12 The Champion. Milton, Ont., Wsdnesday, April 19, 1972 Thse cure for te spoeadic flooding on the Sixteen Mile Creek may bie worse thun the disease. Plans are nom underway ta, build a oernent-lined waterway thrat mt confine the usualiy quiet but occasionally violent streans ltrnugh, the depth i thUe town. Thse project began several years ago misen Use town songht a flood control pi-ograns tai esse Use problemus that develop ait higls mater Urne. Thse Conservation Auiluority cornmissionedl engiseers and lte current report, detailed on anoUser page afibtIis issue, was produced. Another ressont Use report mas needed wsea the contrai the Conservation Branch of the province bas on developmient sehich is in sehat con bu described as flond plain land. Carrent def initions tacludie a gond portion 0f the lseart 0f Use tomo. In effect Usen building, remodeliing and reconstruction in Usat deflned flood plain along and back frorn Use baniks 0f Use Sixteen, La curlailei, Concil wsea anus tai redtre Use extent 0f thnit flood plain definition. Tht engineering solution ta Use problem then, is ta, Une t stream with cernent, straighten it ont and tht reduceli friction miil spttd Use fuse 0f mater and accommodate Use flowe. An incrtased flow is prediclcd of course, as more 1usd ta Use matershed lu developtd or paved and normal ab- sorption ta reduced. tn deuigntag Use project engineers saturally required some optimum flow Ilsat would bave tai bu accommodated and so tht levels 0f Hurricane Hazel were brought ta mind, sot Use levelu tat mere achieved here but tht levels Usat mouild bave rtsulted if thse hurricane wsea centred over this aires. Tht futodiqg problem bas bes with titis area for a numbur 0f years. Flonds tt daennt ite a upecial week tai let you knam Useres an active Chambur 0f Commerce ut watt ta Miltas. Na, Usere Lanevidence Use CoambuciLa a vital force ta Use commonity atu year long, and it shoulnt taire a spatial "Chambur 0f Commerce Weet" ta emphasiz t LBat itu sot a bad idesaC tfuns a spntllght on Use Chambur and uls watt once ta a seble. Mitans Cbamber of Commerce bau tees a hard.searkdng farce ta ibis cammunlty tac aovec a decade. It utarled out slrong la Use eariy lia0is, grew stagnant toseard Use eod 0f Use decude, Uses came bact tAe agata ta 1270 wiUs a ne executive and a stranger put for participation. The Cbambur bas bes going uptull ever since and me hope Use carrent mave 0f enthmiasca lauts farever. A tusy Cha miner 0f Commerce is ne 0f a cammualty's grvalest asseis but, au Use slogan for Chambut meet remindu us, "It tuttis two-yaur Chambur and are recorded htck a cople 0f centuries. Tht situation is not improving and as development tacreases itlseUl Utely searsen Our concers is sether Use cure ta morse Usas tht diseuse. Tht report, although it is a lengUsy one, is abut floodi contraI and only f loodi contrai. Although it seuls cummissionrel by Use Conservation Authority there is nto refertenoe tai conservation in lte repart. There ta no reference ta tht effect tht cnneliation will have on Use natural habitat 0f birds and umail animais, no reference ta Use atutheticu of a channel verus a streans. Tht tamnus offlcial plan visualised a isetwork of sealltsayu along tht slream bat which seould have provided an escape from pavement and traffit, yet cimse tai tht cure of Use tawn. It might bave been a retreat tai Use Usingu 0f nsture setach in future yearu seill commandi increastag importance. Certainiy se hadt hopedti Uat some day tht hauts 0f Use utream might bu stone-iined or gation-protectei ta prevent ecusion and ta improve Useir appearance. We aren't blind tai Use fact Use stream collecta uts short 0f debris and needu periadir cleantat. It is a twisting utrvam