Need Cash - Sell Here -Cali 878-2341 BIHS CARDS OF THANKS ANNIVERSARIES CL S IIE7A E WANTED B HELP WANTED 8 HELP WANTED rALEXANDER - Mr. and Mrs. IMy sincere thanks to Halton iM r. and Mrs. Cam Agnew% of BIG Brothers for Irille bruith-, Rdbert James Alexander (nee Centenniall "Manor, Committee Acton are celebrating their 50t'h Telephone The Canadian 191 Main St. er.Can yu spare a fittle time "" McLarty) arerpleased to an- of Manalgement, Mr. Allen, mai- Weddinig Anniversary and will 878-2341 Champion Milton, Ontario I.o help a fatiherless boy? Cali rnounice the birth afl their dau- nienvance staflf and Social Club be receiving relatives, friends BrRTis. ETiMRIGs OTCMN RAE. 87846065 for iniformation. Sw ghter, Andrena Lyn, weight 6 for the gifts; I received on my and neighbosAat the uxton ENGAGMENTs - Nocharge. 7 Saw 1s., 3 ozs., at Guelph General retirement. Memorial Haill, 55 Willow St, FOR SALE. FOR RENT. ET.- •$1.50 minimum charge for 15 words cce Hsital on Saturday, Mat 2'2, c48W4 wih o ardesLewis Acton, on Aprii 9, 1972, [rm 2 o r-d te sub, ue t - '-nr' ,thereag. g PWN j O-g p BACON - Mr. and Mrs. Walter cere thankls and appreciation to MM oVý CAU OFa ie THANXS - sIo frfis five lin... ng tF. Bacon cd 369 Main St., Mil- Our relatives, friends and nei- 1N MEORA f- 1 dil. pls1cien ritd..eovre NOTICE: The Women's Equý tn , are pleased to announce ghbors for floral tributes,' don- IN FOMAEcASED IPA Y.RETT - $1.50 per. co0um Pnlh Pltdlnmplovmentiots nt ctinan e hn lg the birth oif their daughter, De- ations to Cancer Fund and mes_. eRan Shis cLSI ZDSLAssifica Etio - ap. .5 19n7a. •rliis .ihceti 7S nise Louise, weight 8 ibs., 2 ozs., sages of symrpathy in te ree- BOX NUMBERs to this office - 25c addItIona.. xceptions, discrimination be- U G T ad SATSIS A AYS ton at 'Milton, District Hospital on ert loss of a dear wilfe, mother -BED -chesterfield, $50. 878- cause of sex or marital status.1l U GT ad SATSIS A AYS Mr I92,1972. and grandmother. Special 6609. tc48-76 DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY iSmncý somne occupations are We currently have an opening at our Oakville Campus for a SRo hanks extended to, Past Noble CBARpýs n ie 5-conidered more attractive to Budget and Statistics Analyst to assist in collection of data for 21c-tf BTEJY-M.adMsR.GrnsOfiesadmmes CDRpssansie85-.persons of one sex or the othler, annual budget in capital forecasts relating to the Commerce anld "" G ray h 3e BetlforCs., hethee ka Re.Fe ETNOOS rr - The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, March 29, 1972 9 fo r t 1 o nutyDvsion, chenerh o arhe sed Sto e nucgï Hoe rly new, $125. 878-5245. to state whether for men or In addition, the meuombent will be responsib!e for ail statis-t- nm hebrhdthisoSeec4-5 Mr. John L. Turner. le418-738 i FOR SALE 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE w'omen. Such listings are not: ical and other related data pertaining to these activities. Mil Di ict spita0izs. 2n SETSnifr bEncylpeisen-' i e oecueprci6 Preference will be given to those with a strong accounting Match 28, 1972. A broither for IN MIEMORIAMIS io n uir etle.878. LARGE glossy prints of Can- BABY rabbits fur sale. 878-- - background such as may hav been obtamned 'through an R.I.A. , E 'Robbie anyd Kelly-Anne. 3545. lc48.769 aiant Champion staff photos.12232. 