ropa re Tmti HUI hie facti itl thu birday's amiy e Credit Rinve, miet that tome Gien wnre ,nd bytraC ic t bie a tire it Saabk woatldnt oagie, tittisit I nr," he disaged 1 by orgnsr ts. d r ia etter be sent to Jayce, taio clek-treamerr Svaffic was aiso arenu for aamt terios. rident ne knoota of aine teeni year olti tai ta iafety on tien the rtbber Idlag it trneti wauter flaw in fasteat lhey've .tsP.M. dosie offerîni nerchaedlse. ,.Adie ta &Il 0 sq. t. andl e Farnitone, e tht North Pyera 50c car iney, Prsie. -(Staff Pisotes isy D. D'Reuiy tond J, Jenamngs) A massive face-lifting is quietly ondermay on tise mater courses titroagis Milton, includisg tise histeric Sixtes Miae Crrek. Wutin fine years tise semnetimes quiet, semetimes violent, coeasdering streaca miii bc convarted te as efficiest, smootis, cacoent-lined drainage route, destinad te carry tisa morst nature cen pr=uce - tise equivalent 0f a Hurricane Hazai centrad river titis drainage area. finis year phase one is te ba endertaltes is tise area frocs Main St. sertis te tisa CPR and on tise otiser brancs frocs Mais St. te Martin St. Crrek improvements are te ba codertakes la tise tek te, Parkmay Drive area as mail, tisat mili esteil straigistaning osf tise nem-tmistisg Stream. Matlon Cooncil gave ils islessing te tise pisang ami tise project lest yaar. Tisa tetal expenditere miii axcead tise $i,Stte,lfO mark. The toma's share for tisa tetal projact mas esticostad et $513,000 la 1971 mitis actual expendituret phasad an construction progresses. Tise temn's latent capital budget prevides for $20000 in 19q3, $100,000 in 1974 and $75,000 in 1976. Cahling isids and implamentatien et tise mork is handledisy tise Halten Region Conervation Autherity misicis mli receive grenta from tise province on tise mork ccd paymants freca tise teo. Autisers of tise design ara Pisilipn Planning ami Engineering ttd. tiseir report et 1970 sels out tise plans for tisa streaca tiset sUices titroog tise haart of tise teo. When tise final or foartis phase of tisa project is cocopleted, poosibly in 1974 or 1975, cecoent-liced ciseonels rengissg frocs 27 fret te 58 teet svide and up te nine fret deep mili encase tise creek, frocs near tisa eld toma botundary attse neutis to tise eld CNR lina in tise nerts. Estimated ccst et titis yeer's major preject is $258,000 msicis den net include any cas fer acquisition 0f land, survays, legal faon or intereot on borremlsg. Tise teo is responsihie fer 95 per cent ef tisa 45 per cent for miicis tise Haitoc Regien Conservation Autiserity is assessed. Tise provincial geverroment grant is 55 per cent on tise tetal. Plans for phase one, incthe area junt nerts et Mais St., caii fer a camant-lined cisannel betwaen Main and Merlin St. on tise Str-eam leadisg te tise Centenaial Park area. Tise 31 foot sanda charrie], ould ha seven fret drep. fise report notes tisat ceccrete in tise mot practicel liner because efthlie widtis restriction in tise area misere tise Streacs passes tise Superomeet Maii buildings. Wisere tise tmo branches et tise siieaco meet, just norts ef Main St, lise report suggesto tise nemi for 'si-eanslinisg" tise flowa te avoid aresien, ice jacos, floedisg ad turbulence. Tise Stream leadisg te tise CPR colvert, neer lise Csuring Club, is aise te ha cencrete lined and tise CPR culvart iseli, as meli as tise culvert under Miiiside Dr., are te ha eolargrd. The cencrete-linad channel in tisis area is propcoed te avoid erosien. It mould ha a sharp V shape 27 fret mtde at lise tep te a deptis oft9 fet. Crrek smprevemente proposed frocs Oak Second Section The Champion, Milton, ont., Wednetday, April 19, 1972 St. te tise Parkmey Dr. area meeld inclode straigstening in titis yeer's phase one. In phase tme, scisedulad for peeeihlY 1973, tise streaco mould ha channetized mush a 56 foot mide concrete cheneel