Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Apr 1972, p. 12

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12 The Champion, Millton, Ont., Wednenday, April 19, 1972 Brief protest planners' plan for North Burlington Aliout 60 North Barliaglos ladamners asseniin tahle hbracy af Fairairew school i Lowvilie an Tsesday, Aprit il, ta presrit eir liriels rascersiag a item laid se pragrt ac lirte ares baiag prapaaedl by lte atirliaglas Plannig Board. Aise, atloading lte meing tere menibars aI lthe Barlinglas Plannig Board Dan Malthewa, Dicit Milar, Gardas Gallagiter, bics. Bresda Tyermas, Roly Bird and Mcs. Elta FaiM. Bird asd Mci. Faite are alto Bartagltos Coasciliars. The mamtbars mccc hoping ta obtain opinios asd suggestiois lases ocea cilizetis. The land ase pragrais as put larth by Bsrlisglaa plaisera would ilivide lte mclthii hu six oceai - seltement, residentiat estote type, residenlial, rurat residenliat, raral, naturat resaurce and extractive idastrial. Impede orbses mal Plansers liopellie pragrais mill devetop tle artitern parian aI Blilion, yet aI the samne lime lîspede arians prant. Area tend- amacci tesrned aI lte plis tlioagli Ina puhlie meetings, hld in Lonvilie asd Kilitride lait mosîli. Nesîdenta af lte ares mere givra osait thte middle aI April ta prepare liriefs, enpretsmig titeir suggestions and opinios or oppostion. Of lte seves or eigt hiels pretestel dscisg the ceacte af TOeaday'i amleing, lte mail eaolorate es-depti ose appeaced S ta lie pcesested hy Ralpit litermadi aI Killride. llicrwaod presested board esemteri niith a loich boahlet campled liy a Barlisgton engineering lices, Phitipi Planning and Enginering. The consensas ai île report was a piea liy lhecnaod ta expand theareaaof Klliride intoa larger seuîlementlarea. lliermaad enptaied la liste board memiters hi and bis ton larmeal tonds in lte ares af Tniss Rd. and 1li ideraad. Undec tlie proposait land use pragram, hol lares would lie divided inIa Ina categacles, tomne cesidestial and aimne ogricultuaa. *'We bave aliout 107 acres, bat aider yasc plan anly 40 or 5l acres ceatl lie lactned," iaid ottecnoad. -l can'îmabs a viahle laces if it's catl talaIn." Wbal's rrl? A secaid lasdomner pcesesing a liciea, tald lte board he iailcd la aidecitand thte liu ai the nord 'rrl'i the plan, 'te yaa oteaa la icreane thec population aftlie nortliliya sixanies, caared Tamn Patience ai Killide. Paliece imached lte ohx dlit- fcent land classiicalions. Ne said tba loIaises inb th etlemest oceai are "ainder question", taid lte residenlial rategacy mas foc large, and callid Ihe rurcal, carat residenlial aid satural cetoacce diviamon, "a mixcd bag ai ali lasa dapbicaled attiocîmens aid h i a aessa pracical lac soyos l carry out lis Mactias." As lac Ihe sialth tond aires, extractive industriel, is use nitauld ite mare lly eaplined, nloted Palience. Thue speaker argedîlie plannig liarcd la ilady lte leaililily ai larnig iactive qoaccien isto par atreai liy naraing nili lte parka lioard. Ne alto odvacated Iliol, "tond ontil lac ogricallacal or cesidenlial lie poclased liy tlie esanicipolily lac reforestatios." 