3c48-752 program. bikles, H10KEY - Mr. and Mrs. Jos- COSNIE nlvigm-3NETTE suite; cdoNee table plu tSz 5mutec n DUCKS, rabbits, e ickens, App1 Dc,,Dr, p-In 878-5111d. Somte exposure in the budget and statistical and analysis built, eph Hickey of Delta, King.. mory df our dear Uncle Jack ands laptbeaixiod fn re. Enqhuireno atChmp- d.frn ie. 7-45 c76991 field would be desirable. Salarv range $6,000 to $7,000. ston, are pleased to announce Cousintine, who passed away ish.lam 878-24e0 i c8-7 ffnd 19n 'Mr Eq irent, Mlto 3m ;0rntsz 7 49-77 -C4 - - the biribi cdf their daughter, Pat- 'March 25, 1971l. _on Il Ofice, 19 ai S1 mh 7-40 c4-7 uit MILTON Co-Operative Nus laerpyin writing to: N. ricia I.ouise, weight 6 lbs., 5½i Lving and kind in aill his ways ¯,O" 5pedM'tang b- c GEyorCidaellive cry School requires full quai- N. ozs., on Mamh 15, 1972. Upright and just to the end of cycle, in good condition, $50 or --- bunny for Easter. 854-9881. illed Nurr School teacher, 5 M .G .M SE bis days, best differ. 8784563. Ic48-766 APAR'IMENT size Clare Jew-, 3c47-719 mornings per wcek, commene- M .G .M SE PBD' 7.-M.and Mrs. DOug- Sadly missed by Alvin Mahalf- - -- -- -- --elcodtne ga age- ------ -- n ete'oYer 1972. Contact Personnel Administrator las William Peddie (nee Ny- fy flamily. 4873 YUlH rlaysBig Hor itler propane or natural, guaira- HUNOARIAN Poin·ter Viszl'. irch, 8725, itn lec-tf holt) of RA. 2, Georgetown, are western saddle, almost new. nted A-1 condition, 569.95. Re- j10 months old. Female. 878-6946., 8b48-651. plesedto nnoncethebith (X)USI'NTINIE - In loving me- Best dfiffer accepted. 878-3390 alf- ¡conditioned electric ranges: 3c4&-761 -- ---- Sela Olg fA pld At of t-heir son, John 'William 'rory of a dear husiband, Opl. ter 6 pan. lc48-756 from $49 now ait Good-iet's, --- ----- SALES people, male and fe- rR$ weight 8 Ibs, I:1 ozs., at Mi.lton' John L. Cousintine, MM., 4th downtown Georgetoni 877- PUPPY sale, pure bred minia- mae required for our expand- and TeChnolOgy District Hospital onSaturday Batt. Can. Infantry, 1914 - 1918, ADDING MACHINES, type. 2551.1320 ture Poodles and Schnauzers., ing Milton office. Experience Mamt2 97 o a, lfememerof"RoalCaadin ritrsfo sae r rntl.___ ___ Lots Io choose fromt. Reasïon- an aseor will train qualified1 1430 Trafalgar Rd., OAKVILLE, Ont. Mach2, 97.Legion, Branch 88. Timmins, Phone 878-6%2, Harris Station. NMBERED tickets for pa-able. 878-4517. 3c3796-tf pepe. For interview, call 878.! 8c48 who assd aay arc 25t, ey. c-47-t tvdraws, in sets of 1 o ,00,20 WESTERN Hereford heif.- 9511, N. J. Longo Real Estate, CCMNGMARN AESM97:RT ATENASESe uTfr oAwiteoryeAlo paerSony rs,42 fbs.receen qullty,"Mmbeeo thrOkvlleRel 1SLST R TRAED 14 ANED OIEN Iwill be my Rewarder, so he alyuanearqurements. $1.50 per boo at, TeCndieafobrdngtsFlfree Estate Board." 8c29-4399-tf OTRSRAE MGLM GRN -Mr pts s ond al th Ru'tledge TV, 26C Main StMi a hmin 9 anSredelivery, priced right. 8264478. BLACK and whilte dog with BABY CARRIAGE in good Mc0LLU - RIAT -Mr. trupet sonde. on, 878-4633. lol64.d« Milton. lc23-421-ti i3b48-774 WATD poednsadlg.Aswrcnitn.Rsnbe.8- 'EAR and Mrs. John B. Grant, Horn- Sadly missed by his wife Sal- --- -_- ---- - -_- -- ATDpte -adlg.Anwr odto.Raoal.88 by, Ont., are pleased to an- ly, c4&8742 BALED hay and straiw; mix- TOP quality discount aquar-' REG. pure bred Ii French i to Trix. 8784521. Mýc48f802 5237. 