12 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdlay, May 31, 1972 Octopus-I ike regenerator Blail shows profit Hosp'ital Board briefs manufactured ~~ ~ ' Jn M loAIlemamein thOe cienbgtao generaîhlite Mdlo Ditit Raspila Board on netnsaslied. Patienits ian m a n u fa c u rWedneMiltiaY, May M meonhero: msail tie forons ta iheehospilal Prople osîng Nîpînsing Rd. in -tig" miti aimin reacing oui -roduris Wagner says therpipe -Learned the Hospital posiage free. tise ciciîity ai tise Kingsnigs tram tise cure nos asuembird liy s ode ai seei onateriatsb, Auisiary mode $1,M2 an tise -Dîscaveird a Board 1Iut*an onayoser the flic' plant's n-mployees on Friiay. ssch as chrome, ta iseip i pracredu irais tise Mayiiine Rail phalograpliy noald blie oin aenienloan have nhougsh the I ice of eqîpit s ima nnihnsod tagis temperotures. on May 6,Saine memliersnwere Joan. i'icîocns oI preous ondunicial lot %van tise sieur of negeneratar aie gid, accordîg Tise campony onakes pressure criticat ai a second Milton Huards far tse lasi ina an iisree caris style science fiction manie, tatiseonnersai Oie rmpony. Joe refaites for Oie sturing anti urgonnatun ehicli heîd an Ar- years miii aisu lie talien. A large pratruding Wagner and Ceeil Urcs. Boui traoaig ni mruteriaes surlias Btivty Oiat niglit. Attondance ai -Deidei ta "play if cool" men nere ta saitiar nari beture ait. 'Mse Ciaclinun and Daflte Oie hall mas dnwn tram tast year regarding Rentrirtinons un Oie non ____ naig op thiset rampoay in refineries make ap a gond deat nf hy M0 ticketn repurtei Mr. Jane ni prinate tetenisians by patients, A samenliat puncu Miltoa. Oie rompany's rustumers. McCnaig, tlie Hospital eseept for- Oie mandatory me ut bsusiness esecotise had sume The -tliotg nos shipped ta Ille eonpany, ici han hemn Auxidiary's repronentatine on Oie earpiunen. pubitcity phsotos tolien ai a MontreltModay where it wilite uperatiag la Milton for. about Board. portrait studio. Forgettisg tat ued in tise BP refinery as a part seven yearslias awurk forof 13 -Endnrond the parchase ni h as ASot deatîag niOi a nuis-a o camptes mnerisaica pruress peuple; 10Oin Oie plant asti tliree 1,000 patient reactin-pini un Learning lu a treasure mici ardinata. lie camptoored faîîeriy ta lirealidown crude ait itt ifs iy afftre worhers. forma. The present farais mere tullona ita umner enerywhere. REGENERATOR AIR GRID nos but hy petroieum refinery in Montreal. Kingsteigh Industriai, on Nipissing Rd. The (Photo by J. Jennings) grid, when read will lie instlled in a THE PRIDE 0F IS FAMILY, one-year-oid home of his grandparents Mr. and Mis. Bert Peter Day, held liere by his aunt Peggy Day Day. The occasion was a tea, heid by the anti watched by lits grantirother an the ieft University Women's Clb an Satarday af- and club president Mms. Joan Masson, right, ternoon ta, raine money for rharity. played the part of the "Caoide Monster" ai the (PhotolipiJ. Jenningol - Flaoring crab replnd 14 accidents il înjureu aiong the boulevard onMartin t. Durigihenweek of May 21ia Th 14 colliîsionsresuird in il r nfl bomrgtnw May Pttalaofl14passnger persans receîvng injaries andia -Tiere are ailotnmre iies on velicul coliisioins iciiiiin th attaliesimsaied damage ofoere sestiiis yearand many Narths Hallas aiea pairaiied isy $10,0a0, ai-e tise papitiar sen ta-speeti the Miltan OFF. report police. cariots For yoar pîcnîcs & barbecues, or a st- easy sammer Papinr Plaie Holders are- deal Corne in and Browse L22 MinSt DMIIOHARDWARE Miltan 878-2353 amast the qaîîy ai mhe pîrtures andauand up isstirade mt"... mnd fartisermare tisey don't do me l*Iistea," saîd tise photo- graiiler, -ou don't neeti justice. Yooaneed mercy. Put a spring shine on your car in just 3 minutes without Ieaving your car DRIVE-IN TODAY il.750R LESS WuTH 0008 GASOLINE PIfeCHASE. CH-~nsiaraECK Open 8 oiMI t .3 pin. Monaotai Fritiay 9 tn 6 Sartino 10 ta 4 Suntiay BELL BROS. 405 Martin St, MILTON RICHAI sensational valug group i 081lY $29.87 Gouit naity mairesses i slcin etai riass discn Hux Spring asanilaise ýs on nationally group 2 only $89.87 Dr Fuller l'y unstusîs Firm ,nth sleeing qnaiitysuavered w,55 attrcive heaayweight Hurx Spring ta matois aile advertised bm-" group 3 only $109.87 hurry, quantities Iimited-buy now and Bave! We boughi BIG! Thai's why you'Il find BIG SAVINGS. Each rnaiiress and bon spring bears thie fomous RESTONIC label! Hurryl Boy naw for years of lunuriaus sleeping coonfori ai substantial reductions! RICHARDSONFS TV, APPLUANCES 201 MAIN ST. MILTON OVER Mat tresses and Box Springs n display nom, la chasse tram AND FURNITURE 878-6949 1~ CONTINUES Due ta the great r.spons. ta our wallpap.r sale we are extendlng It for another monthl ~ 0/ Discount on ail ~ /OCanadian Vinyl Papers ~y Discount on ail Imported 2 ii;lrand ailVinyi Coated NEXT DAY DELI VERT ON ALL SUNWORTHY AND WALDEC PAPERS Bundie lots of Prepasted Vinyl Coated WaIlip rs &fvtaOl Single i.uE ENDS JUNE 30o 1912 197 Main St. Milton Hours -Mon. -Sait.9-6 SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK! EW ROLL-OUT FLOWER GARDEN PPETAE Reg. 51.00 Non fais 50c ot&Woeoekri Rail it ouf waich beaufiful ae aii B fllwers gow. CaI 15 narietîrs of Opoarf Barder flowers.Srla sir 9 Fun for the kitis. iie ain 9 NEWI PAPER TABLE CLOTHS Red & White checkered Paper Table Cloths 69 ServIettes 75 for 98C pi.t.5 24 for 980 iO ardu gove thou theu ben offic Raîi couC a don to m gave w restr shoul valid heen Peri thse r men excei houa fontai Oien boulan lot n plan mui tae sue toni na A Tom and c al Fai tiraf T tai con cas I ani it i mot tcr tani frai bon Oie inn Set of 4 $2 dg