Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Apr 1972, p. 19

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ih, Milton r ale, No Br&, t be. Tisu aln't led Cisickeu on pendent stropes grtonuater - hockoeslg; ni' on Sxteon lPR, 21 miles lu nt for trots servie as an muIl Imlusnrial n i ncuding a ho centfre (or ln s? lIn simptent il toMa ci thse ty. It hou a a si tise foits of satin to name Dos MeQoSm à105> of Hslton wero crimbnul xurt for nsali ld tise welfare Cmoes hsosdles e esUns aitie RIl thse children lssfrmctl sites tOakvlle and 'hmi hasnot tise lce store a inu thse area 0f ions of justice, couti> for aul 1g oMeie. An thse lmproved 0 lu operation. t la that mone accuralu ansd hsaid. df govermient By steve wyatt iin Altougis tise iton Proviscial JoisMiisutse rigisl lu carry out eecauna, lise last basging mas in 1875. Siqserlnlesdest James Rendiles sapa, «'Yoa'il neyer see onothar one". Rendias doess'i believe in capital pusishmoent. "I rancI sea liait taking aup mans lit a pay- ment for tabing nomeone eloe'n," he said. He says tisai misai me maid nw 10 "psycbiatrie brim- inastang" iniicis moald remove ouy repeated tbrena ai violence on tise publie. 'lie jail wii noua bc pisased ouI bat tise fate of tise antiquatedt atone structure biau not pst bean derided. Pubie isangings hagan in 1819. tise pour lise jai opeaed and ennuod outil 1875. Arcordlag ha retired Sisarili Andrein Franks, Wilson rouignesi frose bis past is 1875 isecase ise did oui apprave of lise brutaiity nio public han gg TIsere have bees sevaral break attempta darise theejail's issory, tise last ose orrorring in 1965 insolving four men. ltoseeenuaone of tisa inesates isad o brohan leg and used bis erutrises as o club 10 overcomne une ai the goordo. Ose prisoser sorreeded in rabluog the gurd ni bis car beys and drove off lu lise direcion ni Windsor lislking be mas iseadad for Toronto. Ileabuing bis mistabe, ha lacoed aroonsi in tise middle ai the isigis- may and nos pirisei op foc making an ilagutl U-turn. 'ino niher prîsaners mare alsa piskei op in Milton the sama day whila tise tort mac man mas Fleeing fugitive' fumble finishes The old oort oue and CoutyJoi, bugit lu 1M5, sallesutbh-91 la 1875. Same coiady courts are sit 5uSd lu the original building. contruuq lu the uew Itaie Couuty Adhuultratlo sud Court Hm. Crowu Attornep Douglas V. LaUt- mer brenaks fnr lunch doring the Miltos mourdier trial wiri sas antder wsp mises Sheridan stsdeut.reparters visid tain. s freeway freedom - able ha gel te Utahs miere he slayed toc several montho util ha inan also picheil op on a osinor chocge, Ail pelice departments in the *conty bave "locher privileges" aithle institution andl the maxsisum lime o charged prna cou spend in Milton jol la 30 days. Thesjoli bas sees maoy changes is lis bluhary, inclodisg tise * arrivaI af tise besperary ah- sences prngrsmn (made famous sty veeioffioy) oct.e Under ibis bill, every prison sentence ia atomaticaliy redured hp one-qsarter, ami cout ha redured lbree doa a monils ut uder tise earned remisslon Uuçorm i tbe ismate shosoo se od oaiour. Tise temporory absencisa programe alloins certalu hanates t0 leave tise joi t attend orbool. or jobs or apecial occasions. Tise suporintendest bas tise haslboritp te grant a maimum of Sbye, days and lester aluences *mont bse arranged mitis tise Departuseot of Correction. Inlmates are provided wili *dsiip reereational activities, weaiber permittint, suris as bail and Superintendent Rendles