDHS truck and field terin cacapeig at McMaster last Thesday lu lise ifullan-Peel mccl liiefr 110h place amasse 27 scisools. Meilton massaged la accaicciain a total et 36 points. Pois nere unardesi la people fiolihie lic hutp nix places ai Oie mcci. Winnere nere Rade Sehar a sond in javeio, Ruioy Ransk a Olnrd lu discai, Debisie Roberas a Osird in lic M0 mcler isurdim, Ncecy Nana ti luhOe ce meter bardcu ami liftin luhOi 'Wc meur clas, Kathy Rusnell 1111h in isig lump, Pein Rbieras hIlis in uha put, Seco McRensle hilisain diacai, Nancy Malin 1111h in Oie 200 nacter dash, sixth lu Oie 60 meier das, and isi n the 100 melur duesh. RuOi Wilain nais Pluced suist inOthe 100Bmcin dirai ced sixOh lu Oie 400 melur dlaish. 01cer campeiocu nba did sud butldideait placenwere Ren Schall, Scedy Fosier, Mie Nevim, Mic Morgan, Aoma Rilalu, Macle Greehe, John Haisfedl, Ouf Frlssly and Ruth ei. Campaign speeches nce heacd Menday ced moing lace Place yesicrday (Tnenday) lf nezi yearas Bludessi CeeuI RenuIt ilu nu hin cccl n aii paper. 7OF GEIRGETOWN e Bathing Suits e Tops e Shorts fLet ous help you choose Dresses for Special Occasions 'Fashion and Design" 10 Main 3t. N. - Georgetown BPR IDES TO BME.. for flowers * lovely as the * bride herseif S corne to Milton Greenhouses t Consuit os first on prices and arrangements t-FOR EXAMPLE Complete Wedding Flowers as iow 99 with two as 3995 smid FIREE A Bride's Travet Corsage wlth each Compltee Weddlng Ordier sur"a Canvanienl lecated in 164 MainmSt Young people from three local licipaulu. churche cumbùiudto presnt a Clese le 150 nuli uon tie Cistian 'happening" Sundny Peesentatien, nic icluded a evemng ai the Milten Yaulh play by the drame club trum Cauncis nieur ceIgne benne an Ruas Cturch Yaung Peapln Nipsing Rd., and the evenlng Society and fulk music by the nau judged a greul succenu by Haly Roaay Falke Chair. The both the urganiners and par- Sinners' Club tram Girace Ansglican Cbncch handled Oie refrenbmenl conceasion tor the evenig. Dace Uayd, preuidmit cf MYC, gp nayu more Ohn ball the audience my5 nas cumprined ot yong peeple. reschedule The silver callecion lurned lu $50 and a umali prafti nan marde un A mneeting to eleci new otticers Oie retrensmeulu. tor Milice Yantb Cotndil tniled Sunday, ichen unly n tan mAinbersuuned up. The meeting ARTHUR A. bau beceneled ta Wed- m a ,. neuday evenuf a Oi te cattee IIH U IIun banne an Nipinulng Rd. JOHNIISt.I1 o. gel name nen wrhers la nsare 0 T ETIST the renpannibily af runusc e 21isenSi calIce banne. Tbey slin have 21ManS plans toc naleaihoun, bibe- Milton ailluns, railiesuand ratfles lu rain is la leeep i galuf. Ail are' 878-3673 nelcame at Wednendny'u Acta,,- meetine. Wadncsday and Saturdan SML WILE 4 PAUL RUTLEB6OE WHILE THMY LAST ELECTROHOMI 26 COLR.TV $599099 CASH AND CARRY ELECTROHOME AIR CONDITIONIRS $159?uo 20 INCH CIRCULATING from FANS $19 AM-FM POCKET RADIOS Iroin ELECTROHOME HI-FI CLEARANCE UIp saeings an Ta $2 00 sune maniais EXCLUSIVE DEALER &nr ELECTROHOME nei ONY 26C MAINW ST.EA.ST.MILTON.ONTArno.pCeng7e-4633 1~ SL sel anailà Distr, nargii Pendy Weho Vole Studt 00 J» the Adn The dis( plut Z==L-- - - ý > ' ' _L " - âÏý - . ý ý- 1 1- - - ' ý - . ' 'L ' L .. Il . - . .1 M involves three churches

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