jjjjjjw imý 312 Tise Chsampion, Milton, Oant., Wsdnesday, April 19, 1972 Omagh 4-H girls lecirn of beauty hints By Un. Cecil Peitcrsna a bita Uicth maay cleanacrs anti flue sioth meeting af Hornhy "-oa boa, tuaepply tânsr. Hedi Soath 4-H Styhota aa held ta prcantad e tte gift tramn Uic Omagis Prenhyterien Charch lubai ta bOre. Ciark. At Uic clone, HalmnSaturday Aprl15 itî,aial luncht anti tea vins servedi. mnemhers attending. Anse Hanteones acre Nancy Laswrence Gpstien vice-reaident opened and Hedi Nowas ald Sanie M.ay; thc meetasg and condset e i nses for tonds oeit wceb, business. Rall cati "show a: hoir Anise Opsiic andi Joeone Brinhe. style sited tai yonr shape ai Vtaltern lace," vias anaicereti hy 17 girta. Misa lichai Jacta, R. N. of fIne next meeting aill hoe held Hamslton was a wseend niaitar April 22 att1 p.m. - 4.30 pon. andi aiUilher friand hMr. H. McCean aiS ta a doable meeting. The and on Manday spentthe day in honal meeting ai taeon Aprdl 29 Fergss aiUi Mca. MarUia Braan. at atacs Smo garmnt and MaryAnne Lapa had the record bsono ail tae handed in. miafortone a lea aceho aga ta Secretary Helen Vandenaoom bralerta anitie able sblisg. lad arittco ta Avon Pratisets ai MaryAooe apant neyerai days in Canada for hoablets on taaty Oahvlile Hospital bat ta naa anti shîn care. TOene acre going tai arboal on cratatas. We tiistrihotad ta the meontars atmo aisslber a speedy recavcry. sansplm af lip stick, bindty sent We are pleaseti ta repart that J. isy Avon. Leaders bOrs. Panteron C. Marsall retarned home Irons anti Mrs. Kierns lmbked aver Milton Hospital on Friday. We record books asti loongeacar. ainsh hon conhosatd progress ta Thsc latter are very rncely sesnn gant beali. and an greal variety of materiata W.A.-W.M.S. anti caori. The W.A. and W.M.S. ai Onsagb GurnI speaker Preshyterian Cbarcb beldti Ueir Mrs. Rauh Ciark reprcseoting Aprl meeting on Friday. Mrs. R. Holiday Magie Beaaty pradtit Broanridge presitied anti au a ganst ant in u thoaducei aecmmeti ail aiUi a pain irnon by presideat Hedi Neaa. Mms. the deais. Thic devatianal service Ciark gave a brief tallit an stan au led by Mrn. H. Peacerb. Mm. rare, thon shoaed eacb manstar Turoer, secretary rend lettera nf the correct aay ta give berneSf a thanta tac Eanter flaicers fron facial. Seatet int front af Uhir Mis Bemsie Smsith, Mms. Soaa, microra eacb meontar au giVea Mms. George Peacbc, J. C. Hornby Communîty club will fîght cancer Bp Mms. JimHamulton charge of mile. Mms The Northt Trafalgar Eachre Shannon asti Hon. Ms Dais tattitheir aeebly encisce gave a tiemanalcatias pacty on Saturday migit, Aprl 15, quiaa itts". Auy aithlie North Trafalgar Can- finte eeli catiri cthe manity Centre. Thece acre 12 tise dais nol o taiso ai chre in play aiiht th o u m esr.T higb prians gaing tai the tallaamlg at Mcsi.t Jab Wis. latins: Mca. Otta Marnsment, anSse ack ai lis Hon. Jins Cunnngham asti Mci. the avni of. lnc. Lana Reîid. Isle gants' pimn ar. n nist a U acre aon isy Hon. Olive Raine; fCitn iie nt iaho plptwa et its Mc. anti Mr: pae aagn)Otto Rattetige and tMr. anti Marnhment and Heaold an-eUe. DamstiitaN Thsc lacby iran vians won by Dunodo