sleped la tme stages te a tetal depts et seven fret. This type of ciseonel meuld roc trocs just souts et Park- may Dr. te nertis of Main St accordisg te tise report on tisa projact The report notes tisat tise linisg et tise channel, generaiiy mitisin ils presenit midth and lomering tise ised isy as mecis as fine fret, moold redece tise regional flood levai isy tme te tisree fret. Pointing te inestigations ist esisg rock fllled gabions insteed of tise ceccrete Sisig fer tise Streeam, tise enginrers foond tise reugiss et tise chansel meuld require a greater midts of M0 fret eit tise hed amiea top- of-tise iseol midth of 70 fret, cncspered mith 35 fret and 56 fret respectively fer tise cencrete lined cisannel. Phase ose of tise project wiii aise pssiisly isclade e nem istake centrol fer the miii pond in Centennial Park. Phase tisree of tise preject meuld ha on tha meot itresc et tise Sixtren, iserdering Centensiel and Rotary Park frocs Martin St. and mestmerd te tise CNR. Titis phase is carrentiy schedeied fer 1973 et as estscsated cnst et $19.000. Here tise streea isank metstd ba raisrd and tise channel cencrete lored te o tc tise tee et tise dem" and impreve tise hydraulic etticiency. The chansel moeld ha 36 fret waie and 7 fret deep. Tise report marcs thet acless ictake controls are instelleti on the mali pond a flood coeld endenger tise eerts iank tisat cootains tise mul psond. It notes 1ha1 lise six foot isy cune foot outiet which coca drained mater tuodenelop power et tise mali has iseen sealed and tise only outlet for the pond ia the spiliway i0 Ceotessial Park. Tise emisask- ment aod an joteke gate ore recemcsended. phase four osf tise project wouid be on tise area from tise CPR culvert norts te Woodward St. and on to tise CNR. The aea souts of Woodward SC. wooid bse a continuatin of tise cernent-liard chasnel. to tiset section tise Sharp V section cisannel would continue et a widts et 21 fret at thte tep with a depth of aine fret eit ils centre. Norfh et Woodward Ave, tise chassai would be gabsion I ined et a20 font midts mith a flat laettecs as if passes River Place Cran. homes. Sloped isanits leading froca tise gabtons weeld produce as eventuat aine foot depts fer thse mater course. Possible diversiosof etater isto tise streaca are aise cnsidered ia tise report, Reterence is made te tise Storm semer carrentiy ender cnstruaction from Otaane St. enterisg tise Streeam just oorts of tise CPR cetvert aisove tise Curling Club. Tise report notes tise te soch lise miii collect only Storma mater f rom Ontario St ted tise developcoent ares. It parailels tise CPR right et may. In a motion adepting tise pisasisg of tise preject, passed by Miltes Coni Marris là, 197t, it mas required tisat oio Ostario St creek diversios meuld Se undertaces prier te ceopletien et tise channelizaties pregram. Tise crrek diversion mas aise, conssdered in tise report It mosald cress freca Ontario St. entering tise streaca jaot Soeth et tise otd CNR Uine. An indication of tise foll seepe of tisa flood control preject ias ues on tisis map micisdatatis tsa treatimentte ha gives tisa Streamco unit floms tinrogis tisa versons areas osf tise teon. Genarally a remeist-lined matermsy mlii resait misas tise projact ia cocsplatad onar tisa seat tisrae te five yeart. if la dasigisad te cape mitis thsefun force ofta Hurricasse Haaal equivaient onar titis particular matersised. Tise s cop is sot te urale. -I Tihe lazy, coanderssg, tocoetacas vioent Sixteen herdars Centencoal and Rotary Parks an ose branch flems temard a jonction joot nortinoftMainSt. Mare tise Stream tissas coder tisepedattrianibridge tinat conects Rotary and Centenniai park areos. Thtis area s to te h cacsat-linad and a baak is te ha raiued accordisg tesa flood coetrol repot Cernent channel for Sixteen in current f lood control plan