and it dones need some straightenlng ton, bat we cant uccept Usat uuch major surgery is requireli as ta, compieteiy dtutroy tht conservation and aesUsetic values ta Use itereut 0f providing for a floodi that may bappen ny once every 150 yearu. We UsinkthUe cure is fair ton drastir, een tUoagh it may bu Use smonth ef- ficient product ouf engineering inoeho. We ssggeut Use mse 0f gabions may sot meet Use flowe criteria 0f Use prescrnt design but they would leave Use town with a mach more sotarai utream. yau.' Innaivement by lis memburs ta a uecesuity if Use Chambur ta to survive. Locaily, revival 0f Use Saisa Claus Parade taut Decembur lu ptobubly Use biggeul feaUser la tht Chabaru's cap. ul Uere have tees many athet areus where the Chambur's organisation, assistance andi sponsarship bave bes tei tn. Ils constant promotion 0f Miltas, ils ca-opetatias with the municipal goverament, ils self. educatian campaigm, is campaiga ta botter Use stores andi servicesuaffered taI cesidents, is participation ta Use Cnmmunity Service Clubs goup, and Use Snow Festivals... Usese astI many other contributions tai cnmmamty lite woaid bue lost mithout an active Chambut. TIÉS wtek, April 16 tai 22, Lu Chambur of Commerce Weet. Wn're bappy tai salute liiltan's Cbambuc 0f Commerce as an itegrai part 0f cammunily Living. Beut seistes ta the ftuare. AN APRIL SUN tries toshine thmgh the tees, casting ailver of the past eel are Use bust reminders Use seanon 0f mittd-up sparbies on tht mater, au spring arrives ta rural Halto, Siga uveaUseriLa realIy hette. This gliting pol in buside Twins RL. ta 0f sprmngtirne arc everysehere but Use raina, seinda and floods orth lluriagtan. -<ýPhota by J. Jennigs> [~Sugarand Spice by bill sesîleyJ Thtrt lu a tramit phlosaphy amont stores, tasarance cempunins, Use govnrn- young people Usait gars someting thke tuas: ment. ',Watt? Who semis il?" Th 'M esery hou a numbut o u t er parens. Ont ut tem ta île taceeding nase unjUs wtach ose ru get on Use wnitatt cout aime days. Why mach when use tan dram esaagt wnitare tar a poid, hoaivli humble, gmtb and umulins? Thes Usece us anemployastat tasarance. This ta enen taller thon wtitare ta fol bock on, aioagh ut dunu reqire tht octasianai stint oI riat taur-iniler mard mere isiudng about. Watt toc a Ina moatta, get poarself tied on sume prettat, il hock as the matiress ut an. tas. untl tl cons ont, watt agaut toc a littie mhitn, and reperat the rones. This sua way ut lite toc son yong people, and thcy mahn nu toes about i. lt darsn't amart taem ttat il's meniy a rttistdfocmofuttalig, andinmot case, t dua't thint they'd cre if tl dld. As as asidn, i tatn ysa'd ta appalled hy ahir attitude tawards steaiag. I tondant ceguior suenys in my cias oun uuh uhlcta what ued tata baue k oas simple bosesty. ta mat cases, ane maority telinves tosdly Illai its hadl ta stesi tasse a friead, bat itu ptcttdily aB cight ta steai, or crip-of" tram, ap large institutions: cboa i monder whete thmy gtthUai idea? It maide't posuuly bu fri hnaring Useir dodu tliio about hnatiag thetalu rainecter, or ameie moins eaggetating as insairance rlin. Cud il? akthe ieuhett. What ebue influesces aitis camparotively, seu non-attitude tamard watt? Ose ta pareiy ntmnomit. They are cumpieteiy ttuntratedhby the free esterpribu syntesi onder which Usny have tamn raiaedl. It atill otttrs great uppurtaititins tac Use tese win hast taterprtse and metk. Wea,huw many of s have bath? You cas bave ami the esttrse UsaI's lying amrtin, bat if pu baven't mark, yan'rn a perpeisal bahrupt. Yao cas te a reai locher, tut it u don't tant mny esntprisn, all u du ta n a teun botta ai bingo ut un the herses. Their ceai tant agahust Use spilesa. ut coarse, ta Usat it due nat mark. Il dues; sut treste enough jobs. Therntorn, mhy tnt on edarcation, why tara barber iuattag tac mort, if ttete mis' any? Anottar influence, ut iath nf it, ta UsaI ut thtcharch. itlissid le have tan tirin allies ta at establishment ond Use math elldc. Tht charth homi tees ohme ta copie. i ta 'C.mm.