h Hon. Wilmner Maamn anti Clace Hob Wilson. Haptiseti Mr. anti Mca. Ray Break The taSaawing cblt retarooti hanse os Uic aetanti hapltizeti iy 1ev. Jn fram Banila Springs, Flaridea Fatiden an Suntiay, Api atare thep speot the avsnte. in Etien Unitedi Chu Mca. Eva Steen ai Toronto Adriew Hamtilton, ses. spat the aeebeni wiUi Hon. Hos. Doniald Hansiltai Lana Hamilton ai ipinisasa Lyn Brander, daugs Charcill Btvd. anti Mrs. Donald Mr. anti Mca. Artisar Pluainto ta5dig the service tho Rîgisti Ltme, cetamnet home anti Mrs. Lenliet recently tram Naples, Flaritie grastiparentn af Sani atare ttay esiopeti t0 aeeta ni Brantier. Also atten aice nampy waIer, service acre Uoe grand Mr. anti Mca. George Tceanac Jay Antirea Hasaltas, anti smn Jason of Clactssos, acre Mci. Johna Hamilt danser gacata on Sanday evening grantipareats, Mc. ails Me. anti Mca. Garp utecao May anti gr Hamilton anti iaaly ai tho Ninh Fmclier Ma. Lana Han Lino. Honiy. great grautimattar Caninty Club talle Mai,. The Norths Tcafalgar Cois, Bicabsay greetisî mamuty Club taldti e Apcdl nitentiet ta the iollaain mereting at the boise af Mm. celebrating Uhetc birtst Eltisan Bail an Wetisesday tiret McMifin anti Japi evosmng, Aprîl 12. Tta meeting an Apti 20; Annette B aun opaned walU tise Club Ode isy Aprdl HoMs. Roy Bcea Uoe prenideat, Mca. Gardon 20; Karen Flippance an Leslie, abo aelcoosed tise 32 atmo Joantne McMilhan members poesent. Tisanit pou 26 tetters acre mati tramn thone whio tati been Sll Cancer kits acre isanded out te, te club members andti thers ata are aisaîg ta betp out aiUi tise campaîga. flic eachoe pacty atacis au tatt on Fcîday, April 7, astb 22 tables ai ouchre as play au ver, naccesalal. Tise nont meeting aita be et aich home of Hon. Alfreti hcCracken an Wetiaestay evening. May 10I. An anctian sale af latati gudai anti plantsatil taiett aeditb Hon. John Hanab anti Hon. Mamtin Gt int Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes Eadasise Helirs Ssbîseiian Obcibs Ilensacnit.. !fy. use onstlactoon erlidfr ceos Isli,,t Piton lîcees gîod es A reioieterceblil,,i loisb foanti an oiqur bling sibiliiice ntas praîiptl relie- îlt bi:,, itcbnMd pni.-nciaallcseiik isciaceebid.. This sub,.,cc li beeisaaalaoicdiiic ., >t cc-- silo ente ai beliîîa.tigcîîlllo copsonies, nlsa l:elp p icict f cetia..3 1.se oercse be-y stig 3 0 fnpeoî"nent" - no iîti, , -n assongcs-efcligsitanding. Aîît thi. iiprnentcwuasasitie pasiaFi ld. iif a,1 Tisi. se neipliihbet às iew honling saitance IBio-Dysi)- abictI asly helen ,enl siared eisat st. ioate frasil: onsaTo tisane. Nec, Bta-Dyni. s fieretin Té ointment and upliloitism facs odiscl~ ~ ~ ~ ta Irprton'" s fori cf.0tautass-stifetion or rds ceutid. .Jeasette acy Bisisap on icaw it ose abo is coarne foar act one af ta basteon Alfredi BaS Raledge e acebenti a. Leslie Mrs. John inUi Lise, inca Mc- rih 1f, 1972, ircs: Jay ni Ho. anti t; Sentira ter ai Mc. Brander. aece Mr. Rutletige, tira Lyn ding lise parenta ai ,Mc. asti ol, greal and Mrs. eat grand- stan anti ti. May- tn are fl aba are ans-Mal- ce ilson Iraic an sasn Apcil April 26., os April Marshall atme iron Mms. Borna for binedown laier as bier