14c48-647 nounice the forthcoming mer- ecd 'grain; 1 Holstein cow, milk- iumns: 2½, ga-l. $2.99: 31i gal. Charolais buail, cailved Jan. 9, CUCUmber Growers - -- -REOUI'RE accommodation 2rialge Of their daughter, Karen EUUIENTON - In loving memt- in;1 Holstein co, due March $3.99; 10 gal. $6.66; 15 gal. $8.88; 1971. Sire Dan.sver; dam, AM ls otw, dls esn Beniet M.aneLea ory ofadar husiband, Roy 2.878-9677." le48-71 30 gal. 1116.99; 40 gal. $29.99. 1 lens Zuleika. Price $950. Phone . Bicks contracts available LO ST nRattlesnakeM Pontar- able rent. 8789195. 14c468-648 McCalluim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ellenton, wiho passed _ .-year ýwritten guarantee. Pet 1878-6237. 3c48-776 Mlgn .cose :eale Sunday.i Marh 26, ae Victor McCallum olf Oakville. away March 26, 1968. CHtESTERFIELD, 3 pc., 4 sea. Pouirri, Moure Park Plaza, 877- MlgoeWrhue Bale r-oowienc Th wdd wlltaeplace Deatvh cannot change my love ter, opens into bed; matching . 1 ereon c3- hudr.Children's pet. 632- StraJn 24 92 ia he for him, corner bar and matching 2-sea- _______- HAROLD W. VIVIAN 21655. He48-770 ;AIC Sa uc al nul Roa eeu Nor time erase it. ter chestelficid. 878-s29. DELUX-E Viking 23 cu. ft. 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE RAR. 1, Millgrove. 161 FINANCE TILE Milton Ont. 'Lvede and remembered al- 1c46-771 chest freezer, 63" long by 28" ----- ways ~ ~ YO byL w il 4-7 --- -LIKE buying your wdfaueinueitror FRONT end loader for a WHJSON - In igving memnory building materials and coal at ihfs reescin salFrd 'A' Ferguson 2085 84 3 FRRN E DEATHS fmydamterHnahCrawfords' Campbellville.Quick trctr Phn 87469 21ctf Wilson, who passed away Mar. service. High quality. Phone nevar neow condition, fully guar-factr hn 7-49 4c48-666 MECHANICS 2BDOMAateti 24, 19"1. • Campbellville 854-2232. ic416-tf atenwtGodesd n-|God wvorking conditions; downitown Milton, available Ap- LO RATE LFARMOffNT, Mildred Lucy - Memocries are a poecious gift, town Georgetown, 877-2551. good hourly rate; enrou rRATE54980S1c8-6 MN Suddenly at Peel Memorial Bestowied un us from above, MAPS of Milton showing the 16b40-2544 frnebnft;opruiyfri 1, st-9l an 2nd76 Hospital in Brampton, on Sol- Ard one of my most preciousne bonare whc oke- XLUIE lsece 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE advancement. 2 2ýBEDROOM apartments 1tan d llE "ay, March 2s, 1972, Mildred memnories feet January 1. Smngle copies, cXLSV arl ----t-h-- in Rockwood, self-contamned M RGA E Lucyv Fieldhouse, in her 78hIs my mother's tender love. 24 n e a tTh hmin lo a lbe ing a 1%64 -MET'EOR. Best olifer. HANDYMAN Phone 856-4226. 13b40-2545 O T A E )NTNyer, eloed ifetifthelat0Asiost aoneinahe wiigh, ofic, SI $m1S.,00,!- P$20hornn ast-noesat700,Phoe 88-270.2 546.23 .aretyresonstiltie iclu" OE BdromSslf ontine .. SericeWilh Itegit *105 Wllim San-y-Larmnt ndanaxyzethepas, -- --- ---i------- I tx iclued.Avalabe a Th - - -- -- - nignewveicd clan-ip nd parmenppivaeaentrnce& .. OM.B Mebe P. ermte fHrl fB I n hn nm oko Canadian Champion, 191 Main ,;%5 BUýICK Electra 225, ex l ight caretaking. •prig 7895. 1c874 ,' 9 P tonR Gerg Bf Mitn . eoeY'S St., Milton. If ordering by mail cellent condition. 878-4361.> We se'll and service Internat-|9 Steuart of Palgrave; dear sis. That truly seemed to last. RUBY S piease add 15c to cover Post- s4-8 oa oo rcsadTyt IGEmmsialfr -Cmie1tad2d 6.0 ter of Lizzie (Mrs. Cecil Denmi- Sad-ly missed] by daughter Ma- a.1c126-tf 1- -¯ -- automobiles in separate service 2 single working girls. 