bapes ha bave radio available te teprisoners in tise nesr fture. Tise Mouoros oldest reideuti, Simn Hlenry Baverstocs sud Edili Grene muai bave foud lie Foutalu of Youlb sosembere. Me. ilaversluckl l 16 ad Mru. Grenuesl 103. Tlere ls plenlp ta keep liern coupird asthieMener; acivltles ofail sorts keop âembhopping. Age no hang-oup for 103-year-old Mont people dreaco of filding tise lotintain ot pouls andl ream ang 0mincd and had to.lsr er litetime. One prsan mis relizesi ber dreamis a 103 peur aid lady in Milton wha sîi ises tb tisinis sis cnkicks ber heels over hec bead. Mrs. Edith Greene, or Edie as friends rail ber, tisrown every existing tisesrp ot tise golden peurs' rîgisl nul tise nindoin. lu fact Edie doennt have tise lime te luoild. -There is tocn mociste ha gained tram, esperienctal lUfe," sise says, "and t dont mant 10 miss any ot it." Mes. Greene, niso non lices at Ralton Cenlenniol Manor, oiiered an her ramipe tor bufe. Tise otgredienlu comine thogbilt ness, a gondi sense of humer and a Canmon's signal sparks off ffremen Bp Deothly Redleaen tele, *one atarI a tee opratail "I've had ta taise lisoisodies %.:s WlusI, harneil risIdres ont ai buildings, are on duty 24 tours a day. Mrs. andl il affecta the may pou inis," Cannon bita ber phsone, ami lise saiil Milton Pire Cisief Albert E. phsones in 33 tiremen's tomes Clement. "Tise tinst tilg tisaI start cinging at tise oume lime flashes tiscougis my mmnd misen I andl beep rmngisg ulil acsinered. heur lise olaresl 1"I monder il Any cnnversations in progrss anynne ba trappeil in lise are autaairally rat off ami building." replacad by Mrs. Cannan, givmng Chiai Clemnent bas been a iLre- tisa location of the ire. fîgister in tise Milton ares for 38 peurs. and bau luen Pire Cbiei Mes. Canno knoins misen ail for 20 years. He is tse only full the mec hase haen alertai as lime ireman in Miltan, lise ailier ilsere ara ligis miir glane an 33 are volontars. Tisey are paid earis volunteer's phsone is sy thse bour for tiseir mark aI fires anamared. Ibis tubes sameintore andl prartives. Tisay ail have iseinan lb seconds and tine ailier jota. minutesa nd neyer hon taken When a lire rail ramen in, thse mare tison six minutas. voluntears are raileil on a "We are really trying ta mnrb Antique machinery highlights Milton Steam-era show display Bp John Booter In 1959, a susail group ai mes met aI Use bouse of Leslie Lowne and launrsai Thie Ontario lies and Antique Preservars' Assoton misicis o namharS approuimately 300 mes and inamen in Canada and Use Unitedi States. Tise renait of Usese men'n arlivities in Use restaration of outiqutai steses and gasabine- poenea farts esarbiaecy tos hesniitons sain faisous Itenus- Era esibiition mbiris bas hec a Labar Day meekend featore (enrludissg Sondaps) for Use lest Il years. 1.001 peur, over 30,0W tourista fockieil ta ciem 110 aid gos angines, usonily ocer 100 os display. ail restared and operating. Tisere maso drag sain. nlatioourp steam angines andl isuilars, anti qae cars andl a sariely ai oUsar early pieres. Tise ivesndaales oithemensin lise club aise rostritoteil miUs ilseir exiitiion ai spirmiag andl ineaving. USarmoosi Rama, a taitisial aleoin but t and long lime memeshr of Use association says UsaI Use rosI us produricu ose ai Usese anuea esxhibitions 10 mall over $20,000. Most us spast for tae transportationOf ailie beavy engines andl eqipesent, some ai mics ramnes up iram Use U.S. Same ai the members maka ifS- mile roud trips ta go 10 Use