Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1972, p. 10

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S7h. Champion, Mittes, Ou., Wedsesdasy, April S, 1972 117 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE . 117 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 1~ LMAL 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTEO INKXNaI Tai p.'qlaed. Rea- Ssale. 916-M2 dter 5. 904&381 M6AN weold like any Idnd id estk, St the hor 454-2324. k-49-879 WILL baby sit in sey 'home, cntral location. 878-4396. 96883-777 WEIL hay siît'er 2ltidren in my onhomse, Campbeiicile 0ra 54-2N95. 9c49-60 MOVING? Pianos ASpecialty For Courttcios Service and Rcasoablhe Rateo BLAKELOCK & BURTON CARTAGE 878-5222 90-t1f 13 FOR RIENT SUR-LOT 2 hedreose apart- ment, Icavieg teste 878402.' 15c58-S9 STORAGE, siosemekiles etc. Trafalgar Rd.. 2'5 mils o erth of 401. 874713 13c52-817 ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS seith fric serce.1 Phonie Milton Hydro, 87.2M5. 1 AND 2 8teeroci aparîmenti iciode Seat and hydre. Write Boxs 102, Canadian Chamspion. l3e47-ffl 57 S bOS LONTîNUOUS SERVICE Mehbet ot 1ih Toronto, Gelante aid Oaksiite - Trafalgar Real Estate Boards URGENT Caclintus leakieg fer medium pviccd hrunes je MilIce. Aise smait country peecte tos ad. COUNTRY ESTATE Larcutoe home. 5 hedronses, 2 4-pc. SaiS aid a 2-pc. oash- mriot, spaeioaic livieg rem wsth sicie fircpiae, dieieg ronse. hiiehce oit es modcem naphoards, Steadicese theougSeet pies maiy echer eiras, eo stcci Sari and shed, 97 actes,i1 milesntheof Mohawkhrace inaek. Cuit 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW -Attaeihed garage -Psed d *esa -Al.seiosnme sterseme aiid doeci Funiî j\ roîi in S,îccent lellîîîsini I) Sitnoed ini tiati siittled eigh- hochoc.d, oe a tecciy crner lt. 878-9692 after 6 p.m. Ne Reaters, picase. 17C50 Soeid brick 3 - Sesti-em huiga- Ioc, large livin'g mn, seaer aIe dieieg reese; iargefamity siaed hitehce, large Sur- ri-e V, bS athis, attoachd ga- caga, Sitoatcd decceloen Mil- tee. Exeent gieaeciog Sas hbenaieraeged. Lu dot paytet Ashiig 8,500. Ise- serdiate possession. Isesediate possession, large 4 hodrn bungalou, toit ha-se- reel, receetty raiiraled,eew loi-cna, e rof etc., large siegla car- gar-age, close le MORTGAGES Service Rith Inîegvily OM.BA. Mrmber 9% - comie It aid 2ed. - Pay att yen Sbis. - Cmie dehts. - Bild ahete - Add a Zed Merîgge oin 12%. CALL: 30E REYNOLDS INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamilton STOP DREAMING (9 arn, - 5 p.m.> idaSe Soi dcccii came trac. Cati aed ]t us discuss yiot honse lin-tf plais. PERFECT ltls te huitd on. SEVERAL le atticse, truis e Ra ou taha yeec Sease en trcc. 17 REAL ESTATE FOR COURTEOUS, PROMPT SERVICE Caîl CHRISTIE &WOODS DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 0500E OAKVILLE - 845-4267 189 Main Street MILTON 1 17t49 161 FINANCE L0'W1 RATES'IIIIIIIIIIIII FU'RNSHSIED inrom e COUNTRY qai.t hoe, thon sepphd. Simcoe Area gentlemanc"8-759 11,/ sterey eider type home, hîtehen, livieg reete, 3 isci 1 & 2 B ROOM apartments, hath and 3 hedroits, sito- nee moedeme huilding, ail servic- ated one appioxietately 10 es incteded je rent. Phone 878-' acres, mastic e'ooed, garage 3180. 13c4965-tl and ched oni property. Acciscg - 15,900. 