Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1972, p. 6

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& Thes Champion, Milton, Ont., Weduisdsy, Apeil 5, 1972 Rnomnmnd'aolnst relaxlng haif Iods NHouse leaueappeningsj GIRLS P'ROM CMNTMNNIAL Publar Scbuci istlsosiostu cheerng tiseir girls sn. Fuirnac bn Georgebawn bottleil ait girls tram louys pîsytd in the secoud ainse. Bot weae Fuirvica School Thorsdoy ut Fsirnsew. As semai-tsst aul ctsi.-<ýStat Pliao> sIWOSs,Firviea lbsil au etàuberost crusei of By Jobs McL.cus NOVICE Miltoa Lises Ser'vice taulion gisul stop tuseird th1e Nuvice Csasspiasip an they enserged ait a 3-2 decisin uvor Littl1e Punlisrs in tue IlpeOnui gante us Musday sigisl. Gasse uumbr lau is Huniglt Iteduesdsyl bul mne cerlamnly aald ual fErecisI th1e outaume. Neitisor Slave Sevard for lbe w5iners ar Mark Horsisg for Pustias cauld ho bibisn is the tirs M0 siuisas s ly tot bad several laugli stops bo muhe. Dasuy Tinlomans put Ponaes slnad abn ho beamid up ait David Touei for the f iraI gosl ut the garmi. RiEhy Vaughian depasilod flicoy Murray'u pasu lai oves the scure lhreE minutes inter. Briai AudarEh EliEkod uith Wayne Greeu lu put Lia slnad S-I tjvc meinutes laer and barely uvor a milaute sftbr that, EsEhy Vaucutto shuveled is Grant MscMiusus'u pasu lu pull Puutiscs eves. Trocey Murray psillod the trigger for the ulauisg gual sob acmplalad o sifty tbree seay passisg play uith Mible Wallals sud Ricky Vaughan. PMMWMM Carlay Keon sies ICIt lau mach for Loal 4970 au the staond Bumber" tired bath guaLs-Iho tirul une lu tic and the scondl cuiug la the avertisse for lbe viclary as Figg Plumtlisi laul; tuair upeaisg gume ut the fiuais 2-t. Neither bsmi aould Fairview girls win series but boys lose Fuirviese Schahl girls' Hallus luisis la the ar future. hoskotbsll eam seili mccl lise girls duompt Sbawartbusn Ceulausual Sciait la lbe North 11-11 and 131 lai Ma lbe tan Came & Fish News Cavera ut aupailodunaturebhave agts along sfraggle la peserve Cissda's national and provincial parka fronm the luggens, the millers and lbe pawer cumparuis. Hua a sou ostmy bas estereil the Rfid, the aesart develaper. We have ne tigloi aith the resarlauwnercads te cmsos ubverdevelup by puttg sixsrestl cottbges uhore o* iu shold go, sut pravidiot tac oper septie ts and forthe extra cottages puttng la utaouses aebere holding toits sltuuld be. The aid tasbiuoed outtouse prsperly luaked aher is slill hollar ta osepirltank htsldusmlaorb. fie membar ut the Hulasn Sporsms' Association tod a bssy lau weeks. FiasI as the hlltiunaircs' niglit luitseau a bugo succoss an members and their selves utd friands vitd tac buge parcela ut iioicius ateaks and kmng siued bous. Il a tan tu play uith tauny mcsey-yucoul have $15,Mtone minuteoandunoe thesneu. Grauisg Esoscees Iia ff air i geteig larger overy yuar ans ur Monter steit and toam atout sehirl als an sa sorcesu tais year. Viuitlag cluho tront Ciltmoiu, Grimashy, Hamitons, Waterdaseu, Ookvitie, BRate std Mitchener blped mata lbe evesl a gond use. Ladies froua thlbi lrEE.sdod tesand attfeo. fie clubs alan tobk part lnan ainlercuity shoot March M6. Congratulations lu our tisbing direcbor JM Smith seho wsea bigh gii or thedaY, hreakng 46 hirduuuut o0ns aeindy day. A total afI95 tasE and ateaba acre seau. We seauld alsa tihe lu caigrolulote Jacki Coullar of R.R. 3 Cimpbtlvdle for bing tbe lagb usn for the Cialyr Mf Haituanuo the rouant huier sslety esams cunduclod hy lbe Departinesl nf Litds and Formîts. Juchi a Hop rate hustiog lauliuctairand gaI 95.5 per cent ul aI a possihle 100. Nice