manly meelinga; one mou 4W0 miles. This roming Lator Dsy mil maris Use graap's 12Us aoni- verssry andi 1 espaclai ta ba an siicaassiui and enjoyable an iltoas been us Use past. ou fire preventiali progran as ma au ire fiajsbg," fie sid. "1eare otriving ta edocate people on lire saty. We ore ninaiag a pester rampetibion in ail grade fives in tisa Milton Cisief Clament sail mont calis ta rural arens are for grauo fires, andilsatise geta the oume namber Ofbcalisfram Milton as iromn rural areau. "Chsristnan 10 aur sient lime, lisere la ou maris peper uroanil, andil tiumable derara- bions."' Tise Chiai is prouil ni bis Departesent. "Dýur voluterr msen are exceilent tire tigisters ami meil quoliticil for liseir jobs. Tisay have a tilote ta six montis' training prograts, lisen an enoa on mies lisey mut score 75 par cent, isetare tsey are arrepted," le ssiil. "Five of aur mec bave pat in avec iity peurs 101n thire daparisnst, and tiiey bava ail receiveil tise Pire Depactesent Long searvice Maial, given to dadicatesi men mils 30 or more peura ai servira." haspcling buildings is one of tise cisief's jao. He does ibis peronaily, oc ail buildings, sein and nid residenres. ispitata andl oliser insttutons. Tise Pire Depurtesent 10 aise cali out ta accidents, Borne- limes ta stand by in rose of tire misen cr inreehsaora being peiled upart, sonetimas ta use renusritatong equipesent or elve tirot id. Tiscy bava the aqipeant ta eut people out ai urerbo. Atter a lire or an accident, ail equipina is mode rendy for tisa saut coll totore ilhe men cou go tome. This sort ai tiha ran't to taIt until tamarrain. happinrua anil social aclivity, rememharing ni course, tn keep poursel respectable. Pot it ail togeliser ond poucve got il made, tise great ie. There mas irony in ber marrioge ta a mon naoned Harry Greene, barausa ber maiden sale sas Bats. Edie rosarbed "Wisat etce would Po espeet? Aitar ail, ilanks are lilled mitis Greene staff". Aittoagis Edie neyer had anp risildeen of ber oa'n, oba salil "I asis 1 could have lied a isandresi." In fart, misile Edie wao in Engianil sise mou nursemaid 10 tisree bîttie oses. Bon in Engiand, sise rosigratesi ta Canada orili ber susisandin 108t. Edie ssys, "I love Canda, especially heaase everyone han alwoys iseen sa gouil la me." Aithaugis Edie bad onlp a liouted aduratian, sise explaisel ber pilsdospis tisaI esscation is soietbusg 1ha1 isn't juil ilainel trots sithtin babind a desk, bot olsa from reading booha, usaking mistakes, andl "jouI experiencing ie." Edie bebievas tise yoang people oftay are great. You bom, sisi whispered, tisigs baven't reolly ehangasi too murs as far as marais go; it10 just tisot in my pounger peors, tings marc isusised Op a lot more tison taday Whisn I min atout 10 leava Edia kisseil me goodispe aus askad me ta, rame ok g New lease on life for deaf By SaisdyDicison ta lisere a silence UsaI is traa? For 592 studants aI the Ontario Scisoul for Use Osai in Milton, Use ousmer lu peu. To become enroias in Use schanl. arrording ta R. A. Wollaston, Asnistant Super- intendant, cbiidren muet ho rauued by staff doctoru. Robsert Argali and Doug Ramisottous, tmo udiologislo, a auaesu tise entent of Use heacisig handicap ami an individul's verbal rompetenre. Ail tise stadaintu. escept ne have meural iluton is the homefilie Ontacio Scheel toc 1he Deal, ose of lie mo01 dalness; damnage te Use auditorp modern scisosl ofl klind ln North Ameera. i lu a mell-deslgised, nerve. eHI-lgbed building ifU