14,M eenstully A plan la alian 14,000 people, ander lte asîdelines ai tlie pragrann, ishi Norlth Bacliaglas maald poloa sevece 3iohi ashle motec and semage aacililies hn the uces, Paience enclaimed. Board esembaca explaised tlie 14,100 figure ment tlie namiter ai pople teli evesaliy caald byve hn lte aires. Perhapo hn 20 yeaci ltece migitb hi any lthece, bat tbay noaldalt al came ai One ai lte nianl delolied and oggretssîe liriefs pcesesled aI lthe Tuesdiay siglil meeting mas gives liy Non Nackelt ai RNR. 6, Mitas. Nocktt, mlia mas spooliag on beall ai aboaI 10 ladners in lte Nollesnse Poit aces, miade Mos pilcit miith thte aie ai a arilles licief, a large poil mual ai lthe ora, and piclaceaslides mhicitite laie lte bord lac lteir use. Tlie delegale saili lie cepresenhid landners in lte aces iteea Bell Sbait Uine aid Appleliy Uise, otof aIhle Niagara Escorpisent and sortt ai 10 Sideraad. Oy tlhc guîdeliaa af tlie prapoard land ane pragrat, lte 'oras old lie claaiied cural resideial, bul lthe vicilly hi mare caaducive Mo residenlial aoihg, taggesled Hacit. Beliercue lioise ai Ihe resseas lac a cesidealial clasudicatli mccc aallined by lthe speaker: "Acreageslcaiso2.5 andop sbatdd lie avoilalile, enahuing tond- amners la tlie baller coa aI titeir praporlies. Nlgitcc dccsilyr maald nst desiroy lte citacaclar of the ares. Under lthe pretiesl zoing, anly ai esliisaled 23 oddilional laIs maald ie ocailolile. nie bluffs aI lthe escarpens in lthe backgroaid cise Irais 75 - 100 leed aitve lise stapos an mhicit me propose cesidealial essisg aid me feel ltaI attracive boises attr- ielp ncolleced as thbailapea nauld esitaice île ares." la addition Naciteli aalbscd lise ovailaliîl ai mater, lthe liclisa ai averitardes, and lte pasiilily lte area masld baceese port ai itoas, mth lte foratona oaIegions] gavers- nient. A pcapased iscrease in cecreotiana lans came aider clate sarlin by Nacitl, mita said caution mas needed itecase incressed reccalional farililies cesld brisa as inflxai ai iats. Tia mald, in Nocitll mords, creote siglillyreceaiosal cempolilian, cali lac extra taxes frcimpraved roada, aid icresse vandalises. Bacd esembars ciled a daiger af Polilion irais île disposai ais ai asy baises lacae anathe escorpmees. Tite btoard alsa qaesliased îhe figure ofaI 020 la 40 loi ovecitardea is lthe orea. nie pIonnera' sapsow ao sisalier ligure. A foerr, Keilli Miler, mita amas ferro laids on lthe Siecond Sidecaad balmeen tba Guelphi LUse and Cedar Siprins Rd., ailird he btoard la cansider lte caaatic atatat ai fornier", miss dealiag niai île plan. Land sepoaiais are riscicled aider lthe plan. "le order lac a pariai hi itccp hanig eis lacd le icilte nid lai", f'ic fariner enplahcdi tisaI a ssaalicr tond teparaiai bilû wsuid itelp bimts a hc lecis ileail. Board embara îald lhey coatdl aidccsad lt pit and wasbd sady lte sitation. Iau titan la pe appcaccd itelore lth oard dssg lthe twa itaar mtlig athlitsgi seneral ai thc landanners qscried btoard tisisieri in pat-mething tlls. Concecrd North Bariglai cesidcsls slill bave lthe appar- titl le vaice Ilicir opiis ai lte prograis, aI o cegslar planing board eeling in lthe Badinglai Toms Hl os April 20. Delegaios soald ie itp appoitises aily, accacdng 10 Bacligtas officils. Reevé ropa boat races Hacac un u iB bus aperlin aI t "cady m riear Glen Williams. Hil as mail upel ltaI somne roadsin n the Gien teere cmlte'y puggd by orffi doigSturda.y's races. Fiee danger "Il lltcre'd bane beau a fire in lt u ened aI lthe Oies Sclay, te trcki maldalt bave made i lbrougb, itlea l