gulag, Jack. Seme of the reparla are cuming is us the recult convention ut the Ontario Federutin ut Auglara and Haitens duclug the -as yuar. Asymne seto ish lbunartsa dams uat puy bis aay Eus be louas serug. Huuting ca b divlded inu tbree calegorses, big gamne, uuaS game and seatertall. About 1.5 umllian user dayu see devubed la dour biting, 2.2 million mme haniag, SSltf black Meer haitisg, and 4,000o sait goute. Non-rmimets apent $7,500,11011 buntisg laOntariu sebile Gntario rmidouta spent $46,00fE0t0. Cimbinod uit tisbing, the toali amnuails la $10,0Sl,SB0. Psul remurkod la bi convention sales long discussions seca llavuldH floh Tet SevernaSytentlacks, crta of lamprey la intatd seaters, osesand seisuses ut crous lusd and the sole ut large blacks of il Ho the t.S. moculaors. Whot furua af recrestion bings more revenue lbuough sales lai, licence fera, and fime than husling utd tisig, wsea use question aihod ut the cmnventiun flour. vihere la lbe field ut aubioor activily Mcas il hall prîarityv la it ubave camping? The task forceutf the Departntutf Litds and Fuaetu la tudying Uins. fie prosideul aarued telt aa buiars, svie are as mndaigerod specicu." One of lbe gualt speakersut the convntionua hen bo Mioisler Mf Lnsand Furests, Liu Rernier. Il wsea very inberesting Ho bar Mr. Bernier apeit about tus aus eulperîenem an a huier ant tishenuani. Wctouel be aiS du a gutd juhuuaaor hehalf. Wth sprmng cumiog and snse recedfisg residentso itmld be reminMed sut tlatllr higbseays and byuays. garne' total peit aeies 31-19 aie Fairvica toys bate out ut tesemi-isals bo Mesearttbus 28- M0 and 256-ta, Ho luse 539 us the roud. tissu Heindel Itd the Foirvica enorisg uit 14 points aie tissu Suit pumpeil cigla puints trugh the huap asd Anita Van 'friglit culad hie points and \Y1 Cheryl McCay tatuid baur pelis la the tsea gume sorios. bIte Russeel, Gave Ryers, Mill Aimas, Raidy Musler, Carl Richards and JolI Lyuss seere u amuag the point gelbera for the Fairvica boys. A lot uf peupla are htold hy gus tuat aren't loadt utd drivers tuat are. N 4/ I .1 pphWtWlCk with central electric Air cnnditinninn Dcv t le? the hEt dayv El summer slow dEwE your get-up-avlgo. Stay liesh as u daîay uli 70Ea lovg hy EEeEtivg the l'cshvess of aptîvg in yUE hErne. Complete comfcEt cEEtrEI îsv t lair away, il yuu alîcady houe a tatîcei air hea?îEg vystemi Juat add a cvntral electîîc ccEliE.g unit, wîth eleEtruviE iilteE and humidity cittrol. YEE cEE. thon evîat your uwv CustomE Elirnule wîth ccsetly Cool, CcEa aiE in every Total yeaEEcaE.d camîcit as welI ithin you icach, il yEu thîvk olcctîîcally; avd theruus ccv a Hydru FivEnce FPEE. ta heip 70E. get started. Caîl yEuE Hydra. avd tîvd eut hua the 107. Et EpEiE.9 can ho wîth 7011 0e.E7 day El th1e year! your hydroQE* ARGUS REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING LIMITED 4 BLAIR DRIVE, BRAMALEP scr nthe lualt perîud aud il luukei lib lbe aecuid frime wseu guisg lu etd the sime usy anti]. Ccalric Clarke cseupletod s play uith tllpb Sers ni and Jay Norla t aIthe 15.36 mark ut the tisai penid. Tlic lad as shbr- Sived buwevor os Monr gu tae oqaizer uoly s minute and luelve seconds ister. Paul Cituni and Jett Lyuss mat i setis ai the play. Jeft Lyums stid lbe puk uver uit a pertoul pana lu Charleysllbhe2.8mak altoe uvertune poriud tor the ulnslng mirbor. Game lau la teir aeies ulso gais luloilh. BAPITAM Sell Brothers utl nase meel Hilisser for the Binsam Finalsas teyeraed terigl by dsig SevEor Humes t-S and dumping tomn la woa struiglil gimms. Duve Audorchei put the aiers irant utter uuly 1se uto the