cenîdenlisi, seademir ami rcrreatinl Anothar decidiag fartor us Use foclilUeu, mental mntegrilp or potential ta leacnof ai deni risild, as deal people; tino are teacisers, cidren in on ordinary octoal. daterminusi by pspctologisl, Dr. noma are maintenance mes am Thep're ormal." James Ford. alisers are residential Me. Wollasto aidlthat "il Usey Cidren. admittad from ages 5coonselurs. con rend, Use doars are open mide ta 2l, moust b pispsiraily able. Deafuesa cou bc a bifetime for seni. Blooks are tise touta ni One ai Use stadens bas camebrai proposition and illon OSD ni' Use intelligent." palay, bt ha con manage bis fers services foc ail age groupe. As Useir cocaisulary is limnitai, miseel chi mUgradntritp. Miss Armatrong, a morda camain abstract antil Tisere are 1W0 studenta irani rereptionist, saisi tisaI lise Usece la same creblation mits Preston, Respeler, Kitchener, "risldren usaie as mais cause as cealbty. Guelpis, Arton, Georgetonn lîreetoville. ilrampton, Port M a e Craiit, Hamilton and Burlinglos, Milton land a ne oom neha are based ouI ni renideore. qaugtmiîo apucsc MnniUeodnta oW eil By Nancy Meflott mhy îhay are Sept hoppuso on Use trudesman becase inUse ukillei professinus, rommuiration 10 The Couty Regcatcy Office in jais. impoctant. itlon us ose of the isiest If pou're timking ai cheating Aiter graduboln irom, Milaon places in tams. The sala ni tandS on pour uscame tan 1105 pear, pou bust peur, secen aludenta ment ta bus usereasasi grenily in Use pas mligist as meli torget ît, because Gallaudet College inWasington; nia usonlis, oming 10 tise Usa uscome tan people are us Use only pest-sacondarp octoal gavernmant releasing mare Usere ail Use lime, C5OECKING. for Use deni in Use morisi. manep bac mortgoges. Mrs. Jean The scisoni dicidai ino junior Martin, depuly registrur, sayn and senior sclions, emplaps 28 UsaI ouyone miso ran ocrape opa Promp, fei dollars is isaying 1usd, and il us rommon for eis to1 have flO waiting at tond iseld 'us trust for thts isy SHRDA h.Ieir parenta or lampers. m d m h s ia LOGES AT US - ose abUshe oldont docoments on Edilco ote he opy record us a certifirale ni Cramu ily Vers Ricisters Edior' Noe: he opy Lands miir mas isssed ti Mdlto'sb23-bedisuspitul is largo and pisatagrapss on ttcs and Cati Josephs Brout us 1798. sapugi ta serve Use tams's needs Use precaime page are ce-- Brant's Bllock bau since haen antal Use late '7t's. Bumies prustesi tram a speil uissue suisdicided ino 21 difterent iota, Manager Mac ElUsoîl sayn, il i ai lise Seridan Sun, and istorporotes inuta Burhangten. mell-equippesi and mell-statec praducesiis b ounnahas nIa The Ragistrp office bondies and Usera are no long inaiti0g dents tram tise Oahvdie col- : patents. cegisters and land tilles periada."1 lege. bar DOakclle, ilurlinglan, The tîrsl tsaor is usai foi e >* Geogetown, Actan ansi Milton, sargery, pediatrîrs, obstetrirs ps Nassagamepa and Es- Usetary isitrisan, latoratary, n ..... ........... .. .ray division, admicîstratiai officas and oliser relalai depucl 5 an eme rgenc pls awperutisg canes Bruce St.o School el mona plustno operaingon and ane fracture aperabong caotm The ispitul dams sot t "Oldest mnth county" mediraI studenta, bal Usey or By WlmaBlokuisalidliatsi mith Usa Cradit Voile ByWila Blkisui liroolof Nursing. Itudenl nurse i) scissaii ushUe raonty is rlasisg is daorsifor the bost lime oc Joue 30. Its 67 students mi bc traserrai ta J. M. Denyes Irtoal in Mitan. Thsebuilding isaover 1Wo peurs aid. seil Use