aider one year an lîi-. c la reardin .i Iitll Organiaclîc lisda cal [cnt happet., 'rcametatee aihir i wath a tittie ferteighi ne heet prenrnted, a ceaIe a childes Mie e injery. .le phynicat and mnte et et chfidren, Meac t thty wiant Mn de sale]) [ding et safe attitede ends an ttachitg hl lice attitude teaerd nettlied te childre: rith tht cery yeang ait a tai cape aiith haxard Deer 200 guett fra entr as hived ecer neer Guelph Jonction British Cotlumhia and an ner an tn Naaaagnwtya, oece mccritd et-deer teighhare, helped Mr. it tht Bostton Checch Mante tac ced Mca. Cern Agneai cetebrate tht Rec. McDerrnott je 1922. Ueir 50th wedditg nninersarynti Precieoaly, Mr. Agneaibhid Si. Mheet' parish hall, Antan. serced ecerea ie tht Firal Sandey attecnet, April 9. Wortd War with the led Central Mr. atd Mca. Agneai licre et $1 Ontario Regiment tram Roeord Tercace. AcMen, teecitt Hamitton. mict M l M in l 1966 aBfer Ht htnght c larm it 1921, apetditg mant et their married rnarried Ethel May in 1922, and lite farrng on the Guetph Une, then dide't mace agait furtif 196f sonth et Caetliille. aitet thty retired and boagha a Mca. Agnet, tht former Ethel home in Acton. May Allen, et tht First Une, Ae0eahandy Eaquemitg, ced Cern Agneai iha -We meced ta Actan becane it ae central ced clone ta ecerythrng tIse," Mr. Agnei td Unie ataiepeper, cend t as a gnod place M ctrh puhlie trans- portation.- SencraI ather people front tht natnte acta preeedd them ta thetoban ai they oece errer crnong atreegeca. Bath Mc. ced Mca. Agneai htetg ta, tht Golden Age Cluh in Actenancd Mca. Agne is je c te Meneher et ArIen Wemen'a Itilitl and a meaiher et Knox Cherch Lacdies' Aid. Mr. Agneai, aiho pretera te, he cive in retirement, aiacho as a A LOOE fNTO tht peel t dowtea Milt. huilding ia neai antd an c htoely ahep an tht At utidientitad rman etands aiith Victer, teft ad a retaucrant on tht cight. -(ýStaff Florence cnd Artuer Narringten in front ot Photo> Necingtn'a Coecltionery SIte mn 1912. Tht Former Milton store owner celebra tes Bp Doloires Mtlane Mms. Arthur (Florence) Narrngtee et Weetaierth Ladge, Soath S1. Dandes, cetebrated hier 91th birthdp n April 3. She celehmnted lier day et n farii dianer et thte e Mc. ced Mca. Ed Nerriegtn le Dardas, wtth ail bier childret, grand- cbitdren, and great- eandebjldren in atteedeece. She an sane treated Mo e irlt-. day tn'p te Grand Baa Ilancd, accerpanying lier oece Mc. and Mca. W.* J. Narriegte, Jetait Harnilton and ber daeghter Carat, and Mca. John Reid, att of Milton. 'lte aIne attendaid a dinner et tht horneoetlier tan Victor le Tarante. Mca. Narringtn cae M0 Miltoen tramn Etgland with bier hushand Arthur le 1907. te 1902 they but Nrriegtet't Conetcttcny ce Main St. (tam Vogue Bennty Satan and a resaurent.) Mca. Narrlegtat telapa rtadleg tht neapeper ced geleg shopping. Ai Wentainrth Ledge aile aiarba te tht eavttty nbap and participai«. le recreeattet. Hec fod~fr tngevtty le: "Keep on nec' nd mtllleg, keep in Mauch ioh people, and above ail - mtLe tht Lrd!" 90th birthday BoeS offers aI Husky for everyj size Iawn " Ste 't Toia At r Sentiy power alarmt device nta, 7998 em îAE97.98 SUMP 36.85 AL rAEt tOLLEO ALLAI CLEMENTS & SON Brontt St. S. Mittan 878-2328 Campbellville Gravel gets licence renewal ai Cataphellvi11e Gracet Sappty tecated seetti et the Fitth Ld e cvd lienereewat te, Sideroad Naseagaeeya and nort mine ew gre arean in of ighai401 and brweenlthe Nassagaweya, at a recent Ffh and Sixh eu of tie metng et Naseagawtya Moweship. Coient Couean bcd a epecial Ttie tirsl lecetien is part et thte cernaittet meeting, aI ttie tant hall et tet nix, cencessine reqent et represntatinet et thte tour betceen tht Guelph Une and cempany, te cent dec the the Feneta Une et Nanegarnepa ceneaial. Cetemattee meetings Ï ~and a 50 acres. Te atend areneteopen tuothepuihteto mining acta, which le 40 acres, tae ssm. Policemants rope trick rescues Credif canoeists g Taie aeetd-be caneeint