Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 2

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Board soya rate ilown Perfect hoandnothing . .. councilor dimcgrees. Tise Naton Ceanty Board of Education saysthOe Tcnspo Naogaweya's 1972 educatlua mifi rate ba doce 2.27=iitaba Naosagaweya couricîttor Calvin Mclntyre iloon't aigree. At lot eeb's coocil meeting, Melntyre bold membrs ifiat the isard bail net taken accourt of au approsissatly f30000 rerror tl ht mtade in 1970, *ise osrlke iras passer! en lu 1971, fr an educatios requiiuoo $392.923' lie said. Tise couneiltorpointed oui tisai on the imîlrrat. 92rqe o 385,682 gave tle apearance otthe lucer omit te. Stl ap foareinlle T"hey*re met basing their figures on tise errar. Nassagaweya' miii rate oa still ap tsar millo." Tise cealnriltar reesarked tisait a great hue and rry would come froin Burlington if saris a mistake ws paased un teliat moeicipality. Counicît întends be ass tise Nasaagarueya repeeetative, an tise Board of Edueaion, Tom Watson tbivestigate tise matter. 90-year-old pegs 29 pts. C2oiu!de Tiseyw !isns= assai'a resae payeri etla perteet furiser chltleoge He says lie pegged 29 points in a game wils a fried a tee yeaes ago. Hein did he de il? Bots piayero isad apai5and apair of arm bn tbeir isada. llppanent teail a 5, dealer faiiawed cis 5, aaîparet iad dain anoiber à sn dealer rame isark wis bils secand 5. te peg 14 Pointa Il pis 12) tei date. Thoan tise tour ares rame aut amI tise deater (Mr. itceisee Pottery demons tration "Funny and everything" pointa8 by: p Hgng is pusus got 1l4t 918 «B. .years odand a meso w00, an1 ias'ebhadtseand perfet ande len 81I ycucs,- relates Mr. Rutches. "f laven'i teen or iseard ut asyoe ever Peoging 29 thougis." Nemîadise usal to ire in Milion aad playe on tise Milton bockey teamt trosa 10 ta, lm. ifrit ftmsny and everytiig," cere the corda eigist-year.oi ibracy Morgan ued ta daarribe a piece ut dlay sise cas iseipiag ts mouid witlt Shseridan Trouler 34 ~ ?'~"' satrurior Meis. Helee ilestics. 'tsracy cas tee of about 8o -top studants Who porticipated bn a pottery demonstratin bn tise gym Of J. M. Deeyen Orismi Friday î morie8. Tise erent cas condurted isy Mers. Helen Bestwcr of Casupbriivitie. Mes. 0 6estwck transes pnttery te stadents cn tise Shseridan Arts ami Clats lTrafier, cisics b presenty iarated atJ. M. Denyes. SPINNING WHEEL TIJMNING Round may be lise song Ibis missel out on tise original poîbrry rousse lu tise trailer due ta teits ber potier's chrei, stay hsappy trio sang durtog a pottery desoisotration bn fise gym of oser-earoimeut. Studenta Mars Cfitnor, 10, and Trac dsi lîttî otter eqîpent,' Mes. Mlton's J. M. Denyru Scisool on Friday. Mes. Helen Bestic Morgan, 8, tsetp Mes. Benîcick esoutld a pierr of rîoy on ber funîs she ocd tie studento lie (rigist) of tise Shseridan Arts and Crafts Trailer ronucted tise porter's cheei. <(Photo hy D. O'Reilty) er oct crealions. Thse demostratios for tise beefit oise ecitoots studenso hiad Vr Drugu, untemployment, Iawii topcs Students grill MP Whiting The final segment ot tise mout of the student audience MP. One isionde-haied utudeet, coaid proisaisy 1w arged by ai raniloi, and t dîtruvr Oie iLeDam eport on the nos-medicai derboned to ask oral quesions. t3ribie Miles, qiieried Witbng on Qoriesiseru ot ail parties becanar person doeso't reabore chat he's ose of drugu ubould 1w prenented Unemployeseni la a serios tise adrisaisility of iuprsvisg of Oie FtQ croîis, etggeuted the signal.' ta Oie goreroment and the pubiei probiem bn Canada, remurbeil urerail lisrig conditions bn Oie speakr. Wlsitmg said ise didait Cominentbng os tise iocerbg ut cn a roupie ot monthn, isut tise speaker, ciso cas reuponding aion's penitenuiariru. "Won't bnoc hoc his oce Liserai party tie roimo oge from 21 to 18 the =sailaa cuti protasiy nt 1w be a student question on chat tise Ibis tend te urge monmates to ntay frît un the matter and coiuid give speakser saii ise didot bnoc boc ia ina cOur istetune. gorerement cau domng te rase the Ln primo?" no amicer on cisetter tte vole tl coutl aftert Oie sent generai Iis cas une ofthOe oh- uoeesploymenî pîrture. "The -Quite ttc opposite. it may could 1w a tsaety rote or if riecion. The MP maid il could servatios made by Rail Wbitiag, gorersosent is tsbmng severai gise theur people the courage ami idiriduai membrs could caut a alloc the students a stance te latorai MP for Haiton daring an stepu suris as espondig the confidence te face Oie outsde free ballot cst Ohis rotes. 