praparly," saisi James Morsn, spre lesdt for Use Rallon Coouty rslSrd'le Sourd ba made n 1tia derisin - , ---so isaler toronvert it to a tome for Use ageil. Tisera are tour eîemestarY Tisis solid sne building, Bere Street Scisool, 10 lie oldesi sehool 10 scisols in Milton. Tisree junior Italien Coonty. Billmusrertban 1i0seens ago, bt leoclosing lisadoors for Use urbolu bave tandergarten ta test tme on Jane 38. ttasone gynaslau aod 101 in eed of rosilp cepeirs. grade iiva. andl one inits grades "Auld Kirk" was Jlrst By Anne Sadler home. In 1857 Missin Chrcb mas eataished bal dida't have a Tise lirsI raligious meetings us Mitas mere beld in0a log scisoul prieut. Tise tîrsl Milton priant selsi serviras in 19210 RnlHOY Rosarp wisore Anglicans, Presisyleriats, anil iapliots inorsisippesi Charcis. lagaîhar. Ia 1846, the tinraisurcis establisses maa 'Tise Aulil Ris" In 1850 ansi 1851 St. Paul's Unitedl Churris anil Kox on Qaaaa lit, nain an Mi St. Presisytarian Cisurrises mare erarteil. In 1812, tise Wesleyan-Melhadint Cisurci s ouundesi. Tise Emmanuel ffoptust Churcs and Coivary Tabernacle mare loandabaon stane bas bean embadai in Use hasement oi Usa Unitedi eraclad in 1955. Chureis an Min St. liatre lsea Miltan Gospel Rall, Rigismay Gospel Churris, ami Tie Anglicans aisa bad Useir oms cisurcis in 1812. Tise pceoecl Jetovahos Wîtoessan' Kingdomn Ra bava bean estabbatoed. Grave Churris maa buill in iront ai Use oid bnilding. Tise nrigimal s Tie uludectsofa tisa Ontario lissaI for tisa Osai have services ued as a Suoday lirismi ansi Purish Rail. onlaundopu. Rev. Robert Ramble comas in irous Use Uniea Churris ThsePressytrinPFreenChurcbmwasisuiltsin1Mon MarinlS. tor the DrabinToronltoataconduct theaserice. In01931 Use Raton Rifles taais it for on Arnioury. Nom it is usai isy Rev. R. W. Poster, Chaplain oi Usa Ralten Couty Jail, isols Use Uallai Steel Worbars ou a Union Rall communian servicea ai Cenlennial Maor for Use Aged. Re aise Tise ficol Roman Cathobe mass mas beld in 1822 in a privale tearises retigion ai the GlU.D Steady baud ou tise tiscottie, ke00, omRaCuRSo Y..n .-. ___________________ aisend, Bou (Cse Joues) Roue, Sheridan Coilego journaies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ islucter, hurreah dam lie trucks obear Ns. LU. The 50-tou trou horse, bellil saut, là belug refl lu Miltonlfora sein touriat traiu on su elgist milse tretais of CN track beiSeeen Ciseltedissi usd lie nid oad lie nom, St. Jouepsu Couvent, sue of lie Georgton. The redt Vle ffwayl cu a begla le we busildings of Milieu, emphsoies tise madern orehît oend rue toc iteaso buffu ln Jase. Rouocp Cstbaic Cioci badt lu 19116 Hamlon a 1,059 atudants. Pricipals ai Use junior scissals are Stan Shapserd of ilcoce Sreet Ictool, Was Cloin aI J. M. Denyco and John Lenz ai W. I. Dirk. Tam Giluon is Use prinripalaof Martis Street Srtool. Charie Ruter is the principal of Mdltan District Etigis lirool. Olut oI 910 students attending Use urismî, 5W1 dapend on bsses. ta lieptemeshr 1973 a nen setool an Ontario Sitreet mill ba apaning - 50 studants are expertail to attend. Il may ha a junior octool. esperienre. There arr 42 f uil lime and 52 part-lima nures. The medical staff mrcludeo rune local doctors, Dr. Donald Aikenbaad, Dr. Jaman Gibon, Dr. Ivan Hanter, Dr W. Koalonssi, Dr. Ronald MorKay, Dr. J. W. MrCutriseon, Dr. George E. liyer andl Dr. R. Edinords, chiai ai staff Dr. W. S. Legata and the adlministraior Ronald Woods. Tisere are plas feor t ome rare