1 - BEDROOM apartmeeti.l elecîtc thermostat controfled,' Building Lot s tore, frig. and haiceaty. 878- 4569. 13M5-517 le bheautifful Esqaccittg Teowe- - htp. Ashteg $10,000. 1 - BEDROOS apariment, 8Ars rnTwsi.Ak close te descettin ere, pref-48Ar.En Tcehp. s- erahly worhing couple. Cati 878- ecg $34,000. 6994. 13c49-816 50 Acres. Erin Towscship. Ask- 2 - BEDROOM eparosset 0 $5 oîith hathreem, large liviig ronaid kitciten, prirate et- We 'hait maiy qstatified hstyers ranceý 834e2264. 13048-.786 ee eer lisI fer homes, Pvired -- ----- -cth t general mer- FURNISHED tennms, scaîtahle Iket. Cati os fer a 8cm eti- fur wokiig girls, pricate cil- mate of thc pricr, WC can raince, ccîtrelly Ioeated .878- obtaie for yea. 4504 alter 6 p.m. t3c4.18 2 . ROeMaparimet i ew CALL counttry home, husiness ttcuple, 878-2095 - 878-6057 precale heath aid cietiase 7A breadîcere, steve aid frig.174 Ciimphcîts't8lc 8542 ccctps. l5e49-13 FAI8IM HOUSE, 2 hcdriem aparLment tepstairs, $150, het 8. M f~ and hydre iicleded, use ti« garU den, aceilohle April 15. Ai 4ih Lite ted Steeles Arc. 878-2755. 13c49- W T20ARE EXECIJTIVE home oi 15 18B MARTIN ST., MILTON Sidcread, Nassagmreya. 4 hecu- île!l hedreems, large kil lhen Memhcr0 ete Oaheille livling and dieittg erea Wich 8-al Estat Board dite car garage, en a 50 acre, _ __ s-11 trccd eot. $275 per mai80. iItlv siecerc, respeniîle per FA_ ,uns May eppty. CatI N. J. Lai- FA M n go Rcal Estaîr 87&-95111 i 100 acre tarse wtch hlieuse i 150:49-827 S ari. Askieg pic $75.800. 10 acemiii tarmn tith 3 heild- NOW RENTING - Gîe Ed- tctgs. Fer ferîher intermatien, en Cort Apos., Breaste St., Mil- call Secs Cescei 878-951,1 er ten. Yeu are iccitcd te vice 878-2759. the teIty fctriished midcl soit-ý e.Open Wcdsdays, 7 te 9 Business for Ambitious pimn; Saturdeys aid Scaidays 2 teS5 p.m. er hy appeirtent. Couple lesetdtatc poession. Reitat Coesisting et 5 billiard tahI,'s, ageets, BesI Rcally & Iecoraice 4 hboslintg alîcys, smeke shrop Ltd., Milttee, ph. 8704118. aed lench har. With building, 13c633.ti Ce e hcpecchascd titýh eîly 115 docte. V.T.B. Balance 1 AND0 2 BEDROOM ai 7 pcr cent. Fac torcher ie- APARTMENTS formatien, cati Ress Ccscoî AVArLABLE 87il-9511 or 878-2755. Prein $130. aid $145. menthr- ly, le ACTON. Ahoec iielues Bungalow and aietilitics, celoed appiecces, Greenhouses in Milton drapcs aid balcoey. 17 grbeeueccueedr I roof, Acton 853-2197 cîcase hetd scitb largc hoil- -aid- 1 Ieredstrage ceural- Acton 853-2792 c h doe t.C oupeleo et ir- 130-Id ing.e ie g oot parmeel V.TB. Ici seorîege. Cati Ht- 14 WANTED TO RENT len Bores 878-9511 or 878-3997. GARAGE. must St eleai aid ilt trac, coeetry building dry, desvrtoitu area pref&rred 1lecopcrty. Gond location. Fer ff8-3351. 14c 9-74à0' torcher ieformation, pîcase - 1 catI Jackie Bcetee 878-9511 o TENT traiter, te tleep 6, 8784M19. trem A00. 19 te Sept. 4. Phon 878-3382. 14c49-851 Development Site -7 1/5 acres snith Smtsc ie thc -MALE will share eparîmeit scetlrment arca et thc cillae ,vith ceac, rcspectahlc perseton CtrtcFc'arhcae ener 21. Colt collec 270.518 maîîee, cal] Franhlin J. Leo- Ceeke îlle. Ask fer Leî. de 878-951,1. 