Buffa Io-cow crossbreeding wiII produce hardy "cattalo" Au ai e t ain=sthr îee Sevesal satts cattatua hos reveaeet that ttc dicresce is ttc Y cbeomnooe, peamet eaoutlny~ D e ^ P. K. BunrswrotheGuelph eteomossue nomterin aithee select is metu entrac us contle PK.Burur and theunî sre setWo tas tees goupsoto60;andtt th or n d acrceotree in bson. ry c wsh. We are rouand hope thete uta 9:30 use, ut ted Cissrch thc byteril United se settt meet te s. Rev.Gado lid!in a Teattin ebsare srged on lu~ 24 et 8 ilideroati by thse ,Awvlte Park for s eas. A of tise Bertlngton ervices seul te thc viesepolnta et citioseas of tise il 22 St. George's> egregetios seil se cusagregatlue et i Chuarcb. for the y ofi t. ON UCIS indows ings ES D r lgging roro ,ks. j ut der res rg- îoid ne. ket Drt, )le. Science Divisionof uthe Uni- veruity et Guelphs, a Icattalo, was horo lest semis et thc tHalen Regien Coservation Auterity's Muntaiserg Clame Preserve. A cattete, la thc rendtit ut te fao nd a sia Ti h itt haut qaalitle ofhoth specis. Ttc Gesse Preserve's ctitla a Cuase n e lse o M e Tfla meanus tur ttc cattato exprmet are epained inthae tiacougis Frenis Timmsermens, mansager of tise Gene Prenerve: Freutated Ttrossgtsmt thc aea, meu's attemptoi te combine tise tiesireiste traite ut parental speclua in thse progcny tisregb e=e=aetei isyteldlostian hove isca frsrteiiy ecrat bar- riens of reproductlive hsolation. Ttsese isarriere, seleci eftec- tisety routriet gems exciseuge sehi nssp te isterrelateti. Depaing mme the tievelop- orepatal sterlt ttchtlu mesprogenp. stutian Isytristioofu cattle ssitt tison, cisiciscn-piseaount, terrot-mint for severat yearn uaysn lu M report un isylli sterility tht althougs tise danae- tic caille and the uaserican ita tlogM ttc umne garnis, nuis- fsipBevissue, ttc twe have evolvet i Ie ecotuglcatll seaaaispefcies sslth otrltingly itentgenerat appeersece , atarat disposition, nutritiomtl requicements, response te clisuatie conditions anti Meedisg hais llaughoses t951). Ttc calttc.-ismn hybrida combine smc et tise cisaracteruticsofe hott parents. For cuampte, tte 14 ritei, tMe bita et csarlp tu asti thc itick is dcel tfte isutelu are pesseti on Mo the hybrida alang selth teir resintance Mu diseasa. Ttcoe hybridas, bisesr Mina ttritty ant ilnter-isardp tise ttc tuttuto, preduce more meut seecis a tose lu conetive tisue content lGoedatight 19141. Ttc ebviousl ativantageous traita hase pruseplet isyteli- ioatioe esperiens selti a viese Mo pretiucing a tune et cattatus. This venture, iseeer, has taileti on a commercial seule, muinty, eause et the mule nterllity le hybrida. Ose casse ef mate sterit- ity is au poatalaleti te Mc ttc ditterecec Metsee ison anti caile chromasuoco. Dr. easrucus stutip us bison. catîle anti Hllon Cisantp Board ot du- calion tus pet 10 tiecide os u propoesil puy cul fer tte sut- stitule leacteru in te couty. Ttc routter iecuese a cuetro- vriaissoue scvral roontts ugo see te boacti panseti a staff recomuscsdatson urging ttc cul. At ttc tolloseieg meecting Trustee Fred Arrostage otiecteti ole eut anti ttc teard telti ttc prottero oee toc future study anti discussioo. Ttc board tiait set Apeil 13 useatisadîsse 10 settte ttc uutarp question. Tbursduy ttep eslsoded thal tieutiine. Large crowsed ut sututitute leacters huve alleotiedua nuester oftboardsmeeingssoclutiusgthe moeeting Ttursduy. line ttc dispute lirote opeo ttc substituts teucters tue frm trnt eir oses association anti woo te support of thc Oukeatle taler couscil. 1Te board seoulti cealIme a saelog of $90,004i the puy cote gu ttruugt. liotutitute teacters seouttilhave slaries cut -, - pe. Mc. Arostage tas uuggcste ttc board utoutti look ut says t. mute tetcer ose of ttcie sut stitute leactusg atoll anti up grudusg ttc staff, cuter ttus euttusg the sslary. Seieuor atioistraters wsi stutiy te roatter andt Mring in cecuomendatsun ut a futur meeting. A. T. MOORE .9*siu>ace CAMPUILLvILLI a854-2271 impraeicg yasr huone andt place of business etectricaltp. O Wirieg Supplies ut astolenale prlces " Lighting tetcrcs -ail types forinsatan asti oudoos Il Lamsip ail types. shapos anti