n je wt. Setarday'n Craay Ceedit Boat Tht race etarted at Gîte n Rac tetddthe asistancteofant Williamsn and aient enmis a elicer et the Milton OPP dttach- aiw e cricer ta Nercat. '4 Tefrry Mahea, 16, and Don gWardrep et Brampton capsiztd Tom W ells their heat jiait deainntrtamn fremn Gîe Williams, tht etart et thte race. Tht taie 'nadete' ecramrbtedl s eaiss nere Mr an intand aed then were %à draggtd te tht rnaintend et a repe puedhy Constahle Gary This ytar's annoal ine te yeatts wiet net harrntd atttr held on Wenanday May 10 et t.30 tht anient, jent e tittte cetd and pai. in tht Seynt Ceneeenity Ceetre, Briteenia Rd., Dakcîtte. C ar .ïspeaker Garai apt Thoma Car stota, Mimester et Edecatin tac recoverea Tichets tac tht dinec n A itnmechanie's a a meeting arec aaitabte treai MîtMn ncar aie elecetive aiemhecs, aed et tht stcee tram hie place et eor an acng an thty tant. Miltan emptegment an Wedneeday peteatetdwatnai marning, April 12, repart Milton nhaatd phont t78-9898. Police. tint car htened Mo Edwin Gadd et Carnphettitile, an emptayet et Johnson Bothers tIS AN MS CM GNE redyM ct eception tac tht pepeler Arce copte et s. Gare. Mliletnhe ce cactrtd MR. AD MRS CAMAGNEWrea tu cthto caae.ît thlto terne day and their 50th aitddmg ennvtreary cette ait a Athanes hall, Simday. -<4Phehe by H. Coete charged] thee actas yoths. Mr., Mrs. Agnew mark anniversary q EZ7~Hoover Steamn and Dry Iron with the purohase of Hoover Washer/Spin Iryor Mode! 0622 K\Washer/Spin i 4ped n3 aneTht lttte goant thaf vilashes $ 18995 0Comaccrîairîi ," axeae1." ad it'a eetable -raila on rentera, i a te st ore. * Scan acptoa nwateeaaddtterente ..n ahet wate aste. Yea ccc te asc cadet cetter * Exclusive -Paleter Action" eta clethea rceaner [asenr * Lrioa.ot îtetie ata.nieaa asteel toI cenct rhap. DRY ER A efc ae $s1 851P95 theHe aherFmu iteGatHoe N a n drylaio co tw.Pl insan aul t BgS vig (.ompacinsN@W ATS2"iex11"ý BURR@WSgh. AND PRESLEYlstsac I lfspralrlso hes 136 Main St. Medel 0914 HARDWARE sis-ui1 The Champion, Miltn, Ont. Wednesday, April 19, 1972 al Museum "dig" wifls $100 Orcrete oneo tehyo An entry of artitecta tram high achoat, i9erlingten. The di"eareeien et such thtega m Halton cennty maneten et the etodente Mad dene a 'dig' et tee harneis and creckery. Science fair at McMaster museum, enceuraged by Tthe enbbit wittble dteuaedn Urnesty wona a $100 award fer museumn directer Dr. H. J. cabe TV and wilhe frwarded tu atudt tromr M. M. Robinson Ne:aoe the Dnari Science Centre. WENEED TRADE-INS See Us First BeoeYou Deai e Top Dealer for Ontario e Double Award Winner Phono 459-213 a Expanded Service Department '.h ne 459121 _ eN ae. 7 d Hvvyi âz Resarch See our large selectlon' ALI MODELS AVAILABLE a NOW IN STOCK com COEouT AMEAD on A#à~ Kawasaki spartufiltrcity goardcatthe PtL. Rohertson plant ced n ronstrurtion aile an Milton. Eaadecre et thear peputcrity le nopptied hy tht neaiher et people tram Lewnalle, Chatawecth, Tarante, Hamilton, Guelph, Millt, Wctecdoain, Hillahorgh, Cernahetîcîtte, Georgeteown, listeaiel and Artan aihe ctttndtd Tht thret.titred wedditg cake vais made hy Mca. Margaret Mitchell et Ccmphettnille and Mca. Gladys Ohingahy et Falferd Harhear, O.C. dtercted tht cake. Met. Agttw'e steprnether, Mca. Me Allen, Georgetwn, and ce cint, Mca. Emily Neiteen, thttehergh, peertd Mtefr gett. Mr. ced Mca. Agneai have taie dcnghtera, Mms. Norme Patterait et Guelph, and Mca. Helen Broillard et ArIen, ced s grandeleldrea, iha aitre et Seedcy'a cecephean. Atter tht rceeptiot 50 ne 60 clone frienda aitat ta the Agneai home tac ahaner. May galle, rerda et congratultionaecnd tînaiera graed c tahle et tht rereptien ineIodant att tram M.P.P. George Kerr. -Hockey an joat aheut river ter ihis yecc. Bnsehaît watt he aidecwcy loacty ie tht near future. POLLOCK AN4D CAMPBELL Hgh n..M.rem,.. Mennoa. Ee.r«,t fiiLT GALN m ce Water Se. Noreth NG SUPPLIES 1.49 t~86e OLT NIGI4T SET LATCH 39 19 'M2667 )IF ONTARIO I