àMà,Itlng brie ffy We almays thought tht Rayai Untanicai Gardons mas ta Hulasn-at inaut UsaI's mhat officiais woald have yon bulieve mhen it camtes time ta, uet a grant tram Haltan Caunty Causicl anti Burigtos Council. Thty alseays emphasise that a portion of Use RBG les seithin tht baundaries uf Buringtan. Bat a press Messe came ta ur deut tht ather day sehlch remindu on it's stiil a Hamiltan projec. lTse titlt 0f Use press Mieuse mas, "Hamiltans Rayai llutanical Gardens have somntling for evtryone" asdth Ue opaning patagraph started, "ta Hamito..... Whut dues Thte Champion meus ta yon? You con sein a $3W1 cash prize by ansseering Uhs question, if yourentry lu choen Use test ta a cross-Canada canteut the Cunadian Commusity Niesespapars Association lu rnnning. Details seill bu fonsti in a stnry elusebuere in isduy'a Champlin Milton Coneil ta treattag ont 0f lis oms lamas, practically every tiieo Use coanceil liaidu a meeting. Tht curicil hou a procedurai hy-iam sehict limita meetings to ait1 p.m. carfese anti mies UsaI no ne business castbe intraluced afler 10.30 p.m. mithaut cosocîl firnt passisg a motion tai suspend tht pracedurai hy-iase. Tht tarieut ctosing me cas recail in 1972 mias a meeting Usai unrappeti ap ut 11. 20 p.rm. We asteti Mayor Urias Utut abut titis anti te admits coanicil basa't tees folloseisg is oms tides, tut the business RAS ta te dose anti long meetings (ot mare meetings) is Use oniy may tai get it dune, te says. Receat renelatians intilcatt just hase cimse Unis aires mas ta having tht sese internatioal airpurt. Speculotion musaIt ail jut gueusing. But mini emerges mort tiramaticaily ta ttat it lu stili Use potiticians that mate Use decisios aver tht designs of ail Use planners. Thetlectaticiants îaid the airpori shoald go in ibis urea but Use potiticians sase Use repart of Use TorontoaContrei Region gotag dmen the drain ifthUe airport seasat uiisd nuit of Toront. Sa eaat of Toronto it gues. This us a stary Usat boni lias l t ld. it canceras a rcd-liaied, bot-tnmpered, lun-tavno tetalimus namned Brion Me- Cristall wta ased ta ma ut Th Champian tetare grennr fields un Conoda's guides ment teclianet hlm, tram ose mildie. Thmse min rememter turuonutsaur yeors as a reparler and spertswritec heme aI Thue Chiampion miii tsum mliat l'm isihing about ulien i say Brion mas Irish, Usraugh ond troli. Hîs lother came ta Canada tram Caanty 'f)raue as île Emeeald Ili ond the mtain iomily lias aplield île traditions ufthUai backiground avec Uhse yeors. Trht anc big day ufthUe year ta Brion onymay, mas li Paticdls Day ta Marct. Selon waudd mail grectîng carde ta ail tta fiîndu, showun p tac mach mescing the udeut greta chuthes imaginable, ond stag Irut hlalis ail tht day long. Wt hear uit onynorlie enen tritd ta dyt liii Olaning ted baie. o Paddp-green colur. Dane of his mîfuitdlled amo in lite montao putticipuis ta Use St. Patrichus day Parade eVesta lu Irtiond. Ami tie aftn kiddtd ours teudp tecame I sas anip bal Irish a aththet talfit l cuttinli. semupupecas leauttful tC'î linriar ami te ta preseatiy editor ufthe Ctllliseark seehiy, Mie Progresu. Reealy Brin thiseit, ta truc semîpaper tradition, oncuvtrtd the evidnnce Usai tornnd tonsly taditions rigt apsidn doms. Cec Hocher, puttisher ufthae Chillimoci Pcugress,trelatns the incident ta tii colonian, Tfht Muvmng Ftager: -Tructetradiion ithem mas one sud Irishi boy ta the valley Fciday. Ht mou Ctltliwack Prugrtssi