Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Apr 1972, p. 21

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ETRIST Stoey and Phe"u Manne, whu are developing Ilil By Dan O'Relîy urtitl abilities in an art clati itelil ut the Mator on Wednesduy "It's neverto10 laIe lu lean touronig. coldlie the muoo o five A small corner ruumoflthe emidents nf Haltun Centenniai Petlit House uerves os tise at QUIETLY WORKINlG mstieir palot studio ni- tdt students of an ai-t clanes at Oie Hallas Cenlassial Manor. The clss la heisi lna setalkesof uthOe Pettit Hount on Wedssesday moniogs, undnr tht leadership nof Recetlin DiretIn Mes. Ptggy Odehnal. -<(Staff Photo) PROU]) MARY keepa on painting. At the agt sf 90, Mes Mary Young han discoveresi she's s saturaI paishar. Art mastiuctor Mes. Ptggy Odehnsl says Mes. Younsg miiglilhave liesn s gi-t paister, if site had studitil art ta-lies'i l ift. The pansting on t teftlai a dmsign of Fort Gar lin Wmanipeg. Tht second painting la a lanulseape acine. -<ýStaff Photo) r SRS. DOROTHY CATERMULL han gond ressr lu dispiay bier floei painting. Tht lady onty lins te uo lier teft ni-m but lier paistiuig are as gosnd as t i-est of Oie dlais. -<Staff Photo) FIRMLY HOLDING lies' painting la Mes. Margaret Gow, mhilt art insts'sctor Mes. Pnggy Odelinaltexptala Oie gond mnd bond points of lier ci-nation. -<4Staff Photo)l studio lot tht flot aspirine urtits, soho woti undr lte leadership of Recrenoos Oi-eIt Mes. Ptggy Odehnal. Tht nludents, a0 wumnen, range inage frntm5 o 90. Tht clans was organlsed b Mes. Odehsal nar the end u Gi-lober. Althnugh the clas hoaslu nnly lise students, Mes. Odehnial is eslremely prud ut Iheit progeess. AUlbave abdlity "Most oI Oie wmrn have badl vtty bltle experiene in art," fisle says. AI tnetlime a slnudent ofthOe Ontario Cellege ut Ai-I, she feels evetyone han ait leasl sonne artislle alaliy. As pi-unlofllhlnstalemenl, Mes. Odhleal uses tle eampie nf 90- yeor-eid Ms. Mary Youngune ut lier studenla. Mes. Young la isst diseuvering Oiat alie bas a mealOi ut athrsite reatliliy. "PethapG if Mes. Young liait stsdlnd art mhen Oie mas yoanger. she mlgbl bave develnped mIst a gi-cal artisI," ssggesls Mes. Odebsal, "evei-ylhing comes natsrally lu her, au I have to la du lmlain nomnellang anoe mnd susInsm Osresg." Bues in lalleel Tonshisp and aose lins residenl of Oie Bnehingtan aires, Mes. Young, mlsese mIle lin lite mas tuaI of a lessemile, adosits wishing she had slatd paining mhmn shle mas ynanget. "I neyer badl Oie chance helute." Thtea a lagh pi-aise for Oie clans, "leud slay in Oie studio paisting a0 day." osa beat Tht painlers are ossalty remtriced Is nil pusotisg. "This type ot art is ptubalily tht munI leasible foe Oie residenu 10 atlamp ," motes Mes. Odelisal. Ait maltrialn netded lorthOe morse are oss40ly prnvided lu Oie sîndensl liy Ilitie relatives, altlesgh the Manne did sppîy seine ai-I eqsepmesl. An a sort ut retue getre, nnmt ufthOe stodensshave given thair tisishel painoings o 10te lamilles as gitu. "Somne il t Manne nIaft io oltered la biay surit of Oie paislingn". Mes. Odehsal remoelied. ideas lot deawings are snpplied tlitug phatngraps, senspapet cippings, maganine