14c49-796 Corer lotc.aeistig of 4acr 16 SERVICES ec, suitahle for fturee dcccl- opienet. Te cie tItis proper- ty, caît Franhlin J. Leigde SNOWMOBILE 8-9511. STORAGE Juse The Stone House You're Looking For Keep yoar Seoccceoile isigh & Siiectcd oni 151A acres ce ci- dry fer the Sommer. iag, renky terrain. Fer foir-ti eriifoermatiei, cl Franklie e 'Rerheise Liahility iser- J.Lesgde 878.95111. 17o49 *a Wetehmans Service Ideal Starter Home $23,908 Poil Price, spolleis 2 Phone 853-2320 'hedreom brich heaigalm,. spacioas hitchci, garage, ACTON TERMINAL sttpilte schood aid shepiig. WAREHOUSE LTD, Choquete 44-934l or 84e tb4 2m.3 HALTON REAL ESTAl BROKER 3 Sedreomr buegalow - eny de- E T . ati-c large rm. regtean gar-aga. Askitg 527,500. LIMEHOUSE - Cstui Bult, slvlr e ctl ied kt mhn sraag hiigron HAlL TO THE HOBBY FARMER 26 aces oftpcttlad,higSii, tal cs pod.Charmngpic icer cottagnatf acaseai gi-t ceecicauct ionichh ep beat le uneoincohi $130 a year. Mcey Sright indcic cttda piet fiearng. big country Siicheî, 4 bndreicss. Es crlln Sari. SigI aid dry. dricve ched, gond Iences. Ver tie omeand sec. $45.800. Colt Gics Goctoaski 878-4191. 181 MAIN ST. E. Second Floor 878-4 19 1 te tic vtillage as a itreed lot. Ralijg distaence te Scheel aid loat store. Aeking $29,50. Commsercial cereri building loci Termes cai ho arraeged. STELLA PARTON _Milton 878-6705 D. GODDARD REAL ESTATE LIMITED JUST LISTEDI LotaIy 3 - Sedi-ces bungaow ojiS oiiacead garage, ecel- lait condition ihriefheut, le- -]y inigohhid. Stieaa- ]y pricad tar quinto sale. Cali today! S.O.S. - S.O.S. New listings are aegeetiy re- qeicad foc staite8 hoyers. Sostecînh ALL CASH. PFut appeicormnt le distusi the possihîilties, pieus ,Adsls Milton 17c49 Toronto lease Give UTE A CALL" 878-2051 742-3038 IWIMPEYI NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesman in Attendance from 10.30 arn. Daily Cail 878-5364 Collect IJ Roalty amBd Llusrn« Ltd. 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO TOWN & COUNTRY SPECtAL - Lonatid on Mihtono soatlt Sou- edîry, oterlonhiek the collet aid Occ 16 Mile Creek Thisesmart' l!-storey home is situatcd ai a 220 o 132 lot, The home precidet a ipanicet eemhieatioe laiig aid diig reem 14 s 28 woîh large pietore ciedos, hrick tirepiane aid hardsteed fleurs, large hitchet 11t6 e IT6, paeellcd dci 10 o 10, master hedreem tI4 e 15, 2 hied- cemso 2ed flur, oeil te oeil hreadiaomr, hatttcom, F.A. cil heatieg, gatage. Be su and. ire this oeil cared fer home ihis weekced. Cai MiSe LedwitS for further details. HANDYMAN SPECIAL - 4-bodrcam ranch style hungalowc, ait- eated ce a 2' t acte lot, spanices Slie8n reem 17 e 176, dieu8g ceos 12 'x 13, P.A. cil heetieg. Taxes eeiy $258 Lisird ai S26,000. Trms as-ailahie. Cati Stas Thcisoi Ici- ferther datails. PARMETTE - Lncated cie-e te Milton, 141/2 acres complcte eîth creck antdfrctageeon2 rads. 3hodroomhrick buanga. low. large livin roumi, dîiig raem aid Icitchen, 4-pc. haîhceese, tatI Sasemn, F.A. ail lîeatieg, large double garage. Taxrs eutv $281. Fvined te seli aI $45.000. Cail Stai Tltempsee for torîher details. COUNTRY HOME - Geit 3 miles tramn Milles, ie o beautfni ooded settieg. Thiscsmartîclay brich, ranch style hin- galow e ii ecnellent cndition threegheoî. Spanicus ti- ,eg mort. large tcmhieetice kitehee iiig routm, 4 hediiemo, eramin tiled Saehrocim, fait dicidcd hacemcnt large 2-car bicS garage. This home is pried te seit aï $39,900. GOcer opn te etter. Col] Beb Croii fcr torthcr details BINGO - Rn have lest the tarse preperîy voee are iiekiig fer, lcated ce 401 Hoy. isemediatelv oest et the Mohawk Raneoay. Thts 85 acre tarm ouled Se ideal fer e herse- mai et Shby torse or couent trer. 5 hedreem trame heeee, total et 9 reeses. Seetifel oded armes aid or chard. Pried riglet ai $7900. Terses acaitahie. Cati Jim Bailcy eodat for ferthcc inforseation. COMMERCIAL STORE -Fer ment, sseart 1200 sqî. fi. stere wilh tull haseent, 2-pc. oashreose, lenaîrd icit te L.C.B.O store on Milice's Mate St. Ideal lcation. Rcit 1500 mec- chlvic cides Seat, etectrinity, oater aid parkeing. Cali Art Peacenh. LIPE INSURANCE - Arece votcallyecoenered about your faseilv? Hav en mcsadr suet Iat tSey arc precidcd 0cr? Cai Leswie Sales ledaY toc a qeetaîiee whot obligation. Fer ait cour eds - lite iccoracce - seertgagc iccer- aine - edusenl - terse lite - armoiries etc. INTRODUCING - Mc. W. . IJisel Bailey, woe Sas jeiced - ono0r staff effective April 1. Mr. -Bailcy has sonessfuily nomple- ted a 2wee ourse inReal Es- tate oith ai 81 per cenl reut. Hating livcd Most cf his lite ie the Milton area, Mr. Bailey je rery conversant ceithtec ari aid vales aid oi Se pieaocd te beeofsericeteIcyen. ACTION STATIONS -Spriîg is hem aid rmal estate is seiliiýg tact. New dicthetime to lici yor prtperty aid gel tec Sest prîce derieg April, Mac aid Joie. Fer the "BEST RESIJLTS" lisi cilS Becst on Photo MLS aid eJey tht ettorts cf the Gakcîlir aid Torento Real Reltat e Boards. OPEN HOUSE- Wr nvieteeoteIcc-c tht Gen Eden Court Apset- secelsîth occkeecnsm eî5spse. 2 fily frished seodel cottes St Richardsone Fecetere aid Apptiaeres ot Milten. 40 caites Sas-e Ace renei te date. i-Sedron se- ites reteg t-tis $147.50; 2-hndr.te suiceles fris $167.50. Isesediete posecsion. FOR SERVICE and SATISFACTION Cail 878-4118 Today Art Peacock 878-6447 1Stan Thompson 878-2455 Bob Cross 878-48921 Mike Ledwith 878-4873 Lew Sales 878-9136 Jim BaiIey 878-6506 Mesehers; et Ihe Oakcilie Ral sI ale Board 17c49 ROCKWOOD - $3,500. DOWN Large lt, meatare trees, Stick bungalow, elettricalty hcated, 3 Sedreois, spcnles licing reese, stparate diig tos, 30' o 28' scrhshep. JEAN REID 824-5854 Guelph or toiegi 054-2417. CENTRAL ACTON - RESIDENTIAL AREA $4,000 dloen, 3-hodroese brick side-oplie, ce etra large landSa. ped tl, parttally tieished extra hedreee in waik out basesect. JEAN REID (519) 824-5854 Guelph or eccige 854-2417 CORWHIN SKI AREA - 10 ACRE LOT $4,0,cneprr asdbnaoeeae iigý iýn rcmse3 bedreirseip2 duincsy family ror cih tireplace aid bar, deeble gavage, cii-celer drite, large sprieg tcd pied. RILLIE ESSERY (5191 824-5854 Gelpeh et (416) 854-9963. SOUTH 0F CAMPBELLVILLE - SWIMNtING POOL $45.800. rutaoin S hodreee bungalow, ce 10 acre parce], seporate dieieg ros, gond sie kitchee, ali appliaines aid sertie toreitore itîledd cosy living reesen wilhSuso denh ecer- looking scein pend aid liccely nedar grive. Estra huîtrs. RILLIE ESSORY (519) 824-5854 Gelph ci- 14161 854.8963 17c49 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION t7odt Real Estate, Etc. Continued Next Page Notice to Creditors Am4 OTRMI l. tdu £@me*0 or GEORGE FOX Claises agaieet the Rîtat id Gorge Poondul, lare id the Tosre of Milton, en the Csoiy