nditar Brion McCciisiil, whtme fance came tram Coumty Tycase ond sucCeedtriconvinacing B ibtat eave mouid te Litule, ut any botter, lin Use gremn bits ofthat tomnd spot. -Rertnty, Brion rin-e a gesesagira tsthbt ai a Vacouver homshote. Tht etIuitacmmiud trace a t antly nmc bortu ile Proablei soate, aid Uses moui praduca o tamily rest tut a modest tee. tejias tboiicsgcd hninmt taklte the Mcrcitail msncherand was promplp raid il mennt "ses of Crisiail". -fiee tutuis terrer hu icotsed Uosi a tam centaries ugio Use Ceitaal famlly fIed tenut Sclaad, ICIaVoid câiigousupetseutioa, and settind in Cunty Tyrane. Fut the pat fur years Brion bas teen macking mitt ttc Hacher Brothers' -Ttc ccnudt i tint Ush ea ot zanon and tarnishoti by iun association wiai Use uter twn, and Use yug people have teumed teir bock un il, tteugh I don't taktihty have boni Use toai. They'ne mereiy luin respect for Usair massive body of raies aad dognua and uan boanut doy's worh fue an tunest doy'u puy", and the tastatence Usai sehile lite ta preily cottes, everythtag miii bu groovy ta heavea. Tearyonimpotient, and simpiy mill set; boy Itae. As yoo may hase cspnrisd, ur huped, or givnopuon, Iam trying tamae apot. l'es not agoinsi the allitude' If1 didn't lie seuit, I'd quit tomurram. Bui there ta n4 n- oboig ta wark lisent. Il's an aller drag, oniess pu ttce whai yen are dutag. The otter morataf, t wsea drivng ne ut my stadenis ta uchoni. Heus a big, hsky lad unho bas shovtllnd ui my drive aot Umes 0f stress. Astnd hüm mini he uas gaing ta du wten te ttatated schuul. -Wnli, inu goiag le work tar a year, Uses MIyh fa lu callege." Asttd hlo whther he enuide't tnt a studesi loa. tI don't waut on. t doint waana uwc anyholdy anythang." Ht manttand. "My parets woaid give methse muaty tu go ta ontvnruity, bail m on't tabe il. They've worked tard all their tnnes tor tl. Why sut let tme esjay sbatus li?" At thispoint, I roa Us te coud, and tlled tva girls irans middie-ciasu parens, wbo acre confident Usai, denpitethUe tact Usrai thny have ns bruas Useir parens wouid send thnm ta coliege and tbat Usey wssid Iter fiodta husbosd, and one boy whha d taid me hie mas guita luntart every penny te mouid frm Use gaveremnat ta muens and orants, and nnvnr puy Usees bock. tathoniaulie yoong trishmas ta Fraser Valley nom blu a tansip rnu mith a Latin motta and ima lirattish thisilta s t!" Tht tacnnamng mip exemplifis tht aid Irishi sayîag, about ttere teag aaiy tita tanduatf peuple ina ais worid - aime mha arn Iishu, ond tteanset mh ish ampy mece. Friesd Brion lias lipptd trait tirut categury, ta tht semond. LOIT ART: Radera tendu ta ladies' meor art phasîng ont asuther tigtly atlltd type ai waclinc ond creating aatmpluymnt in une fîid. Vim rettrring ta but pais ond at dnmise of at amusement part air blumîag macine uperatar. Heme wasa sllnd apecatar, mtme jat ctquirtd a liesn nyn anti a unique arase of taiig. tlihn o prntty lody mouttaf a dress se sirt wathcd pai a certain poit ta the amusemeat paclis tas hanse, tis jobt monta reinuse a stctam ot air ttcaugt vnsi the tlout. Tht resuit mas always a scceami, a tlucry uf tamis, a maft ot tlying strias, o cmi fac e tmu ond a chorsof utaugts tramn the aonlincur. Tht air machine aperatar iaagted loudeut ut ail, tsptcially il te acred a perfect lut. llut hut pais, statatiris ami assariaised madenfe main trapptags bave main tunjob ubsett. Heus maitg at iseat in a nd itus a sud suis at pcagrnss that carrent styles bave resdernd hlm uonitlte. Diti yaa test aboat the tnliom ta Detroit abo gavt op his jobon the assnmtiy bone ond pions ta spend Use test of hta itn hitndlng - ut a puy ut $12,010 a peut? Apiparentip te's tut saseettang cocu roiicd onli-Lamis typa B tanlita blond ami it