4 miles - Pay all your bills. sn) of Port Credit, Bessie ry Frank. b46-775 TROPICAL and Il97 HONDA, black, C.B. 3501, acite.South of Mislton. 878-4004. - Combine debts. ENER NMsJc lanmwlBrai X TC IHRN EPRS 4Î °pI o would like to discuss' 13.47-697 - Build a hlouse. So, l ( s Ms Archie COMING EVENTS Elements - Controls - Switches - - u tuture with our company, cali W ero prmn l d om o.-415 eiov, an d, and Harry Open 9 a.m. - 9 pmwekas by CHROMALOX '91AOET 24 wi M CHU ER conveniences. 1mmdiate poss- 2n otaefrm2. Of Woodbridge- also survived Binygo games ever Mody=pm ..Sn ays Original equipment on Most w %ith or without trailer. Phone MAession. 878-6.536 or 878.-3012. CALL: LN v six grandchildren and six al 8 p.. a.0 Jackpot. Holy 5 MILTON HEIGHTS CRES. makes. idFter 6.30 p.m. 878-3773.5c773H lo rc ae 13c47-730 JOE REYNOLDS ) pm. great grandchildren, s.r ,c3f-92across fromn Halton Board of |McCabe Parts Depot Ltd. ELECTRIC HOT WATrE R INCOME MORTGAGE Mrs. Lecarmont rested at the C3t-12 Education building 10 Hilda Ave., Hamil-ton, 547-1209 1971 MAZDA R.100, 100 h.p., 1 %97) LIIMITED HEATERS with free service. SEVIE ELPH McKillop Funera'1 Home, 173 E-u-chre, Kiïlbride School, Tu- 2 blocks west of Delta, off King Wankel engine, coupe, bucket Highway 2- Nort'h Phone Milton Hydro, 878--2345. SRIE 'Main St. North, Brampton. Ser- esday, April 4. 50c per person., at MILTON HEIGHTS | Saturdays 't noon -eals, A-1 c oition. 8784847. l3.c65-tf 639-1043 (Evenings) or M. vice was hield in the chapel on Ladies b ring lunch. Everybody 878-6882 1048, 5c47-645 Milton, Ont. 878-4365i ySn Tusaafenoat2'cokwecm, c48-746 AQUARIUMS and SUPPLIES --- ---- --S4 1 AND 2 beýdroom apartmiens 527-4557 Hamilton Intermient Evergreen cemetery, -1c-tf 1963 Comet Station Wagon, ýinclude hecat and hydro. Write (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Milton. Bingo every Tuesday night, 8 riginal oner. 49,000 miles, Box 102, Canadian Chamnipion. 161c-tf p.m., Legion Hall, Milton, spon- goo seodcr 40 7-773c47-665 sored by Ladies' Auxiliary, 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE Sc48-767nd9cEMPLOYMENT87WANTED nl.CRS HNS Royal Canadian Legion. - -- 90L AS ota ue - - --- -- ------- FURNISHED bedroomn,i nl.CAD O HAKc27-462-tf HAlRMON oats, excellent qua- Spo PE MSB Pota runk r INOETxprprdRa quiet home, linen supplie, El would flke to thank my rell. Annual Meeting, Hornby Ball 5SA LE lity, suitable for seed. 87"285 disces. Reasonaible offer. 878-9537 -onable. 878-2728 after 5. gnlmnpeerd 78 5 17 RELST E """"" tvsadfinsadthe Op- Club, Thursday, March 30, 8.00 2c972Sc4-744 94-8 34-5 timist Club for their best wish- .Pmn., at Tralfalgar Commumity 30' tower installed with al] CLEANED No. 1 double cut 1968 OUDSIMOBILE Delta 981 WILL baby sit in my own 2 - BEDROOM apartmnent, )N es white 1 was a patient in Jos. Centre. Everyone welcome. channel VHF head, $62.50. r-ed clover seed. Bill Lawson, full power, best offer- 1%6 home, central location. 87843%. selkontamned, suitable for bus- 3 BEDROOM E eph Brant Memorial Hosipital. c46-762 40.owrintlldwihal 78-6629. 2c48-750 Chy, r30 ..,PBbs f 9c48--777 ess" couple. 87&-9083 ale 5A BU GAO icsc875 DvdYuas HteetUie hrh Daf- channel VHF head $76.50. NO. 1 Red Clover seed; baledfe.8-96. 