tirst periud and Dsle Harudes ovestd thescore setm ly 45 seonds loft la the porîad. RelS Eouaibd flue tisses in a ruse beore Beanor replici ai Mes Hurt, Juin Jet- fersoa, Jetf t Prin, Dive Aoadercbek and Briai Placidu ail bail singles tarthe uiusers. John Roskamt baougli Beaver bo a 6-2 deticil sud thes Tonry Nova tite uuther pair blo Jolis Rsasbm guI lau second la, finishb up the ucuriug ai f-. Placido bad s pair ut ussinis wblle single bolpers ucro caratd by Mcviii Baioy, Bruce McGce, Wyatt Evas, Terry Noa, Dive Anderchek, Mou Hart, aid Mark tucoDpArhlu, Bris Haks i oi lralis dreu ssiau tac Seaer. RaEls uill mccl HiSmer bn th: iesio gamne bisigllt tt 00d pfythe Sent gaine i 1t Saburday ssernisg. hMIMrr Despibi o tressesalus camte- hock la tdc the goute Suobinis vieat Masn b a 4-3 wa loy Pigment sud thus acre otimlald. Pigment utl nsa mccl Super Seve tarthe tutui-- tanigbl i t p.m, and Sebirdsy morigaI1sm Crslg Bron ptcuisaid1.0 uilb belp ualgfu tPsy. Mt- Caukon lippod in a Larry Johnsonpasoermn upthe craint befure the firsl periad seus over. Lia Sesaosaki tram lRais Fuller and te Rais Fullar front Terry Douglas and souskl bu givo teeveual inuers a 3-1 leid. Duncan Crsig sarruod the margin bo 3-2 uith tu minutai muraisisg and thos aith asly 23 seconds lot, Caig Bruun scarod lis seusd goal of the gosse be tin up tho caitail. Rais Fuller toupein l lbe uisslg gal uith holp frmm Cbuck Alcucli and Moevo Coouin. Caaig Brawn, Domc Craig and Wayne Minusn earaed asolaIs onstebiEs goals 9 s rewuisssdMtius Hiiami lEd. wAtty oS ho. gristed relief 1-sos o Isai laid resiction Cn Tseis Rd. tai 10 Sideruud mn SErtE RirligtEu. lu a IeGEE Ho th1e mails ammittue, H. Seller ut SaIEE Caosufclius up il abidin5 liy tisebotli restli uus met hualm sof ut tairs id bine%,.o la ins wouk Ho suld bis firn emiploaid 25 tsdiltisse people dfreutly and isdiretiy. Whdo be wouidont agroe bo s batt 1usd restriution, Mr. Sallor agreod bo less tise laids jhty and bo take tise trck lbth rads if sadai is'eak-ap slaried us that ifrecs Mf rad, Lait yeur Situa roulntei uirnuis fou tise tlit if Bt= alas~o tousn riad out liu= bt tise tous refsd persmisions tis yeir sIer receivisg several iiumplsîula frua EESEdeE.slst year Causty ougiseur Jach Carliett Sald be wush be peepacid bo gu aliig ulith Soies, prsuhflug Siey agroedbt taill tbfr trucks off tse rad ubsos roai daage, houasse immiseil, lbh=srr agreud bo pravide mat bo repair the rad. Msqaoig Reovo Tam Hi]] sisggeoled siia agreeesl wautd li o i b glvn be ail allier quiriîes is tise cuoy. Hte suïd Muqseisg turcod &lrm in lbe towsips b ido by lbe hait loadrulisg. "Koil" Farnios Intercom "Powor Sentit' power and COMPLETE AU DIOfulealn dvc and POWER FAILIJRE liueaandvc ALAAM SYSTEMS Eu .. Power fau unrl atn SALE 99 -PRICE979 'TEAGLE" PONDMASERI SUMP _O BROAOCASTER rSE'5 PUMP i 74.98a y. E. E. E ... . EEEEE O E n SAL E EE EECE 36.85 14".8 ASOPALT COTEDSOMOCOTH MINESAL FACES MOLLES SURFACE MOLLES MOOFISO ASPOALT SOOFISO SEu PIE 3 9 4.69ýr HI-BOY DOG FOOD - r l MPET b ïTI FÊCN SUPPLIESS lu CO OP OLIO TAT F-d EA 3A -sASE. E01 H LECT0I PiNCES us 149 . hho Es e sOC l âo« E ff.uro00 Il, We.. B.-EAEE E1 E1 ûco NIECOPEATVE 0F0NTR. Brit3t5.t9 87à29 Wk'Or EEE f5 BGNIN'S ERVSC OPEN 7 DAIS A WEEK Fram ys.m. ta llp.m. 5 Main St. E. "UIai 878-5323 Fis Eauo Gis sud ail Prodouis. Tires. Minou Repairs. 25E: Car Wssh, Jug Miik. Tibas.o las Creas, Broid. Sot Drinks. Coutuciionory. Go Ei sa Es Rt Go PE CE E CO loi Pr BE Ma Ge i To Pi Pt Gi Gi SEi i PU se E W. t CO Go T H G mi pE L c st

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