servira miîr mill redora tise lengtis of stoy in iospital. Planning board guides growth Milon is grammeg paviss-asd Use loms's Planning Sourd is a prudent parent. Ataorecostad 08W onîtu are seedei ta bouse Miltan rasîdens in 1h10 stage ai Use muiipabity's devaloposesl, E. Rasa Paen, seerelacp of Use Planning Bourd, naid lest Wedaesday. "Vie but don't have ecougs bouses far people, and il inilihao greoter problem, is Use sent f en peurs." saisi Peures. The tams rerentlp relcosel 467 residanlia laIs for a siated 2,8W people. Tise iota are open ta single-dinelling onîta. Arcorduse ta Milton Ofiiela Plan, 1he lams's semage faritilies cau isandie a popclation up to 11,000. 'Te population is 7,00, but Use siaîed 2,.00 miii cecesaitate a sen addition lai Use trealment plant. Thsis addition. Penren saisi, mili serviceoup 10 17,00W. Ansi Use oltanatepapalation 110 plan colla for le038,0W. A grainttheisoliafl situation is the influx of insouWtrP1 Miltonc--Use municipalitY bas t0 nIl 10gin production in Milton. Tise Polymer Corporation, pearen said, agus production seil mnUs and milletsploy 2 0ta 225 people. Potysstar, a erain corporation, buaida modalar homes, precost dmeUsings eqoippei with evecy- ltang tram plambing ta broad- bats. This industy may ba a pariaol solution ta Use isousisg Paul Kcohaart Masuiartaa'lug iaorted, Use secocnd isdoustp, mill hagot production tata 1h10 spring, essploymng 30 people. Krotoert manufortures stainlesnlseel tanks toc Use dairy isdoutrY. Tise toms hou ou open daor pebrcy ta prospective environ- inotaily-rampatihle industries. bol there are precautionarp meaauras. Tise ratio of tise indusntrial and Use commercial te Use residential muet ha halanced 4o - 60per cent, andMiltn in maictalning Ibis equiîiisriam, Pearen said. The public wosisi suIfer Use consequences ofiigser taxes il Use balance mos spoat. - IMM Award wining made champion of "The Canadian Champion" Sînce 1945, Mitons$ "The sophisticatoil offset printing cvriom ainladitr Caodla Ciumlon ba motS equ ptnO ro national news, but empbonimed ou enviable record for ouy sns'_ per bas grown ta keep local hapeig. There were n0 papr, and esceptionol tc a Pace with Ihe inreai.g daies=a ,al andl radio and paper mis a 5,000 circulation. populatiýonrot. Milton, and !K a'ere unheard ot, so the paper The ~ tetunl rut isewa rnt n s tu 24 pages. IThe san un toportant source et 186, heneh ir t te issu hlie staR ha increused froîn toto entertauirnent to thie ommunity, af type nos indbviduaily set hy peuple on payroîl ta note, plus ad caeeîed short stuetes. band. onid tise production of a faur rorrespendents and plant staff. a page edition taab time and Tisere arasao firol issues ai lise Tise Champion mas booght in patience. Todap, tse poper is Canadian Champion available, 1943h Iy he lti G. A. Dillo, ftIer pebsbd y ils ritln ad otsoecMtI ab) îuueu of Jim Ditîs, the present Piablsing, Lld. This compouy thse Provincial Archsives. peblisher. Mr. Rap Downs lu bas somne ni the mont Is the early days, the peper eitha' b0 mmi is as a Ol Csulter, visiter ;mg mould ise ha 3 in structure of eai gavermacont. senior cibues 10 udar lie Conty Coucil lan cooncil as sey tbeve. tie Milban Fire id be npesdn ment needed 10 riment busildingts %aj.on s tank yle qasty in very a 'est oui' in a limre lu serve 'se of Caniadien Resarant i rte Mileu fnn. Aise taro vu bake sisopa, I food stops. e S n e y j 1 Lity Hall la the metebalientes

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