designs, or still lite ohiects, esplains the insîtotînt. "Painting lanscapes is a lavorite panlane mith the clans. (One alsiect Oiey are no1 paeticsiariy tnd nf deawing la ltwtts. Thila u ndernlasdahie, as finiees are a very ditiet thitel lu dtaw, althougli Oiey appearto1 have a simple denign," OlaIes Mes. Odehnal. Patiencebellps Patience is a qality Ihat maliens a gond leaclier and Mes. Odehnat pommees ssch a vu-lue, wtlsel lielps lier lu expiais la Oie stodenîs Oie unses nf lighl and dueli cotoring, the eighl perspective and haîter ways lu aspeove deawings, in a guud- satueed way. Att the stodents ufth1e clas appear lu hae deeply involved la Onu-r neli. Ont studenl, Men. Doeolliy CatermuH accemplislim 1er drawings witli thie o uton lians lier riglil ai-m is paralyzed. On the meekaelds, "Tht Manor Fise" mil nlip lalu the studio and painl lai Oieir heacs' content, reports Mes. (Mehnal. In lact, as Mes. Corliell pot il, 'wve hale il mhmn il's dinnettime, as thats the mnd nI the clans." Thn Champion, Milton, Ont., Wedvesday, April 19, 1972 W, Hornbv woman headS Space heater elever too late to Iearn ManOr ladies Iearn ta paint Mes. stuc Saunders rit tloetby was vameil peesideot of tht Friendo of Hallon Musei group, atthe annoat meeting lielil Thutsday in Milton. Besides eiecling sens officers, Oie Fritnsd spet Oie evening malting plans forthOe annai, Suimer Festival aI Oie Museumt aI Keha., nchedsied fer Jose 17 and 18. Oestral enlerlalants have ali-tady promistd 10 ceme andl mate mill ha wtlcomed. Rus Har-la of Millun is punI peesident, Joha McDosald if EXMIBITING oine ot ler Ufiaeul paintisgs la Mes, Bertha Coi-bell, ont c uthe resldens of the MaRtai Centensil Masser who la nsudyisg art naer rsIe. Peggy Odelssl. -<ýStaff Photo) Scotch Block W.1. elects new siate Tht SSchl Block Wooem's lsstitule htld Ohir ansaal meeting atIÀLgny Hall witu Il meinhars peesent. Lunch mas pst an by Oie lasing aide afthOe atIendance montmt. la Oie ab- sence nf Oie pemident Mes. J. lIrving, Mes. S. Murray chaleed Oie meeting. Secetary Ireassi-er Mise Eva Chishalas reported a vt57 suc- emifl ymar. Brandi enasmners' yeaely reports met eniad and handed inalibe sent onlaodistrict Direceses report Mes. C. Service, district directur, reporled tlist tht district annuel meeting uld ha held in Camplielîsîlle Peesliylerian Chsrch mitu Nassagamtya Instilala acting ns haatms an May 24. lisiuts mompetisg. Plans mere made fsr the Apoil 27 cai-d patyat igny Hall. FiRty dollars was oatedlaOite Cancer Society. Members agrted lu sspply lunch mnd ldrthday gifla tueusne ufthOe muatly parties ait Oie CenIennial Mianne. Electios Mes. C. Service laeh t1e chair fit electian and installation ut uffimens for 1972-73. They mere ns boumos: hansrary prmldmnt, Mes. C. Service; prmsidmt, bt-s. J. Irving; lirat vice premidmnt, Mes. S. Murray; second vice peesîdent, Mrs . Hoe stceluiy-lreasue-, Miss Esa Chishaha; assistant seeretary- ltasorer, Mes. W. Hlarris; dislrirtdirector,Mrs. C. Service: -Many tesm, hate atlended Oie "Ceany Buat Races" at Georgfeton Seaurday. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL MORSE STEREO HI-FI With 40 watt chassis, Medîterranean sfyling, encludes AM-FM, FM Stereo, four speed record changer liy BSR, diamond needle (45 rpmI spindie included), 8 track tape player, IndivIdual track Iights built in. SPECIAL OFFERt Stereot headphones, stereo record and stereo8ftrack tape FREE with above hi-fi Only. SEE IT ON DISPLAY NOW This value is unbeatable anysehere for only 'EXCLUSIV1E DEALER 4r. ELECTROHOME chd SON4Y/ 26C MAIN ST., EAST- MILTONONTARIO 4*CsCS7S.463J alturnate. Mms. J. Hopkins; brandi direclars, Mes. D. Rabertson, Mes W. Han-la and Mes. C. Brown. Standing cummittet e ovestes incînde tefreslimml Mes. M. Catre, finance Mes. C. Rowney, cmmonity mettare Mes. C. Browen, citizmnslap and world affales Mes. Homse asd Mms. H. Rabertaon. Oiers ai-t educallus and cultural aclisities Mes. W. Lamsn, agriculture and Canadian indsly Mes. G. Riant, famtiy mnd csnsomer affale Mes. D. Roliertson, fumwets Mes. J. Hopkiss, prngramis Mes. C. Service, poublie relations Mes, S. Murriay, asd Tmmedsmsir Histnry coralor Mes. C. Service. ISalation Armyl I PICK-UP TRUCK IMILTON i& 0000 LVEY ESDAYI Motors (,ribelle oft Gcorcgtownssecc tacy. Mes. Jean Hatheetey of Molton lreisiet andl Met. Helen Seveteignof Luoville hinlurian. Tht Freds report mtmliee- slap coeeenly stands aI 6t andl mare membees are welcome, any lune. -This is Chamliee of Commerce ee. --Creela i-an full of walt tat week as rans comined wîtu spi-ing essoîl lu penduce flols. [ R urde 'ID OPTOMETRISTI IBRLINTONI IMALLU E:LEONE63778 FR115 FR115 causes alarm A I looded space heatet aI tue hoame ofRene Thibiert atl19Kinig itý Miltonta the cause of a lite alri Wednsday alternoon, reprtes FieChie A. E. Clement wht snys ihere wau littie damage. -Reere Saloeday, June 10 lor tht Tommy Hanter sheow and dance atthe aena. FOR COLI WEATHER PROTECTION 878-6380 Vour Sheli Dealer BELL BROSB MILTON FR115 FR115 CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE ln Our Store and Get a Chance on Our Free Draw Prize of $ 0 Credif Coupon Book Zoilleru County 1 rir Georgetown Open Mon- Fri. 10Oa.m. to9p.m. -Saturda y9a.m.to6 p.M. Ail covered by the -ýPlan 1YOU CAN DRIVE THESE CARS FOR ONE YEAR OR '12,000 MILES AND IF ANYTHING GOES WRONO, AND IT'S THE MANUFACTURER'S FAULT, IT WILL BE FIXED Covolsistetdol the 1972 es c, iîîec are displisst Matador 4 D'cor Sedan from 3376. IlRW This assures yo of: Total manofactorivg - quality Real dealer conceen ' A resolotinnary 12 months or 12,000 mile guarantet A fret boaser car A hotline nomnber for imnmediate action fror American MoInes iv Brampton shoold yoo tuer need i il nt S ~~<~from 2623. Javelin SST from 3220 If you viant a car that gîves you total qualify and good value you must see these 1972 cars fram j kAmerîcan Motors Corne în and from 4524 . Absao S inclsansai cnediininq George Clemrenfo sec me. va, Ail P.B. ALLAN CLEMENTS & SONS Bronte St. S. Milton 878-2328 ~1 .8 Friends of Museum UR 25% ces ILk 20% Off 20% Off 25% Off 25% Off 25% Off 15% Off 15% Off 20% Off 20% Off 25% Off 10% Off 20% Off 20% Off lITE .'4.29 t. 1.49 'g'2.49 iag '2.89 5% Off 25% Off 25% Off 25% Off 20% Off 5% Off 5% Off 20% Off 20% Off 25% Off IN rHE a r 1-sl GEORGETOWN MARKET

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