54710 ------ -- 1 ¯wish o thank aillm la foiLuhenwlbeedAp50 tower installetd wvith all sraw.634-995 Brlinton. DGE springs MOVING? 1 ErOO prmns tahdgrg ah ives, riendsan nA, i mrnb Miss 9Hele 2le non eoa' channel VHF head, 19L.50. M068 epers, shocks, 4speed trans-1 Pianos A Specialty esiuedn bild gn alone 88- Aluminum sorms, screnrs agh eyterin , fo Cild 48453e ' RED Clover seed (cleaned); 1mission, 12,000 miles, slant six. 1 For Courteous Service 3180.1345f andor 41010 Institute and Rev. Lewis fr Cl. ----5 aas Ronyot.Wlo c- Also stake platform for 1 ton' adRaoal ae -- ---- --%-t - --amil oom n aemn 9716 wl'he giits I floecnis ande SPIN Coillection depots will Extra heads (for second TV 1 Dowell 878-9463. 2c47-712,plywood racks, oak stakes, 9'xT7'-BDR: apartments, glyfnshd 21- wlcom vait in recivedn while be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., set). Installed $20.00. | -- ------ -- 878-6629, Bill Lawson. 5c48-749' BLAKELOCK & BURTON ciectric thermostat controlled, iuedn-1sttdnelh p wa ain mMlo o-April Ist. Bring your tin, glass STIORMONT and Rodney -- --- ---CARTAGE stove, frig. and balcony. 878-Siuednwelstedeg- """"" pital. Special tharrks to Dr. Le- l n esapr oEe ilF. M. stereo head. Installed, seed Oals, cleaned Aiso, feed 8 -5246. 3c45-517 borhood, on a lovely cornier lot. gae@ r dads litenr BroolkviHle or Campbellville $0.0 mix grain. Jh ihrsn il= es and staff for the wondenful c48-4505 ,UHF head. installed $39.95. 8784884ff. 2c48-542 9-f FURNISHED bachelor apart-ý 878-9692 after 6 p.m. care and kindness 1 received. -Comb'nation color head, VHF ---------- ---ment, heat and water meiluded, ig c48-737 Mrs. Lillian Peacock. The Halton Holstein Olub Eu-1 and UHF, installed 184.95. APPLES: MacIntosh, Cort- People buy The Champion toinrt,$2pemo'h 87- NRatrspls. ttying _ . chre will be held on Wednes- Auýtomatic rotor. Installed land, Fancy, and Cee Grade; read, and read Champion clas- 15245. 13c48-739 17c50 re ~~I would like to thank relativ- day, April 5, at 8.15 p.m ., at the 695'fresh cider, potatoes and hon-! sifieds to buy. Is your sales1--- -- - - -- - - es, friends and neighbors for Boyne Communi Centre. ey. Bring containers. Tuesday message on this page? Phone , ROOMS, cooking facilities av- of vari. their lovely flowers and cards Lunceh provided. Admission $1. Ito Satu rday 9 to 6, Sunday 1 to 878-2341 to place a want ad. a,ýilable. Call 878-2009, 8 a.m. to 5 alcot and k.ind enquinies. A special Evroewloe 4-6 ear faltps 6 closed Mondays. Roy Bous- p.m., or 878-650, 5 p.m. to 8 P. thank you to Drs. Koslowski field 878-6355. 2c41-258 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE m i mt. 1c73 vy - and Johnson and Miss Jean ,Dessert Card Party sponsored e3GENOSS 0 2 ' Butts and her sta&t on O.B. for by the A.C.W., to be hield on 3 LREHOSS L0 2 their wonderiful care during my Wednesday,, April 5, at 1.30 p. RICH RDS N'Seenhouse 80 x 20, plus 6 EL ESAT stay in Milton Hospital. Sincer- m.and 7.0pmi3tePrs ANIMALS FOR SAILE C!s uSeesoAbve 87r-..70 nte o ely, , H--l f Grace Church, Milton. W ie a Headline for O ur Ad 13-5 E 1,48-701 Donis Close. ,Prizes. Price $1.00. c48-757 Radio & TV 21o-tf I would like to thank all my 'PAIP Test Clinic and breast 1 201 Main Stre East teieDBE,5. ampb, Iille r5- $5.00 Weekly for the Best Headline