recent mad tareavemeat. A letter tai Hilleranst laertaan a atmo rend. The gronpaainsaatad la rater ta a aeddiog in Jane bat feit Uiey onot dechae. Tlny bave alreatiy erniset te cat a abat tarbep dioae ba et on May e far a hoao daisad May 13 tar a aedding parsp. It au naggented thot a saroey tae made oi the supply af china ta Uic churcli Iitchea, any cracbed diabea are ta tae discardei and replacei, if paosible. For maoy pears it bas becs a aiss that a reirigerator be parchaseti for thechers isitaben, Uie mentara aee mat happy anti deligistetoi learo Uial anc ai aar cisarcis meontars bas ofiereti ta presnt a iseautifal oea refrigeratar ta the bitchon. His offer au acceptati aiUi Uiaaba. Oosagb Ciarcb bas iees Uie recipient ai other gilta in tise pant froam t ainme donor, mctadiag a baptiosal font anti the tle ilaar ine isement. Plan paf Incli Mrs. C. Pattersos aeccmeti the grupta, the W.M.S. partion ai te meeting. Mimsianary prayer au rend isy Hon. H. McCaon. Busines a mabing plas for a lancisen at Boyne Ceatre Aprl 19, a coasittee aas nameti ta parcisase a gift for a May brida ta tae. Mca. H. Rutherford invited aSt ta ber home on Oatario St. for Uie May meeting. Mms. H. McCaon, gave as intaresting taIs on Uic slady bookt on Airica, ber tais aas a geacral reaame ai conditions , people asti appartamitien ai Uie contry Uic theme -Bcyn tadependence." A mile ai baise goda au belti. Birtistay greetingn ga ta Hos. H. Ratiserfordi, Mrs. Oea. Brnanritige, Hon, W. E. Fard, Jase Rata, Janice Riehot, Joyce Wlson aoti Barry Baaman. dsfbdisnversary Congratalatios ta Ho. anti Hon. H. Rutherford af Militao, farnnerly ai Omagb, aho ahl celctaata thoir 416h aedtiing anisivormcy on Wcdnmtiay Aprl 19, atmo ta Mr. anti Mca. Wiliam Ross ai Grisaby (Sister anti iscatier-in-laa ai tise Rattarfards> on lhise 416h special day. Tise tan couples aere marrie inm a doublse aeiting ceremaay, 1923. We aish isaU tamîlien maoy marc happy anniversacies. 16ev. Rati Leais ai Omnagi Preshyterian charcs aill be guent speaker at Hilicenet Unitedi Cisarcb Aaninccmary an Smtiay Aprl 23. 16ev. Lyn Adiams ni Uiat cisacb adi ta gaesl speaker at Omags an Uiat data. 'MecOntario Staus anti Antique Prenervers Associatios iselthacir onthly meeting at Boyne Centre on Tharcday, Aprit 13, aîi seacly 100 meatars allentimg froos many parts ai Ontario asti points in theStates. FoSloataf Uic hosiness, mntecesting filns naneti isy the meontars acce soas. Lunsch aas nervei by Omags Presynerian Ladies' eroan. Ho. anti Mca. William Me- Fatiten retarneti home a fea tisys ago froon a pleasant fine manUi isaiday mn Brnanescile, Texas. Tbey report bavng a aonderfat tice, aith fine iceather andtihat many Canadieaspenti tise aantec mots in Broanesville. BELTS MADE 0F FELT were matie by Looking on are provincial secrctary Carolyn members of the Junier Wnmen's tnstitutes af Sitati af Niagara, vice-presideot Sharon Ontario, ait Ilseir spring meeting lseld at Pansmore af West Lamne and prenident Master Feets Hall near Horoby Satorday. Marion Feldscov of Norvat. A altit depicling Cime ta 60 attendeli froan several branches te first Women's Instituta meeting 75 yearn