ftctes $1,500 a qonrt. He can du withaut lts tegulur taome if te gives juat eigtt donatios a ytar. Pages of Ithe Pasti 20 years 090 Tabhitunhclaacthbcmda ahMOnq1ea Apseill?, lIM. Dr, C. A, Murtten ilf ttri Ballon District MOg Sehuol Bour wsea "ent ut caicm etn on Ttnradup evenlng. Ttc trdequested ceail appreva lui lrobcdlUahbulding programmbwih tabl tfer the mictin of attosentt Gleorgtown Mid Atand a pyaulo ut MUitas,. Thc athua hou bon ge oito the mute tepy tio'g dy asdan'taem anp otiuet solution. =i t uibolding progrm mali tout uppronlmatcly $92o,gflo, of whicthes Iqiarment mli puy neatly 75 pur ceal of tue appcnved ceai, ht sel muai dtia the ilton shace of Use trc building prett moSddt te $4,750 pue peur laver M0 plan lise local traset nf Use Bcd Ceea report Usaaditinsal caniuillis aine aie mell have rsed Use tubal lu $1,415. The rauase IrMM individuels mua uery gasuensa, un mccc donations trm symputhetin organsaons. hilton Camit mut in spatial sms lu tasidue lides fur tse afuuhna of the treet ut Robert, Bel aid King Uts,, in a hope nI saifing floonditioins. Ttc anal meeting ut tic [tmqon W.l vs e tet uthUe home of Mra. citon mits a gend nantît attending. tirs. Lors. Chuamberlain vras elcea president ,50 years 0gio Talientarm theIssue of Tlaalman Champion, Ttandapa, April 20, IM. On mdoy Fred Buantc sens tmunlung fil tee itnms a bocktie and tua right tercarm mas tentes, Fol mhest ta rnpurted lu, lent meil te Haitan aid cluemhere. A hompue crnp lu especled sn Peel Cmly. Ttce marchaets urth at lam arc gettini logetter again Uhs pear, ttybog te arrange Use Wcdnniday tant hoBiday fat the ilunser monais. R. J. Armstrong ta out agoin afler has serioon dinesu, tut ta mit ment esnugh tei gn sn duty in tub shnp. Detroit Clipy Cuoil bas apprtved an application tot $2,500 tai insisil radeo tqaipmest tac the poicte depatiacat. Wmodilect Board ut Hesait praitabai a rot-lig campulga mhith tas ptetlp mcii cinarcd Use clip of Use destruictie and diemse upreadiat rmliesis, aed bau set a gund exemple ta uter nUtes and tawns. tillai tas uli utll et ofrtt, aaisething for Use Board oI HealUste risider. As a meeting ufthue Nuvy Lague of Canada la Ri. Catarines, a restitutli randnmnîag ttc circulation ns nicarui pubicatios la ttc Dominion tius mnaimonip carcicti. T. F. MrHugh, et Honay, tanti home tataa short vacation. Ht tas tees lu Ern Tumnstup ice tait Seplonher. Be ta guing bock ta Ern tamerrue (Fridap). 100 years agio Taten rotan ssue uf The Canadins Champin, Tturaday, Airtil 1871 Tht Enqncsmng Tomnuhip Clcrt ty sanie melis eralmtcd as luit ment and dld nul sead ous Use miaules of Use Cnuai meeting Tht ma., friesd.o0f Bey. =nal Stewart, ioat ofilton, mi te plueaud lu me a min teas ogain ten made the eeipicat tut a bandeose pcmsent hy has esagregollun lu Lancaster. Mmnday was ohicrved tere ou a hnBiday, in arcardonca mi Use onvernoats proclose- atson setIng it apari fat Thunhugivint tac at Pricas rcavtry. fin Denevu Board ut Achitrators ressemtied tut Use ronsideraion ofthBe Trestp ut Waston. Ttc British masrter case mas presested, tut nuting ut spal tintule mai dose. Liatnanl-Govcrnor Archihaidia resignatiu ais tees nteepted, and Judgc Jut a, of Monitoba, I5aB tees appuited Lait Satardap, Bhe dry tain of J. &s O. Hast, Oin Wiliamo mas deiteoyed hp lire, tagther miUs alttahtis ansd raiteth, mtarh mece in Uthek dryleguiet ise. Ttc Coutp Spring Exhibiition miii te taid ta Mton un Tuesday, April 39. Ttc gesterai canteresce oI Bhe tinhoUsi Epucopa Chartt mil movese lu Broohlyn mithe tint ut Ma. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 19 M. St. uu u i .u 0,us. Illn ue, one av . ni e ne . a. t n i51W ey a i 11 min 5, mi lniv. lien msnn nlnune ce :&P.5 eI .11 C.hil ahurie th..