ran tamebadyaover," hae rbargcd. Nill caid la latice racril tbatild bae notllied by arganiseri helorebattdaofplasfothe rbces. Ne iaggccled a Iciler bae sent ta lte Georgeltown Jayecea, mita sponsoar Ihe cvect. Arrarding hi cleritIcasaer Debsar Fresct, grille as alo, baritcd op in Narval for stme lime Sascday allernoai. Race accident Tite reeve aid bie bnowa tif aie cam, in wbic a tievcc pear Cid girl liadito bae Ibrascittl safety an lthe river batiks, wbas tba rubter dinghy aia mas rldig in ltured Iuierlahici nid maler faow in lte river waa tic fastest lbcy'vc lSm in yen. Corne le, Whcre the Action Us MILLOflOVE SWAP-MEET CANAOA'S LARGEST Traly a Buyers' and Sellers' Paèradi» Sprici Opeli tiatdap, Apil 30i.2- ti-. -t P.M. Every Suidsa tif ed of epcmbr Hcre cao giel mouc marc for psar moncv. 60-6 Dealers atterni a tremneals casirent ai tire mrcndise inclodina Antiquecs ai eaecc possibtle description. alto nom mechaedIsn. jtheausaln ananssal Fruit anddsgeatle Dealers. Add to &l thts the husa stc ln the ig barns asacrieti 6.500 sq. Ot. and Antiques, etc. etc. eaec onncmsleci arnhers on île Northt Acneca Continent, ali thains a tact. Osrtioai Galore - Pins Faid - Cîcor Modern toaniraims - Parkingi. Doalers casernerai spane nain $6.- - Bapers t0n car lad - Wlîlus 2a 5c. MILLIIOVE SWAP-$UOP 689-l1t51biaterdiown s49-3a16 HOamilton 21/2 milcs Noriih of Clappltoics Corners No. 6 Hsp., Millgrcac Oeo. Mambiicp, Prse. MILTON CPIANSONETTES presealel a guesl achasts John Dîcclagli, se Elstan, drliglhioul spcing msicale, theic ilaclth lYesi Maiseil anal Dog Walke tai lte Cablege annuai musical nie la sprisg, at SI. Psab's ai Music aI University ai Westecn Ontari. Unitedl Clioci Sosdsy aîlersaan aid a large Belan, the Chanlioselles sing 1te e cad. - camal alsts fillird lte churcli lac lte concert. (Photos hy R. Damas) Ahave, candactor Judy Hoster chaIs nih Campbell Lodge marks its 5Oth anniversaory Campbll Ladge Na. 603 Thte irelthren af Cospit celelicaea ils 5Otit aniî vr cy Lîidge mere lianarei la lave n on April 4. Imwas a succraiiol and aiers twodinîisgaisbithrc nincralile accoas.n Vecy omniiplal Braller ' la the Loilge caini Woacalplal Osyder mia o aite lirsI niai Bicaller Jalia Readlieod ai Camell Lodgr, and BraI celnisiea lthe niastec'n cliair Nort Craniard mita mai the fi miscit oas ,assuacd liy Very auisteî. ocaiîpial Boaller Gearge Readliead w inh ail ltes. ai tpeech Post toasters casîerd o irliae Fallamiag lte dîsser croit dercer. Oltecenlîsg tlI mai gîven Ovr l0I sol dama la a bianquet Nîgli Warslipfi Brallier Do accrd ity ther C'ampbll Miller, Grand Seniar toardes brellicea. the Gcaad LOalge ai Canads, Vhsiltrs the Praovince af Ontario, Orairen tere prisenit irais Alto ia lte baonquetl mais mnioY Lodges in the district and lirelices meceîved a special tri incladed attilars Irais Guelpht, itra ltey iteard aie bteaul rgas, Gravnitomnl andl vaîces ai bic. aid bics. Js Geargetama. Woilas. ILS tstb li sy o u c ai f wLiteo o rat ýp mASU i ho1U Éi mos taor Weaamoîp ar NORTH END BP Dalsun Sales andl Service 235 Steeles Ave Millos 878-2471 open Dalp e. n Steidas9.7 "I know Cancer can be Cancer cas bc braIes. Youc dollars are aerded now 10 continue the baiilc.Give hope aboost, When a volanîecr cîlis, be gcncoat. CANADIAN CANCER- SOCIETY I - I I.

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