aroand tise province. Instructor Miss Eteanor ago at Stoney Creek was anotlser lsiglsligst of Flint, seate i S leit, shows JWIO public lise meeting. Miss Helen McKercher, directer relations officer Cindy Cordingley of Norval of Uic Home Economico Departosent as how te place Uic fe11 cu-ota on thse belL guest speaker. -<Photo, by R. Doans) uIiampfion /District Page Drumquin J. Pickett heads home By Mca. Ceci Patterson Tise anosal meeting ai tho Percy W. Mecry Home anti Scbool Association au ielti at thc school on Tiusarday, Maci 13, aîtb 17 mombers attandisg. *'ice prenîdent Mca. Claire oncsoy welmomedthie gcap anti aSl reports toc tise year. Tan tielcaates adi attendi tbe Home anti School conentian April 27 - 29, at Niagara FaIts. Tao filhan, "Bordiecline- anti -Visa Perception in Cbitiren- acre ahoan aitt commentares. These acre moat sotccesting anti very infocmative. Tise annaal Fun Faî aisl be belti ait tise scisml on Satardai,, May 13. New alair Coenecatîve tac he 72-73 yeac wa- namctim pcmsident John Pîcbett, tîcat vîce-prenideat William Hill, second vice-oceni, dent Mrs. Roabert Docsey, mombecsbip, Mm. Doaglas Wood, cecoctiing secrctacy Hon. Elsie Corraduù, cocrenpontiag accre- tacy Mss. Moniqae Gysel, progcam Mca. DocoUiy Sammitt, poblicît, Mca. Jane La Loap, social coavenec Rdta Valentine anti roneener ai muont repre- sontaticen Mrs. Gardon Raynoc. Cafle anti moities aerc servei. Pcesentaton of Religion anti lite Esnilem Badiges for Cuba aere madieto Normanaandi Davidi Itouaigton at ciaci scacsbip on Saotiay, Aprît 16. To qsalîty for this awacd thc boys bat bren testeti by Roc. Lynne Atiams on WILLIAM A.e A NDRA CHUK 3arrlster & Solicitor pleased ta announce the 'ning of his offices for the practice of Law at LAKESHORE RD. E. OAK VILLE lephones 844-8622-3 scriptoce anthei Bible anti they atmo bat composti a prayer ot Confession wbicb ws u onei n tise aocnsip service. Congratulations taNocrman anti Davîid, wbo are sons of Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Flcnrngtan. on ire wite aaitlof for tbe scisoot hon cecently. Keepfitl Lieamqamn alirnettes bli theo cegalar esercise nigbt on April 10. bOra. Claytan oas in charge anti Hos. Foster ait tise piano. Best laser oftaeigst for the weci and school wsMrs. Virgmnia olipeaa, and honorable mention Hon. Nancy Millec, bath ai Milton. The Pioccico graap wtîl ise visiting lice local ladien an April 17 foc he Kccp Fit pcagramt fnaawei isy a volleyball game, A sîgn ai npcmng? A tiandelian ws natîcetinm bloom tut anis, on the sanoy sideof ai Ocel Cbaurcb. Birtbday grcetngn go ta Jahn liailey, Rodney Gomting anti Gofflrey Oreabcmbk Jr. -Mînor ba5l cegistrations close Ibis Satariain Miltan. LowviIIe Honor secretary home and school. ly Mm. Richurd Soverclga On April 11, at Fairviea Hoe and Sehool meeting, Mrs. Lorraine ýSaallaa was presentei aith a lver vase by Rom Sanderson for ber elgst years of service ta thc association in Uic Position of secretary. Mr, Sendersen conveyed thec appreciaflon ai thc memlters for Mrs. Sallowls faltbiat accla Lvile-Zioanrsno peatarat charge an April 16, 1972 oelebrated Uic Sacrement ai tafant Baptisai. Thse