Suggestion' HOUSE, 2 bedroons 2k sto bmee posesa n ulag a =.m relatives, friends and neighbors examination for all women at MILTON 25334-31ta' sdfrOra.Sn nre oMx McKee en ls t hpin ra $1651 ment, recentl for visits, cards, flowers and the Milton District Hospital, Cal Tht 677.300 furac new roof etc, larget a n loet sopnga giifts, plus acts olf kindness to Saturday, April 8, 1972, Sponts- Phone 878-6949 l6 CUTE puppies, 6 weeks old, at GALLINGER MOTORS a month. ClToronto isÏ-773. singie, <aroo t. arag, go e t my family during my stay mored by the Miltoni Unit' Canad-ct om, 7-12 34g.741 shopping plaza. Asking $26,900 hospital. Than'ks to Branch 136, ian Ca~ncer Society. See display let oe 7-12 c 1971 TORINO 500 2-door hardtop. equipped car with air condit- NOW -RENTING - Glen Ed- Canadian Leigion for flowers ad this week for further details. _ -- -- -ining. Lic. 857198. en Court Apt-s., Bronte St., Mil- 3 bedroomn bungallow, newly de- Service and to Rev. Hainer for his vis- c49-6461 1969 T-BIRD 2.oo hardiop Landau. with lots of equipment. Lic. ton. You are invited to view corated, large arec. roolm and it. Speciâl thanks to Dr. John- -N2304. the fully furnished model suit- extra 3 pc. bath, smngle car ustrial ston and Dr. McCutho an MymeBlsnod by, \ es. Open Wednesdays, 7 to 9 garage. As'king $27,500. a?] the staff on the surgical te Auxi.liary olf Milton District ý e ie It •rN o 1%98 FORD 2-door Custom., 6 cylindler. automatic, 1 careful own-' p m.; Saturdays and Sundays, 2 GA floor olf Milton Dist rict Hospi. Hospital at Galaxy Club, Oak-'e ic e.Lc 97.t ..o yapitet I"OS utmBit rNt for tiheir care. Sincerely, ville, on Saturday, May 6tih. " MC NS&LDE'FSINSImdaepseso.RnalLvl -ero rc ug c875 Ama Hopkin. Cocktails, dinner, dancing toi "BIG" ICE CREA ASE IS NODES SAFETY CHCKaensB s esity & Insuace Low, lar fal srized kitg- 21c45 __ Al- the Big Five onchestra and pni- "BSG S CO CA T tHC Lgetd., Miltn, ph. 8784118ncheno, searte dain ig room, Iwould like to thank MY fa- zes. Admission $18 couple. For 1You can always get your "BG ce Cream Cones a lsCDLA -or ea eVlewt autoatic airon cond. 87413833. are vng s room, fulln base- mi fniends and neighibors for tickets and table reservations, ioning. Li, 9897. men , 1 car garage. Situated ON Ilirh vits cay ta fwn Mila cail Elsie Joyce 878-2400. 15-7 1r AN 2 rnÛrOe .n ONYh88.e villdg sn anna tre hot Outdoor Distrct Hosptal Al- trands Unvrst Woe' Clbo u o ev de1966 CHEVROLET ImpaLa. V-8. automnatic. Lic. N4574. AVILBd local store. Asking second floor.s. You were all Milton and District present1 u o ev de ONLY $386. From $130. and $145. month- 2,- wonderful. Special thanks to Spring Musicale featuring Mil- y,. in ACTON. Above includes Commercial corner bui'lding .RETE oDrs. Mackay and Richards, Fa. ton Chansonettes with guest •AIS •AHI N all utilities, colored apphiances, lot. Termis cani be arranged. thler 'Murphy, Rev. Foster and artists Brass Quartet from, Un- Gallinger Motor$ Limited drapes and balcony. LTD. R M 'frtheir visits. iversity oif Western Ontario, At Attractive Prices | At 8329 > anks aise to the Anglican College of Music, on Sunday, ' MILTON PLAZA 8178-2883 o nd STELLA PARTON St ch for the flowers. Thank Api 16, 3p. i SL. Puls COME AND SEE ! Streetsville 826-1434 Toronto 925-0887 Atn8329 itn8860 c8734 aude Timbers. 1125. Students 75c. c50-740 Ic48 5b48 1.3c..t 17c46