uattuuc rutieus. a Posser distribution sasitehusar tf thc lob is bcyonti your capabilities sic can suppty etectricians ut resonabte rates. Engineeringl services arc assailable aiso. Consuit us tor iticas asti sateriat requirements. Air Conditioning and On Marcis 25 ut Hulcrcst tjaarch the Asgrs Louging 1 asic4-Hl ut met for a ~ametingoneuly claie. P rsayssas the commentater. BSn ineught severaî protiocta asti explaini hase to mse ttom. ilte tinnteateti Mss le pet on ouate-up on Marlese Home anti Vern Fiser. V hot t clutes ees secr Blerot and Limehans 4-He Lter tIrs. Ingles peset sut sortie pamphltets anti nome sarople mate-up. Mleeting fise Ttc lifti meeting et tise Ausgrovc Louging Lussiro ws telti on Apeil t ut Hilrerent Charet. Cuonmittees seere selerledti 1 woris on te curer design anti uhit. Aciesomesî Day tas tees cisasoct 10 Map 27. Mes. Milstaltcd on couroties, ear cure, stapes ut tares anti soanptreentug hisur stylea. Mes. Cunningharo taliset ahout iiting pour garesent. Ttes mrcroeru titi oroples ot a tucusg wttt a gratuissîcrve anti anoitter tacing watt a starp corse. TIps on getting Iawn Into shape ByBerseMeNetl pour local supplier. They will te Lasses are rapidly tiryiag these gladti u asssst you. peut tese days anti tere are Many tuoeowners enquire several thiols lsat cen Me done about rollosg tte lun un tte suss Mo improve tem for tis spring anton cstablishedlawosit neusimer. s o eeaily necessary. Rulliog Ralsing thse deadl grass anti dues help Mo flatten the eartt- leeses sould Me dusse prier tu worm, mouetis. If you don't lite fertaiziog. Use a lasen rakte, tise feel of tese rmaunds, rolliog bamou or metal, rcusovlog ail watt ssooott tem out. thc debris peu cas sittout Il you are startiog a nese lasso distrimg tise grass rota. Once ttau sprusg, ttis should te doos as titis a donc, fertitooer can te supin au possible. Grass meedliogs appled. rolatlinttbest in cmol seroter and Appty a copîcte tertiliuer, maso te gruwing sel tetore tte preterebtp sing a upreeder. Il Meat et July and Augast. For test co M due t tsand tot ttio resullu, tte 05w lasso utoulti te generstty renoîts in uneven seedeat tetore May 15. applicetion end mout gardes For more specitir intormation supptysfatees w ltend a spreader on tasses, contact ttc Ontario eits thn purcum et tf ertilizer. Il Depactroont ut Agriculture and peu avse any doubla about tte Food otfice toc tise publication ratioeo etcritiocr te atm, conssît entitteat Lawnn'. Jr. farmers hold fun meeting Bp KimeSlasco Thcuisîuul monthly mcetinof the Pacmo Juior Fuces eus tetti on April 13 ut thse tome of ttatby Neweall Bettre the bsusiness portioe et tihe meeting actisities raeged frem, card ptayang te building peeple pyraetids. Katby Nesseil as vice-preaideol catteti the meeting Muortier. Aep- ene wsibig tu resese teir meseteratap as a Paterou Junior Farmer mont contact citter Mary Anderson or Karen Camp- bell betore April 24. Newe mnsnuera are seelcome. Karen Campbell ttaoteti Katisp for ter hoapstattty. Sheep club takes tour Bp ItugisCooks ThecApril meetingof tise HalMen 4-H iltecp Club ois tise lore ot a Maur of steep taranu te tise Dundas-Braltforti area. Ttc terst tarro visitei wsea tisat ut J. B. Gartnsore ot Duodas Whio keeps a pareteed floct of Poileti Derset ilscep. Aller a Meur ot Me. Gartsorees tacllities, tise 4-H'em anketi questions about tise operatios ot tise tarse. Tise meroters; sere ansuoct at tise nissplacty ot tise operatios asti ttc quality ot ttc abeep. Me. Gartshore'u flock ba one et the teet in tise province. Iteresting tour Thc uecondstiop seas ut ttc tarof u Werner Gruashater near Brantfori. Ttc Meur wsea very mnteresting hecause tese ot thc 4- H'ers tati oser seen Finnist- tandeace steep. As Me. Gruas- hbter poinltidout ttevalue of ttis imorteti eetil is mulntiple Mertte. Ose pro coetaincti 24 tealttp tarots coneiveti trom eigtt esses. Atootter esse Md tocv viable tants asti s nursing ail lise. Ttc laut fuan vsiieti Mlongeti Mo Lloyti Deets. Mr. Dectn teeps a umaîl îlotk ut gani qality ssecp. Foc ail wto wcst on thectMer il 9wau a moat csjopablc day. - -.Champion classifieds wil