'Il birgs y00 80 omnte question and ascer muney market and isy emtaebbng corl, ele h oiiin ayo eiin epeit h antem-h sauteur conductal seith etodenso -on peograms uc urb thOe talerai clii" repir ie poiiticios. If a ynillan es o popluedm.i autre. s of bilton Disteictn Hg Sciseut. toaa inititiess.,i. -bo an itd eatbhen i e i nmliuuttsnnn cn dl 'lTe forues cas hed in os academic rouin ufthOe uchosi on Mnnday afternooe, andl cas atiesded by appeoxiesateiy 10M sialdeetu ufthOe scisosies grade il anil 12 ciam. Anucermng o sudent question os Oie deug peoistea in Nalton, Oie MP maid te ceaidait gire a datteite amewer. "I suppose tisere are neyerai people cho have nesokal pot for a lark and Oirn stoppnil, bocever there are sevrai utters trio bave isero bosbnd on barder deugs," sggmted Witig, cho said druogo peobabiy preurni Oie ohd attraction of stoien fruit seeming io teste bitter. Wrten qustins Tise balk ut tis student questins iook Oie forla of qorer ceitten hetoreand isy tise siodauts, anil askeil by a panel c=snoiles cumiisting ut utudents Brenda Schultz, Jsanie lngtas ami Deie Ritteespacs. REcepi toe about tsar or tise ilividas, -Apeil lu C ancr Monti. OSpport Oie toaa campoîgt. uppurtuoîtîen tue yuutb iu'ugrama. "Lfftempioytnent cas a slufficuit proistees ani the matter cas lether complcaind isy Oie tact that rigisi ditterent "r,.soius ci arrise ai eigbt Le ret solutons, eplinil Oie Mi?. Ocrerai of Oie eritten queries tenilei to tliggeut Oie studeni body cas cunfusel un Oie maîtr Of federai vs. provincial ites. One ttieot anbed if Oie talerai gerernoseot would prereel Premier Davis trusitg an air lorre plane for vacations, au hie bail recentis dune. Wisitieg expime Ibai Davis bail ued a Peusinciaiiy oprateil Landa anil Formut aiccratt. Better cenditins Peau retures cas ote ufthOe mais bopics students otsei Oie THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Autssnnized as Second clans Mail Postal Rsustration Nuiber-9i3 ROYAL CANADIAN LESION Branch 136, Milton DANCE J-C. & THE SQUIRES Af fhe Legion Hall Scafurdoy, April 15,1972 Refreshentsî DANCING 9 'A.M 51.00 Pt Couple RT NI.H I AND tasorel capital posnistet ani repie be bada't made top bis misiion the matter. Ne eoted Ibat a lise year msoratoriums on desOin sentences could te endisg Ibis year, and paliaosent wouid 1w suisa os Oie advisibity or disadsaetageu or re-instatisg taegiog. A return to capital posnisment eosted te bave a lac changed he mald go about it isy centarting lis loal MP or MPP, eaggruted Wbitisg. Ne cehd aise cireniate a Petitiue aesong people chu tt iiseise aittoughstometiee a termen bod io 1w cautioas of petitions, aildeil Oie guent. "Somneties i ptone a signer on a petitbon Pue received-just Mlton Publi»c Library HAVE A FILM SHOW WNhen you plan your club's program for next season -include a film show. A large selection of filma are available from M ilion Public Library. Mdy we help you plan a programi? ISHOWandDANCEI NMILTON AR ENA Sponsoreil by Milton Community Service Clubs. Proceeds for nec arena, indoor Pool & communufy centre. Tickets $5 per person. More details wiii be ýLansouncel laifer. ~Th~ Iman'sl demonstration can vieceil mnainty by th tentm body ciso minued out on the origtnal potteey PARTNERS FOR PROGRESS CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE WEE< APRIL16-22 1912 SPONSORED BY MILTON CHAMUER 0F COMMERCE "Support Your Chamber" course in tise leadter dae te over- eneaiesent. 1847 ROGERS BROS. S1 LVERPLATE 1125 M'ÎvBrsB No. t 20 - pisse Servise for 4 4 Knives, 4ForkS,a4Tespons 4Sabad Fenku, 4 Dessert tpoaes No. 2 40 - pies. Servise fer 8 5Keîueu, 8 Fnrks, 8 Teaspocos SalaI Fors, 8 Dessert tpaaeb $89esSage $30.00 You mapy use our Si cer Clubonfis Sale Noeinieresio carsrying chargse 1? rose brancyeuI12412L 5 OIAMONDS CHINA OIFTe REPAIRS 220 MAIN STREET E AST MILTON. ONTARIO PHONE 078.6341 1~ [ "Sometimes LI Great Notion,,

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