et Hl0atei, Retired Fermer, site dird on or abomat Fébeeairy 19, 197,2, must Se le our hktads Sb Apvit 2, 1972, ter which8 date the estate eia be Bmaid. Oated ait Brampton, Ontario. this 25id day id Mait, 1972. ICIHARD8SON & MA9RTIN, 13 Oneen St. Sait, Bramtonia, Ontario, Selthors for Siecutir Notice to Creditors AN4D UflIERS 1563C NOTICE tiait atty pet- son haing cdaims agaiett te Eitate tif OSANT STP8N DEVLI$N, lâIe id the Tome i Oakssiile, jneihe Comrty id Hal- tee, farmer 15e died aI the Tom et OaStiIe, ie the Canm- ty if 100110e, oi the 27e day id Stpteaabet, 1971, matit file sceh diit wock the Ackaiis- traler eeon hr edhre 12th day et Apr8t, 1972, aller wh4idi dae distribution suli lie mode I2ATEO ai Oalsciiie this 24cis day id MatcS, 1972. Francis Bernadette Dictai, Notice to Creditors ANDR OTHSRS In th Ils.aate, of ISASSLLA JANE WIIEELR taie of 113 Robert St., ha lhe Tiswa of Mitonaa, las lhe Ctstety tof 10.- ltas, Wldas, detauid. AIl persees hacieg claires g aiesi te aohee escale are i-e- qoired te sed 'stll qcartitoians cf sueh dlaim ce che oidersigs- cd Eseruor ce er htitere 80he StE day id May, 1972, aflter ochiiti dace the escattis assets ouIl bc distihlated, cacicag i-e- gard oeiy te niaises lSt hcace itcen hoe reteiced. THOE CANADA TRUST CO., 282 Laheshcvc Rd. Easc, Oahsitlc, Oet., Eseritet, Sy ALAN J. NICHOLS, Soliciter, 207 Ma-v St.. Milton, Oct. Notice to Creditors AND OTHE0RS Ine .Sale of GEORGE SER- NEST BATrY. ýAtt permins Svisg claires ag- aisst the Escoîr of Geotrge Er- Cccl Batcv, taleid ofte Teste of MilteC, deccased, sehe dicd os orabout the IltS day id Dec- eser, 1971, are herecy Cilif- ced te sced ite c he undesige- cd solicitor, oni or hefcre May 15th, 1972, 'fu1l pantirelars of thei. nIaises. Isedictey af- Ier the said date, the discribuc- cen of thc chtair oiti b made, Sai'ig regend cetly te the cloîses id ceSih ic sholi Ilsen bacc notice. DATED et Milcen, tuis 2080 Ia dof i Match, 1972. H-AROLDO C. FUNK. Barit ten & Selicito, 207 Main i, Milten, Oit., Soicitor tîr che Adreteis- tracer. 19c51 LEGAL NOTICE MR. PARI. HAMaILTON, Souaed of Betty _ tata Ha- teilles (ffecy 'BetyLesa Ciex, ee Brtcy-Leo Shaw) W11t icI be nespissilie Oniase dits day toreard for aey dehcts reitraetedl je hie nar, out his strittet 18 TENDERS AtONTAIO CORPRATION4 Developmenf ProposaIs Are iciled fer Censtruction id ,18 Family Housing UnIt of "ONTARIO HOUSINGa je the TOYWN OF MITON, ONT. TSe uni are te Se siîed o lied onawed by the pi-epoiesi or eider otpion ce Sire. Proposai fermes,, specificit- jets aid Information reay lie - titajicrd fise the Toronto of- fives id the Corporation. Prop ocais fo- Ili pri-e %vil bec physicatin received ley 80eiMas- ugiig Oi-erlir, Ontario Heasing Corponatioc, 101 'Biter Street West. Te-ontc '11, nteo lacer 2:00 pre., EIDýS.T, fstoday, May .115, ý1972. Thce lucest prinid propoesai or ny prpsai %i et ees- ttraity e aeited. tom8 Feople hoy The Chamepioe la m-ted, aid mri Champions ciao-. ejtjeds te hoy. la yeur ses message on this page? Phoea 8782341 te plane e watt à&f 1~ i SE cdae e tritm te dah Tho Ble T>c et ton. MW, So m 'ID 10 The Champion, Milton, Ont.,, April 5, 1972 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 1 ib LEM

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