sel - jast atout unytttog, try onc anti o ses. The Champion, Milon, Ont. Wcticsday Api 19, 1972 e13 ~EIampoui Fa Page Fincancing the farm business Bp Henry J. Stanley Protesuor Gary Hutebison, Dcpartanent of Agricolturat Ecoorics anti Extcnsios Etiucatsoo, Univcrssty ot Guelph, tisusseti ttc question of ois- tatastog fianes forlb th arro ua utiara ttc uniscrsitp os /spril Il. Hc statut ttut smc tuemers puy up te 10t per cet stcrcst rate onterrosctrosey, and ttat M8per ent ofroacuoery puectuseiha tuinterest cales ot lugier tan t0Oper ent. Foety per ccst of Ontario lursers use finaoce comanes. A tto 90 milttion isigt lut creul credit is iscît ty tarm peuple on Ontarso. Furmrocr caco aBford tis type et credit. Ibis cstra cosî t oftoreowang mearo ttat alfarmer mstî cross là to 20per sont more per ycar in orticr to net ttc extra 93»0- $400 cequsrcd 10 puy ttesc ise usîccest tons. This s equisulcot Mo beepang Issu morc tiairy cos or 10moure steers on the fano. Discounts Frotessor Hutetison utateti ttat farmers rost taise ati- vantag of iscouns. A 2per cent Icct diascount certaislp cas te a woettwtsle ssoing. He stalet- t boots tend oely 0.6 per cens ut tese total capital Mu tarmers pertlp lecause of a tosee interesî rule. He statut tel wc do sot have ancutiety ssliutuctory systero ut luesent for tarmeru. Ttc Farm Credit Corporulsue-is couilp anti duoes out me aillthse nceetiofthe farmroc. "A nese spaîca of credit bs seetict", staleti Prolesser Hutetison. -Ttc repayenent octedute stouli te taucti on ttc type Of farmmng asti ttc ce- puyroeeî capacitp et tise etisîida. Tise leteresî rate shouti flsst anti ttc roortglages shostit te open endut i sonnemm of the principal neyer teing puiti off. This seui onlp orcar if ani wleo farers teisn it' Fine Furniturs uT FOCTGOY 1-O 1-OU PRîCES MILTON PLAZA IO V.. WNR EmryGuardian Drug store is som430j's oes E-ey G,,a,, Phia, il ,t --, i,iieiîii S. lic Io,îks ail, iii, iîi;iiiiî,î,îiiiri nooiiidss buais.s Ilicdcoi.iidsiiiaili,, i,.lk,,ekci I., and cunipice, ttc C h i hi sîsil aiitc hiihii i and koi,,dgia,si ,55 a pin. He ieikcs,i, alcc .îîoîe look.ii.eiiii attcae iicy.. iiisiiiîiii iii.. Guadian Pliiiiecisis squ-e ti, iiiisi posile liicc d,iicu ie, sii 1 iiiiisîiciii Thini ous,,sii, tyssa ligeiîîeccicisosdt Th-~e arc ossr lies t.aediuo Pht acsists seti tcesiosds gsitscciuelsu prisers,trigtstserandi 1 1 GURINDRG 1 _ dn*owi u§oeidnD"mmt ELSLEY 212 St. Milles 878-4492 Lounging Lassies hear make-up talk -I BASHFUL BOBBY tus toat tes ncknae. The houl tuffule aI Halten Region Conservation Autisorityns garne preserve ut Ruttîronuise Point wusnae oucoti htal several yeurs ugo Meause bis feroule companionu ditint proince ffsprisg, but il wseater discovereti Hotby wus tonoyoung ut the br o M atter any progcny. Hes heen rouiing op for il; ever snce, anti tise bord tus grosen rupitilp. Lunt secek u son of bis biseuron the proud lutter of u cuattuloi, u cronu-brecot bolseen a istfalo anti a Holstein rosi, lollowissg an experiment cosstceti iy tise University of Guelpt. --(Photo tp J. Jcssomgn> Delay decision teacher pay cut NOTICE TO PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGUSTRATION Registration tor admtssion to Kîstergartes in Septecober, 1972, in the Elecoestary Public Schoals af Halton County, witl take place os Pritiay, April 28, 1972, betouee ttc hoors ot 9.00 arn. and 12.00 sous; asd 1.15 p.m. asti 5.00 p.m. in the school whlch servcs thc attenduoce arca ie wtich the chilti resities. Public Scisool supporters may register tiseir chiltirgo who will have attaineti tIhe age of15 yearu on or betore the tant day of Febroary, 1973. Prout ot pubtic school sopport will be acceptetin jet torm ofa the 1972 tax-biti or 1911 assessment notice, or a declaration troro thse Municipal Clerk'u office. A blrth certiticate or baptismal cert5ticate seilI be acceptable as prootf ot aile. tf turther intormation is reqoireti, catI thse Scisool Principal or thc Cbairmas ot the North Edacation Centre below: J.N. Morrisos North Etiocattos Cestre Tel: 878- 4154 E. Bednar, J. W. Singleton Ctsairman ot thse Bosard. Directar of Edecation. e a