chuldreo lwceaetad and recelved it thli clmrch congregaian acre: Kelly Lyno, dagistar of Suon aod Don Bretlset; Jalia Lyon, dagliter oi Sharon and Lac Caataao; Gary Thsomas, son of Jane and Glen Richardson; Jennifer Lynne, daugltar of Judy aod Don Shor- anoti and Thomas Rassell, son ai Senoira aod Peter Spell. Gefacil flic coomaunity senis get well aishen ta Maurice Powell, PIancie Robertsaon and ta John Nichtoon aWho loot Uic slgt ai anc eye duc toian industrial arn-. dent wlierc lic werka. Wc are duiioing of them anti hope Uhir recovery will tae Smon. On April 24, at 9:30 a.m. at Killicide Unitedi Churcli tise =fltn Prenyterlal United t3eh Wagne 4611 oeet tai "lin nea Idema ta leadership and proram. Rev. Gordon Hanter l and in a TeacWiIn ahout "Tic 5negn Cucý AU U.C.W. oneonhre are arge ta attoed. Thore wlS hoe an %lent meeting ta fUn cunmanlty for LoavIlle Mior Soithall an April 2Mat 8 pan. at Uic homne of Erie Bell on Namber Fivle Slderoad hy Uic power station. 2 uprposecofthemetUingla to dison Uic aic of thc hall diamaondn et Lawvllc Park for the camiof mainon. A repranentative of Uio Sarlhsgtan recreatian servicen wItl ho benent ta hoar lhe vicapobife of the conccroed cilinof aihUi casnonmty. SiaidayApril 23 St. George's Anglican Cangregetion aill warsbip aitb tho congregation et Lauville Unitedi Ciirch. il KAISER houa. siding ... for te ALUMINUZ carefree beaufy of li. fncsonihoae,ld o e., a NEVl NEEOS PAINTING n20 mEac GUARANTIE. 50C OC COLOURS ANO FINISIai 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS a Aluminum Doors aete Cobination Windows a~si Car Ports * Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL RNUSTRIES foon OF eosSYnHSI. OAKIiOsLE '865-03la allT-OF-TOWNI OlTONEM PeauE biLEOT Bi W P. K. Scierie vecstIh tacs As erasin Dense hondri etten desiri Tea tioely wnch atacla Dcp resail or Pam ic hg Oa, LMu ami anpb demi mata Verel Vil La sml Ic La noal sin the spp prel gosi "up ast yaa rat SAVE $PT090510 TOYOTA DIMONSTRATORS THIS WEUK ONLYU TOYOTA CORONA Carcila 160 cou"e 4 DSr 4 Speed aunoaloc, Raio Polyves ia bloc sunas alish oisny to radiasl tices Radio Lic. N4618 Lic. N4620Sae260 Save $630 Full266 Full Pull 00u Price '396" Prs Mark Il Sta. Wagon Craico 2 Dr. Htop. dautasatir & Radia Auomc,o Radio pCl5nsoeaBlueSa Fog Lîghis Uç2tSO8ys Lic N4615 Save Itfl00 Save $685.00 Pull Full Price '3140" Price $3995"8 Crossa 2 Dr. Hfap Corail. 160 ForOo« 4 Spred. Mag Wheels cadial Tires 4speed, radio Siucer cciii Uc. Nmi99 Blue interior Lic N10117 Save s.00 Save $905 Fl Full eg5n pris138 l4WY 25 Jent Northi of 401 878-4365 - 826-2931 NEW FROM TORO Wind -Tunnel" Action pulls the grassi up for better cut, better bagging Thena '72 riding mowern tram Toro have naw Whi rlwinda cuttar decks. New guard bar and downward dnflecting chute increane nafety at the grasn dincharge. This popular tractor-style rider han extra wide pnesmatic tiras ta iscrae traction, n new larg- er mattier, and n flip top hood tor easy nccens ta the angine. There's a new molded bucket neat ta help yoa rida in comfort, and electric ntact in availabte. !EE THEM NOW AI BOYNE QAE l'f 878-3912 Highseay 25 & Brifanela Rd.